Hillary Clinton's Mental Health Gulag

Straight from the whore's mouth.

See you fags in the FEMA camps.




(((early diagnosis and intervention)))


She wants to integrate psychiatry into education and further the integration of psychiatry into police.

I…I'm not even sure how much realer I want anime to get at this point.

Has she been infected?

Psychiatry is a Jewish plot. As seen in the Soviet Union, as seen in the postmodern west.



your turn



Fucking this, look up sluggish schizophrenia.
Shit's gonna get bad if she wins.

Early intervention being a euphemism for preemptive citizen disarmament. They want to get as many kids into the system as possible so they have paper trails when they get their (((expanded background checks)))

That's what you get for mentioning things at work. I haven't said a polysyllabic word to anyone at work in years.
Hire me CIA?

Everytime i've gone to the hospital in the last couple years, i get funneled into some long conversation about depression screening.

That's the plan then, they're going to mandate "mental health" screenings as a condition to own/purchase firearms.

I'll bet my left nut this is what they're planning.

Exactly, and in a lot of states there are laws preventing mental patients from buying guns already.
All she would have to do is label rightwing ideals as mentally ill.

All this shit is basically in play already, she just wants to nationalize it which isn't bad if you're doing it to say help out veterans or homeless and use it against innocent americans.
Medicalization of diessent, criminalization of mental illness, look into it.
Every mass shooter was on SSRIs.

That propaganda is amazingly clever. What era is it from?

Being it psychiatrists everywhere, I will show you why it's a tremendously flawed idea to lock up someone with anti-social personality disorder in a mental institution.

Knowing anything true is antisocial, comrade. Trying to reason with a psychiatrist is the most dangerous thing in the world.

I'm far worse than what you are thinking. I'm betting you can appear completely normal at will as well.
Hiding your power level can be used to manipulate background events.
Also; it's quite easy to coerce and influence the mentally ill.
Putting someone like me in a mental institution results in nightmares for staff because I'm not insane.
Merely morally deficient towards liberals, Marxist scum, and non whites.


Oh my no. I can't at all appear normal at will. I spend 95% of my daily energy attempting camouflage and doing just well enough that no one dares call me on it, but I know, they know, and I know they know I know. I keep them just terrified enough that they don't openly confront me about how weird and dissident I am. I congratulate you on your success - I really do. But some of us are just hanging on; that's a fact.

Thieves aren't bad goyim, let 'em roam free.

Also I like how her policies sound good and welcoming and then in practice white males are excluded from treatments and blamed as the source of all mental problems.

This is their end game

Good to know: Most mental health staff are ex-cons and gang members, all nonwhites.
Fucking scum.

Not to mention now you can't join the military or be allowed certain employment positions. And add to the years of irreparable brain damage from taking drugs that fuck you up mentally.

this, look into forced psychiatry and involuntary psych. hold laws, most states already have these procedures in place.

also this, she even has diversity training clause, read: niggers aren't criminally insane, acting like animals is just their culture you fucking goyim
sage for doublepost

This started getting big last winter.

Chop your penis off and you will feel great again, goy.

Thanks obama


I gave my real name, how fucked am I?

This is why you keep your mouth shut user. Even the CIA is allowed to talk to kike psychiatrists. We are not. We serve a higher power, and we are persecuted in equivalent exchange.

never ever answer a medical professional truthfully when they ask if you have a suicide plan.

no. no, they haven't. and even if they had, telling someone about this just sets into motion the wheels of a force far beyond their power. if you *want* someone to forcibly hold you for an indeterminate period of time, by all means, tell them you want to kill yourself and you have a plan. they'll hold you, and do what they can to help you.

but it will mark you. forever.

t. therpaist

Put it this way, if you ever become important in public life, you're fucked.

I had a bad interview with the officer board of the army, I was barred for life for ever becoming an officer. I was 19 and in over my head.


It was from before I was redpilled. So this is why I get shitty medical care? Good to know.

I'm of the opinion that anyone in chronic pain has given thought to it. The only thing that ever drove me to thinking about it was chronic pain and crippling depression when I was excluded from the group by most of my peers in my youth. I've had kike doctors attempt to put me on SSRIs multiple times for off label use (sleep/pain) but I was proactive about what I put in my body so I only stayed on them for a short period of time. I'm not going to trade my wit to become a happy zombie or my sleep for my dick not working.

I know the opinion on Holla Forums is all drugs are degenerate but I've seen the appeal of opium after suffering injuries that either can't be fixed or make no sense to fix (my knees/back is fucked but I've seen what surgery does to people). My mental health is directly tied to the amount of sleep I can get and taking a opioid before bed time allowed me to sleep pain free for at least 6 hours. Without it I'm lucky to get 4 every 2 days. I quit using the stuff because it became too expensive to buy on the street and doctors will simply not prescribe it to a man my age (early 30s). Every doctor I've ever seen was the same way, once they get your money they could care less about you unless you feel like getting on whatever the pharmacy rep shilled that afternoon.

