ICCAN Hate and ICCAN Alternatives thread

ICCANN just destoryed Stormfront in their latest crusade to censor Wrongthink.


We all know that we can use custom domains on alt-DNS (e.g. .glue on OpenNIC) but convincing normalfags to switch to that is an impossibility. How then do we bypass the Communistic and heavily Judified ICCANN in a way that normalfags can do too?

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe if we had a mass extermination of illiterate morons like you we could vote someone into office with a clue how technology works.


Under US hold, ICCANN had to accommodate everybody.
But then, Obama gave ICCANN to the United Nations! What could go wrong? Now a Swede is in charge and is shutting down everything.

The fuck does ICANN have to do with this?

ICANN is privatized and still based in the US, you fucking moron. This story doesn't even have anything to do with ICANN.

Lot of people on the far right are hopelessly naive, they should be expecting this type of thing and worse but they're stuck in a goy mindset.

Idiots will always be idiots.

We were expecting, thing is: now it's happening and news are flying.
Many already have backup plans.

Why doesn't someone just setup an alternative DNS root that's dedicated to free speech?

Because such person would be suicided or boycotted by the industry.
But it really needs to be done.

Really? I can't imagine it would be that controversial. It's not like the intention would be to destroy the current system.

Tech companies are moving as one in implementing an agenda.
That guy would basically destroying everything they did so far.

News Flash: Stop acting like obnoxious fuckheads and people will do business with you.

Fixed. Kikes hate competition from the goyim. Kikes (((suicide))) goyim who invent things to barrow steal their inventions quite often. It would not be beyond (((them))) to kill someone who started to offer any competition at all.
Why do you think youtube has remained so popular?

You were doing fine until this part. YouTube is a money-burning machine, and any competition is struggling precisely due to that, the shit doesn't make money and even loses it.
Google can have it because it makes money out of other stuff to compensante.


Ok let's get real here. I am going to pretend to become my own video content provider.

Being a normie I have, at best, a 1gbit up/down connection in my home. Pretending I had that I would purchase four very cheap laptops of a pre 2008 era and install gentoo on them for effieciency and security. I would then go and buy a switch to supplement all of them since a normie router is a peice of shit and switches are cheap if you look hard enough.
This is about 800$ so far. Of those four laptops one will be running a DNS server via dnsmaskq and dnscrypt. Another would be running a webserver with a way to communicate with the third and fourth laptops. Those laptops would be dedicated to storage of videos and serving them to requests. Best way of doing that is to use kerebros and a samba share server. Along with usb hub extenders and a great many HDD drives connected to them with SATA-USB converters.
We are at maybe 1200$ now if you went over the top on buying disk drives. This nets you a effecient setup serving videos which you convert to vp9/orbis/webm videos to save space on the third and fourth laptops. Or require uploaders to do so. You should have atleast 10TB of space of you did it correctly. That amount of storage is 102,400 videos that are about 40 mintues long.

This is not a extremely expensive endevor. Nor is it too difficult. It is just a pain in the ass to get going on a budget. Then there is the fact kiketube will be going anal at your existence. Then the fact ICANN will attempt trying to (((suicide))) you because you are setting up your own dns server to bypass them.

Let's go a step further and say I wanted cached servers of those videos more easily to serve other people without killing my main location/home internet. You would have to purchase a building with a huge internet capacity read a buisness building which are about 800-3000$ dollars a month depending on location before paying for internet and electricty. Then you would have to purchase two more laptops with the space equivelence of the first two video serving laptop's capacity.
This is another 500$ minimum per location before monthly payments to the electric jew and that shit. You would also have to add the ipv4/6 adress of these servers to your dns server to load balance based on some criteria like a reverse whois.
If you did this across the whole united states of america it would be 4000$ for the equipment to setup in 8 locations including your home. The really expensive part is paying to rent the building with the equipment in them. That would run you about 5,600 dollars monthly at a minimum. 21,000 dollars monthly at a maximum. But this website is autistic as fuck. Lets pretend a dedicated group of autists did this in their current homes all across the country and they paid for the equipment seperately. You still need to get 8 different autistists with the technically knowledge and 500$ to get the initial equipment and that is before video space expansion as those drives fill up.

What you seem to forget user is that even if we convince normal fags to use it, how are you going to make it support the load of users ?

