Pol Moderator is a pedophile
Anyone surprised?
Pol Moderator is a pedophile
Anyone surprised?
Other urls found in this thread:
Servers you right spamming cuck
Except for the known fact that most mods including Holla Forums and the site owner are Jews.
You like raping kids?
who doesn't?
Also a pedo, just look at all the loli threads on 4/b/!
he's a half jew half turkish shitskin living in canada. he is also a weeaboo, so ofc he is pedo
Find me the law that says its illegal to be a pedophile?
/loli/ what is wrong with lolis? Someone tell me cause I don't know.
I've seen some pedos over there but why should I care about them and the fact that they like it as well.
Some peoples are seriously retarded
Nice projection there kiddo.
Go back to your containment Holla Forumstard.
The one on the left is about to eat the rind.
THAT is what's wrong with lolis.
And you're posting on the premier pedo board on 8ch. Who do you think you're talking to here? Go post this shit on /polk/ or /zenpol/ or any of the other offshoot boards. Nobody here cares or hates pedos. We're all about the lg's here. Kike.
He ran and bawwww'd all over /sudo/.
Why are antipedos so pathetic?
So, you support pedophilia I take it?
t. pedophiles
All me tbqh fam
fucking kek, based mods
This retarded shilling is up again.
First you post childporn
Then you get blocked for posting it
Then you whine x-chan was a pedo board all the time and mods are pedos when you can't have your loli.
A bad case of projection
says the jew who escaped from the holocaust
no u
well what the fuck do you expect. pedos or not pedos everybody is tired of your shitty "HURR DURR muh 8chun is a chlid rapist hedquorter WAEK UP SHEEPELE" spam .
and the ONLY THING you are ever going to achieve with it is getting your own ass banned and crying after that
You know where you belong
People are tired of the pedophila degenerate.
Neo Nazi pedophiles. Do they only rape Aryan kids? Or maybe their asian wife's kiddies?
How would you know when and where CP is posted?
I didn't know "rabbis" were against pedos.
Rape is the only way White Nationalists can get sex. No normal female would make White babies with them.
8ch is only a pedo site when cucks like you bend over and let the pedoniggers have it.
I suppose you also don't bother to occasionally check the the pedo witchhunt theads on Holla Forums, you backseat vigilante.
mentally ill people that's who!
come here fellow based sane man
Paedophiles & Violators, you will not escape National Socialism. The paradigm shift has come.
Children who are victims of sexual abuse will be given a pension (that will go the parents to either spend on the child or keep for them until proper age) and access to free jungian psychologist therapy/herbal remedies (non-pharmaceutical) will be arranged for their psychological/physiological restoration. There will be no 'rates' or 'degrees' of victimhood, and all victims shall have equal rights and access to an equal amount of restorative resources. Education will be free, so there will be none of mammon's presence amongst children while they are away from their family. Soldiers shall be present in the school environment, and any adult found abusing a child will be detained and brought into state custody (including a soldier) to be processed. Parents may participate in the schooling, and will have rights to a pension, but are to ignore all other children but their own. Parents will have full rights to homeschool their children with a generous pension, with access to a state-of-the-art library for all their curriculum needs, but the family will be subject to monthly psychological examination. Eventually school environments shall be phased out, and education responsibilities shall be rightfully returned to parents. There will be a complete overhaul of the "constitution" of child rights, to which they shall be subject until the age of 22 (unless they conceive the first child, which would confer adulthood upon them). (Abortion shall be absolutely illegal and punishable by sterilization and indefinite detainment in labour farms). The children's rights "constitution" will be an annex of the complete family "constitution", which will reflect the benevolent economic and political model of the state, and any disfunctional families will be temporarily institutionalized into a rehabilitation program. This program will be positive and holistic, but the consequences of failure and detraction shall be made clear to parents from the very beginning of parenthood, and the revealing of such information to children will be illegal.
