Hitler's Crusade

A nationalist seeks to unite with all people in their country, an identitarian seeks to unite only with a small group. If your morality only extends to a small portion of humanity rather than all of it, how can you call yourself better than the Jew?
Jews are tribalists, they have an animalistic morality, seeking only power for themselves. A Christian has moved beyond this, feeling universal compassion and love for all life. Anyone with this lower animalistic form of morality has to be opposed.
This is what Hitler meant when he talked about the Aryan master race.

The Jews are THE tribalists. Everything about their religion, society, and character is based around it. I oppose the ideas of the Talmud, and because I find their physical embodiment in the Jews, I oppose them as well.
You could say I'm opposed to identitarians, that's probably the best way to put it.
Anyone who would kill a member of another group for material gain disgusts me.

This is TRUE National Socialism. THIS is what the Jews fear. They fear people uniting in love with each other against their hate. They fear their divide and conquer tactics failing because of Aryans willing to love their neighbor to unite against those who hate them.

I don't merely oppose Jews, I oppose all who think like the Jews. The only way we can defeat the Jews is by not falling for their divide and conquer tactics and focusing on defeating them. If you're thinking that we need to "save the white race" and have a race war against blacks, you're no better than the Jews and will be fought by all Aryans in the coming war.

The final redpill is realizing that National Socialism is Christian and that Jesus was an Aryan. Mohammed is similarly an Aryan. We MUST unite with the Muslims to defeat our common enemy, otherwise we'll fight them and weaken ourselves, allowing the Jews to succeed.

Either we can try to follow the Jew's example, or we can follow Christ's example.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.

Other urls found in this thread:


aryanism is anti-Christian you fucking dumb Jew worshiper

This is clearly a Jew. This is what we oppose. First post, every time.

An Aryan is a psychological archetype, anyone can be Aryan if they express noble traits, as Jesus Christ did. We are seeking to unite all people who think similarly to Christians just as Hitler did.

Oops! you seem to have fallen for a jewish idealogy op, keep lurking before you post again!

This thread is either very elaborate bait, or proof that christcucks are a 5th column and capable of mental gymnastics that shouldn't be possible.

also reminder: christcucks, and especially cucktholics were an eternal thorne in the size of the national socialists


Christianity was created in direct opposition to Judaism. Judaism follows the Will to Power, seeking to dominate any group other than their own. Christianity follows the Will to Freedom, seeking to liberate all people from the oppression that comes from those who follow the Will to Power. To say that Jesus was Jewish in a religious sense is absurd when the religion he created was designed to destroy Judaism and all tribalist mindsets forever.

You are neither Jew nor Greek, for you are all one in Christ.

Present an argument. These are clearly JIDF scrambling to SHUT IT DOWN

I like my way better.

Or it's cleary not a Jew and you're pushing your own ancestral worship on us

Why not just glass these goat fucking subhumans rather than having to deal with their shit once the kikes are out of the picture?

And this is why a small minority of middle-IQ mobsters known as Jews have dominated the West for over a 1000yrs.

The Will to Power is the very essence of all things that exist you fucking pleb. Your slave morality is crippling and not "free". Freedom was never an option. It cannot exist in a Christian-Jewish-Muslims nigger world

Also, "Judiasm" is post Christianity and wouldn't exist if not for Europeans like you abandoning their own heritage for a foreign belief system like modern Communists

And this is why a small minority of middle-IQ mobsters known as Jews have dominated the West for over a 1000yrs.

The Will to Power is the very essence of all things that exist you fucking pleb. Your slave morality is crippling and not "free". Freedom was never an option. It cannot exist in a Christian-Jewish-Muslims nigger world

Also, "Judiasm" is post Christianity and wouldn't exist if not for Europeans like you abandoning their own heritage for a foreign belief system like modern Communists

Fucking disgusting anti-nature, anti-reality, anti-white Christians

Because that would be the will to power

Christians BTFO

The Will to Power is what lower beings must experience, but as creatures that can reason, we can transcend this. We are more than animals. We can realize that others are experiencing the same things we are, and our moral system can thus allow us to have empathy for others and feel as others feel. The first principle of civilization is self-sacrifice. I give up something so my family can succeed, the family gives up something so the community can succeed, and the community gives up something so the nation can succeed.

