Somehow, the same FBI which is totally unable to stop Muslims from snackbaring all over the country has time to spy on 3 rednecks.
Rev up those Twitters.
We need infographs and redpills on the Somali situation in Kansas.
Somehow, the same FBI which is totally unable to stop Muslims from snackbaring all over the country has time to spy on 3 rednecks.
Rev up those Twitters.
We need infographs and redpills on the Somali situation in Kansas.
Sorry, shill, you lost the first comment to a shitty forced meme. Better luck next time.
serious question, What IS the correct formatting, everyone seems to be freaking out about something but I can't figure out what.
I'm not OP BTW
Three Arrested in Bomb Plot Targeting Somalis in Kansas
by Pete Williams and Safia Samee Ali
October 14th, 2016, 6:36 PM ET
Pic #1: Gavin Wright
Pic #2: Curtis Allen
(Hitler smiles upon them)
Oy vey goy, these are the white male right-wing terrorists who kill more people than Muslims!
you're wrong no matter what. just post what you're gonna post
I call it Holla Forums's Law. When everyone is freaking about about something and I can't figure out what it is it means we're being raided.
Seems kinda complicated, just archive the shit and break link it for those who want it.
past a couple paragraphs so we know if we wanna read it
It's about the way people set up their post. You know when someone is a newfag based on their dialect, it's a way to call out faggota and shills
Wanting to protect your community against imported rape-apes is hatred obviously. They should've came offering their daughters, that would've been tolerant.
Well you're a bright young lad.
You'll learn it in time.
Daily reminder to not talk about shit to anybody. Just do it.
Also, kansas here. Garden city is a shit hole. We actually had a class on it in university because of how diverse it is. It's home to a lot of meat packaging companies and they all use illegal labor. Good on these ol boys fighting back. They won't be the last here. hi FBI
CTR went from
I hope they're paying you extra for these posts.
This post can't be worth that much. Step up your game cuck.
keep it up, user. make our OPs great again!
The only thing I have to point out is that CtR wouldn't spend all day making re-making quality OPs like I have been doing.
In fact, it's posters like you who get really assblasted that I'm massively stepping up board quality who are most likely to win the CtR of the thread award.
truly white men are the greatest evil on earth, that's why the FBI is dedicated to eliminating them
There is a reason Homeland Security rushed in domestic armed right-wing groups into the definition of Americas greatest threats in their latest report.
On the larger scale they don't give a fuck about muslim terrorism anymore and are concerned with the establishment falling apart and losing power.
They are either feds or retards led by a jew
Homeland Security is largely staffed by Muslims. The entirety of the agency needs to be executed, without trial.
That's not how white people plan to kill people.
When white people make muds go away they just vanish, look at Utah.
White people are scary.
Reddit spacing isn't a thing. Anons have been typing like that since the very fucking beginning, and no one gave a shit. Check the fucking sticky it's reddit spacing according to you low IQ fuckwits. As are several threads that go back to nearly the start of 2015.
It's a fucking shit meme started by halfwits to derail threads.
I know.
Being 'anti-government' is conflated with 'hate group', because of course it s.
so retarded. you kill the traitors first. the zog underlings that imported these somali niggers. removing nonwhites is the easy part.
0/10, shitpost offered by low-IQ dipshit who just got BTFO and has an inability to respond.
Everyone who was here knows that you're wrong.
You can stop trying to Correct the Record whenever you like because nobody believes you.
SLC has become a cesspool of illegal Mexican immigration. Muslim immigrants are also being bussed in to water down the Morman hegemony.
its ctr's new tactic and its transparent as fuck
they pay you far too much
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
its amazing you faggots keep working for her after 1) she called you a bunch of fat ugly virgin dorks and 2) we not only threatened but followed through with doxing your faggot asses
You do know we will hold you to account, right?
There is a Patrick Stein in there. Guaranteed leader of the pack.
Every single OP deserves to be criticized!
If you can't make a thread properly, you're made fun of.
If you don't know how to post, you're made fun of.
If you fuck up, you're made fun of!
Why do you want to stomp out anons who are actively making the board quality better?
Oh right, because you're Correcting the Record, I forgot!
CTR pls go
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
filtered. I will allow you to derail this thread no longer.
Come on then, big boy.