'Paedophiles' as defined by the state as a singular collective of detractors will be given their own constitutional human rights seperate from all other members of society, and a global extermination program will be created by the state at the behest of millions of benevolent families concerned for the wellbeing of their innocent children. There will be multiple agencies dealing in the identification and prosecution of paedophilia in society, and agents of these organizations shall be put to death if found to be abusing their power to any degree for personal agendas. Parents found committing acts of paedophilia by an agent of the state will be exterminated, and their children shall be raised in a special program to become agents of said organizations responsible for identifying paedophilia. If at any point during this program the child exhibits their incapability to adapt, they shall go to high-class nursing home-style camp to be taken care of for the remainder of their life. These surveillance agencies will have access to state-of-the-art databases and will be able to monitor/indicte even the most powerful individuals (including the fuhrer and reich members) and will also monitor the "camps" these incapable child abuse victims shall be relocated to. Surveillance agents shall receive a reasonable wage, and there will be no bonuses or packages for agents who find incidents of paedophilia (as to remove greed and usury from the organization's construct).
There will be no beating around the bush, nor will there be any shades of grey when it comes to defining an act of paedophilia. All paedophiles will be round up, processed to the middle-east (the most economic method, considering the middle-east is the most concentrated area of paedophiles in the world), mechanically purée'd and poured into the caspian+dead seas, which will have a state-of-the-art filtration system to control the organic decomposition's damage to the environment. Within the timespan of 50-100 years, talmudic practices will be completely phased out of planet Earth, and along the way there shall be a natural decline in human corruption and incline of individual wellbeing and societal integration. Jewish psychology will be weeded out of the legal system, but psychology will remain a fundamental aspect of human law. There will be no human exclusion from National Socialism, as all men and women will be called to a productive and healthy life involving the upbringing of children. Degeneracy at last will be put to the sword, and we shall overcome this depravity of fear and suffering that is ingrained in our current 'system'. True security and privacy and peace of mind shall return to Earth, and there will be no escape for its Violators. The centuries of man's LARPing as demonically possessed thralls and a cult-like ineffable force of inhuman darkness will be brought to an end by National Socialism. It was done in Germany (which is why the kikes razed it to the ground with hellfire), and that europeans are now a global collective, it can be done globally.
i would sleep with that beautiful esoteric female, im a white nationalist btw but not having kids so racemixing not a big deal
You belong with the kikes.
Ban him!
Trump is a zionist. WN is anti-jewish pro-zionist doublethink. You will be swept away with the rest of the dirt and dead leaves.
sweep your room son
This just happened yesterday…
before kike mod - archive.is
after kike mod - archive.is
we have plenty of brothers and sisters procreating to raise our numbers in the ranks. aryans and esoteric aryans will unite again as one, and the bloodline which the descendants of the SS carry who reside in latin america shall live on in this fight. i am doing my part by redpilling anons on the key to winning this battle against the kikes, what are you doing for our race?
brainletism is so dangerous
Start by taking a penile plethysmograph test yourself, if you get erect you will be shot in the head immediately.
As long as this version of hispanic national socialism stays in hispanic lands, then it is fine. However, it is my point of view that the aryan is the ideal standard of man, and that you will need some kind of direction or involvement with us. "Gentile" is a title given by jews to many people, because they are historically aware people (despite their ineptitudes) and recognise the aryan origins of many races and their cultures. All "gentiles" as defined by the talmudist jews shall be eligable for the natsoc society model, however it is absolutely imperative that different races remain geologically seperate and that stolen land be returned to it's native and liberated from rothschild control/influence.
Liberal arts will also be purged from academic society. Better start learning some basic farming skills, user.
Irrelevant. Human psychological will overcomes primative bestial urges.
Not me. I just assume everyone's a pedophile at this point.
Hundreds of millions die for being degenerates and race traitors
7 billion die for not being white
that's why i want to kill everyone day of the rope is coming and everyone will pay
praise pepe
DOTR is a (((neo-nazi))) fantasy. Wake up to the truth, brother. There are many people who need liberation from evil, but evil is not itself a form of liberation but the very bane of it.
The pedophile will always out himself.
anything i disagree with is evil
hail hitler etc. etc. 1488 etc. etc.
lmao tests show the overwhelming majority of men getting erections with those tests when shown pedobait
t. literal evil delusional control-freak weakling
brainletism it is
thanks for the board reccomendations, faggot.
nowpiss off to reddit or where you came from.
no wait, kill yourself.
