*cuts so to interracial sex scene*
This is actual British Television
Other urls found in this thread:
How does it feel, britcuck?
Too bad he can't hold a job.
This is why I'm not so sure that Brexit is going to fix all your woes
Did they just steal a scene from American Psycho?
wouldnt be the first time a nigger stole something
Seems so, the "Sussudio" scene iirc.
It was never meant to be a magic bullet you giant faggot. Its a step in the right direction.
I'm on a shitty tablet right now, I can't really look into anything. Are there any coincidences in the writing/production of this Marxist, anti-White garbage?
The first couple of minutes are straight up black cock worship
So you're going to hunt lefties the day Trump gets elected, right, burger?
Obviously there's no pro-nigger shows airing on your talmudvision is there?
you mean (((cohen)))cedences
Maybe because a SWAT team will bust down their door if they so much as scratch you.
Daily reminder copfags aren't your friends and should be treated like uppity niggers if they decide to push their limits.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
The Jews have corrupted our socities so much that there are White men who would glady worship niggerdick for free
Liberals aren't white
I'm finding it hard to look into the main guy, named 'Andrew Prince' as all it comes up with is results like Prince Andrew and Andrew Prince Jewellery.
Though the Executive Producer is called Stephané Alexandre, pic related.
can't argue with quads
into the bog they go
you are justifying genocide
That nigger has a face I would imprison the fuck out of
Yeah, other than every single eastern european who can breeze through a fight with a nig in 5 seconds.
Neither are they men.
I made it to one minute
not enough twitter action tbh @thosegoodfellas
ITV in Britain made a Beowulf TV series. Pic related plays a warrior king.
I hope they keep spreading this particular meme, it's going to result in a lot of nigger beatdowns.
It's not even demoralizing at this point, they wouldn't be pushing this propaganda so much if it was having it's intended effect.
One of the keys to good propaganda is subtlety and this is getting way too overt, I was having a conversation with some bluepill normalfags the other day and even they have noticed the constant BMWF race mixing promotions.
Believe it or not most white people don't like the idea of their children getting brainwashed into being race mixers/cucks. even the liberal's aren't too fond of it
i seriously hope trump imposes a naval blockade on brits so the whole island starves and only the strong survive. because the strong will be naturally redpilled. it is the only way.
how does this shit even get viewers?? moonman should not be killing niggers, moonman should be killing leftists and race traitors. 10x worse tbh. please remove.
I say it gets cancelled before they even finish the first season.
what self-respecting white woman would even be in this show???
You must be new to the world.
It's honest to god worse than anything (((Hollywood))) could ever come up with. The worst part is how our broadcasters in Australia try to copy them.
No one has ever, ever argued that Brexit would fix all our woes.
Thank you for correcting the record!
.20 bitcoins have been deposited to your account
This has to be some sort of elaborate ruse. Brits are cucked, but come on. This is just out right rage inducing.
One thing the kikes also haven't factored in, most blacks aren't crazy about mixing with white people either. Sure, black guys like flings with white girls but when it comes down to it most of them choose to have kids with a sista.
W..What, schvartzgoy, y…you don't want to interbreed with superi…err.. I mean… diverse whitegoy genes? Oy vey.
This is a clear act of war. The jewish way is indirect, poisoning your mind, working over decades, but it's still an act of war resulting in loss of resources and human lifes. Our way of war is direct, with a rifle in the hand. Brits have to answer an act of war with an act of war or they will perish, it's their choice.
I don't see any British TV networks claiming they have picked this up. All I see is some so-called production studio with this as their only product, and their social media claim that this show will air in 2017.
It wouldn't surprise me if this is some MI5 hate tracking campaign, to track how much negativity it can receive. Or, this is some sort of cuck porn show that'll air on the internet.
Wew lad, you've grossly overestimated the value of shitposting on a Cantonese reed flute website.
Ah, I recognized King Arthur immediately.
i was testing to see if the bot still worked
it usually replies to any reply it gets by saying something along the lines of "you are justifying genocide!"
It's not their fault. They're bombarded by propaganda since birth. Programmes in Britain have a diversity quota, meaning if you don't have at least a few nonwhites it's not allowed to go on telly (whereas if we didn't have this bizarre restriction, many programmes would have no nonwhites at all). This teaches us to forget our racial groups and ties, makes us think it's normal for nonwhites to be in our homeland, in some places as the majority. We're also 'rewarded' socially for going outside of our racial groups. 'So progressive! So tolerant! Being racist is the worst thing possible, show you're not a racist so that you can feel better than everyone who is!'
I get everyone here already understands this, but I'm just trying to emphasise they really can't help but fall victim to being this way.
And, much like Mad Max, Beowulf wasn't even the focus, the main character seemed to be the queen.
If this is demoralization, it's failing, it just makes me want to form a RWDS even sooner.
The fact that I have personally encountered a group of girls, with the single one that dated a mongrel being looked down upon when she wasn't aware of it, even by the more liberal ones in the group truly shows me how false this shit is.
DOTR soon lads.
Oh so soon.
That's meant to say "much like Mad Max: Fury Road".
Funny you should mention King Arthur. In BBC's Merlin TV show this was Guinevere. I don't know how the BBC can justify changing the race of a historical character, even if the show itself was just fictional stories.
Respect has to be earned and you don't earn it by chugging nigger dicks, only money and status is earned that way which is what they're after. Women desire material and social gain and have very little understanding of concepts like respect and honour. What respectful or honourable women existed in the past were raised as such. They can hardly think for themselves otherwise, they need to be lead. A woman a century ago would balk at shit like this while today they think there isn't anything wrong with it because the alternative is being "A RACIST" which means their status in the herd gets diminished as well as their material prospects, so they will tow the line even if it means getting humiliated or brutalized in some cases.
Brits are pretty much cucks anyway and their television is cultmarx central. They gotta make all those pakis and niggers welcome and hardly anyone seems to be making any noise about it aside from some nationalists. That's karma for you I guess.
I still think this is a ruse, and I'm doing some digging. The bffstudios website has no names listed, only a smattering of information and this cuck drama as their only "product". No press kits, or information for media.