“There have been human beings, in the baboon category, for at least three hundred thousand years. There is less distance between the man-ape and the ordinary modern man than there is between the ordinary modern man and a man like Schopenhauer.” - Adolf Hitler

…because there was an explicitly Catholic Party (which went on to support Hitler) running.

Let's see what Hitler has to say about Christianity.

Pure Christianity—the Christianity of the catacombs—is concerned with translating the Christian doctrine into facts. It leads quite simply to the annihilation of mankind. It is merely whole-hearted Bolshevism, under a tinsel of metaphysics.

But Christianity is an invention of sick brains : one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery. A negro with his tabus is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in Transubstantiation.

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.

Hitler said it best himself: Christianity is a whole hearted Bolshevism.

All humans? What are you, a bigot? We need to unite all apes together at last.

By excluding our brethren how can you call yourself better than the Jews? We need to unite all apes today!

top fucking jej

This thread is shit.

Fuck I hate the cuckchan refugees



OP is right, we must join with nations like Iran and Syria against the Jews. Fuck the migrants though, and the Jew Saudis.

Just go back to cuckchan

You this is why Kikebart pushes this so hard? To get you stirred up against the Muslims but not the Jews? Jews are far worse than Muslims, when we've dealt with them we can turn our attention to Islam. Remember as well that Assad is an Arab Nationalist, and those guys are cool.


Or we can not worship a kike.
Sage for yet another christcuck thread.

Congratulations, user, and I really do mean it. You made the leap of faith and, though you're missing pieces of the puzzle and still have dangerous elements present in your foundation thoughtform, you've come to about the same conclusions I arrived at a year or two ago, that being the better group, men, man, ideology, and enabling/affirming the unbound, glorified living of life and the best incentive for personal investment in a system:being the good guys, fighting for higher ideals and the creation of a better way. As for the potentially dangerous elements, it has to do with stress testing, flexibility and speed of adaptation, and how human beings are not always true believers, academically objective, or idealistic interpreters of recorded intent and foundations of law and implementation. Most people are products of the conditions they are raised under, accustomed to, and subjected to, with a tendency to endure difficult or trying conditions they believe are a result of their own actions and choices in life, such as the uneducated and untrained poor believing they deserve no more or are lucky to scrape by and accepting their lot, the voter who's team wins the election and enters into a war that features economic downturn. At best, he will think on changing his vote, next election, or accept the results as a product of personal choice, where voting gives the illusion of free will and a causality basis for believing his choice matters and therefore the consequences brought about by leadership or ideological direction are a perceived effect caused by choice in vote. Now, during times of war, hardship, rapid changes, and calamity, what is important is how the facets of a system are interpreted by and acted upon by the "dregs", shallow information consumers, low intelligence types, those longing for comfort and ease, those of an opportunistic and deceptive nature, and those who's capacity for understanding the complex world around him is poor and also has poor instincts or intuition. Under poor conditions, the Jewish vilifying racial aspect will always result in either Jewish persecution, media lies regarding your government's treatment of Jews being seemingly backed by your own doctrine, or both, violating a universal law regardless and denying the system it's own charges and building blocks as willing and eager "believer" type participants in the design and beneficiaries of successes and improvements.

See what I'm getting at? 1930s Germany? Miraculous, idealistic, united, and an engine of invention, infrastructure construction, and creative output. Germany '40? Hubris takes hold, arrogance spreads, people start congratulating themselves for helping to build a juggernaut, aspirations go through the roof. Some start taking advantage of weaker elements in and around the system at this point, as NatSoc doctrine glorified strength and merit to a high degree, while also damning the weak and the different as proof of the merit in accepting fortunes of war and survival of the fittest at face value, a convenient interpretation and allowing a shucking off of perceived unnecessary effort-sinks. Germany, Russian Front halted and eventually reversed to a retreat? Yeah, this is when things get bad. And the worst part? Adolf Hitler knows, has known for a while, though I won't get into this now. He also knows that the collective belief, or will, of his volk, is essential, and doubt or fear feeds into itself and opens the system and people up for cascade failures, Germany's rapid and somewhat scatterbrained rearmament and their offense-centric war doctrine coupled with a chokepoint in the nerve center between the head, or consolidated power of command in leader-celebrities, and the body, or various branches of military, homeland functionality, and territories, and all defeat takes is regular application of pressure from numerous avenues of attack via forces with strengths unknown or only estimated roughly before conditions return most people to a state of little more than self preservation and going through motions

