Is there a film you could feel more indifference to than Avatar?
Is there a film you could feel more indifference to than Avatar?
english motherfucker, do you speak it
yeah i never cared for pulp fiction either
Any recent movie about niggers.
any capeshit
I've never even seen it
no one here watches television or films
get out
any movie that isn't oinkino
When did you realize that Avatar is about white genocide? Those weren't indians dancing with the wolves, but blue niggers.
And the few people that do have shit taste.
The biggest mistake ever made by man was freedom of speech and thought.
It's so slow that the ADHD kids don't notice it and due to education getting fucked they don't know it ever was any different. At most they're told that in the past the white devil gassed six trillion jews, did some sadistic bdsm shit to the entire African continent and the only good thing they did was wrecking their own shit during the revolutions or slaughtering germanic people who didn't want to be fucked by the usury kikes anymore.
This is where we are at.
I don't feel sorry for the blue people but I am interested in how the people cope with the overpopulation and advancing the technology development.
the actual people in the movie were far more interesting than the Na'vi. They weren't grounded in reality at all so anything they could show or detail would be like a 6 year old describing his OC sonic character.
the 70s called, they want their boogeyman back
correct most people have shiggy taste
I cant think of any
does your father ring you up to call you a faggot at least once a week?
Overpopulation has happened and is only getting worse. The oceans are collapsing from over fishing. Niggers are breeding out of control.
Pandora – The World of Avatar
I hear there are solutions for that
That movie sucked