What it looks like is some Jews funded some niggers to make a show, and they've just made a couple scenes. I see zero interest in buying the product and putting it on TV.
Here is the only name I can find associated with bffstudios
So here we have, Writer, Actor, and Director of the studio. Just some stupid nig with Jew funding LARPing that he has a TV show coming out.
Holla Forums could put together a revisionist holocaust movie, claim it is arriving in 2017 and just watch people be outraged.
I used to watch this show and always found the ugly shitskin Guinevere as odd even in my bluepilled days. It's one of the first times I've seen them replace a character with a nonwhite in television/film. It highlighted the attractiveness of the other girl though (Morrigan).
British t.v. is absolutely cucked, every single network has diversity quotas and they ALL push this kind of filth.
Just in case anyone in this thread is unaware, (i doubt it on Holla Forums) if you take to the street and start speaking out against this kind of poisonous filth there's a good chance you'll be charged with "inciting racial hatred".
The U.K. is a lot more Orwellian than most people think, for example when the bnp began alerting the local whites in Rotherham about paki rape gangs it was the bnp members who got charged instead of the shitskin rapists.
The UK is terrible, but OP is wrong to say this is "actual" British television.
This guy gets it, cops are loyal to city hall and their pensions before anything else. Maybe if society breaks down and those pensions go away, we can welcome cops to the RWDS, but until then they are the establishment's soldiers.
Remember the police from Rotherham. Remember the police from San Jose. In both cases they did nothing to help whites being victimized by pakis and beaners. Sage for off-topic, what a dreadful video, and stealing from American Psycho is too disgusting for words
Very well put.
That's not even true. If you use tact, don't do it in a hateful way and don't use the word 'nigger' you'll be fine.
When Holla Forums preaches this shit, I feel like they're just looking for an excuse to not do anything.
pretty much just a live action gen zed
*and just as fake
To produce that 8 min. vid would cost at least a million and it's obviously professionally done. It wouldn't surprise me if it were real. Remember Bella.
That nigger wearing OUR ancestral guard.
When white people claim to be Egyptian (which we were at one point for a time)
*ancestral garb*
fuck my autsim.
In other words, it's completely unrealistic
Wotan strafe England tbh lads
Yes user, unrealistic but real.
There was also the recent case of them having a nignog play Queen Margaret in their production of Richard III. (Part of a "celebration" of Shakespeare that also managed to include anti-Brexit propaganda).
The BBC and its license fee is the root of a lot of Britain's problems.
That wasn't my point at all, every white man should be doing everything he can to save his country even if it means getting arrested. Tact isn't going to stop the thought police from coming for you if your message is explicitly pro white the only kind of message that can truly save Britain
I can see how you got that from my post though, I should of phrased it better. I actually think the future is looking better than it has in a while people are waking up in large numbers and when enough of them know what's going on in their land hate speech laws won't be enough to stop them.
Don't underestimate the strictness of their hate speech laws though, people have been charged for much less than protesting race mixing propaganda.
Thank god and the Queen we defeated those bigoted nazis in world war 2, am i right m8tes? :^)
Lel fuck Dresden, dead whites are funny ooga booga look at me, i'am le edgy /britpol/ posterrr
The UK Is only 2% black but if you watched their TV shows you would think it was like 40%.
I just watched the trailer for Black Mirror season 3 on Netflix just to see how cucked it was and about 50% of the characters are black.
the UK is so fucking cucked.
Don't judge the whole nation based on kike propaganda, it's whole purpose is to brainwash lemmings and demoralize race realists. I'd be suprised if it wasn't cucked.
You mean Morgana? Unfortunately Katie McGrath has shit tits though. I liked Maid Marian from BBC's Robin Hood TV show. It showed how they didn't bother doing any research though because they thought they were being so feminist by having Marian secretly be the hero "The Night Watchman". When in real life Maid Marian was actually her outlaw name and she wore an eye-mask and wild wig with ribbons in to hide her identity. Her real name was Matilda Fitzwalter. So if they had actually stuck to the real story they could have had her being a secret heroine without resorting to feminist bullshit.
There was at least one good picture of how Maid Marian really looked but I can't find it again. In fact a lot of the true story of the Robin Hoods (there were 2 of them about a hundred years apart if I remember rightly and it was the second one that had the Merry Men and married Maid Marian) seems to have disappeared from the internet, which is really odd. I learned the true story about the Robin Hoods online back in the early 2000s.
Is this a classic example of D&C?
Would it be fine if I made a thread about American Television featuring racemixing?
Did Bioware write this tripe? Those aren't defining traits.
You've fallen for kike D&C.
Black British
Total population 1,904,684 (3.0%) (2011 census)[1]
England 1,846,614 (3.5%) (2011 census)
I actually think those numbers are too low since, according to the ONS, in 2005 already 5% of births in England and Wales were niglets and 3.5% were of mixed race.
Yeah… but if you go there like I used to for business, then it's London and it's more like 75%.
Their media is a warning to us. This vile shit has already ramped up in the US the past year hard.
BOYCOTT. Shitpost, HACK. This is WAR. Unite with your White brothers.
No one is going to watch it. Except all the closet cucks here now. Don't give it attention and it dies.
went to site in filename of that picture and most things are suspect
1. supposedly british site using american web address
2. most pages are blank/dead links
3. the about page is just some self proclaimed journalist muh waaahcisming about the london riots
4. 0 comments on all existing articles
5. had to navigate a fucking maze to find any of said articles
6. refuses to name anything of importance like what fucking network the show is going to be on or when it's coming out, just uses vague weasel words like 'major tv station' and 'next year'
or on one of those 500 shit filler channels nobody watches
What do you expect?
The British are cuckolds.
The characters don't have defining traits; they were written by a nigger
Remember when Paul Weston was arrested and charged with inciting hatred for publicly quoting from a Churchill book? Charges were eventually dropped, but the chilling effect remains. Yeah, it's that bad.
The only other source talking about it seems to be Link Up TV in the tweet posted, which is
Im from the UK, Ive known enough blacks to know they are all mouth and tantrums. Some black guy erratically swung into my lane the other day nearly knocking me of my motorbike.