Anyways, I could go on, but I'm delirious from lack of sleep, this probably makes no sense, and I gave up on national socialism as a means or end a long time ago, along with the belief that any political, economic, or legal system even remotely resembling modern and past ones used by humanity through the ages could do more than simply repeat the same mistakes we've seen over and over

Well, it was fun reliving my past, at least.

fuck off of the board christfuck nigger


Stop being a kike, faggot.

tl;dr we don't like what Hitler is saying so therefore we are going to say that he didn't said it.
You can even find things in Rosenberg's writing to suggest that Hitler was indeed anti-christian.
Christianity is simply incompatible with NatSoc.
But just to clarify, NatSoc is not incompatible with atheism either.

Actually, Table Talks can be regarded as authentic only if the English isn't translated from the French. The French translation is where the forgeries are.

This shows that Genoud didn't want it known that he had forged parts of the French translation.



Jews play a nasty Prisoner's Dilemma/asymmetric information game with the rest of humanity. They use out-group morality on us while demanding we use in-group morality on them. They also demand that we use in-group morality with nogs, muzzies, everybody in the fucking world, and because of that, we get taken to the cleaners.

–We forgive our own, the enemy we kill–
Shoot the traiors twice, kill all subhumans.

It's only God who forgives, ours is merely to provide the meeting.

-Brasillian cop saying.

Absolutely not true. You aren't going to be invited to the Atlantaen revival.

Those fucking time-traveling hebrews! You can't fucking make this shit up.

That is one of the best analogies I have heard about the Jewish problem. You should do a 3 minute YouTube video on it. First lay out one or two short prisoners delima scenarios, then lay out what the kikes are doing and how it is comparable to the fictional scenarios. Have just one or two examples of kikes advocating things for the west that they refuse to allow for themselves. Point out how the game is rigged and the only winning move is to disregard the rules they try to impose on us.

He was for his people first, caring little about what happens to others. When he pushed the subhuman Poles into Generalgovernment to secure his lebensraum, he put his tribe first. When he refused to liberate Ukrainians which was admittedly his failure and turned out for the worst he put his tribe first - he risked the potential defense for potential profit of the spoils.

The struggle will never end. Should a day come that only Europeans are left on this planet, our tribes will settle the scores between ourselves. In the remaining champion the fractures will appear and another struggle will occur.

That is the way of nature.


fuck off virgin

And this here is when you fell into a pile of bullshit. Islam demands the butchering of all who refuse to accept it.
Islam, by your own stated principles, must be destroyed.

No… You dumb Jew slave.

The will to power is the fundamental structural phenomenon of all reality.

Not according to Aryans and those who knew them. Ario (aristocracy) is Aryan blood…. Until scum like you started worshiping a Jew and degenerate royalty deemed kings by the pedo-pope cult changed all that

Actually it's Mein Kamph. Read it first you shitskin Catholic infiltrator.


Nothing wrong with an alliance of convenience, but Christian universalistic morality is incompatible with any flavor of fascism unless you are willing to either make a mockery of Christianity like Condreanu did or a mockery of fascism like Franco did.


I hope your freshly inflamed amygdala can soothe itself soon.

Don't let people of a certain "ferrous procession" hear you or you'll dismantle all of the mental gymnastics I've been reading on their 'zine lately. That latest podcast was pretty topkeks in that regard.
CHRIST IS LOGOS! Really, real logos, not my personal logos, we care about truth and christ is the truth that's why you can just see christ flying up in the sky as self-evident truthful logos! There is divinity everywhere and it is all labeled clearly as christ and not just as divinity in an absolute sense!! The atom is made up of tiny floating YHVHs that's how we know this faith is true logos!! W-w-why are you l-laughing?
For a group so wrapped up in deriding anybody they don't like as autists, they sure seem to fit that bill.

Reminds me of that SS publication on culture that said "One day there will be a choice between church and race…" it seems we are now in the age of that choice. I choose race, myself.

top lel, you stupid nerd virgin