I'm planning to just getting a new identity soon, I don't really like the one I have now anyway.


Man I feel you bro. Chronic pain really does make a person think about life, not because they want to, but because they have to. Drugs are usually just a bandaid over the real problem. But when a cut hurts enough, even a bandaid is a relief.

Deep down, I thin a lot of us just volunteered for a bullshit mission knowing it was stupid and that we were going to get screwed. We wanted to be the elite so badly that even Heaven wasn't enough for us. We just had to come down here, and try to fix things for people we knew would never thank us for it or appreciate it. A little too much love. A little too much egotism. A little too much hope. Of all the sins that people burn for because of this place, I'm okay for ours.

This shit is worse than communism.

would you trigger mental treatment processes when you're trying to get chronic pain addressed?

Do you know what would happen to that nurse, that doctor, that hospital if you were genuinely suicidal, presented with head trauma, they asked you if you wanted to kill yourself, you said yes, they went "ah lol he's only joking", discharged you, then you killed yourself? You think that questionnaire they ask is for your benefit? It's also to protect them.

Sorry to hear about your chronic pain but holy fuck I can't let go how dumb that was. Now that you walked out after triggering that switch they have to set community watch processes in motion and you're tagged as a walking suicide risk for elevated procedures.

I don't know what the Ameriburger system is like but you'all be lucky to get off with a simple observation now.

Here they prescribe you opiates for just long enough to get addicted, and then Jew you cold turkey. It's all a big ugly scheme to keep deep state heroin from Afghanistan in demand. They literally injure us, get us accustomed to pain meds, and then cut us off all at once so we have to buy street heroin and get jacked up by fucking police.

I can't believe I haven't killed myself yet.

I've hardly talked to anyone in college for 8 weeks. I'm surrounded by people and poz yet I feel alone.


Exactly, when you have to plan every moment of your life around an injury you start thinking about life/death all of the time. I can't even plan to go see friends the next day because I don't know if I'll be at a pain level that will allow me to leave the house. I constantly feel like an ice pick is begin pushed into the back of my head and my knees, some days all I can do is keep the light level low and lay in bed. I refuse to get on gibs and want to work, but to work I often need something that masks the pain through the duration of a work day. I'm depressed because I can't contribute to society.

I'm honest to a fault user, ask me a question and you'll get the answer. I don't see any point in telling white lies or hiding my power level for the benefit of normalfags. I know it was stupid but I was in pain, I thought I was going to die, I had been falling out at my home and coming to on the floor for a good 3 months before I finally went. The fact that I went in was proof enough of that because I was willing to give up my freedom to drive just to find out what was wrong with my brain.

Every year my mind becomes a little worse. I don't want to be a drooling retard that has to be cared for but eventually I will be. What's the point in living a life when you're just a vegetable? You just become a burden on people and are only kept around for their benefit.

How badly did you fuck up?

I want to impregnate dat voice with >aryan babbies.

College sucks. Get in a right wing major (business/econ/engineering) and meet like minded people or just suffer in silence.

Also corrupting QTs is fun.

Then why, after you realised they wanted to keep you in observation, did you walk out? They would have put you through a battery of tests and likely determined that the suicidal ideation came from prolonged trauma and possible reduced capacity from degenerative head trauma, but didn't include an immediate risk. If you got a half-decent psych (maybe not in burgerland, I don't know) they would have put you on a two-pronged treatment plan and monitored the suicidal ideation along with treatment for the pain and possible removal of underlying cause.

I know you think it's pozzed but for gods sake go back to the hospital and go under observation before you trigger the artillery-level pharmacological interventions that go with being a walk-out risk.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

I walked out because the doctor didn't give me any impression that he gave a shit about my pain or the underlying cause of it. He was obviously annoyed and just wanted his shift to end and was looking for a reason to make me someone elses problem.

He told me I couldn't afford a CT scan because I didn't have health insurance and suggested I take aspirin and "walk it off". He was an ass and as soon as he left the room I saw a chance to sneak away and so I did. I walked 5 miles to my home, they have the address, if they cared that much they would have sent someone after me.

I will never understand how you burgers managed to let your medicine become so thoroughly infiltrated by the Jew.

Anyway user it sounds like you're fucked. Without access to cheap diagnostics or insurance, my understanding is that any contact with the American medical system will fuck you. So even though you displayed the self-control of a child (muh feelings muh no bedside manner) you probably saved yourself from a very, very expensive ward stay.