He looked scared. I would have done the same to anyone else, thats equality right. Blacks arnt scary they are all bravado.
What even is that haircut?
I didn't only find it odd, but explicitly disliked it. I didn't care if they had new and made up characters being different races, but changing someone to be a shitskin like that was something else entirely.
This is actually the first time I've seen the Merlin TV show brought up by not myself, but then this is a British thread. Hail from Dixie.
Fuck whatever their beliefs were, they would have invaded the UK
I am still surprised every time cuckface is proven to be actually real. It's like their brains know this garbage should not be happening.
Looks like this show is real fam. The best course of action, other than the usual, would be to shame and humiliate the white actors/actresses in this pile of shit. Make any other white afraid to lower themselves and take a job like this.
They did it from around 2003, or even earlier, I seem to remember. About 10 years before the scandal was magically "discovered" by the MSM. Nick Griffin got tried twice, and luckily won the case twice, for exposing the rape gangs. It was the BBC that secretly recorded their meetings and reported them to the police for talking about the muslim rape gangs.
Yeah that always works out really well.
After the second trial.
Actors do anything for money, its there job.
Are chinese not asian anymore? Who counts as asian then in bongland?
British TV is basically just wall-to-wall JEWS, QUEERS, and QUEER JEWS.
The following is just one day on British TV, courtesy of my old pal Tony Hayers, who
can actually bare to turn on the TV occaisionally
TV is "too White?" "too Male?" Need MORE "minorities" ??
It appears increasingly that TV, in one aspect, is a racket providing easy money and steady employment (and of course a HUGE soapbox / megaphone) for jews and homosexuals.
Plus of course Party Faithful like Jo Brand or Jeremy Hardy, who have gotten rich with BBC money over the last 30 years ,despite being of mediocre talent or dubious worth.
Let's see just how many representatives of these two tiny groups* appear on a typical UK FREEVIEW TV day. Wed 5 Oct 2016
* Less than 300,000 jews in UK…so they say.
QUEER (negro) Andi Peters
QUEER John Waite
QUEER Mark Heyes
QUEER Richard Arnold and
QUEER Dan Whooton all present items on "Lorraine" ITV 8.30am
JEW QUEER Scott Capurro
JEW Steve Furst and
LESBIAN Zoe Lyons are the panel on "The Wright Stuff" Channel 5 9.15am
QUEER Rylan Clark and his "husband", and
QUEER Gok Wan present features on "This Morning" ITV 10.30am
LESBIAN Jane Hill reads the News At One BBC1 1pm
JEW Natasha Kaplinsky reads the lunchtime news ITV 1.30pm
LESBIAN Rhona Cameron narrates "Find it Fix it Flog it" Channel 4 2.10pm
QUEER Ian "H" Watkins is guest on "Who's Doing The Dishes?" ITV 2.30pm
QUEER Nigel Hawthorne stars in "Yes Minister" BBC2 2.30pm
QUEER John Barrowman presents "Pressure Pad" BBC2 2,45pm
QUEER Alistair Appleton presents "Escape To The Country" BBC1 3pm
QUEER (curry) Paul Sinha is a "chaser" "The Chase" Challenge 3pm
JEW Rachel Riley does the math on "Countdown" Channel 4 3.10pm
QUEER John Waite presents "Chopping Block" ITV 3pm
QUEER Micheal Barrymore presents "Strike It Lucky" challenge 12.30
QUEER JEW Dale Winton presents "Supermarket Sweep" Challenge 1pm
JEW Dan Forster presents "Extreme Engineering" Quest 2pm
QUEER Paul O Grady likes dogs…..ITV , whenever
QUEER JEW Dale Winton and JEW Gaby Roslin present "The Lottery" BBC1 , (Sat)
JEW Alan Sugar stars in "The Apprentice"
JEW Simon Cowell , JEW Sharon Osbourne,and
QUEER Louis Walsh judge goyim on "X Factor" (Sat and Sun)
JEW Claudia Winkleman presents "Strictly" with QUEER JEW Judge Rinder, JEW Lesley Joseph, QUEER Will Young, QUEER Craig Revel Horewood, QUEER Bruno Cornholio , CURRY Naga Munchetty and 4 NEGROES.
ANT-WHITE, ANTI ENGLISH CUCK-MOVIE "Ghandi" Oh, those Evil English and their Damned Empire moviemix 3.10pm
QUEER Adam is being all faggy and camp and flamboyant and outrageous , yawn, "Come Dine with Me" produced by
JEW Rachel Bloomfield Channel 4 4.30pm
QUEER Brendan Sheerin presents "Coach Trip" More4 4.30pm
QUEER (curry) Paul Sinha is a chaser "The Chase" ITV 5pm
JEW Lucy Seigel and JEW John Sergeant talk to JEW Daniel Radcliffe and QUEER Graham Norton "The One Show" BBC1 7pm
JEW Lesley Joseph is on "Strictly-It Takes Two" BBC2 6.30pm
JEW LESBIAN Sue Perkins presents "Bake Off" , BBC1 8pm
QUEER Wayne Sleep and his "husband" : "Celebrity Mr & Mrs" ITV 8pm
QUEER JEW Stephen Fry presents "QI" with guests:
JEW LESBIAN Sue Perkins, and Jo Brand Dave 9pm
QUEER Anal Carr presents "Live at the Apollo" A queer one with a disabled one and a paki one for extra BBC box-ticking cuckery.
JEW Emily Maitliss and
QUEER Evan Davis present
JEW Ian Katz' "Jewsnight" , with guests:
JEW Melanie Phillips (Daily Mohel)
JEW Jonathan Freedland (Guardian ,Editor)
QUEER Julian Glover Glover was a writer for The Guardian ,and speech writer for Cameron. He has been the civil partner of Times columnist and former Conservative MP, QUEER Matthew Parris since 2006
That's right, 3 JEWS and a QUEER (Or 4 JEWS and 2 QUEERS if you include the presenters) sitting discussing "our" future.
Just incredible. BBC2 10.30pm
I remember the (((media))) calling it a racist right wing conspiracy theory, as well as some particularly disgusting article's that tried to imply that the children who were being drugged and raped were willing participants (those articles are absolute rage fuel, they show exactly where the British establishments loyalties lie) did they ever retract those articles?