Stop me from posting.
False flag?
The bombs would of actually gone off then
Were these men plotting revenge on those rapists because they knew one of the victims?
What ever the truth, that is a good spin to put on it. Distraught friends and family of a girl raped by muslims planned attack.
But they were arrested for buying illegal firearms. Something about this is suspicious? Was the bomb a plant? Is the fbi lying? Do these men even exist?
Why would the bombs have gone off? If white men blew up some muslims it may trigger the uprising. Fbi can't risk that. Plus they would be killing their precious imigrants
People like this always do it to try and protect something they love, yet somehow it's hate thought.
Kicked their ass in football my senior year. Hooya.
This. How the fuck would these dudes have to get guns from an FBI faggot when they live in fucking Kansas? I could understand if it was NYC or something but not Kansas. Also This just sounds like a complete load of bullshit. How the fuck does the FBI even find these guys unless they talked about their plan on fucking twitter or something. I'd bet $100 these men are mentally retarded and the FBI just set them up.
H-hey there goyim, this sure is a nice short barreled rifle/silencer/full-auto isn't it? Let ya have it real cheap.
I'm pretty much convinced that 95% of these types of arrests are just publicity stunts to a.) justify their funding and b.) remind that other small percentage of serious actors that they're out there watching for this kind of shit.
Maybe I'm dumb I just don't see how any of these things ever happen.
It has to be. I remember that one time they arrested a muslim somewhere in the south and the whole plot, the fake bombs, the "terror cell" this guy was in, everything was all fake. The guy didn't even have an original idea of his own.
goddamnit, I had problems with my internet.
FBI foils FBI terror plot… again
3 men in Kansas charged with domestic terrorism in after 8 months of FBI attention
FBI get off my computer
archives didn't paste, I had a few, oh well
Stein pic possibly related.
The news says they are refugees. Refugees from what? Other niggers and mudslimes?
Yeah, I remember that one. On one hand I don't mind them locking up dumb shitskins but that particular case was pretty pathetic.
whoops, forgot to include this in previous post
It's difficult to believe but there are people out there would fall for this shit. Take a not so bright guy who's maybe in poor financial shape, add some subtle coercion along with a little bit of fake camaraderie. Say what you will about the FBI but they do know how to spot vulnerable points in a target.
Which is true. plebbit users do that
again true. the normies codeword is fucking garbage
Well everytime he post this it's because OP does
except now we are suppose to be a twatter force.
OP did use to shitty screencaps and almost no info. However, he said we need more info on the somali situation in Kansas.
I know very little besides anecdotes. What we need is to pull a Trump and use this as a way to use the media to redpill normies about the rapefugees and immigrants in general.
two not to
Hey FBI how come San Bernandino happened then?
gtfo you useless mongoloids and GO ARREST HILLARY
They're just one of many Federal institutions that need a thorough purge.
Betthis shit was the fbi leading these fuds around by the nose and then arresting them to make it look like they do something.
speaking of which, are there any archives of the second half of the fbi contact list?
Which list do you mean? Need some context.
Supposedly, now, the excuse would be "muh Aleppo."
Fucking shit wouldn't be happening if King Nigger didn't have his fucking face in the middle east where it doesn't belong, fighting Israel's proxy wars. We need to fucking help Assad and Russia tear the shit out of (((ISIS))) and prevent WW3. Sorry for the LiveJewnal entry… it's late and I can't wait until monday.
But the FBI had to give it to them
Is this going to turn out like the Hutaree, where nothing really happened?
This. It's just D&C
If you remember the end of january, homeland security and fbi 'contact list' got leaked. It was less then dox, just name and phone and job title. I never saw the second half.
Maybe we need to set up an op to start doing some outreach to these types of groups. Teach them about feds, cointelpro, anonymity, secure internet usage & communication, etc
If they want to larp, so be it, but at least it may keep more of them out of federal prison
Tbh these people generally aren't very smart
It's probably better to learn from their mistakes than to risk getting caught trying to help them
It has always been a wonder to me how our nation views militias so differently now compared to the pivotal role they played in securing our independance in the first place. Of course, I realize they aren't the same thing now, but the idea could be revived.