Nothing better than have a young boy or girl die on my dick balls deep.
This was incoherent to me. What are you saying/inferring?
Do you know what the CNS is? I can't believe this is how you justify yourself, pedo.
(Projection: attempt failed)
More verbatim and projection.
Enjoy your short-lived 'freedom' while it lasts, talmudist.
If you fap to lolis you are a hebe/pedophile, no getting around it.
But he's not a pedophile because the children aren't real.
gott mitt uns
They are still depictions of children/young adolescents
I was being sarcastic to prove a point.
Oh, I feel like an ass now lol. But to be fair, it didn't read sarcastically.
so >>7859548
So I don't like pedophiles I hope the next cupcake you eat gives you an upset stomach.
I found the pedophile.
Don't worry it's hard to tell if people are being stupid or just trolling.
Fuck off with that bullshit. I read the fist line and gave up.
isn't false equivalence?
So, I was just pointing that out. Many people think that since they're drawings that means they aren't pedos/hebes.
No… If you get aroused by a sexual drawing of a child of course you would get aroused by an actual child.
why is it so difficult for lolicons to accept that they're pedos? there's nothing wrong with it.
That's almost the same as
If that were true, then women wouldn't be pissed so much at weebs for ignoring them.
Explain your reasoning, because I'm quite certain that actual children don't look or act like this fictional character.
They very well could. Maybe not with that skin tone and hair color, and not sure about the actions.
The attraction is to the body style, maybe that makes more sense.
same guy as ?
They don't like being labeled as pedos but they are.
Find me a RL kid with this body "style", I guess you mean shape or silhouette.
I couldn't, because that's not a loli. lol
To add to what I was saying: they don't like being labeled as pedoophiles because people associate pedophilia with child abuse. You will hear anti pedophiles and pedophiles argue about 'not all pedophiles are child abusers.' Weebs are disgusting but they don't have the stigma of 'pedo.'
No. I'm right here.
oops lol. Sounded sarcastic, so I thought you were him.
That's not even the case though. Antis just argue that lolicon normalizes pedophilia and they're lumped in with us anyways. All they achieve with this pussyfooting is looking like a bunch of deluded morons.
nice i learned how to use mspaint when i was around 6 as well bro
Shrug. Let me indulge in my pedo degeneracy then.
Heh. It's IrfanView. Nice try though.
Yeah all that arguing for nothing because they're still pedophiles whether they like it or not. But I don't blame them for trying to not get thrown under the bus as well.
"This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. It is not available in your country"
This kiwifarms-tier bullshit makes me sick. You people need to be judged.
Disengage from the discussion.
This is correct; the pedophile projects his sexuality onto the innocent, undeveloped child, whereas the sane individual would recognise the child's undeveloped condition and naturally find no sexual inclinations towards the child. The loli is symbol an idol image of the archetype of the child. How newfags can't see this leaves me astonied.
Exactly. No beating around the bush, no shades of grey. Human depravity is what it is.
Your existence is vicarious - stay away from the real world if you know what is best for yourself. Any real parent of children would happily remove your ears from your head with a rusty kitchen knife, and there are many and will be many more to come.
Use some free proxy like ZenMate or something like it for a moment.
And this?
Don't be surprised that the corporate world is rife with paedophiles. The rothschild jew kings 'own' (have usurped) 96% of the world's gross domestic product.
You are a retard, and I'm not even sarcastic. Do you think I would get a boner when my underage cousins and nieces drape themselves on me when they visit me?
not a single argument in this entire post, and doesn't even understand the difference between conflation and false equivalence. still has the nerve to call others subhuman like the superiority complex infected child rape victim he is.
I guess you could call that loli, but that is overly animated and not sexual ( the few seconds that i watched). I am referring to loli porn, not weeb shit.
Not user that you responded to, but I would assume that it depends how they "drape themselves" on you
That was an illustration regarding the body shape. There is also sexualized content, but not on YT, and it's a pain in the ass to find again the source for it.
I was sexual as a child.
Well, no crotch rides, but fairly close.
Not if you are a sane individual who hasn't been brainwashed to find kids sexy. I never claimed you were, so you must be projecting about your little cousins, user.