Anyone from Morocco to Cambodia
the fuck?
And the root of the BBC as well as most other problems is the nose
In what fantasy do you live? Hitler never had the intent to do that until a while after the start of the war. All the while before and during the war he kept offering peace to the brits who he actually looked up to a lot. He unfortunately saw them as brothers
Here's another signature cuckface
The dog is confused. He's man's best friend and his owner is no longer a man.
and then he invaded Poland. Nazis should have kept their shit in Germany. If people wanted to join they would have.
You clearly don't know anything about WW2, just stop posting idiot. Hitler had to invade Poland, because Poles were genociding Germans on their territory. He didn't invade Poland to make them "join", Jesus Christ you're retarded.
In the UK we refer to Arabs and Indians as Asians. Those from far east Asia, such as Chinese, Japanese and Koreans, we refer to as Oriental. (Or just Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc. if we know their specific ethnicity.)
That explains why it is always "asians" raping kids and killing native brits instead of sandniggers.
If Poland didn't want to be invaded they shouldn't have been slaughtering the ethnic Germans living there. When you take into account what the poles were doing to the Germans Hitler actually treated them in a very fair way.
They were also close to making a deal before Britain and France began applying pressure to the poles.
Just out of curiosity do you also believe that Hitler gassed 6 million jews? If the answer is no then why would you believe any of the other lies you've been taught about him?
This is fucking disgusting
Wasn't Beowulf king of the Geats - and were they not located in Denmark…?
They're taunting native Britons with a name like Andrew Prince. It's no coincidence.
Proof of this is the latest (((Natwest))) bank advert which I can't find. It literally depicts white people as skinheads violent thugs and racists in multiple black and white scenes, then at the end fading into colour with a smiling black women in their bank uniform. It's even less subtle than I describe, I was fucking shocked and immediately wanted to shave my head and go and burn some natwests.
Yea, and it has a picture of niggerspawn while saying "The future".
This is actual American television for tweens
With what you dumb fuck?
Oh ok. You are tired of your containment cells.
Yeah, I know. The schoolteacher made you sit through those terrible Frank Capra filmreels too.
Slaughtering of ethnic Germans didn't start until the war had already started. Polish situation was shitty, because its government was emboldened by kikes in France and England. It was natural for rather incompetent Polish government to deny cooperation with Germany. On one side they stood to lose land and access to sea, probably reducing Poland into complete economic dependence on either Soviets or Germany. On the other hand, they stood to gain economic cooperation with historical rival. It was a shitty no win situation for either Poland or Germany, unless Germany and Poland agreed to renegotiate German demands.
B-but muh brexit!
This is actual british police
Also all this shit has clearly been influenced by America's nigger gangster culture.
Reminder that despite our shitty ZOG government and our migrant invasion due to the (((EU))), there is still in numbers more white germans than white poles, and more germans wants out of the (((EU))) that is destroying Europe, let's sink that for a moment.
Such a simple joke but I had a good chuckle.
What the fuck is the point of all this slapfighting between countries? Get a grip on yourselves ffs anons
Britbongs can't handle the bantz, that's all.
le race doesn't exist, expect for penis size! hehehehe…..
I fucking love living in a democracy.
They became the best golems to "show Jerry who's boss!".
They were rewarded handsomely, as we can see.
Now, (as a German) I would really like to just have the past be bygones and fight together against the jews and their other golems, but I have little hope for that, even after all this.
Perhaps I will be proven wrong.
That would be really nice.
Some jews and niggers make some pro nigger shit and suddenly all brits are responsible for this? NAXALT. Did you forget the brexit victory? Did you somehow forget that this kind of shit has nothing to do with the average brit and is instead made my jews and cucks? I 100% guarauntee the viewing ratings for this will be dire. No one wants to watch this shit. Most brits outside of london fucking DESPISE london and its inhabitants - they see it as not british any more - a city filled with foreigners and rootless cosmopolitan cucks - a populace of idiots that lives in its own little bubble and bears no resemblance to the rest of the country.
But no, every brit is a cuck according to your infinate wisdom right?
Way to shit on your allies you bellend.
Its a tower hamlets classroom you disingenuous fuck. The implication that all british schools are like that is horseshit. My kids goto a school that is 99% white. Britain is still pretty much pearly white outside the major towns and cities. Wogs 'n' pakis aint too fond of the countryside and those that dwell in the countryside aint too fond of niggers and pakis.
Fuck you you utter septic mong.
Are you putting blame on everyday Britbongs? They had, and mostly still have, no idea what's going on. London is literally the central hub of Jewish banking rule. No D&C faggotry, Jerry. We're all in this together.
They should have called it the Black Box, or better yet the Blacked Box
No, "Geatland" (Götaland) is in Sweden, and in Latin it's Gothia, because Geat = Goth.
Shut up D&C faggot.
Can we please do this? would be a good answer to denial, which never showed up in any theater around me and it's since gone silent. Was it even a movie or just a ruse?
Wew Britistan, I don't even.
( checked )
No, I'm not blaming the current generation.
In fact, they are sometimes trolled by the past.
I've seen quite a few Brits get mad at Germans for being limp wristed betas who can't or won't fight back against the establishment.
But then we have gems like this webbum, and co.
That flat out states that German education was anglo-ized, to make them "proper" and whatnot.
So any moronic German bumbling around might just be a result of meddling like that.
Especially if we consider the state of Britain nowadays.
Lost territory. The Raj is now on the mainland, muslims everywhere, jews in the core, etc.
I don't want to D&C, I want to point out the past so it doesn't get repeated, hopefully.
What I do have, though. Is little faith that we will actually stand together.
I don't know how the people "IRL" reacted to Brexit.
But what I've seen online was immediate laughter and derision, making the long nose at Germany again for having escaped their hellhole.
Et cetera.
we wuz kangs an shieet
And considering being irredeemable white trash culture? What's going to solve that?
You're falling for D&C and responding with more. Part of it is banter, part of it is trolling and another shills aiming to demoralize us.