The actual DNS system is broken and centralized it needs another one.

just use Opennic and .chan TLD .

Along with adding server load balancing for videos you could add dns servers for another 200$.

Is there any real solution in practice or even in the works for this domain bullshit? This is just going to get worse, I know it. If I want to host a site with thoughtcrimes and piracy and the like for my community, what's the best option? Things like opennic and tor services and the like is fine, but something that allows normalfags to not do "complicated" things like... anything really... is pretty much required in this day and age.

Unless you solve the jewish question, then no. Kikes who own all technology companies will keep shoahing it.
You could go decentralised dns but then you have to create the software and get normal fags to use it. good luck with that. If you did that you might as well implement a full blown mesh protocol at that point. Which would be difficult.

Shit, might run a T2 OpenNIC server. Looks like the underlying infrastructure is there, just needs some more love from nerds.

So what's the practical solution for actually creating a site that will survive, while also having the easiest normalfag reach? Host through Tor and add instructions for downloading their cia bundle thing?

gl with that.
Again, unless you solve the jewish question then centralised internet is out of the question. That means things like using ipv6/4 ranges, DNS via (((ICCAN))), traditional web browsers, and normalfag OS's like windows go out the window.
Tor is the closest thing to normalfag reach right now. But it is shit for various reasons. Then there is that getting normal fags to adopt it part. Then there is that part where you are piggybacking off of cianigger infrastructure unless you block all nodes in north america and europe.

So you're saying there is no hope then. Well, I hope you're wrong.

After a little researching, I would say make the site, use OpenNIC's DNS, and then create a proxy site so that normies can visit without modifying their DNS resolver. This way people can setup a bunch of proxy sites, attract all the normies, and then demonstrate how to switch their DNS resolver. It provides retard access while preventing lunatics from revoking the main site's domain name. I might be over thinking this though.

Still, the problem here to get around is having a stable address over time. If you have the community to spread and maintain a bunch of proxy sites then you're set anyways.


Yeah I'm considering giving this a try. Create imageboard software that's JavaScript free, use an OpenNIC TLD, setup a T2 server to contribute to the network, and then make a proxy site that can be copy-pasted with ease. Shit, now I'm all excited.

Not terrible, but the problem is that events and shit will often spawn huge normalfag influx. That's why they nuked these sites now, because people are looking for those communities. In that case your proxy site would be blasted in the same manner?

Multiple proxy sites with a master list located on a mastodon instance(or somewhere else)? I might be making things a little convoluted at this point. I guess I envision the proxy sites only being used by the normalfags who happen to stumble on the site while the active userbase would switch their DNS resolver.

And absolutely none of this will do you any good because any such publicly known service will be constantly DDoSed into oblivion. And Cloudflare isn't going to protect you. You'll have to keep it hidden, which defeats your whole purpose. Right or wrong, that's what will happen, and you have to face that. If you fuck with people, they will fuck you back. That's a fundamental law of human nature that trumps all laws, rights, constitutions, and ideologies. Welcome to reality.

Which is why the kikes got put in camps and deserve to be put in camps again. :^)

For context, the stab in the back was real. The SPD, a leftist party teeming with Jews, was responsible for uncritically accepting every word of Versailles and then setting kikes loose to do a wide variety of degenerate shit, like turning Berlin into the world's largest whore house, and pioneering the first surgeries for deranged faggots who wanted to be women (and killing one who rejected a transplanted uterus). Not to mention the (((anarcho-communist))) rebellion that started before WW1 was even over.

Ok, look, I don't give A FUCK about you nazis. Stop shitting up my board with this bullshit. It's not illegal to be de-platformed and frankly I'm glad you were. Hate speech is illegal in my country and I can't fathom why it should be illegal in the U.S. but, oh wait the U.S. is a giant shithole full of retarded christian mongrels so it doesn't really surprise me. Just seriously fuck off with this and go whine somewhere else. I'll start reporting your threads if I need to.

And it's why you got kicked off of Cloudflare, Google, Digital Ocean, and every other place you tried. You're the niggers now. How do you like it?


ICANN didn't censor anything.

Fucking Holla Forumstards I swear, why doesn't the BO ban these morons?


This is your mind on leftism, folks.

They removed their dominion after they got kicked.
Do you even read anything?
This is not Holla Forums and if you don't like you should leave, useful idiot.

