imkampfy hidden 3 hours Holla Forums Bumplocked thread #7854808
This piece of shit anchored while he let's shill from UP
Here is the video they don't want you to see and spread:
imkampfy hidden 3 hours Holla Forums Bumplocked thread #7854808
This piece of shit anchored while he let's shill from UP
Here is the video they don't want you to see and spread:
this clown and moonkike are the biggest laughingstocks this board could offer
posting in a soon to be deleted thread.
I will just spam the same video over and over then unless they give a reason why the let mic shill up and locked this one
Good. Keep deleting this gay shit.
His feminism videos were useful as fuck to redpill women
I vouch this video will work too. It's short enough and straight to the point.
epic bro :DDDDDDD
The mods obviously work of the Trump campaign so you really don't have anything to worry about.
They were deleting Trump threads at the beginning of the election, but they realized they can't handle the flood so.. went in damage control.
The only one that I trust on this site is Jim.
It's because you're spreading Kike Pigeon Speaks, a faggot cucknadian eceleb.
Get fukt faggot, you could've easily posted a webm.
At least The Goldwater has the decency buy ads on Holla Forums to promote his shit.
I just here for anime.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a fan of kampfy or coonman but I get banned almost every time I even slightly criticize Trump
Holy shit this is rich OP.
how do you know that and why it's relevant to the video about hillary?
so this is how you /r/srs cucks start infiltrating.I have seen this pattern.
They allow Trump, but anything that is not a shitpost about cheap laughs they delete
I don't even know what that is
The video's creator is a well known alt kike stooge.
This is enough for me to sage you thread.
How is it relevant who the maker of the video is? People see content, see Hillary, not the maker of the video.
user, I think you may need to learn a bit how people act.
Nice video.
imkampfy is literally anti-fa.
Just take this trash to a namefag forum like TRS you're guaranteed to get some click-shekels that way.
out of curiosity, can you link to me a thread on Holla Forums that you like?
I haven't been able to do that for over a year
I'll watch the video BSP, but the fact that you trust HW's likely murderer disgusts me.
which reminds me I got some fresh OC
And somehow that's not chronic shitposting.
at least the site admin speaks with the users, I never saw the mods on Holla Forums say anything.
Twas a decent video. Gas incomfy.
Building up a recommender system for your alt kike shilling efforts?
I still wonder why Jim still employs that autistic faggot, he doesn't even actually MODERATE ffs.
out of curiosity, can you link to me a thread on Holla Forums that you like?
Was it spoilered? If so its not against the rules.
It's a term kampfy uses when he bans you for posting things he doesn't like.
nice. but let that faggot respond. he can't.. because he has no thread that he likes, he's here just to shitpost and fuck things up
i'm sorry but I think I gave him that term
I never saw it in the ban logs until i reported this redtext spam guy about a dozen times for "chronic shitposting"
you could rectify that by no saging the thread that fucking exposes him?
Black Pigeon Speaks is one of the most pro/pol/ youtubers i've seen on the web
censoring him is ROCK SOLID PROOF of shillery
Somehow it seems the mods have a hatebonner for E-celebs and will enter full shut it down mode whenever someone post one of their videos here
Same shoit happened with Evalion
it didn't matter that she was calling out kikes, niggers, landwhales, faggots, trannys, degenerates while sourcing everysingle one of her videos
she was a young chick thus was laveled a camwhore and enyone defending her a withe knight beta cuck, and she also had a patreon so she was also acused of being a clickbait kike
Evalionfaggot, kill yourself.
alright but who doesn't already know this shit?
>he supported a literal kike whore
kill yourself. more proof the >muh reed peel faggots are just insufferable cuckchan cancer that needs e celeb cancer to rectify their political beliefs.
we should do something about it after the election.
Only your thread is worthy of shitposting in OP.
TRShills out.
so now the intention is clear why you started the thread.
Go take your e-celeb vlog cancer elsewehere faggot
instead of the good old hur dur she's a kike, how about explaining why a youtuber calling out the kike owned media and citying sourses in the comments is a bad thing
Hey CTR everyone knows your raiding us…
you could at least try to not copy paste the same retarded post in every tread
You gullible faggot still in love with the whore who spewed Hitler quotes in the hopes of having autists give money to her patreon. When will you ever learn to not take shit at face value?
Have they deployed Tay on us or something? Every single thread gets this shit comment that sounds like a bot.
So Evalion wasn't a degenerate who was whoring herself out on the internet and generally being trashy? In the end, that was the point user. We don't need that. I do agree about ecelebs being a useful propaganda tool. That's what they should be to us though, a tool. Our strength comes from being nameless.
An actually jewish attention whore that not only did porn but stole most of her content, and all of her 'original' shit consisted of stale memes with no actual redpills? Totally worth obsessing over. Totally worth shitposting the entire catalog for a whole fucking week.
Commit suicide.
Wew lad
pic related nigger.
enjoy your bump locked thread e celeb wanting bitch ;)
in addition to my other post. are you fucking 9 years old retard?
Thanks when the OP is shit guy.
i should have posted the "i wonder who's behind this post jpg", but i'm to lazy to search for it
Learn to read ID's newfag i ain't OP and you obviously do not belong here
why is it that you guys hat capitalism so much, if she wanted to make a buck and people wanted to give her money, more power to them
still does not take away merit of calling out the kike owned media and sourcing the info of the videos
Oh please do enlighten me
I've been asking for a while what is worng with E-celebs spreading Holla Forums`s word and the only reply's i get are character assasination by Kike shills like you
I was unaware of the porn stuff and frankly' i'm indifferent as i don't really care to much for PR but at leas it helps understand where all the hatred comes from; mind providing some sources, to those claims **And no i do not intend to fap to her, i just want to confirm if your claim is true
This on the other hand is a bullshit argument, i don't care where the info comes from or who digs what, i only care for signal boosting her, and that Evalion did
Oy vey, another usefull tread locked
more proof the mods are compromised
No proof
Fake proof
Fake proof
All debunked and yet here you are again repeating the same lies, just like the rat kike you are. Notice black pigeon isn't allowed (cause anyone who names the jew is obviously a jew huh) but the "based lil wayne" thread will probably stay up all weekend. You faggot collaborators want this place to be reddit so bad but it never will be. You should have stayed on 4chan.
At which point did I pretend I was someone else. Calm your fucking autism nigger. Don't be upset someone hates your e celeb bullshit pandering.
post proof then
it's getting boring. all you do is deny and then scurry the fuck off.
definitely know where you come from faggot.
TRS fags continue to shill here I see
Implying you don't know you're a lying piece of shit. You pushed the "it wasn't really Gex" thing for weeks too before someone made a macro proving it. Only a dipshit goon btw says something false then asks for proof of it.
Says the hotpocket trying to turn this place in to 4chan. Get fucked then kys.
So does Alex Jonestien
Meanwhile a Jonestein clickbait bread gets to stay up
Pays to buy ads here. Welcome to anonymous kikebook.