It pisses me off too. I'm also a Brit and it hurts knowing how bad things are because the Jews infested our nation for so long. It isn't pleasant knowing that my country did so much damage to the world.
Unfortunately, all we can do is fight for today. The past is done, we can't change it though I do very much wish we could.
Oh and the producer is a WoC so you can't use the JQ as an excuse.
I managed to get to 01:32 before I had to turn it off in a rage. Could'nt watch any more. Absolutely disgusting.
They make this kind of shit to taunt us. It is a slight against us and it will be remembered, along with every other insult and dig the jews, cucks, traitors and wogs have piled up on us over the years.
More kindling for the fire once it erupts.
The comments are encouraging though. Some niggers in the comments seem genuinely puzzled as to why we hate them so much. I dont know if the media are aware of the levels of hate they have fostered in the disenfranchised white natives. They are constantly trying to 'end hate' - to outlaw it but all they succeed in doing is multiplying it and making it more and more visceral.
I never felt visceral hate like this a decade ago. But witnessing how the media (the bbc in particular although channel 4 and sky are almost as bad too) have constantly subverted, belittled and defamed our people, all the while ramping up the social engineering up to 11 has caused the hate in me to swell to levels I never thought possible.
I now wait for the coming day when I can finally unleash the hatred they have filled me and countless like me with.
And with this kind of hate there comes no mercy, no forgiveness, no compromise - just an iron forged determination that those responsible for this will suffer.
They cannot take my hatred from me and they cannot sate it noe. It has gone too far.
I pray this comes to a head soon now because all this hatred is taking a toll on my soul.
Here's a webm of that btw
I wish Kai Murros would do more videos tbh. Hes probably my favorite nationalist academic.
I don't know what percentage of America is black because I've never been there, but if I were to judge it for their advertisement, I'd say it's about 33%.
I'm stealing this ads from Maddox because I'm lazy but my point stands.
The first one's surely ironic, isn't it? They didn't actually believe that Germany should utterly abandon it's culture and history and fully adopt Anglo culture as it's done today?
No, Britain should abandon it's culture and join the Nazi Aryan Imperium ;^)
Literal whores whoring themselves out for a paycheck.
Any white who has acted in this vile cultural marxist propaganda must be shamed and ostracised. We need to find out their social media accounts and let them know that we see them as traitors who willingly whore themselves out for enemy propaganda.
Being an anti white cuck/traitor/coalburner etc needs to have the massive social stigma that it used to have 50 years ago. We can accomplish this. They need to know they will get pushback when they try this shit.
If only you knew half the shit they did to Germany…
God I fucking hate Anglo's.
oh yeah the soviets were so fond of regional cultures right? That's why they immediately slaughtered in cold blood all kobzars in ukraine.
go to >>>Holla Forums tankie
I love Kai Murros. This is my favorite. I watched this over and over last year when coming to terms with getting RPed. Really inspiring, especially the bit after the 10:00 mark.
yes, but if they do something that everyone says is shit then they find it harder to get jobs (make money) in the future
Someone claimed they went comparatively soft on the east germans because they were their showroom model, basically.
That's kind of hot.
UK will be the first western nation that Otherkin rights become Mainstream
Yes it is.
I don't see why this deserves a thread in the first place.
ITT amerimutts with no arguments.
pic related is your future in < 15 years.
ITT buttblasted britcucks
since when do you have to be a seppo to hate brits? you're the whiniest europeans ever
British media is run by the same kinds of Jews that ours is, it's only more evident because Britain has a significantly larger white population and because (Ashkenazi) Jews use American media to put themselves forward into the spotlight, giving the appearance of white representation.
The international media must be purged and these discriminatory Anti-White mandates that call for this kind of shit must be abolished and outlawed,
I certainly feel you on that one. The only way to end the cycle of moral corruption is to either discredit/ destroy the mainstream media and create alternate content or take control of the government and ban shoes and information that would be damaging for our people.
Not having any influence over the media is what hurts us the most, the plebs lap up what their fed and don't question the narrative.
But we can't give up our struggle, just imagining the beautiful sight that is the ethno-state with strong values, happy families and youth filled with vigour and hope is something worth fighting for
i want to kill them all
This is either demoralization or your just morons. Pointing fingers and laughing over who is more fucked won't achieve anything you losers.
they are pushing it too far
with your big black…. FORCED KOSHER MEME ;)))))
Despite that all, I still stand by my own nation's actions there.
We made a pact with Poland. We shouldn't have, but we also should never betray a deal.
More free time to fuck wives while their wage cucks are at work
Mate, I'll be fair - it was the (((Americans))) and the French who were the worst.
Britain was the best of the bunch in its ways - very few atrocities in the occupation, accepting refugees from elsewhere and most of all, telling France to remove their "disgraceful barbarians" from the land.
I think you need to leave
Seeing as you're old enough to have kids, what was it like watching London being slowly stolen away by shitskins and whimpering, amorphously shaped fat cucks?
Nobody likes hohol. We are just sympathetic towards you because you are so jewed over that you make make palestinians visibly blush.
I couldn’t decide, so I did both.
Apparently child rape is now legal in the UK.
>Police and authorities allow muslims to prostitute, traffic, beat, rape, torture and even murder thousands if not millions of british schoolgirls
Yes, it is.
I wonder if the germans felt the same rage towards the jews as im feeling right now. The damage these parasites cause to a nation is devastating.
If you look up who own's the web address of bffstudios.co.uk your'll find their using a godaddy proxy service.
Anyone else found out more information as to who's behind this?
Americans aren't aware of how much crime your based Poles commit
Honestly, they probably started this thread and will use that as ammo against us.
Proof that we've all been way too patient with niggers and humored them way too long. But keep on going nigger, you're swagging your way to a body bag.
From TV and ads you'd think it would be around 40 % but the numbers from the 2010 census says that there are 42,020,743 up from 36,419,434 making blacks 13.6% of the pop in 2010 and 12.9% in 2000.
i will lern u mom
did some more digging.
Her twitter
I've been caring less about britain recently. Even nationalist brits that should be considered "based" by Holla Forums's standards hate germans, americans, poles, french, irish and most other white countries
while ignoring the mudslimes and niggers. This thread is evidence, their priority is to post anti-european images in thread about the talmudvision promoting cuckoldry.