Go back to ebaumsworld.

If you're against, you may as well remove yourself from the internet, utter twat.

Actually he does. And so does you, which is why you are here.

I hope you both get banned. This fuckhead's been dropping terrible bait in every thread about DNS censorship and you idiots take it every time.

Go back to leftypol you cunt

He does that on /a/ and Holla Forums too, you can see it by the way he talks.
He must be the worst user on 8ch maybe.

That's the registrar, fucktard.

ICANN didn't censor anything.
It's the registrar.
In the US, you're free to not serve anyone you want, except if they're a protected class.
Network Solutions just bowed to public pressure from retarded faggot far-left faggots like yourself, only you're on the opposite end of the spectrum.
This is fundamentally a property dispute now. And above the registrar is the registry. You don't see the registry censoring anything, and you don't see ICANN censoring anything.

Learn how this fucking shit works before you spout off on "oooga booga Obongo handed over control to da UN and now muh meme site got censored."
This could've happened any time without Department of Commerce oversight, it's just that retarded faggots get upset over things they don't like and mass spam the registrar.

Read a book, dipshit.

So what did ICANN do?
From what I can tell, Network Solutions is not ICANN. It isn't even mentioned in the link you posted.
But I guess Holla Forums recognizes ICANN because of what obama did so you put that in the title.

Well, on the basis of being a protected class.
If you're a faggot screaming on your cell phone in the middle of a restaurant, but black, they're free to tell you to fuck off. Because it's not due to the fact you're black, or a homosexual, it's the fact that you're an obnoxious fuck.

That doesn't make what the registrars are doing is right, at all. But really, what's probably happening is that some Silicon Valley degenerate is giving out whois info to morons and they're all spamming the registrar. It's more convenient to just do this than deal with loud, cocksucking pieces of shit leftists complaining about obnoxious neo-nazis.

They removed their domain name. Same thing they did to dailystormer.com

They didn't do anything.
The OP of this thread is a moron. Which is what people were trying to say before some other cocksucking faggots jumped on them and told them to "lol, go back to le Holla Forums"

Degenerates, the lot of you. Get the fuck off of the board, and then drown in semen.

No, they did not. You retarded piece of shit.

You know you could just leave if you don't know what you're talking about, right?

You know that you choke on cocks, right?

Okay, I'm going to spell for you, useful idiot:
If you didn't make the connection yet, please die.

Registrars had no responsibility to the first amendment in the first place. This is all up to their own policies. You are a retarded faggot. You do not belong on Holla Forums

Let me lay this out for you, faggot, as simply as possible:
ICANN/IANA gTLD/ccTLD/etc. registry registrar registrant
ICANN/IANA is the root. They are not the gTLD. They are not the registry administrator (Verisign). The registry is not censoring anything. ICANN/IANA is not censoring anything. That leaves the registrar, Network Solutions.

The registrar is an accredited organization that is authorized to sell domains to registrants, and manage them. The registry is the organization that admins the TLD. ICANN/IANA manages the root.

You are fucking retarded. Try reading a book.

They had. It's the whole Cake baking thing.

You still misses the point, how retard you can be?

No, they had none. Once again, businesses have the freedom to refuse service to anyone, regardless of whether there's a court order.
But, you are also free to file a lawsuit for property disputes like this in the US, I imagine. And the registrant would probably win.
I'm tired of arguing with a retard so I'm just going to let your shit thread die. Try reading a book, dipshit. You were wrong, and you have no idea how this works, so you just blurted out "ICANN! MUH OBONGO"


Go home, useful idiot.
ICANN is fucking with Registrars and this is serious. The Namecheap stuff was clear to anyone really accompanying it from close.

ICANN has nothing to do with mentally ill leftists spamming registrars with emails complaining about "muh nazees" and registrars proceeding to do this.

Please, just get off of Holla Forums. No one should be subjected to this level of retardation. If you're going to shitpost about something you know nothing about, try Holla Forums.

Which didn't happened. The shutting down started even before the march in Charlottesville started.
This shows that you clearly know nothing about the events.

After you.
I agree, go away.
This is Holla Forums, nothing to do with Holla Forums


You quoted me 3 times only

Try harder, ass blasted retard.