Not an argument.
You were and could still be a fucked up cunt, like many today, but jungian depth psychology can reverse the damage.
What you did looks close to to internet tough guy act.
BASED mods
Anti-pedo is code for anti-white
A song they own the copy rights to was in the video, and they claimed it. Which lets them choose which regions see it. Nothing to do with Sony being ran by pedophiles.
Oh wow so now you're victim blaming? smh. I am done talking to you.
lol. The only one brainwashed is you buddy.
Who makes these posters? Like, is it just one dude sitting down, with GIMP and going to town? That must be so time consuming.
I wasn't making an argument, I was pointing out that you don't have one just to watch you squirm like the pathetic whiny subhuman faggot that you are, you child rape victim loser. Please continue to entertain me I'll be making some popcorn while you type up your hysterical mental breakdown.
This whole thread reaffirms my belief that chanology was created by worthless deepweb pedo cowards, and there is no redeeming value in it.
What are you even talking about now? Stop trying to derail, user.
Have a look at the culture they are apart of and are promoting. Do you realize how deep this pedo shit really goes? Pizzagate was nothing compared to what has been going on for centuries in the judeo-christian world.
Go back to reddit, if you are looking for a safe space. I deal in solutions, and choose to be present at this time here on Holla Forums. I was invoked here from something I saw on Holla Forums, otherwise I would not be posting here.
Typical tripfag newfag shit.
You have yet to contribute anything to the discussion. Everything you have said, are saying is irrelevant to the subject of paedophilia. You are just acting like an autist, which makes every think you are one of them trying to slide the discussion. Also, stop projecting - I was never a victim of sexual abuse as a child.
Go back to reddit.
Edgelord, get pwned if that's your fantasy. Not everyone fantisizes about getting v& and vapourized like you, though.
Are you still denying?
hilarious thread, get rekt pedos
Loli content is banned in UK and Canada, not where I live. Your fantasies of vengeance shall remain unfulfilled.
I have been banned before, specifically for being a pedophile. I think Holla Forums must have changed that ruling since I've seen many people posting photographs of children and defending my sexuality.
I'm always a little weirded out that calling someone a pedophile is slanderous.
Your misuse of deepweb proves to me that you are an idiot, but I will continue to make fun of you anyways.
Promoting? They simply claimed the rights to a video, I wouldn't call that promoting.
You actually believe that nonsense? I'll admit, there is some truth to it, the Podesta emails prove that, but for the most part the connections are stretched so far that they aren't credible.
You haven't either. All you have done is make your opinion known.
Holla Forums is satire, newfag. It is literally all just trolling and shitposting but then every once in a while a stupid cow like yourself comes along and takes all of it seriously providing the rest of us with endless entertainment
Porn is also banned in Israel, while they force palestinian TV to air porn. What of it?
So deranged you are willing to entrap yourself in a thread where paedophilia is being discussed…
Certain elements of the investigation are very real, but the whole investigation is kosher.
The future will be dark for you, violator. Now is the time to fix yourself before that future comes.
Stop trying to confuse people.
Reiteration: Certain elements of the investigation are very real, but the whole investigation is kosher.
I didn't make opinions, I made arguments. There is difference, but seeing as you said before "I wasn't making an argument, I was pointing out that…" it is clear you have yet to grasp that difference. Assertions are not arguments, and that is an argument I am willing to reinforce with more examples of your bullshit ITT.
Can someone define the difference between the darknet and the deepweb? People always use these two terms interchangeably, and when I ask no one will tell me the difference.
I beg your pardon? I'm not getting you.
Well, maybe it would if the FBI actually fucking investigated it.
There's no difference; they're synonyms.
Pizzagate is just some wonky conspiracy theory, mate. There is no "super secret" ring of nefarious pedophilies keeping child sex slaves .
Care to tell me your arguments then? I am not seeing any.
he's brainwashed by Holla Forums
there's no reasoning with him
just wind him up and fuck with him
lurk more, newfag
Yeah I've been told that many times yet no pedo wants to tell me the difference.
The FBI isn't investigating either because they are not getting paid to, or they are getting paid not to.
Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies.
Tell that to hundreds of authors who have lived and died to expose jews. Tell that to my collection of 800 pdfs from said authors. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of researchers like myself today, who are reading said books and creating their own insights for future generations who are going to put this shit to an end.
This is not satire, this is deliberate jewish confusion in the form of 'news'.
Sexuality does not include paedophilia; it is an act of violence that stems from a confusion of sexuality with violence (destroying a child's mind with sexual depravity and rape). If you get off on looking
This tactic doesn't work on real people who are going to read the thread for themselves. Stop trying to derail.
You don't belong here.
pic related.
If you get off on looking at sexually besotted children, and refuse to restore your psychology whilst continuing your degeneracy that systematically destroys innocent life, you need to be fed to animals.
Nevermind I know the difference now. I just used duckduckgo. I was right to think there's a difference between them and the few articles I read confirmed it.
Deepweb is the part of the clearnet that can not be indexed by search engines, such as Facebook messages or emails.
A darknet is separate from the clearnet, and is only accessible with certain software, such as Tor or Freenet.
Hope that clears things up.
Just realized I'm technically a darknet pedo. Great.
Thanks but you're about 5 minutes too late.
Sure it is. And I'm sure in your book people who are racial realists, anti-feds, holocaust "deniers", and anti semites are all but a bunch of fakers too correct? Whatever you say you projecting newfag.
I can see right through you, stupid faggot. You've most likely have never been on that board.
nu/pol/ is really fucking cringy.
the retard got 4 years in prison for falling for stupid troll bullshit which is the same path you're headed down but hey man whatever don't say I didn't warn you not to become the next practical joke of these literal sociopaths.
nu/leftypol/ is even cringier
Oh my! Who is the source of that beautiful picture, I'd schlem her geschorkt if you know what I likschneinz!
Nice rhetoric, but two questions:
Is that anything more than your personal opinion? Who are you quoting?
How does that relate to lolicon? Whose lives are destroyed by it?
Not to feed the Holla Forums idiot, but there is evidence that shooting was staged.
There's an image circulating about the faggot mods on several of the main boards.
Both of those are mentioned, along with v, jews+, tech and some others.
Fits, because those are the ones that ban anyone who goes against the narrative or any of the hidden rules.
I'm just sick of Holla Forums's anti-pedo bullshit.
Amazing that a small few goys managed to get kushner/cohn/adelson to waste literally milliions of dollars on propaganda and astroturfing ops, huh?
Thanks for the warning, but we'll be okay.
BO is a tranny, you can easily find the vid of it sucking Holla Forums BO's circumcised jew dick if you look.
jew pls go
Anti-pedo bullshit? You use the word bullshit like we are wrong, or something.
I would take you seriously if you didn't say shit like "DOTR is coming" and imply "You'd kill all the pedophiles." That's why I think nu/pol/ is cringy.
The reason we know you're a Jew is because getting this site shut down silences the one major source on the internet for (((holocaust denial))).
It was never about the children.
You are wrong. All the anti-pedos do is push their ideology and morals onto others, with no facts or evidence to prove themselves.
Why would anyone deny the holocaust. It never happened in the first place.
Oy vey! Rememeber the 6 Gazillion!
Most of society as a whole is anti-pedo, you understand? Look man, I read some of the book "the trauma myth" by Susan a Clancy, and I will say this- I believe some (or many) cases dealing with pedophilia are immensly exaggerated, but you can't convince me that having sex with an underdeveloped child is not harmful in any way. Most 14-16 year olds? Probably not harmful. That's not to say they aren't taken advantage of.
Thinking things are cringy is cringy.
Calling everything nu is nu.
This site is faggy, was completely ruined 2-3 years ago, and halfchan before it was fucked 6+ years ago.
It has all gone, and I don't know of a replacement.
The only reason for coming to this shithole cancer pits is to be able to speak your mind, and that REALLY isn't possible on this site in particular.
It is over moderated to fuck by a bunch of shady freakjobs.
Say anything critical of america on several boards, means 3-4 week ban.
Criticise someone who is lambasting Europe non-stop, a 3-4 week ban.