If that's where their redpilling process ends at with their genes, then what's the point?
You brit/pol/ shits hate whites just like "white" jews do.
I want to see white nationalist socialists instead. NA is my best bet, but how come it is hated by everyone else in britain including you, the self-described fascists?
Funny how lots of them are filled with foreigners willing to put themselves on the line to protect what is left of british culture while you complain about them.
Everything since industrial revolution made kikes powerful and influenced your politicians onwards. I presume that you'd like to suck off churchill also, huh?
Mongolians also conquered entirety of Asia. So what? they're a 3rd world country now. British empire is gone and all your shit back in africa is now owned by niggers.
brit/pol/ should not exist, their views are directly comparable to antifa.
Once the british patriots will start to resist, i'll change my views but so far i don't think so.
That image on the far right is a good one, though it's only White people who celebrate remembrance day. I've heard even London can feel like a white city on November 13.
Black people shouldn't be punished for stealing because it's part of their culture. A bit like how Sikhs don't get punished for carrying swords (the Kirpan) in Britain because it's part of their culture.
Were it not posted on Holla Forums I really doubt it'd have any negative comments at all.
Did you copy/paste a tony hayers comment from morgoths review there user?
You mistake real disucssion with trolls and shills also fuck off defeatist you can never kill my and other true patriots love for country.
If that's a serious post and you give up so easily you would have never been useful in the first place. It'll be a tough journey, but it is one we must make.
Do you happen to have source on 2nd pic? Because it looks like pakistains are categorized as british now.
Try reading the thread from the start again you dumb faggot
Chat shit get hit
Painful and rage inducing tbh. Id quite happily see london leveled to dust these days.
It makes me sick to the pit of my gut but what makes me even sicker is that my supposed 'allies' here use the scandal as a metaphorical club to beat us nationalistic brits with despite us being the ones who feel this wound most harshly.
You smugly post that shit as though you find it funny that you have 'one upped' us. You make me sick tbh.
You can't just say that a certain group of people is irrelevant.
In every brit/pol/ thread i see hate for europeans, and in every thread about britain outside, someone like you pops up, quite heartwarming to read, but i haven't attacked you.
If you think that being against brit/pol/ is DC then maybe we should be respectful to intl also? Don't think so.
They either need to fit in or go. They're holding us back.
dodge probably feels bad for not being able to bite the niggers balls off and show his friend how to fight the right way. But the bitch locked him in a room the nigger showed up every time. Likely confused his buddy cannot see the obviousness of it and really really wishes he can speak human just once so they can both run free and do as man and dog are meant to do as soul mates.
nice digging work user, thanks.
fucking hell could the blatant d&c be any more obvious.
Fuck off [email protected]/* */ shill you peice of shit.
Be that as it may, it's still really hard to believe that Poles and Romanians are committing the majority of real crimes in a majority brown city.
Brit/pol/ is shit, but it's been shilled for so long but ironically is still better than cuckchan.
If you want productive political discussions I would go elsewhere, or you could just mute the same tards that keep posting "bomber Harris"
what kind of drug do you need to take to come up with this idea
Its just in the poms nature to hate everybody because they live in a rainy shithole
What next? hating JIDF is DC? hating Holla Forums is DC?
Stop shitting on europeans first. If that's hard then maybe you need to go.
Imagine how the swedes must feel by now. It's done to almost all western nations on here btw. And always a lot of people doubtful it's only shills join in on the fun, but will deny anything if it's about their own country.
Poor dodge. Must be tough seeing your best friend in the world so horribly cucked
Brit/pol/ has been purged recently. All the Harris/civic/NEETposting d&c scum have been purged and are now filthy refugees on another board. Only the Holla Forums loyalist brits remain there now and they were the ones who wanted nothing to do with the faggotry that attatched itself to brit/pol/ last year.
Check out the brit/pol/ thread to see for your self. Its quality over quantity there now.
what the fuck man
What makes me sick is that britcucks even here on Holla Forums don't dare tread on that subject.
they will shout "D&C D&C D&C!" at the mere mention of it and start whining and crying like little babies .
I remember when the BBC made decent shows and documentals that were seen as quality standards regarding a wide array of subjects, extremely particular the historical accuracy of the settings (except outside of western europe, where russians spoke in cockney english)
Maybe americans don't see this as a giant controversy (just a moderately cucked one), but in certain countries with syndicalized BBC shows, this comes as a bizarre turn of events taking into account the cultural perception
Maybe that's also a reason, to make people think Arthur was a kangz and medieval England was a negroe galore
By stopping white immigration and letting non-white continue?
You equate a minority of autistic shitposting elements of brit/pol/ with all of britain you disingenous faggot.
If that's where their redpilling process ends at with their genes, then what's the point?
From your post faggot. Way to shit on your allies there.
Its been discussed at length for years faggot. We just get sick of cunts like you bringing it up like its something you can use to smugly lord over us while ignoring the very pressing problems of your own.
I dont smugly post the interracial rape statistics in the US as some kind of zinger to use in arguments. We are all in this together yet some elements here think its abnsolutely fine to rub salt into the wounds of their allies for shits and giggles.
'The second edition of Nordisk familjebok explains that Hreidgoths was originally applied to the Ostrogoths in south-eastern Europe. It appears as hraiðgutum on the Rök Stone in Östergötland. In Hervarar saga, the name Hreiðgotaland is applied to the territories of the Ostrogoths in south-eastern Europe. In Widsith, the traveller has been with the Hreð-Gotum. In Snorri's Edda, it is either applied to Jutland or to Scandinavia as a whole, while the islands are called Eygotaland.[1] In the Legendary sagas however, Eygotaland is used only for the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.'