Dude, literally GoDaddy recieved a bunch of complaints from dipshit leftists, and then told dailystormer to transfer their shit. Then google revoked the domain because it was a major news story on HN and everyone was talking about it because it broke their registrar policies.
And now this.
I've followed the events. You do not know what you're talking about.
Your shitposts have everything to do with Holla Forums. You're a mouth breathing aspie who belongs on Holla Forums.

I'd tell you to choke on a bag of dicks, but you might enjoy it.

No, the first one was Red Ice, before the events. Daily Stormer came as it was happening, and it got down before Leftists started.

Hatreon is offline.
>72 books on WWII revisionism have been banned by Amazon darkmoon.me/…/complete-list-of-books-banned-by…/

Totally not coordinated, right? This all happened before Charlottesville even ended. There's even a video of a girl saying that their AirBnB was getting cancelled while marching.


What the fuck is Red Ice? No one follows your Stormfag bullshit here. It doesn't change the fact that all of these are the result of dipshit leftists sending a bunch of mails to registrars or news coverage painting a registrar in a bad light, therefore they use their freedom to cease business.

You. are. a. fucking. retard.

The sites and people were and still are being targeted.
It has nothing to do with Leftists complaining shit

I thought it happened after the daily stormer got shutdown? When did it happen?
How is this even relevant to the fact that ICANN hasn't done shit?
It's not even fucking mentioned in the link OP posted.
Do you have any evidence that people from ICANN were involved in network solutions seizing the domains?

It's almost as if people hate nazis...
I'm not saying there aren't people out to get rid of nazi content. I'm saying there's no evidence ICANN has anything to do with it.
Maybe the reason so much nazi shit got shutdown is because the left started taking you guys seriously. If one service goes down, people tend to keep going on the attack.

This is what happens when you start a shitty OP without explaining the situation. Misunderstandings happen and the thread goes to shit as you slowly try to piece together the story for readers. Maybe the topic is important but I have little clue what exactly went down either.

In the future, less stormfront, more evidence chain and explanation on what the fuck went on. Otherwise it's predictable you will be judged on the stormfront rather than the point you were hoping to make.

I'm not reading your wall of autism. Suffice to say that all of this is just pushing incompetent stormfaggots underground and it's highly remniscent of red shirts vs brown shit faggotry.

You were the one who implied ICANN was responsible for this. You were wrong. ICANN has nothing to do with spotify bullshit or even these domain revokcations. You might as well blame the gTLD for all it's worth.

You are a subhuman fuckface. Got it? Get off of Holla Forums. Try not being wrong next time you make your shitty thread.

It's not a misunderstanding. He's a moron who specifically used "ICANN" because he doesn't know how technology works.
He's attempting to damage control for this fact and bring up some conspiratard bullshit when in reality it's some Twitter mob of Antifa, Silicon Valley degenerates who are just spamming providers, registrars, hosts, of any and all content they can find because they have really small dicks.

There's no evidence apart from Registrar shutting down sites they never bothered before. Stormfront was 20 years old for instance.
People are saying it is ICANN because now it holds no responsibility to the First Amendment.

Just don't try to enter in a conversation you know nothing about then.

I'm not even OP.
It's not, they started shutting down before people even complained anything.

And those people are fucking retarded.
Because, as I said, registrars are at work here. ICANN/IANA did not make this decision. Registrars are accredited business/organizations that are not, nor were ever, beholden to the First Amendment.

You can argue all day about whether the policies of ICANN or accreditation for gTLDs from the registry should include strong free speech protection if there's no laws being broken. Just don't claim something where there's no evidence in the OP, and there's no evidence period, and shows a major misunderstanding of how DNS is managed.

In conclusion: eat shit.

We're going to be next. Either Jim will sell us out or they'll shut us down. We got Trump elected and they know. Get your bunkerchans ready.

So, a Registrar decides it will uphold by the First Amendment and then ICANN terminates it.
Good, nice, you totally know how it all works.
Baking cakes.

You cannot refuse service if your client has no irregularities, which was the case for all those people.

Lol I think the salt-leftard is worried there is practical advise here . It must work for (((jewgle))) to be this anally devasted to derail this hard.

I believe they're preparing to do that with many imageboards simultaneously.
They're going full-shutdown mode. In Germany, an Antifa site was shut down.

"Red Ice", whatever the fuck it is, is not even mentioned in the OP.

