By year of publication? By genre? By production house? Or do you eschew directories and folders and go full metadata and tags?
My method is a bit weird. I organise by which year I downloaded the file. That way I can trace my porn taste as I grow older. I've got a watch log of sorts going all the way back to 2007.
I don't save porn often nor do I have enough to warrant any form of organizational scheme beyond "pictures" and "videos" and "doujins".
Bentley Cox
Are you 12?
Ian Scott
wew lad
Jason Ramirez
I'd be worried.
Aiden Lopez
I just sort per dominant tag. Only softcore pictures.
Jonathan Gonzalez
>>>Holla Forums >>>/cuteboys/
Chase Morales
Use Hydrus. It allows you to assign tags to pictures and videos and runs on every platform. A tag may be anything from "gay" to "cheese_grater". No more screwing around with folders. It works like a local booru. Also it's completely self-contained and portable. More info here: >>>/hydrus/
Sage, because threads like these don't belong here and are slowly killing Holla Forums.
(checked) It's just an ironic meme I sincerely hope so.
Josiah Allen
into folders by artist, i can't find anything since i have over 10gb of doujins
Nicholas Butler
William Cooper
Josiah King
Use Hydrus.
And stop being a degenerate faggot.
Kevin Nelson
Self hosted nextcloud server, sorted with folders and tags.
Elijah Rodriguez
Hudson Green
Degenerate deviancy. The only time (you) would save porn is if you have not yet woken up from blue pill slumber. Here, find something worth saving >>>/zundel/
In the interest of being technically relevant to this thread, the following one line command will create a per day folder structure of MONTH/DAY folders for an entire (non-leap) year in Linux, with leading zero for values less than 10: mkdir -p {01,03,05,07,08,10,12}/{01-31} 02/{01-28} {04,06,09,11}/{01-30}
Dylan Lewis
Noah Kelly
This is a problem I'm working on right now.
Been in the military for a decade. We just hand off external hdds at the start of a deployment and ctl+c ctl+v everything. Most of my 3TB of shit is beyond hopelessly disorganized. I have six directories from four different deployments with about an average of eight subdirectories in them, each from a different person. Working on a python script to walk them and dump different filetypes in their own respective places. I'm thinking about doing some image classification work to see if I can seperate porn from non-porn and then work with metadata for further organization.
Nathan Carter
The only time watching RedTube et al is harmful is when you can't separate reality from fantasy, in which case, you have much worse problems to worry about.
Luke Johnson
You do realize that porn consumption on the level that teenagers commonly do is considered harmful.
Brayden Morgan
Can't you just search all folders, sort results by type and then copypasta the files?
Joseph Cruz
Yeah, but I also want to transcode them to a good format and give them filenames that make sense.
Jaxson Kelly
Hudson Clark
It messes up your dopamine receptors, making them more dull and as a result you lack productivity and desire for anything useful.