'Lejre was the capital of an Iron Age kingdom sometimes referred to as the "Lejre Kingdom." According to early legends, this was ruled by kings of the Skjöldung dynasty, predecessors of the kings of medieval Denmark. Legends of the kings of Lejre are known from a number of medieval sources, including the twelfth-century Gesta Danorum written by Saxo Grammaticus and the anonymous twelfth-century Chronicon Lethrense, or Chronicle of Lejre. As the home of the Skjölding (Old English Scylding) dynasty mentioned in Beowulf,[2][3] Lejre has long been thought to have been the real-world counterpart to Heorot, the fabulous royal hall where the first part of the action of that Anglo-Saxon poem takes place.[4] Among other works of the medieval imagination that tell of adventures at Lejre,[5] the best known is the fourteenth-century Icelandic Saga of King Hrolf Kraki.[6]
Archeological excavations undertaken since the 1980s have produced dramatic confirmation that medieval legends of Lejre, though largely fabulous, have a basis in history. Research teams led by archaeologist Tom Christensen of Roskilde Museum have uncovered the remains of an extensive Iron Age and Viking Age settlement complex just outside the hamlet of Gammel Lejre ("Old Lejre").[7][8][9][10] Discovered here were the post-holes for a series of large rectangular buildings measuring fifty to sixty meters in length or more. These must have been the halls of powerful magnates or kings. Outbuildings and other structures whose remains were unearthed in this same area indicate that Lejre was also a center for crafts, commerce, and religious observances. The relative absence of weapon finds suggests that the site was more important as a social and economic center than as a military base. A noteworthy loose find that has recently turned up, thanks to metal-detector work, is a tiny silver Viking Age figurine known as Odin from Lejre. This is thought to depict the god Odin enthroned in majesty between ravens.[11]
Other sites of archaeological interest in the vicinity, long admired by visitors even when their nature was not well understood, are a Viking-Age cemetery that includes several ship settings, a great Iron Age cremation mound ("Grydehøy"), a number of tumuli that are mostly of Bronze Age date, and several Neolithic chamber grave, including one that in modern times has been known as "Harald Hildetandshøy".[12] As for the Iron Age archaeological settlement complex unearthed since the 1980s, its two related parts span the period from about 550 to about 1000 AD, thus confirming the significance of this "land of legends" over a period of almost half a millennium, up to the time when Denmark was converted to Christianity and a new royal capital was established at what is now the cathedral city of Roskilde.
On account of its imposing monuments as well as its unusual surrounding terrain, Gammel Lejre has long been a focal point for antiquarian scholarship, a source of Danish national pride, and a source of fascination regarding Scandinavian prehistory. Speculations about the prehistory of the area have been fueled by Thietmar of Merseburg's account in his twelfth-century Chronicon (ch. 17) that pagan sacrifices were formerly held every ninth year at Lejre. A wooded path and lake a short distance west of Lejre, as well, was identified by some antiquarian scholars as "Herthadal," the sacred sacrificial precinct of the goddess Nerthus (also called Hertha), whose rites were described by the Roman historian Tacitus in chapter 40 of his Germania. While such speculations can be dismissed as contributing to a "myth of Lejre" that has little to do with the actual Iron Age settlement-complex that has now been excavated,[13] it could be argued that reality and fantasy have always been intertwined in stories pertaining to this region.'
Was hoping she was cucking the nigger by making him watch her suck a white man's bigger cock. Was disgusted and disappointed.
but you are not allowed to do it to britain.
Which is funny since you lot always start that shit with "muh black president" "muh BLM" "muh whites are going to be a minority in x years"
Are britcunts seriously this lacking in self awareness?
I would like to see the interecial rape statistics of the child rape capital of the west.
US blacks are about 12-14% but the commit over 50% of all violent crime, despite their lesser numbers.
D&C bullshit.
case in point.
Give a link with the true story m8, I never knew this.
It was a bad career decision to take this job and we need to let them know that. Actors always talk about jobs that way, as a good career choice or a bad career choice. Choosing to partake in a production with white girls lining up to be fucked by a black immigrant is a bad choice. They need to know about Rotherham and all those victims and how this crap glorifies and perpetuates sexually predatory behavior and is in a way recasting it with willing victims.
Go to the timestamp here youtu.be
Well do something faggot. and don't get caught. and post the results.
Or stay at home feeling sick.
yeah probably. It just goes to show the lengths ppl go to for an acting career. Having some fag director tell them its all artistic and them probably laughing their way through the production without thinking about it. Does anyone know the channel this is going to be on, if any? If its been given a legitimate push its the biggest hypocritical race bait ever made.
Nope. They actually didn't shoa the fucking yids. We as a group would have been considered far too extreme and savage in the eyes of the nazi party and would have been kicked out. Hitler even had the audacity to not gas the fucking British and help back even bombing sites near cities because of 'muh feels'. He refused to hit and strike hard and with brutal effect repeatedly because he was a good man brought to power by the love and his peoples desire to be free from enslavement.
We are not good men. We are vile evil bad men whom have been forged by our enemies hand themselves. We worship that which we ourselves cannot have, that which was stripped from our hands before we even were even born, surrounded by corruption and filth beyond measure we jumped into an ocean of shit and piss that was even worse. And in doing so baptized ourselves of our civilizations unholy ways, but hardened ourselves into monsters. We know everything about our enemies, for in many respects most of us were one of them at a point in time long since past, we have grown and nurtured our souls in their subhuman society of criminals and demon worship, we know instinctively what they think.
And gathered as we are, we figured out how to sharpen our soft hands into wicked claws. Hone our clouded propaganda addled brains into multi layered tactical and strategic thinkers the likes of which the world has never seen. While others shy from the hurt and pain of truth, we wade into it well over our own heads and fight the tide of hell that threatens to wash over the last of what is left of that which we defend and worship. We even suck in the tsunami of filth and consume it whole so in our desperate attempt to stave off the rising tide.
Nazi's and their folk have nothing on us here and how we feel. They held themselves to a higher standard, falsely believing in this world and that simply pushing back and acting honorable was a worthwhile endeavor. It is, when facing off against others of your own folk.
But we know we are not facing off against 'people', we are facing off against ancient enemies that will never rest, never stop, never surrender. We know if we ourselves do not stain our souls into utter oblivion and bath in their endless blood until all of them are gone forever, we sentence our children and decedents thru time to the fate we see so many of our brethren succumbing to. When it is our turn to make hard decisions, it is clear we will destroy any man whom try's to stay our hand our of humanity, and then gleefully do the most heinous shit to accomplish our goals. For we do it not for ourselves. We do it for our people.