I don't think so. I've had countless concussions from playing sports in my youth and riding motor cross. The main one that caused pain was from falling on concrete and fracturing my skull. That same spot hurts every day and the pain level often spikes.

My knees were injured badly from playing sports but they were bearable until I tore something in one of them at work four years ago. Now walking more than a couple of miles is like having a hot poker stuck in that one knee, I compensate by bearing more weight on the other knee which hasn't been good for it. My back is fucked just because that runs in the family.



yeah yeah faggot I grabbed the first GIS for the image I wanted because I didn't want to sort through my 1200+ image Holla Forums folder

Have a sympathetic animu

Last reply because this feels like blog posting at this point.

My feels weren't why I left, I could give a shit about bedside manner I just wanted answers. It was obvious that he didn't feel like doing the work (his fucking job) to get the answers I sought, at that point he became useless to me so there wasn't any point in sticking around.

The only answer I got that night confirmation that the medical system in my country is to be avoided at all costs. I won't be going back to see a doctor ever again and will just continue to self medicate my problems. I'm better off than most in that I have enough land to provide for myself, so I'm going to start growing poppies and harvesting my own opium and managing my pain like my great-grandparents did. That'll get me through until I eventually die from whatever is wrong with my brain.

Not going to turn this into a another GATE shitfest, but
All the pieces for this shit are already in place, it's only a matter of fully implementing it. Common Core was only another phase of the continual subversion of education, I'm honestly disturbed by what more they could possibly have in store.

At least you got nice hitlertrips.

I didn't see your other posts in the thread. You're alright pal.

Don't be a faggot; force yourself to go out and network.

There are other people out there that aren't pozzed, you just have to look for them. Also worth looking for people that are easily redpilled, or just people who are intelligent critical thinkers. As long as they are open-minded enough to talk to nazi frogs, you can earn yourself friends and allies that can help you down the line, even if they don't 100% agree with everything pol says.

Doesn't this pretty much guarantee you a visit from a heavily armed DEA team?

If he never sells any how would they ever know?

Inspectors, utility companies, passers by, blown seeds sprouting on neighboring land… those are the usual ways.

that's the benefit of land I guess. Don't put the poppy field next to the water meter. Smart move is to hide them in some other taller crops.

I inherited 250 acres user so I have plenty of room to hide what I do.

This user knows what's up.

I went to a doctor recently and was surprised when the nurse asked me if I was depressed. That had never happened before. Gave a resounding "no."

After the stuff I came in for was done, the doctor asked if I wanted to have a Tetanus shot because my last one was 26 years ago. He tried to scare me into it by saying that it's everywhere, it has no cure, and it will kill me. I politely turned him down.

Oh, never mind then. Enjoy, user. I hope it works for you and you don't end up having to suicide by cop.

I hope kek heals your ailment, if not I hope you get away with fucking over the Feds.

Lmao, that reminds me I was supposed to get my shots 10 years ago.

I honestly wouldn't put it past them.

Hmm my doctor gave me one for free. She gave the same scare tactic as your doctor but I told her I couldn't really afford it. She went "Hmmm hold on Ill be right back." Left the room and came back in a minute later and said "This one is on the house." Maybe they actually believe it? At least my doctor cared more about me being healthy then money.

all negative speech outlawed when

Le commie indoctrination camps. Video related.

economics isn't right wing anymore. It got overrun by liberals and women and is now becoming a mild pozfest between STEM and liberal arts in. If you want massive doses of autism and right-wingers STEM is till the way to go

The marxist shit is most visible in the behavioural economics and economics and law subjects, where the libcucks flock because they can't into micro and macro as it is "too much work" and the "matehmatic"s is too hard". Hell, during my introductory weeks at uni I already had an old guy spouting stuff around about muh Nazis. I see people walking around on campus with t-shirts saying "Bros for Bernie" and one dude got upset when I had to give a presentation with him and his group because I said that women do most of the household tasks whereas he didn't want to put a picture of just a female doing thd dishes in our presentation, fearing that it would be "too sexist".

I mostly live on liberal tears and occasionally I trigger my classmates into oblivion which produces large amounts of collective salt. Much like am I relatively lonely, but I'm trying survivalism and getting /fit/ atm plus i might grow a varg-tier beard. Focusing on yourself gives you less reasons to be lonely

Heh. One feminist grill was giving me the looks but apparently 'her boyfriend is some fat fuck
I've also corrupted a girl from the Marxist cult called liberal arts. She used to be a really shy libshit feminist, torn up pants, long shirts, bright lipstick, you know the drill and had a shitload of retarded friends who looked like a horde of Buffalos with their nose piercings. Then I found out she liked to be called a slut in private by a fucking white male shitlord

Absolutely pleb tier

My Trump folder alone has over 350 images and i haven't even sorted about 3-4000 unsorted ones

Economics is neither left or right wing. It's a good example to what happens to reputation of a field when too many journalists pretend to be experts of said field.

