Post paintings

Post paintings

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Watch Tarkovsky.

Not actual paintings you dip stills from films that look like paintings.

He sucks ass though

Painted this one myself after following a Bob Ross tutorial.




It's supposed to be a painting you faggot.

leonardo da vinci BTFO

Only certain movies that look like paintings.

Not this
but ironically it at the same time because the shot has become modern art. Like a can of soup by Warhol.

It has to do with the lighting a lot not just the framing

every frame a painting, amirite guys ;)

Guess who!

Kingdom of Sweden?

Only if done properly


that's an obscure reference you got there

How's that? Sweden controlled the northern Baltic Sea for centuries. The penis and balls look is more natural to it than the current castrated borders.


yes, but not many people know that



correct :'^)


Hellooo new wallpaper!

These stills are from Storaro's magnum opus, an epitome of painting with light. A masterpiece that shall be known to every true kinoisseur, but one that shall never be discussed, or even named due to its vileness of appropriating two millenias of Christian religious imagery to serve as visual propaganda for a cult of savagery.

technically everything is painted with light, since that's how human vision works

Can't argue with that, however, in the case of Storaro "painting with light" has a more concrete meaning as an underlying artistic theory concerning itself with the experience of visual representation, as well as its practical implementation as a method of cinematic composition. A few years ago he held a lecture about Caravaggio and the birth of early modern visual imagery that's well worth watching as he's this rare specimen of a master craftsman with a classical humanistic education: (the video itself is private but you can watch it by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on the play button instead of the title)



Thats right Tony Zhou.

Basically the seventh seal.