We know. The people can hate us for it. But what has to be done will be done. Cities will be nuked. Unarmed tides of protestors will be gassed. Fleeing mobs will be burned with napalm. Crucifixion, hangings and drowning will be in our wake after every battle. No quarter will be given, no benefit of the doubt will be leveled. Only by winning and winning utterly with their extinction can we stop and rest. After, our people will recover, our world will regrow, our future will be assured among the stars.
And in the night of ages long into the future, mothers will tell stories to their children of a vicious crazy cult of midget Egyptian frog worshipers from an filipino anime finger painting board that burst out of myth and into reality and burned the world to ashes so that her children will one day be able to grow up in a safe and secure society that loves them and desires them to be strong and proud. A group that by all rights could not have ever existed and had no reason to love so hard that they gave up all of themselves to protect those that they loved and utter not one whisper of mercy on those that hated them.
Sometimes you have to wonder why britcucks even venture outside of their hugbox.
Trips have blessed your quality effortpost friend
Stfu faggot, literally every single post you have made in this thread has been low effort d&c bait.
You have literally nothing of worth to say.
Liberal agenda
Did some strong british lad cuck you with your girl friend m8?
you seem sad.
See what I mean?
First month on Holla Forums and you know holocaust never happened.
After that you believe it should have
By the end of the year you want to make sure it will.
This is actual Rotherham social services worker Joyce Thacker during the child rape crimes.
Why not ask?
twatter thosegoodfellas
insta officialgoodfellas
faceberg officialgoodfellas
Cucks gotta cuck.
What is the point of even making Beowulf under those conditions? To make Beowulf is to present a Nordic aesthetic, otherwise why make Beowulf?
Why Mr.Schlomo? Why are you doing this?
It cannot in any logical way cost that much money to film shit like that.
I take it you're from /britpol/. No actual Holla Forums regular would be this stupid.
Blame brit/pol/ and /britpol/. They're the reason the UK has such shit reputation.
And yet, that doesn't apply to any other nation because they're not Brits. Any other nation? 100% acceptable to "LOL SO NONWHITE etc" and shit, let's title brit/pol/ generals with anti-Germany titles, it's ok because we're british! Fuck off with your double standards.
no one cares about you slavs tbh
If that greentext is true then torture is justified for those trash
The only solution at this point is NA, or an uncucked King.
Why was this allowed?
I see you are a cancerous shill.
Your first few posts consist spamming info we all know followed by
..after which you begin to spam rotherham greentext, despite it having nothing to do with this thread, while taking intermittent snipes at brits.
Then when you are called out on it you start acting indignantly, as if you are in the right by saying shit like
…..demanding that they account for it to you while you lord it over them when in actual fact, there is no real reason to be posting said stuff other than to cause friction and division as it is not connected to the threads topic
Then, again when called out you resort to shitty short snarky posts mocking d&c and accusing others of doing what you are essentially doing because no one wants to interact with a divisive shitposting shill.
I dont know if your a paid shill, an autist or just some shitposter with a axe to grind regarding brits but it is obvious you have contributed nothing of worth to this thread and your intentions are solely to cause shit and derail discussion into shitflinging between the nationalities.
Kys faggot.
It does. Union crew, staff, set, insurance it can easily cost that or more. How do you not know this?
I suppose I should have looked at it with a government mindset. Spend as much money as possible on middling things. And no, it's not logical. It's jewish.
Name one King George that wasn't based as fuck.
Protip: you can't.
They sure did.
Too bad for him no one can compare to Dubs Man.
Today I learned that the phrase 'choking on your own rage' has a basis and isn't just a random term.
Fuck you mods, this is relevant and Holla Forums. Don't let this one die faggots.
Found the address for one of her business
"Milk and honey"
201 Haverstock Hill
You know what to do lads ;)
I'm imaging photo shopping her as a monkey as she's insecure about being a kinky haired ape.
She also interestingly went to the university of Oklahoma, thanks for Marxist indoctrination Americans.
sage because fuck you.
does nobody want to dox this bitch?
Don't you anons realize that if these shitskins think they can uppity we'll start seeing more shit like this. Niggers like an unruly dog need to put in their place.
Thats good work user, keep hold of it - we will have a lot more interest and numbers if this shit actually gets shown on tv. Its like a forced redpill supossitory - kikes and shitskins are incapable of seeing when they have gone too far.
As another user ITT pointed out, propaganda is meant to be subtle, but the new generation of affirmative action diversity hires are too stupid to realise that, hence massive in your face over reach.
also give it to cuckchan - they are good for getting numbers together for raids and dox and stuff
your right m8, I'm working on locating her address atm but it isn't easy.
I know the nigger h8 whitey because she's ugly and was maybe excluded at the all white school she went to. But this nigger got affirmative aciton and a fucking scholorship paid for by whites and she's still on the anti-white train.
Niggers have no concept of reciprocity
so true
yeah but now you lot are going to sit around for another 4 years waiting for brexit to happen before you check the next thing of your "make britain great again" list. you need to…
they are just going to do another referendum in a few years once they have flooded the country with even more shitskins
"just making sure you guyz are sure you still want to do this?" [x]yes [ ]no
bath -> bathe
Keep up the good work, irredeemable you.
thats when i punched my screen
We know leftists are beta-max pussifed man children whose double-think and hypocrisy could form a entire new branch in psychology.
""Cultural appropriation"" only applies one way
We should respect other cultures but they shouldn't respect our own
Mass immigration is only good for Europe it's “diversity" ;)
Whites don't belong in Africa ;)
All you need to do is let leftists talk themselves off the cliff and point out their hypocrisy’s; it's as simple as that. My family on my mums side our leftist cucks that have that o'l deer in the head lights look when facts get slapped up their face.
underrated post, that's some really interesting info
to cash in on the medieval fantasy genre that's popular at the moment, i guess the wanted to attract people who watch game of thrones and vikings.
Made it literally 0 seconds.
I ain't signing into jewtube to watch mainstream IR cuckold bullshit…
Damn, son.
If you want people to see what you are talking about, at least make a fucking webm or something.