What you're referring to, fuckface, are state and federal laws that have to deal with businesses and "protected classes."
Guess what is a protected class? Races (whites, niggers, kikes), and sexual orientations (straight, gay, tranny, genderfluid, whatever else), marital status, etc.
Guess what's not a protected class? Political affiliations, neo-nazis, etc.
You don't even know what the fuck the "baking cakes" cases are about. Why do you think your opinion matters on how the root zone is being managed.

You can most certainly refuse service, to anyone. My mechanic can refuse service if they heard bad things about a customer. A resturaunt can refuse service for any reason.

You. Are. A. Fucking. Retard.

First, there's been a push for a while to push certain content out of websites for a while now. That's not new.
It's also different from what your complaining about, because it's websites filtering the content they serve, not domain name registrars filtering websites.
And frankly, ICANN has even less to do with all of those than that.
Yes, the alt-right is under attack, but you're identifying the wrong enemy. That's all people are saying?

Which registrar and when?

Well, except for refusing service based on the fact that they're part of a protected class. But I already said that, just to be clear.

those than network solutions fucking over stormfront.

No, you can't. That's discrimination. If these people decide to enter lawsuits, they'll win, but in a legal battle, with money involved, it would be pyrrhic.
They even said they could and would win, lawyers too.

Namecheap was defending vehemently Daily Stormer on Twitter against every kind of person.
But suddenly, they terminated then and said sorry.

Where are they located? We need to firebomb that place

Okay faggot, go ahead and try to argue that to a court. They might try to play the protected class card, but the fact is that businesses have the right to refuse service TO ANYONE (except refusing service based on their status as a protected class.) You see, sometimes they have a big sign that says this. Basically saying, for most people, "if you're a fuckface, get off of my premises."

Why is it that stormfags are so fucking stupid?

They're an "NGO" now, they're under the umbrella of the UN, not "private".

B...B...B..ut user, why would they say succcchh nice thinggss? Why then take action and ban them? (((Who))) could be behind it?

Okay, I see the problem here. The retards in this thread bitching about ICANN are not stormfags, they're either feds or antifa Twitter faggots.

Hey that's systemd/nsyayyy bait to you sonny!

public pressure is a bitch right? Also, still no link to ICANN. Not saying no one's going after alt-right websites, just saying ICANN isn't.
Weren't they hacked by some anonymous group anyways (namecheap hacked)? Might be wrong on this.

They would win, even the EFF said DS was in its rights.
It was arbitrary, no terms of service were broken and DS even paid everything in advance.
This was pure pressure (before Leftists inundated GoDaddy twitter) from higher organizations.

Wasn't Stormfront 90% tamer than Holla Forums?

NGO is "private", you drooling moron, and they were private before, they were just under the oversight of the Department of Commerce.
No, they are not.

Yeah he sounded like he was mad at ICANN for what Google and whatever previous domain name registrar they were under did to his favorite site, which is fucking retarded.

You've never read a ToS agreement, have you? Granted, how enforceable it is is a separate question but a lot of big businesses reserve the right to fuck with you and cancel services whenever they please.

Go take your brain-damage elsewhere, you retarded faggot.

I think you posted the wrong picture faggot.

90% less shitpost
They were very much National Socialists in a more traditional sense, without Holla Forums's "edgyness". Stormfront even said that Holla Forums was a joke.

No, what EFF said is that terms and conditions should be explicitly upfront, and that they were disappointed because this harms freedom of expression.
I agree with them. That doesn't mean that the registrar doesn't have the right to cancel service.
Granted, domain names are really iffy. There's property rights issues, and all sorts of shit.
You show a fundamental misunderstanding of how this all works, again.


I think you need to get back to work, Bill. Lots of parallel construction for you to commit.

This place has turned to total cancer in the past few months.

I was taking issue with the stormfaggot being a retarded subhuman who was wrong about something he knows nothing about (DNS root zone management), you fuckface.
Calling out retards for being retarded is a pastime.


You know (((who))) is to blame? The cianiggers. Definitely them.

It's because the topic is slightly Holla Forums related and every faggot can see it now on the overboard.

I've come across a good amount of people who surprised me by telling me they use TOR. Just it always seems it's only to buy drugs.

Fuckoff back to pol stormtard.