That's just pol, the faggoted shithole.
Leftyaidspol bans anyone who doesn't say reactionary 40 times per post, and doesn't suck cocks on live webcam.
v is run by someone who is mentally ill, and has serious personality problems, joining in discussions with sockpuppets then banning when he starts losing the argument.
Jews+ bans anyone criticising the collection of flip trannies or the cancer goldwater crap.
That isn't speaking freely, that's fucking reddit tier shit.
Old halfchan is long gone, but at least it is a lot harder to be banned there, the more aren't freaks that spend hours reading through the posts to see if it fits with their diseased cult brand. They generally just ban for actual rulebreakers.
Pity that that site has been shit for years though, utterly infiltrated by sjw and paid posters.
Six what?
What is that thing on the picture, it looks like an insect.
I'm not the one larping as some big bad pedo killer here.
Everything else you said I can more is more or less agreeable.
Having penetrative sex with a young child,
Everything else you said is more or less agreeable. Excuse my french.
Your ignorance of the facts and arguments does not equal the non-existence of facts and arguments. Like I said, it doesn't matter how much you throw molyneux-tier retorts at us, anons can still read the thread for themselves. And it doesn't matter how much the kike mods delete and ban us all over the chans, there are still archive websites and easily-spreadable images containing archive links for anons to investigate it for themselves. Stop being a derailing cunt.
[TRIGGER WARNING] Here are a few arguments.
Elaborate on why you did this. Holocaust denial is jew deterrent 101 (even though David Cole/Stein contributed).
You don't belong here.
Cool projecting, please keep it going.
I don't give two shits about your Jewish conspiracy theory. You're telling me pedophilia is harmful and this and that. Where are the facts to prove that?
holocaust denial is a jewish term and a jewish propagated meme, hence (((holocaust denial)))
Pedophilia is literally just a sexuality. Its not an action.
Are you well?
Did you mean >kike?
Fuck. I remember this one "futuristic" movie (where she zones out and imagines she's somewhere else) where there was a child sex ring where this one sick fuck pimp put a needle in the poor girls eye. I also remember the ending when the main protagonist (the little girl) distracted gaurds so an older girl could escape (of course she hesitated). Can someone tell me what movie this is? I can't remember it and I want to. On an unrelated note though, Jews are absolute sick fucks.
when is all this pedo shit getting shut down?
Meant *eyes
literally nothing wrong or law breaking about those posts you stupid nigger
sexualizing children violates dost, nigger
God damn!
Out yourself more.
So child grooming is normal? Taking a sexually undeveloped little human and exposing them to sexually explicit adult behaviour is not violation and does not traumatize them? Jews don't push sexualization and child sexualization in western culture, creating twisted anons like yourself who internalize the jewish psyche? Time for you to make some arguments, user.
But are you saying denial of the (((holocaust))) is jewish? That's all I really wanted to know.
You are a fucked cunt.
Soon, your kind will be gone and then I will be well.
nobody's sexualizing children on any of those posts
Why where you on /wafiuist/? Are you trying to prove that you're a pedophile too?
the only reason you even have a conception of holocaust denial is because of jews, dimwit
So I take that as a "no"?
When brennan, Jim Watkins, his son ron (Codemonkey), Josh Moon, Imkampfy (berkay ozdemir), Smiley (kenneth schueler) and the rest of the pedo mason jew scum BO's that run Holla Forums get pwned by a taskforce under the new FOSTA system.
t. fed shill
the pictures themselves are sexualized and the theme of the board itself is "idealized wife" i.e. sex
mental gymnastics much?
I don't want to kill pedos. I want to live under a national socialist state that executes them for me. Fundamental difference.
no, you're just retarded
good thing that's never going to happen, you can keep dreaming tho.
Well, if you could give me some facts on how it does traumatize them I might end up agreeing with you. So far you have provided no factual information to prove this,
None of those post violate any rules nor did the pedo discussion boards, yet they were still taken down. It's obvious they're playing favorites here.
