This is your daily reminder that you are not what you think you are.
You are not >le cute anime grill OwO
You are not convincing, and you are not normal
You are not sane, you wear female clothes like a serial killer wears his victims skin
50% chance you will off yourself before your 30th birthday, have fun
Tranny Hate Thread
It's interesting how there seem to be more MTF than FTM trans, as if being female is the preferred state, as if it's a privileged position. Or as if Mother Nature is letting us know that our pussified society doesn't need any more men: no wars to fight and all that. Incel for men should not happen ever, what should happen is harem. Even women agree (not by words, but by action, rotating the best men among themselves).
Anyway back to trans. I believe there are two kinds:
1. Brain defective from birth (e.g. female brain in male body), unhappy very early on
2. Go crazy in life and they want to suddenly change their gender when they're old
At any rate these are crazy people, or if you will defective people, who suffer a lot. And if they ever do sex reassignment surgery (which is basically mutilation, currently) then they will suffer even more. OP it's not nice to hate on crazy people who suffer. Yes they are usually cisphobic and misandrist but still they suffer the torments of hell for it.
How about we have a Tranny Love thread instead?
Traps who pass and aren't bitter and hateful are waifu.
They don't irradiate crazy any more than a regular woman methinks. Body dysphoria vs PMS, take your pick.
guaranteed, the panda express guy actually said 'man', not 'ma'am'
PMS comes and goes, body dysphoria haunts "her" all the time. And they age badly, actually worse than bad in a horrible way.
There was an almost passable trap I knew (well presented, dressed nicely, fit etc '''but the fuggen shoulders holy shit) and now, the poor cunt is starting to get male pattern baldness…
It's just a fetish they are all perverted
even if they transition it most of the time leaves them looking very garish. granite I've only seen it happen with MTF but it's still leaves them looking very bad.
What to look for:
I have no idea what causes this
I've met multiple MTF since CYE started, they all met this checklist. wish I had a photo.
I honestly don't care if it's a mental illness or if liking it makes me gay. I'd cry tears of joy if I ever got the chance to suck this girl cock.
d-did you suckle her feminine penis, user?
i want to sit him in my lap and suck on him neck while slowly jacking him off.
from there i'd just slowly work myself up into a rape frenzy and eventually just bend him over and violently pound his ass until he passes out.
still doesn't look feminine enough. for me the cock is negotiable. but the no tits, man face, no hips and flat ass are a complete dealbreaker for me. for now 2D trounces 3D in this category.
Yeah, it rly sucks I missed my window to transition. I stuck as 6'3" Chad for rest of life. Will forever be wanting to flay myself.
nothing wrong with that, fuck hot bitches IRL. and when you feel like "yovru need to be the little girl" go have some fun in VR. ( I suggest you read up on voice modulation software for best results, unless you can already fake a feminine pitch) first thing I did when I got my oculus was have a "lesbian" session with my erp-friend.
This thread make angry a lot of faggot.
the fuck is up with his penis
it's honestly really fucking stupid and pointless to be trans. if you think about it, it's just wasting money to trick and fuck the same sex; so why not just be gay and use those thousands of dollars for something important
Because they are retarded.
Of course…it's easy moey for money grabbing plastic surgeons
funny thing is that 90% of the time they do a shit job
chastity cage
Congrats, somehow you have failed to understand the key reason why people want to transition and that's gender dysphoria. There are many traps who still remain heterosexual after transitioning.
What a big deal.
Yeah, none of these are even close to convincing and you're gay.
The truth is that you would have never known if they were posted on a different thread, and you KNOW it.
You keep telling yourself that, pal.
Did this thread transition to a Tranny Love yet?