Newton predicted 'the time of the end' would be no earlier than 2060

newton predicted 'the time of the end' would be no earlier than 2060
scientist say we are entering a solar minimum that will last 50 years
the majority of the earth is going to be slowing freezing until hitting the peak at 2060
all the (non aryan) people who can't cope will move to warmer areas
these warm areas will be literally hell as everyone is squeezed into a mass
the people in the warm areas will involve into (neanderthal) beasts
last time this happened they overpowered us and interbred with us
this time we will have stockpiles of guns
this time we will wipe them out and usher in a new age


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the fuck?

No one can predict the end of the world.

But Hillary has enough power to start it early.

this dude knew his shit

God can, and he told us the signs of it's coming


You mean the Christian god right? Or perhaps you mean the abrahamic one? Or are you talking about Odin?

Odin was much cooler than jesus btw. He did a lot more awesome miracles. Jesus can go suck a dick.


Yes, those meaningless signs that can apply to almost anything.

Sounds like heresy tbh.



go discuss your blog on reddit

Nice d&c attempt Schlomo.

Your god is a Jew deal with it.

but…but…muh global warming

Not an argument.

Uncle George is not giving you any shekels unless you shill harder.

You might be onto something. Newton studied the heavens extensively. Supposedly there is a massive cycle between ice ages. 20000 years I think. Newton's prediction is chillingly close to the end of the Mayan calender. Recent solar activity has decreased, indicating the possibility of a coming ice age or at least a maunder minimum.

I think 12,800 is the magic number. Oddly coincides with "sacred geometry" numbers.

I don't know if there's much to this, but I want to watch The Day After Tomorrow now.


you are a fucking retard, OP


Neanderthals being primitive beings is a meme

Neanderthals were in reality very alike us Homo Sapiens. The original inhabitants of Canaan were neanderthals. Swedes posess a lot of neanderthal blood and were considered some of the most eugenically pure of all Nordic races before they got kiked


Neanderthals were the ones who got wiped out by Dindu sapiens.

odin literally sucked cock, you faggot-worshipping fudgepacker.

The fact that we have Neanderthal DNA shows that genetically they were still similar enough to be simply a sub-species. There's evidence showing that they used pottery, tools, boats and had funeral traditions. What more would you need to consider them to be humans?

I thought it was the kikes who had the neanderthal dna

Europeans are the ones with Neanderthal DNA; any Neanderthal DNA they have is simply a consequence of interbreeding with Europeans.

Tedd Deireadh, the time of the end. I'd meme this into reality. Been following the coming minimum for quite a while. Don't want to come off as too shilly but the "Suspicious 0bservers" youtube channel covers the coming minimum. They have a paywall for part of their main site but they put out a lot of stuff for free and it's worth having a watch if you're interested. He's been working with a guy from NASA to develop a system to predict earthquake locations and timing, seems to work too as far as I've been paying attention. There's another guy with a channel called "adapt 2030" but he's a bit less hinged I'd say. He's got commercials on his videos and it takes the piss out of you to be advertised to at the end of everything he says. He tends to always jump at the worst possible event on a day's forecasts instead of mention all possible results too, which can be tiresome to listen to.

citation needed.


No kikes are from the mideast tardo

If the rule of the antichrist is 1,260 years and Muhammed is the antichrist then possible dates for the new millenium are.

Birth Muhammed 570 + 1,260 = 1830
Death Muhammed 632 + 1,260 = 1892
Ummayad Caliphate 661 + 1,260 = 1921

End Ottoman empire = 1923

Things Holla Forums is right about:
Jews [x]
The end of the world [ ]

Why kek?

"Volcanic Activity"… is that why I keep wanting to shout THE FIRE RISES?

saged for faggotry

White's are Neanderthals, dumbshit. Go read some anthro 101 this basic shit. The less Neanderthal DNA you have the more nigger-tier you are. Congrats on being a nigger, Rabbi.

Holla Forumsacks, I have to say reading these is going to be written as the day I got redpilled to fuck.

It's actually a little fucked up to think about… Is all of this 'white hate' and push to mix actually the final push in a race war that has gone on since recorded history?

Another point:
Is this why some (100% euro ethnicity, but) mutts like me get viewed at the same time as incredibly smart/talented but socially detestable? Is it possible to breed more of the genes back in (acciedental or non) and this accounts for some of the more socially awkward behavior of autists/aspies?


Except you no. He didnt. Jesus literaly got rammed in the ass at a gay roman orgy

I am around scientist daily and let me explain this as simple as i can.

Diferent races implies a race war.
It is a war of one's own kind against others.

The jewish propaganda is meant to make whites lose. Other races might not take the (((bait))) and kick their invader's ass, and so on.

In ecology, we know that each race / subspecies will colonize a spot, and then prevent others from taking it. It is "strange" from a bluepilled scientist perspective to notice that not two subspecies coexist most of the time (only on rare exceptions).