Why won't Holla Forums admit that you're losing people to Holla Forums...

Why won't Holla Forums admit that you're losing people to Holla Forums? I've seen several people claim that they were communists before going full Holla Forumslak. It doesn't work the other way around. Fascists aren't converting to communists in droves.

I was a fascist before I was a communist.


Maybe you should go outside of Holla Forums more often


Hillary getting the Democrat nomination due to non whites is redpilling communists as we speak. If only white people could vote B████ ██████ would be the Democrat nominee.

How does that make you feel?

Again, if you spent a little time here instead of only fapping to cuck porn on Holla Forums, you'd know we don't like idpol.

Anyone voting B████ wasn't a communist to begin with.

ayy lmao

Most people are stupid and vote against their own interests

More news at 11

billy. billy. billy. oh billy

but Holla Forums's numbers have been dwindling for a while

Which is why we need a vanguard



what the fuck is natural about the sub/dom fantasy that is fascism?

The vanguard eventually serves it's own interests instead of the proletariat, but it's still 1000 times better than bourgi "democracy"


If someone was a “communist,” spooked themselves about people who look different than them, then went full pol, it just goes to show they knew nothing about what “communism” means.

If they were that afraid to face the truth that they prefered the lie, so be it.

It's like staying inside and playing WoW all day and defending your lifestyle, instead of facing the truth about the state of your life.

I'm not even American.


It's what they all claim. They were apathetic hack liberals that hated themselves, and now they hate others and are addicted to the ego rush.


You forgot your shitposting flag on

I've never seen a Holla Forumsack properly define socialism.

Yeah, Northern Ireland to be precise.

checkmate Holla Forumsyps

Hey, come closer. I've got a secret for you. They were lying.

y-y-you really think someone would go and lie on the internet ?

Daily le eppan 'why won't you admit I'm right ha suck it gommie scum you know Im rite lol triggered butt devastated lolol master trole 2016 screencapped for pol' thread. Because we need another one. For reasons.

For some reason, I think Northern Irland is a bunch of faggots that prefered to be ruled by London.

Anyway, GB is the same as US. If not worse. It's not even Europa anymore. :^)


Well yeah you're basically on the money there, but in any case I can't exactly vote for B████ from NI.

The fact that you're spamming it because you think it'll work doesn't mean it'll work.

Also, Holla Forums has grown while Holla Forums has shrunk.

I did. Legitimately bought into all that shit. Bought the books, saved the graphs, posted the memes, whole thing. Lost a friend and a girl over it, told myself the Jews were to blame. Got mad at them instead of me. How could people not want to hear about kikes and niggers and homos and jews and yids and holocausts 24/7? What were they, joo-lovers!?!

What a waste of time, but it led me here so whatever. Point is, you're wrong and my existence disproves your premise.



Y socdem flag?

I'm a filthy reformist. Also I don't trust tankie tyrannical scum and their bullshit religion of the vanguard aristocracy.

What snapped you out of it?

Oh fuge, I see what you mean. I need to quit drunkposting. I was a fascist before I was a ~leftist~

Fucking ouch.

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Well, I have one friend who was all about conspiracy theories and reptilians… But eventually he grew over it and now I gifted him Ego and it's Own.

He's not gonna be a commie like me, but might as well be an egoist. At least he will improve his own life.

then again, I only have one friend where I currently live..

When that's the only thing you have going for you and being a contrarian against supposed "PC" culture, you know your life is going downhill.

Glad you snapped out of your dogmatic slumber comrade.

For a while I would literally pray to Hitler like a deity.

Holla Forums was not the most stable chapter of my life.

Good god comrade. I'm glad you came to.

yay fuck tankies

im glad you grew out of Holla Forums faggotry

The vanguard is useful to capitalists as it leaves the working class with the impression that capitalism is the lesser of the two evils. Without Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, etc, …, we could have already ended capitalism.

That poor kid, looks like he just went through another Shoah :(

oy vey

Sure… If it wasn't for Lenin capitalism would totally be abolished. Right…


half of local retards are from pol

Shitting on the grass is the law of nature
Toilets are your imagination

i was a dumb dumb for alex jones and the ronstitution before i became an anarchist


Former Holla Forumsack here. The level of intellectual dishonesty and willingness to outright lie to promote the cause drove me away from that place (fake black twitter accounts, constant raids and false flags, etc etc etc).

Given the current cult of personality they developed over Trump, I'm not going back any time soon.

WILLY WAGGLERS ARISE!! *willy waggler rally call*!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for too long gsg has gone without a single waggle!!yes me mates it is seemest gsg has forgot how to WAGGLE their WILLIES!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE MUST OCCUPY GSG WITH OUR SILLIEWILLIES AND TEACH THEM THE MAJESTIC ART OF THE WAGGLE ONCEDMORE!!!! are you ready boys? us wagglers have a proud history…we waggled for charles..we waggled for thatcher…..ahhh..the willy waggling haze of '87…ohh yes me mates…we waggled all the way from bristol to hai noi…me, old billy steve, me old mates gordon billy nicky and charlie..some guy named ian the clam…WE WAGGLED RECORD SPEED!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaAAAaaAAANOT MY WIILLYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA






AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………aaaaaaahhhhhh….i cum on your face….relief ;)


!teach them the way of the willy…wank, waggle its all in the mind;))

whyy dont you waggle me willy or just yer own with me matesinmetreehouse eh???????*waggles ur willy*ooooooh thats a biggun mmhmmmm AAa A A A A AA A A A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR WILLY IS OUTTA CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!¬¬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is the beginning of the willy era me m8s

let us waggle it


ohyhhhhmy willyfeelssogood;))))endlessWILLYPLEASURE.
u wanna some willy wanking tips I give you some my willywanking grasshopper


Except is quite obviously one of the faggots pushing idpol here.

both meaningless buzzwords.


Lurk more damnit
