Montpellier : Les déchets du marxisme tentent d’empêcher la Ligue du Midi de rendre hommage au héros Beltrame

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Ta yeule.

the idiot who got himself shot by ignoring all training and common sense? the same guy we have to paint as a hero to avoid daech crowing louder than france?
va-te-faire un enema.

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T'es communiste?

pas du tout. je suis patriote et allié de la verité
et toi, tu es provocateur professionnel ou juste un autre naif et credule loser mettant son temps au service de la division et le mensonge?

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C'est quoi ta véritée mon ami?

je ne suis pas ton ami: loin s'en faut

C'est quoi la véritée connard.

vous ètes des zéro resté a votre place bande de sous race

je suis pas français mais vous avez besoin de vous réveillez les baguettes, expulsez les nègres et les bougnoules de votre pays ou c'est la fin.

french frog faggots are the scum of europe. may you keep burning! :D

Thanks, Shlomo. This almost makes up for the Holocaust, right? Or do you also think we should work more hours for less money, like Macron wanted?

When french frogs faggots invaded my country they plundered catholic monasteries, they raped, they killed, they opened the tombs of our previosu kings in search for gold rings.
French frog faggots are scum and i love everything that is happening to them.

Where you from, and is there any rings left?

Retourne au 18-25 fils de chienne

Pourquoi tu dis ça?

Tu veux quoi le bougnoule

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Dogs > muslims

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buhuhu…we have to all like each other because we are all in the European Union? Fuck off, i hate you. I hate french frogs faggots, i hate your faggot laguage, i hate that i had to learn your faggot language at school. Don't worry, i can't speak for shit, i just did enough to get by ;)

See pic related…that's a catholic monastery you faggots plundered when you invaded my country

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Haters gonna hate.

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I agree.

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Ta gueule.