If you look at the rules and requirements of registrar accreditation, you'll realize that there are quite some hoops you have to jump through. You'll need access to a US high level litigation attorneys, an extended technical team to conform to high traffic ICANN auxiliary systems, you need support teams on call 24/7, you need actual investment money and a substantial internal system of record keeping to satisfy the bureaucracy. But when all the hoops have been jumped, then you're set as a proud member of the ICANN family, right? Not really, because they retain the right to kick you off the roster for any perceived breach of their vast, often vague set of rules. Have you "harmed the public interest" today? Who knows! Not you, that's for sure! At any time you can be dragged before the star chamber in a secret trial and be terminated without any real say in the matter.

So, is all this stuff really required for running an effective system of domain registry and dns infrastructure? Not really, except for one thing. In effect, this ensures that only a few, very specific operations will be able to act as registrars. They have to be a multi-million dollar level group of investors, who also are prepared to lose their investment at any time at the discretion of ICANN, without recompense or accountability. So no, ICANN isn't the one who's going to be nuking wrongthink domains. That job will fall to the registrars, who exist in this precarious master-slave relationship with ICANN and through them the government of the US (potentially the UN soon?) And as we all know, corporations with lots of money invested in some shit are a great protection against public and government pressure. You can always expect such people to stand up for morality and high ideals like freedom when their investments are on the line.

So in sum, ICANN did nothing wrong. Good to see so many intelligent people on this board setting the record straight and defending that bastion of internet freedom that is ICANN. You might think that all of this, with both totalitarian regulatory bodies and large corporations hand in hand running societal infrastructure without any accountability sounds like a dystopian blend of the worst from both capitalism and communism combined. But don't worry about that, because for now the only people who have suffered from this (as far as you know) are people who are very unpopular. And ass we all know, unpopular people shouldn't really have rights in an enlightened post-modern society.

Can you report that to the mods?

Why don't you go back into your living room and watch your wife get raped by Arabs, Jochen? This is America and we're still nominally free, unlike the people in that ruined wasteland of a country in which you're legally obligated to cheer on the annihilation of your people.

awww fug

well wait he still has soundcloud

*gets kicked off the internet*

it's funny how nazis suddenly turn into classical liberals the moment they're discriminated against

nice strawman bait

If people don't like ICANN's decision they can just make their own ICANN. That's how the free market works.


I'm not and have never been a nazi. No idea where you get that out of my post. Seems like you think you have to be a nazi to not like someone having the power to censor, which sounds very strange to me. Are you sure that you've not gotten some things turned around and that in reality you are the nazi?

Except that's not possible of course.

The point is that nazis are only opposed to censorship when it's used against them. If Youtube was censoring SJWs, Holla Forums would be like 'based Youtube! is Youtube /our guy/?'

And my point is that we should all be against censorship even if it protects groups we don't like. The alternative is not good. I would speak against youtube censoring SJWs just like I speak against them censoring nazis. But I don't really like nazis, and I don't like you SJW commies either.

But even so, even if I think you and Holla Forums are morons each in your own right, I think people having the power to censor thought is even worse. And as it is now, it's the Holla Forums types who are being censored, not you commies. So naturally it becomes the cases that arises around them we have to talk about.

This is right. Please understand the ban wasn't under ICANN's control. rather than Argue, why don't you make your own DNS on OPENNIC and advertise it and work with dailystormer to make a alt-right DNS decentralized for people that don't wana use tor.

Actions speak louder than words, now please learn more about what you're talking about, or otherwise be expected not to be taken seriously

OpenNIC already has .chan for imageboards along with .o and .neo for general purpose websites. ICANN doesn't have a .pol TLD either, could be useful for political websites.

thx for pointing this out, i'm not well read about opennic and all of it's stances

It should be also noted, remember DNS queries can be tracked, this is why I'm glad I don't just edit my DNS and run a OpenWrt/Lede router that I can run DNScrypt onto. The server has to support it, much like TLS and https, but certainly makes it hard for people to track you and ensures no MITM attacks

the hacker known as anaymous


too many words to discuss the treehouse keeper of a bunch of 20 byte text records for use with some poorly designed protocol

They literally didn't. You can even get the latest stormfront domain on something as accessible as Wikipedia. Which of you faggots is unironically using DNS in the first place?

poor little poltards

Have questions about OpenNIC? We have a thread.