Think about it. What if, instead of having a bunch of gnarly looking rednecks running around the woods in mismatched camo with mismatched surplus rifles, we had a well trained, standardized, legitimate "Militia."
It would be like a legitimate branch of the military, but answerable only to the people, not the federal or state governments. There could be a set of tenets, or hell, just use the constitution. Anyone committing any unconstitutional actions in a militia group's AO, if not prosecuted by local, state, or federal law, would be answerable to the militia.
It could help the NG with disaster relief efforts, engage in community organizing for charities and such, and even parade (in standardized uniforms, clean-cut faces, and no beer bellies) to plant the seed of legitimacy in the local populace. There could even be an actual militia movement to standardize them nationwide, with the sole extent of their power being to enforce constitutional law in cases where other government agencies have failed to do so, being used for nothing else.
Usually, they would be doing nothing but training and maintaining a standard of physical and mental fitness (think: even less intensive national guard.) The pay would be very minimal, if there even was any at all, but it would give young men something to do. Something to keep them active and non pussified. Like a grown up boy scouts with guns. It could de-pussify the men in our society whilst simultaneously acting as a buffer between the people and any injustices in federal government.
Because really, I think if our ancestors saw what passes for a militia nowadays, they would vomit.
Honestly? Americans should be fighting to free these political prisoners from the crooked FBI.
If you were around in the 90s, you know that militias are viewed poorly not because they are fat retards pretending to be military (which they usually are) but because the government and media demonized them.
What you suggest will never happen and should never happen. What you suggest is what some militias try to do, which is why they only end up with complete retards who think putting on cammies and marching through town is a good idea.
guess I'm never buying their chicken again
No I missed all of that - or have forgotten about it in the interim.
those guys who took over the wildlife refuge have been memory holed and nobody gives a fuck about them.
There shouldn't be a "legitimate" private militia. Militias should be formed only for self-defense against gov, and that's it. Everything else they do is secondary to that mission. By that definition, they won't be allowed to be called legitimate, especially in the gov controlled press.
There should be other institutions for what you describe, but militias shouldn't take that role.
That's what happens when you simply surrender and don't try fighting back. That whole situation was a crapshoot. Taking over a strategically worthless and isolated target while trying to "be the good guy" the entire time, all while not having any supplies or evac plans in case shit got too hot.
It also doesn't help that they used soldiers that weren't even from the area and didn't even have popular support, breaking two of the most important rules for guerrillas.
Real human beans
the first civil war started in kansas
and it looks like the second one is going to start here to we're going to be 2 for 2 get on our level
McVeigh all over again…
they didn't necessarily surrender considering they fucking murdered lavoy when he was en route to give a speech in town with the police
the fucking feds ambushed him in the woods and shot at a car with women and children in it, and when he got out they came up behind him and fucking murdered him
i can't find the webm but i know someone on here must have it.
These guys just look like undercover Government operatives. Is this whole thing a big scam?
Funny if it was intentional, funnier if it wasn't.
"There is a sizable Somali population in that area working in a Tyson foods processing plant. "
why aren't they working in fucking somalia
Anglin did a good writeup on this yesterday (inb4 lol anglin is a fed no the dude is at this moment in time consistent with Holla Forums), essentially it looks to be fbi instigating a crime
There isn't. Shills started to pick up on the fact that we can detect outsiders by their retarded posting that looks like they're on Twitter and tried to sow confusion by whining about 'formatting'.
I swear, this infantile 'muh hate' maymay needs to stop. Anyone who uses it unironically deserves the death penalty.
This reminds me of the Hutaree thing, I lived fairly close to that at the time. It was all over the news when the story broke, leading story on evening news that normies watch. When the case fell apart it was pretty much local news only.
The sticky isn't "reddit spacing" since it goes through a list of things, 1., 2., 3. and so on, like bullet lists. Reddit spacing is a cancerous writing style, but I can't recall if it was always here or just recently called out.
They fucked up by trying to be too complicated and be known for their actions. If they had just began killing these people quietly, perhaps by learning more about them and ambushing them and then getting the fuck out of there and not getting caught, they'd still be free and would be purging third worlders. Fuck, they could have just gone in their guns blazing and killed all of them.
Retarded spacing isn't exclusive to Plebbit and you should know this.
Go check out any Chan and you'll find spacing like this.
