Falling Down

What's the consensus on this movie? Is it worth watching? I've seen that one webm from it that was floating around and I want to know more.


It's a great watch. After you finish it go watch 'I stand Alone'. It's the realistic version of this film.


It's pretty good, here's another kino in the same vein.

It's a jewish power-fantasy. Since you know, they are weak and frail people, cowards with a preference of complaining and nagging while being neurotic.

So it's freeing to them to see one of them, do what they always really wanted to do, kill everyone in sight.

the main character is basically a Trumpanzee 20 years before Trump became a thing

Why do anons ask for consensus? Are we a hippie commune? Do you need everyone to agree before you do something? Are you a drone?

Your thread on Holla Forums was shit tbh fam

Great movie about a man trying to walk home to his family, and getting forced into more and more extreme situations.

What's wrong with asking for opinions on a movie?
Too off topic for Holla Forums - random, politics, and forced memes?

fuck off trumpcuck

You didn't ask for opinions. You asked for a consensus you assume exists. You have a weak mind, a weak will.

DFENS was supposed to be the bad guy, but people took the message differently, and the director said they were all wrong. There were race relations issues in the 80s, and the movie showed a massive divide and tension as the aftermath due to it. Also, the housing crisis in the 90s is nicely portrayed in the movie. It's a great movie with a wonderful message that was made by accident. DFENS is pretty much your quintessential white American man. His principals, morals, and essence are subverted and corrupted by people who took advantage of the American Dream.

Again, if you took this message from the movie, (((Joel Schumacher))) will tell you you were wrong.

You were wrong. The plight of the poor put upon white man was not the point of the movie

1. I'm not OP
2. asking for a "consensus" on imageboards is just a way to get anons to post their opinions, nobody actually expects a unanimous agreement
Stop being a semantic faggot

Truth stings fam, you're not funny

its a movie about a white cis rightwing nutjob mad becuase women and people of color won't accept his privilege anymore, a perfect metaphor for gamergate and trump voters.

Stop misusing words, faggot.


It's almost a perfect movie.

The only thing that hurts it for me is towards the end when it's revealed by his home movies that D-FENS was always kind of a psycho and was just a time-bomb waiting to go off. It was much more interesting (and made D-FENS a much more sympathetic character) when it was implied that he was a high-functioning autistic who snapped because he couldn't cope with the irrationality of the modern world. If they had just omitted the home movies scene this film would be a 10/10.

Good movie. Watch it.

Read about it on wikipedia just now, it actually sounds really interesting and surreal.



DFENS was right. The cop was a cuck that had no real argument other than "You're wrong and I'm right because I'm too spineless to do anything about it"

I read it somewhere they were (((pressured))) to add those home movie scenes but in the original script he was just a normal guy pushed too far.


While I agree, I think the scene where the police go to his mother's house is equally or even worse in this regard. I mean how did he even get married if he was such an angry sperg that even his mother was afraid of him?

Pretty sure I'm allowed to interpret a movie any way I want. Joel Schumacher can't tell me my interpretations are wrong because they're my interpretations.

I remember seeing that magazine in a supermarket and getting pissed off.

typical millennial