Lets talk about the worst board on the site

What the fuck happened to Holla Forums? It had some level of promise at the beginning. Then it became flooded with legit autists too retarded for halfchan, then it became flooded with OUTSPOKEN namefag people with legit mental problems like MikeeUSA and Terry Davis, and then the original board owner actually fucking left because Holla Forums literally became too autistic for him (and he was a fucking furfag of all things). The result is this board has literally become anti-technology. Everything that isn't about their retarded pet architectures is collectively pushed off the board. Nobody uses the help threads because the average user there is a complete retard who only pretends to know about technology by using their knowledge of GNU/Linux is a mask hiding their own inadequacies and then they mope around and ponder why Pajeets are taking their fucking jobs when they autistically screech at any piece of industry standard hardware and software because "It's botnet" or "it's proprietary!"

Holla Forums may actually be worse than Holla Forums

Attached: worst.PNG (638x349, 284.02K)

Oh yeah, and it even came to the point where Terry Davis himself stopped lurking because his long-winded walls of text was literally too technical for the average poster there. The fucking Schizophrenic was too smart for the average user there

found the windows user

Terry Davis is an unappreciated genius. If the CIA would stop torturing him with their homo bait he could finally develop the operating system that kills windows.

Terry Davis was literally too intelligent for the average Holla Forums user. That's why he left

This autistic false-dilemma thinking is why Holla Forums died. Holla Forums has proven you can literally be a mouth-breathing retard and still be able to use GNU/Linux just fine

Holla Forums isn't Holla Forums, so why would they look down on namefags?

>installing proprietary botnetware

You are a newfag who obviously does not know how bad MikeeUSA was.


Holy fuck. That takes me back.

I wonder what happened to that tard. He couldn't be banned because he had an endless list of VPNs. He eventually fucked off, but I wonder why and to where.

It's just Linux.

this thread really fedora'd my openbsd

LUL. have fun with your binary garbage


gentoo lost
openbsd won

How much do you love that botnet, OP, that the idea some people are not into it makes you so, so sad?

Attached: oppiss.png (635x716, 493.3K)

as if there's something wrong to be using windows 10 and edge.
Go ahead retard…bully me. I couldn't give less of a fuck about this things.


also unstable as fuck

I honestly think if terry wasn't mentally ill he would likely be a great genius of this century. He honestly has proved an immense amount of technical abillity and engineering, he really is a genius. He's just so held back…

Holla Forums is in fact actually dead
t. fagioliposter

I mean, there were Redhat for Dummies books in the early 2000s. KDE and Gnome came out in the 90s.

Mein Fuhrer, with all due respect Linux wasn't easy in the 90s, getting your modem to work was close to impossible. By 2k I think it was easy enough already.

Attached: gcc-nigger.mp4 (640x360, 3.66M)

mein neigger why don't you bring this thread so we can talk properly in Holla Forums?

GNU plus Linux

I think the first time I actually tried it was in '02 or something so you could be right. There were of course problems troubleshooting hardware and configuring X but if you'd spent any amount of time troubleshooting Windows problems it really wasn't that different.


What did he mean by this?

Attached: g.png (953x764, 81.02K)

I played some of those MikeeUSA text games, they're not too bad.

Attached: rpg1ss1.png (433x454, 6.17K)

What's wrong with furfags, user? It's not much different than anime.

Attached: gwdeZ.png (800x600, 40.79K)

Weebs don't fuck anything at all, much less goats. Yiff in hell.

Attached: sheep.webm (640x360, 7.36M)

It wasn't much different from getting modem to work in DOS.
t. ex-dosnigger who used QModemPro to login my dialup shell account, and later some packet drivers and tcp/ip DOS programs from the simtelnet archive

Attached: zmodem_download.gif (724x500, 9.84K)

Why would furry fuck goats?
I thought that's zoo, muslims and niggers exclusive.

Attached: bGCEKS2.png (1051x1393, 228.9K)

It was hard to stay on topic, as the board was never sure if it was legitimate or just a long troll game. The free as in speech crowd was ok when things were level headed, but shit just got weird and I quit even lurking.

Feels like 90% of the threads there are about browsers. Then you get the brainwashed idiots who say that GNU GPL is about preserving freedom while it does the exact opposite. With that fauna, the good threads are few and far between, understandably.

Holla Forums is basically a competition to see who can use the most obscure hardware and software. really similar to hipsters tbh

You don't understand the license. The GPL protects the freedom (to change the code) of anyone who uses the code or any of its derivatives, at the price of disallowing people from restricting others' freedom. In contrast, public domain, BSD, etc protect the freedom to restrict others' freedom, but that means users of derivatives may not be allowed to change the code.

Attached: stallman quest.webm (500x281, 4.89M)

I miss Synchtube.


You're part of the problem Fagioli