What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?


autoerotic asphyxiation

Arrested for possession of child pornography.

Free helicopter ride.

Well since he is a faggot, likely HIV positive blood tests and rectal prolapse.

Its a good thing that kikes and liberals decide to off themselves in this manner.

med-resistant AIDS

Writing fun and entertaining material.

Most 'lol so quirky' unbearable shit I have ever watched, had to turn off halfway through the first episode. Can't believe someone from here recommended it.


Fucking none of those movies have made a dime. How the shit does he keep fucking getting work? It just doesn't make sense from a shiekels perspective though little in hymewood does anymore

Is he Jewish?

Yes and his father is a producer.

Couldn't be nepotism goy, that's an anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

is that darth kilo?

Max "Children Chopper" Landis
Max "Free chopper rides" Landis
Max "Helicopter Haircut" Landis
Max "my dad is a helicopter parent" Landis.
Max "kill the gook with a CH-47 Chinook" Landis
Max "get to the choppa" Landis.
Max slaughter them all Landis
Max "Heads will Roll" Landis
Max "Dad wanted me to get a head" Landis
Max "Nebrotism" Landis
Max "Fly Lower" Landis
Max "Get to the Choppa" Landis
John "when the chopper goes wild, we kill another child" Landis.
Max "when the chopper goes wild, we kill another child" Landis.
Max "son of the flying guillotine" Landis
Max "fly low, sweet chariot. daddy's gonna cut off your head" Landis.
John "full body bris" Landis
Max "Slicer and Dicer, with a side of rice-er" Landis
Max "uptomyknees in the blood of my father's victims" Landis
Max "If there's an epicanthic fold, put them in the ground cold" Landis
Max "China Syndrome" Landis
Max "Stunt double? Just hire twins" Landis
Max "How do I get this helicopter to" Landis
Max "I can't" Landis
Max "Spin around, and Cut them Down" Landis
Max 'pop their top like ol pop' Landis
Max "I suck dick while my dad kills for kicks" Landis
Max "Kids aren't bad helipads" Landis
Max "My dad directed Blues Brothers and loves crying Vietnamese mothers" Landis
Max "how do I" Landis
Max "Twilight Zone is covered with children's bones" Landis
Max "They broke my fall, but it killed them all" Landis
Max "i feel glad when i kill jennifer jason leigh's dad" Landis
Max "kid killing yid" Landis.
Max "Yellow peril" Landis
Max "gleefully spins propeller penis to Landis hate" Landis
Max "Death from above" Landis
Max "Asian Abrasion" Landis



What's the story with this guy?

Hes the son of the director who did some flicks like the american werewolf in london and the twilight zone. in the twilight zone two actors including a little girl were decapitated and the director/producer was never in any trouble.

He writes some scripts for flicks I've never seen before and makes videos on youtube talking about movies and writings. All this seems bad but he actually knows what hes talking about and has been shitting on the force awakens and why it and hollywood are boring garbage ever since it came out.




Was actually a veteran character actor named Vic Morrow and two little kids.

HOLY SHIT THEY HAVE VIDEO? And yea my b, I knew it was Vic Morrow he was well known.

What does it mean

He has grown up in a Jewish environment, knows all their tricks and still can't catch a break with a good film, so he instead shits on their trickery and reveals the secrets to the mainstream.

He's an unbearable faggot on the subject of Left vs Right politics, but he's not a commie, can't manage to Jew money out of people properly and doesn't hate white people for being white, so he's a tolerable leftist.

The coloured hair was a mistake, but he got rid of it recently and looks like a gay Shia LeBouf, without the JUST look of recent months.

I'm sure he said he likes chicks in one of the few videos I've seen of his. Might be wrong, though. He definitely looked queer, but maybe he's just a generic hipster.

Fuck that reddit spacing. I thought I had more text for those "paragraphs"