Just look at this shit
First the women, then the "racists" accusations
Cuckchan was right again
Bump, It's happening
An "Uncle Tom" is a nigger that knows his place and fucking acts right. "Gaining the approval of whites" has nothing to do with it. Not acting like the utter shit that you are is.
I know that as everyone here does, retard
Read the fucking screencap from halfchan
Jesus Christ these journalists are either unspeakably dense, or unbelievably dishonest. It was brought up in another thread, but it's very obvious that what Trump was doing was committing a malapropism for comedic effect. You know, because the name Uncle Sam and the term Uncle Tom are structurally similar, and Lil Jon is black. See, it's referential, I thought libshits fucking loved referential humor.
Shit. Hmm, good thing we got #NextFakeTrumpVictim trending. It was top ten for a long time. Didn't see #MediasNextTrumpLie though.
They are literally paid by the clinton foundation
We've known about this tape for a while, there was no 'prediction'
Is this worth sticky or will it only do streisand effect?
You know, I'm shocked that a man as wealthy as Trump has so few skeletons in his closet that this is the best they can do.
How do I return to the real timeline instead of this non-canon spinoff?
In order for me to believe this is all they had, I need to see some articles on this topic
Is Uncle Tom honestly all they've got? Is this 1970? Is Ali about to fight Joe Frazier? What the fuck is this?
If this is their bomb then it was a dud.
I'm pretty relieved it was literally the tamest racial remark that could've been made and as points out, the context around the remark is understood by anyone with an IQ north of room temperature.
Meanwhile Cunton goes around calling negros "super predators" and wearing blackface.
We need to push back HARD with this shit and expose the blatant hypocrisy
Wow. I was so worried Trump was gonna say "nigger"
And this comes out.
Not even "coon" or "monkey"
"Spooks" would even be more offensive.
Fucking uncle Tom.
The racial implications of "Uncle Tom" requires an explanation that is way too convoluted for the masses to understand. It doesn't hit you at a visceral level like "nigger."
This won't do shit to Trump.
No burger, why is Uncle Tom thrown at a nigger racist again?
I don't follow left wing news, so is this what they are talking about in CNN, ABC etc…???
Seems pretty weak.
Someone needs to compile a nice big image of all the times progressive leftists called black people who disagreed with them during GamerGate 'Uncle Toms' and 'House Niggers'.
Throw Alinsky in their face, make them play by their own rules.
It isn't, it just means "nigger that knows his place".
But the pathetic media is THIS desperate and already feel the rope chafing their necks
Didnt they say something about nuclear bombs? This sounds reaching bretty hard, more like shooting blanks.
It's a term used by black people when another black person goes against the usual tribe mentality instead opting towards self reflection, responsibility and dignity. Calling them a Uncle Tom is them shaming their own kind into thinking they are committing racial treason.
This is their nuke, their final hail mary to stop Trump
And the kikes failed
I highly doubt this will hit news because of that like "He did stop using that term"
He didn't know, big fucking deal.
that part*
Fucking autocomplete.
Niggers probably regard Lil' "Uncle Tom" Jon as their spiritual leader or some shit. It might convince a nigger to two to vote for Clinton.
Isn't it interesting how all of these "leaks" only come from the same three news outlets?
Honestly, i was a little surprised. Trump being older i was sure they had him saying nigger or something like that. The guy is probably a legit gentle person.
This uncle tom shit is dead in the water, the media failed.
They don't even have to explain it, the media would just need to say that Trump said something racist about a nigger and the normalfags would freak out.
I've only ever heard black people refer to black people as an Uncle Tom. Here's my take on the situation:
tl;dr - Trump made a joke, it bombed, he never made it again, Lil Jon wants some more of dat sweet fame, let's crucify Trump while Hillary is responsible for yet another rape/murder/cattle mutilation
I saw rainbow haired landwhales call blacks uncle Tom's when gamergate was still going on.
urban dictionary, 2nd definition
Uncle Tom is a term used by black people to try to convince other black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out.
Liberals called 999 guy and Sleepy negro Uncle toms. Just pull those clips and send them around.
Someone with better gimp/photoshop skills then me should probably fix that
Mayor of london threw uncle tom into conversation and no one gave two shits. It's a miscalculation if this was supposed to be huge.
It being paired with a uncle sam costume and black person even makes it cheeky.
Plus this just opens up another line of attack on Hillary. Her protesters have called every single black trump supporter uncle tom without fail.
Things have always been this level of crazy. Think about the fact that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a famous actor, a modern day equivalent would be the President being killed by George Clooney.
Never forget the fact that our society is a shared fiction and that our species is inherently insane. Stranger things are yet to come.