You can't get /waifuist/ shutdown. Jim protects that board, always has.
not an argument
Your posts from yesterday say otherwise. Keep larping as a big bad pedo killer, fedora.
proving the waifuist board sexualizes children and that the board's theme is implicitly adult and sexual in nature would be trivial in a court of law, no matter who "protects" it
/waifuist/ is going down soon, friends
Go to their board and tell me where they're explicitly sexualizing children. Please do it. The owness is on you.
*tips fedora*
>4. SPOIL ALL pornographic pics, gifs, webs, mp4s etc. – Not following WILL lead to a warning and/or being banned! 8ch.net
Stupid kike.
prove they do, faggot
Not an argument.
You're taking this too far tbh. Just keep enforcing the law, and if need be extend how long they stay in prison.
You keep using this word. Sure you aren't just trying to justify your lack of arguments caused by being a fucking retard by projecting your retard condition onto other anons, user?
citation needed
Holla Forums itself needs to go down. Anons need to realize their true potential and stop wasting their time in this honeypot.
I just came here to let this board know what's coming.
Stupid kike.
Anyone who saves CP is only a small few degrees away from the people distributing it. If you think they aren't apart of that fucked up system, you need to do some logistics.
Still not an argument. Woops.
There's no argument to be discussed. You can keep sperging out but that won't change the fact that there's nothing illegal on that board.
He's just a larp anti.
Why'd you ignore this post?
Seems to me you don't have an argument for what you claim. All you do is Jewish shitpost.
where the fuck does that say anything about "rule" 3 and 4 you disinfo nigger?
I'm not sure what you want me to say but those are the /waifuist/ board rules. Are you stupid?
you're a retard.
Oh, you were talking about /waifuist/? I thought you were talking about the dost link you had.
Actually retarded.
After two millenias, the current 'law' (legal system) (system meaning 'sewer') is talmudic and needs to be fucking binned. America is about 5 years away from declaring bolshevik communism.
Your posts are void. Saying something is not an argument is itself not an argument about anything. It's like me saying someone is projecting when they didn't say/do anything. Stop derailing, user.
Oh it's you, berkay.
Why'd you ignore
and then claim I didn't respond?
Says the pedo LARPing as an user on the chans, hiding behind a community of legitimate natsoc anons.
ITT: triggered pedomods larping as anons
Tit for tat.
Larp harder.
Maybe if you weren't so stupid you'd understand the context of these posts.
I told you I don't care about the Jewish shit. Does it prove in any of those links that pedophilia is wrong? Probably not. If they do, tell which one it is. If not, fuck off and go play vigilante somewhere else.
Larp harder like I said earlier.
let me see some citations and arguments
Notice how these kikes have an absolute meltdown when archivebro appears?
Still not an argument.
Your opinion isn't fact. Please remember that.
Larp harder.
That wasn't me. I asked that user what he was on about with his BAMN spam, but mods kept suppressing him and he just said "look at the thread above, retard" so I called him a newfag.
Fuck off berkay, we know you're one of them and you're only ITT for damage control purposes.
Eh. Feels good man.
Once again:
Still not an argument. If it really is cognitive dissonance you'd prove me wrong but all I'm hearing is the war cry of someone who just lost the argument.
Read Legal
Read In accordance with US law
There have been people trying to kill hatechan for 4 years now and you come across as one of them posting this.
Holla Forums is fucked beyond repair and has been for the last 2 years but in this case I support the ban if not the length of it.
Shut up namefag.
All true, but you do realize they're meant to fail and the replacement if it's binned is just going to be a new age universal version of the talmud, right? The con job never changes, it just increases in scope.
These faggots get completely
over the most menial non issues and think they have to kill anything besides their own sperm.
Jim runs sex toy ads 24/7 & promotes pornography boards. He literally hosted pornography streaming websites a few years ago (probably still does), he race-mixed with a chink and surrounds himself with filipino tranny prostitutes. Keep that in mind before you complain about boards like /cuteboys/, /zoo/, etc
his interest is in acquiring money, so if hosting a particular board threatens his wallet, down it goes
That's my point. Appealing to Jim's sense of decency is futile, since he doesn't have one.
So where's the new teen board now that globalfags killed /8teen/?
Holla Forums
Thread(s) where?
built it make one and they'll come.
