What a fucking shitlord

What a fucking shitlord



He assaulted them with his music.

Apparently celebs abusing men is totally ok.

Moms gonna freak

Most girls in Hollywood deserve it, so who cares?


he had a couple good albums

I hope you get your shit kicked in one day

I hope your mom gets raped.
She probably deserves it.

Do you think that kind of talk is funny? Did you never have a mother who loved you is that why you hate women?


Jesus, remember when women wanted publicity with a star they simply said they were carrying his love child or some shit?

Now it's rape.

Based Jared tearin' it up


ayy lmao

Sadly, DNA testing ruined that career path. Fortunately for worthless whores, it's nearly impossible to disprove a rape accusation. Now all you need is a critical mass of gold-diggers to band together and everyone gets a payday.

I wanna look 20 when I'm 50. Does he use goy child blood sacrifice?

Always a new tripfag to filter. Anyway rape should be legal. Women have no other use.

Why are you tripfagging?

He is an SJW. Hope this ruins his career.