To give you an idea, kike leftwing krugman is still against TPP despite being obama lover.

Very fucked, especially if you had any interaction with police during this time.
Once you've been put on psych hold it stays with you for life, you lose your second and fourth amendments in all states permanently, especially if you interacted with police and it is on your "rap sheet" then any interaction with any authority figure will lead to your detention.

They don't care about getting you healthy, they care about diagnosing your problem and medicating it. That is the kikes endgame: Medicate all goyim.
Look at the sharp increase in "mental health issues" after Obamacare was implimented, don't have exact stats on me but it went from something like 1 in 40 to 1 in 5.
DSM5 Diagnoses perfectly normal reactions to things as mental illness, a perfectly good example is grief. My grandpa actually got KILLED by these fucks because his wife died and he was overcome with grief, went to doctor goodgoy and got put on pills that made him unable to eat, by the time we'd realized it was the pills, too late to reverse the weight loss. Instant redpill on kikes once I looked up who owned the top pharm. companies and realized I might as well have been looking at a Tel Aviv phonebook.

All of these things are a false premises

You can not artificially manufacture care for someone that has no friends or family

This is in fact a trap. Do not fall for it like I did by calling the suicide hotline just to talk to someone while drinking

The government or ANY OTHER institution is not your friend

Kek, did they van you?
I know they're supposed to send the cops after you if you call them and say anything a bad goy would say.

I said all kinds of shit to that cat lady. I think I explained white genocide and how my son was taken away. I told her I don't plan on killing myself I just needed to talk to someone and it turns out she was a Bernie supporter. I thanked her for her time and told her again I'm not suicidal (I am.)!

Doesn't matter. They can't v& me I already live in one.

Good shit, user. Bumping for visibility. Shillary is going to send us to insanity prison then FEMA camps.
Sounds like she wants to bring back state hospitals too.

Old women. Running the world.

A Jew age.

dead clintons can't do shit

Why are the British the last fucking twats capable of making comedy?

Shit's fucked tbh

hope your using a vpn user

they monitor this site

I guess it's still better than young women running the world, right?

I used to chat with somebody that lives in an RV and travels the county raping wireless access points with a CUDA video card and some dictionaries. Met him in a Quakeworld server, we ended up not even playing but just chatting about Holla Forums topics and conspiracies.

That kind of life sounds appealing for some reason.

fema camps plz.
see you in the dirt bro, i aint waiting in line im bringing as many down as possible with

That's in the process where I'm from. Horrible opiate/heroin/fentanyl epidemic going on here. This is an historical part of the country too. Its a damned shame.

Yeah, I am kinda fucked too. I have been constantly having to go the ER for one reason or another, since I was fucking 3. No shit.
I have had to learn how to walk 4 TIMES!
One of my greatest injuries led to several other health conditions down the road. That injury was getting bit by a pair of copperheads when i was 15. It lead to heart problems like arrhythmia, potassium deficiency (enough to cause pre-heart attack), reduced kidney function, and my left leg still doesn't have full range of motion.
I had ONE job after school, for a little while, but i almost DIED on the floor there. I haven't been able to recover since, and that was 4 years ago.

It's easy. Ask them to define sanity. They can't. If they can 't define sanity they can't define it's inverse and thus their entire methodology of getting you in their program is garbage. Point out normality is basically a shallow fiction based on not knowing anything about specific people, and basically everyone is weird once you get to know them, aside from the absolutely fucked up ones.

This. I was in there for 2 months and had the staff tamed and useful. Free food, power, rent, smokes, company, medical care. I used it to get out

How many of you fuckers have gotten v& by the insanity police yet?


at 16 i had to do a 48 hour observation and because I picked up a fucking almanac so i would have something to do other than talk to the niggers there for drug shit i was told I "didn't belong" and was a "smart kid" by the nigger staff.
Mental health facilities are a waste for everyone involved.

get a garden going and grow poppies and make "poppy" tea.

most people don't know its where opium comes from so, just go to the grocery store get some poppy seeds and plant them they grow like weeds. put it on your balcony or in your windows if you live in an apartment.

Reminder that poppy tea is addictive to some degree and shouldn't be overindulged.

At least we'll be in good company.

Remember to carry your card with you.

because its fucking opium you stupid sack of shit.
i made the comment to a guy coming down off painkillers as an alternative to buying (giving money to a jew/nigger/race TR80R) and risking getting arrested. or just claiming innocence saying it was supposed to be and organic alternative. not that anyone would give a shit if you just learned to shut the fuck up about it.

i'm sorry my crop failed and i'm kinda on edge