Reminder: National Socialism Germany was only 70 years ago. It will return, and rescue western society from the jewish pedo scourge.
daily reminder that the age of consent in nazi germany was 14
daily reminder that hitler was in love with his 14 year old niece
Don't fall for his bait. He's a larp anti.
But it's fun.
You're the only one I've seen using this term.
I'm the only one who sees through your little game.
Not everyone is kikey, you stupid faggot.
Go have a look at hebe age models on loli fox.
Salty boy
do you have a big folder of these? I need moar
I used to have hundreds of roach memes, but lost most of them
There is no question that the mods of Holla Forums are rulecucks that arbitrarily ban people (as most boards do). But to say they are "kikes", I'm going to call you a projecting salty kike yourself tbh.
These are the most retarded images I've ever seen. Honestly, neck yourself.
what the fuck is larp anti
And when someone bans you for spamming images calling them misogynists, it means they hate women, amirite?
Pedo jews got absolutely skull dragged ITT
Not false. You've been spamming this shit image all over the site, claiming that posts to Holla Forums support pedophilia. If someone bans you for it, it doesn't mean they do support pedophilia, it means they disagree with your spamming of the image.
Over reaching?
Also, spreading truth as OP has done fairly, with citations included, is not spam. You just call it that so anons don't think to actually look at it. I just looked at, and OP is correct with the jpeg. What's your dog in this fight, anyway…
Unless you are a law enforcement officer you have literally no business looking at/searching for child porn, period!
I agree. The mods should be held accountable for all the illegal content on Holla Forums.
NO. did you not hear what I said retard only law enforcement officers get to deal with this shit anyone else should jailed or hung.
I agree and when national socialism becomes the leading political/economic model of the west, I will glady join the force to stop the kikes.
the only citation thus far (from either side) is "the link between stockholm syndrome and pedophilia" which is literally just kike tier "everything I disagree with is a mental disorder" logic.
No, it quite literally doesn't in most cases and a significant portion of the damage that does occur otherwise is cunts like you shaming children.
It was the slippery slope predicted from the start, this place is no better than 4chan.
Fix Pol spammer is back?
Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, disgustingly-vile lovely youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of adorable joyful innocence! Children are friends, not penis food. Children are not "hot!"
If someone calls their BO kebab, would you object too?
Common Core strikes again….
Punch yourself in the face on my behalf, pls.
Read this and the footnotes nigger. All of those names you just spelled out are fucking Jewish.
dude wtf your (((pdf))) crashed the vm I created to open it in. post a .png or .jpg screenshot like a respectable human being and then kys.
fuck I'm an idiot. obviously anyone challenging the jews' plan to subvert civil rights via le ebin pedo boogeyman in spite of everything they say being a load of horseshit completely trashed by any brave soul willing to compromise his academic career to reveal the truth will get attacked one way one or another. and now here I am downloading trojans like a dumb cunt. warning to anyone else concerned: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THAT PDF
Post evidence exposing the anti-pedo kikes and the thread gets shoah'd. Wow. Jews really do run Holla Forums.
Off yourself
"Nothing wrong we give a Holla Forums."
I warned, I warned.
Femminists and gay communists, hate concurrence.
Next, Holla Forums will attack /loli/ and next will attack all another otaku boards.
I warned, dont trust on communists.
What is this myth
They can come clean and state their identity with photos just like other boards.
Typical pedoshill fed cunt who will not respond to arguments
Sex is part of a child's natural development. Repressing that instinct breeds violent and autistic adults.
The Jews spent the last half a century demonizing white male pedophilia in the (((media))) to undermine the authority of the white male father figure. Did you never wonder why (((hollywood))) and (((documentaries))) never present the predatory child rapist as black?
Kill yourself pedoshill
>The Jews spent the last half a century demonizing white male pedophilia in the (((media))) to undermine the authority of the white male father figure.
Stop pretending you aren't a jew, pedo.
> Did you never wonder why (((hollywood))) and (((documentaries))) never present the predatory child rapist as black?
Terrible reinforcement of a shit argument trying to exalt paedophilia as an aryan practice. Startling courage. We spent centuries destroying and stamping out hedonism and sodomy (judeo-christian culture).
reinstall OS daily