I'll be honest I'm a bit worried about slippery slope. Stormfags are priming the internet for censorship in a way that hasn't affected the west up till now.

You need to try harder, jidf

Holy shit, are you stupid. No right wing supporter is approving censorship of thought because there is no need to. The Left needs to utilize censorship, because it tries to push non-logical policies and needs to keep the opponents in place. The truth, though, doesn't need censorship. If the current (((agenda))) would finally die out and we could go back to letting rational thought rule over this planet, then there would be no need to censor anything.
Propably the most irritating realization though is that this board is infested with fucking shills now and we can't have nice things anymore. Are there any (autist-safe) alternatives?

Honestly, autists can be good company and in general the community you want is full of them.

That being said, there's no such thing as a community that is free-speech oriented and free of retards; at some point somebody had to be told to shut the fuck up or removed if there aren't idiots.

Generally the smaller the group, the less this holds true, but image boards with decent populations will swing to one side of the spectrum or the other.

You must be an autist

why hasn't anyone doxed Network Solutions employees yet?

fucking useless, b-but muh tiki torches.

Alternatives will stay esoteric until there's something that just werks for normies.

this is an ICANN hate thread and the OP can't even get the acronym right. All of the faggots in this thread seem to think that some opensource alternative will solve their problems, assuming that repo is ok being co-opted by LARPing m'altrights, thinking a Swede would give a fuck about their 'freedom of speech/wanton misuse of an amendment never intended for private citizens', thinking normies would ever give a fuck about DNS and its implementation period. I can't tell which of you are outright full on retards and which are you are barely undercover LARPing psuedo-fascists buying your tiki torches at Lowes.

MY PROBLEM WITH YOU UNDERAGE RINOS is that you're entire thought process is one instilled by liberal thinking.

make a decentralized burn-style blockchain DNS implementation, REALIZE that despite your ideology you're bound to Metcalfe's Law, and SEE IF YOU DESERVE TO SURVIVE. Otherwise shut the fuck up, and stop assing up my tech forum with your petty useless complaints and trash.


They're fine on the internet, at least a good amount of the Aspergers I know. Things like eye contact or small talk really don't matter in the context of an image board where nobody's interacting in person.

If you want to actually deal with people in a more intimate sense then maybe you want >>>/soc/, which is pretty inactive here but there's other imageboards that have active variants.

Eh, the fact that they're even here and thinking about ICANN means there may yet be hope for them.

You're thinking of Namecoin or Emercoin which is already done, honestly you could just tell them it exists and let them figure out the rest.

Though honestly both have name spaces that aren't really as attractive and the coins don't take advantage of all the stuff that has emerged in newer currencies.

Actually it is.
OpenNIC is an ICANN replacement.

IANA is what can't be messed with.

Show me on the doll where the Stormfront hurt you.

Should normalfags be told of opennic?

Everyone should be told of OpenNIC. If you can defeat the notion that ICANN is the Internet, it will open the floodgates for the next stage of thinking and development around network protocols and standards.


some notes:
Youtube gets about 24TB of new uploads daily (and increasing)
Youtube serves over a billion hours of video daily
Youtube is hosted on an array of 2008 Lenovo Thinkpad X200 machines

Actually, user, that'd make him the Jews, being so heavily persecuted and whatnot. Didn't you know the Jews are the most persecuted group in the world?

I want to believe.

oooh... so THIS is why obama gave ICANN over to european private corporations outside the first amendments protection

not the guy you're replying to but both left and right in the USA are strongly _for_ censorship, and always have been. for example the right wants to censor "degeneracy" and "terrorism", and the left wants to censor "fascism" and "bullying". the bottom line is that both seem to want to and do censor CP, so it's pretty retarded to say they're against censorship

yes, /techpol/, and every thread would be

OpenNIC is literally pointless. even tor .onion domains are better

He's completely correct. Even if OpenNIC was useless and if there are better things than DNS (which IMO, there really aren't yet), OpenNIC is a de-monopolization effort, which is very important. Breaking the ICANN monopoly is a huge step towards a more agnostic internet. It's not the only step that can be taken, but it is _a_ step.
Bitching about true Scotsmen accomplishes nothing.

Democracy doesn't work with an uneducated and wilfully ignorant populace, you're a prime example of that.