The fact that they were fucking around with explosives and detonators goes to show they weren't particularly bright.
You really need to know your shit before going off to handle explosives and i doubt these chucklefucks had what it takes. I know a few things about it and yet still i wouldn't even dare to attempt. Same thing goes for poisons.
I'm just going to start doing bullet lists because
• I actually know how to use unicode, many people here suck at unicode chords for some reason but consider themselves 133t unix hax0rs
• I'm tired of cucks talking about formatting
• People comment about reddit spacing but totally ignore tiny images and soundless webms obviously snatched from 4cuck.
Forget about the fucking spacing, anons, if someone says
and are onboard with the ideas, are not tripfagging, let's start focusing on the content and not how it's written.
That doesn't mean it's a "false flag", moron. More than likely it was set up by an agent provocateur. These types of things usually are.
These people keep getting caught because they want to get together and plan things. Stop planning, all I want to do is read the news and hear shit about mudshits dying all over the place and no one has any idea who's responsible. If you feel you need a personal tutor to accomplish this extremely simple task then you're clearly not smart enough to do it or get away with it. Research the target, research the ways in which you can reduce the chances of getting caught, learn about ShotSpotter™, pick an appropriate time, place and manner of carrying out your deed and don't brag about it, don't choose names like "The Crusaders", don't choose names at all. Fuckers keep getting caught because they want to farm reputation. It's the same shit with those /k/ommandos who went to a BLM protest, ended up getting attacked and had to defend themselves. Putting videos of you bringing a gun and talking about RWDSing dindus is not going to help your case even if you were joking.
You're doing it wrong; just ignore whining about 'formatting'.
I thought that's what I was saying.
Next time you bullet list use + for the bullets as it drives kikes mental.
+ It reminds them of Christ
+ A triggered kike is an obvious kike
+ You only need one return key push after each line, even if it looks squished together.
Hahaha that's a good idea. There's also:
✝ Da pacem domine
✞ in diebus nostris
✟ quia non est alius
✠ Sieg Heil!
No you were gonna use fucking bullet points because you're scared of shills.
Although this shit is kinda funny:
How do you bypass Twitter's phone number demand?
It was the FBI's plan all along. Never join a group. Join the militia of one.
"But social network analysis couldn’t find snipers who were not part of any network. That’s when we began to hear of “The Militia of One.” In the end there were too many rifles, and too many willing shooters."
I thought that sounded familiar.
RWDS! but not during harvest
We already have that. The Texas Militia, for example, participates in disaster relief efforts and is part of the state emergency plan; the governor can order them to respond to a disaster, and they're part of the emergency communications network that would help coordinate emergency services.
Hutaree is a relatively small militia, and they're well-liked in their home area, even helping with a search-and-rescue operation when a kid went missing. When the feds arrested them, local police even protested on their behalf.
As for professionalism, if you read the DHS reports on militias, they're scared shitless of the modern militia movement, saying that they're much more professional, better trained, and better equipped than they were in the 90's. Most militias have standardized their camo uniforms (Texas Militia, for example, wears Multicam and unit patches; Hutaree wears Vietnam tigerstripe with unit patches), their weapons, equipment, etc. and look like actual military units now. They also have a much higher proportion of ex-military members than they did 20 years ago, and there are guys like Sgt. Mosby and Max Velocity who are ex-Special Forces and run training schools teaching these guys guerrilla warfare tactics.
They're not fat, drunken rednecks running around in mismatched hunting camo, waving SKS', and blundering around like idiots, they look like professional soldiers, they're armed like professional soldiers (some of the larger militias even have armored vehicles; Michigan Militia has a couple APC's and armored scout cars, and there's one group in the Pacific Northwest that has a fucking tank.), and they're trained like professional soldiers. Networking between the groups is also much more advanced that it used to be; militias showed up for the Bundy Ranch standoff and had other militias on standby waiting to attack if shots were fired. The occupy-an-empty-building-and-surrender idiots didn't get ANY support and nobody wanted to touch that with a 10 foot pole; general consensus was that FBI agents provocateur had gotten a handful of gullible idiots to go along with them, and that's exactly what happened.
The Pentagon has repeatedly wargamed a civil war/revolution in America, and the only scenario that didn't end with the government losing was the one where they went all out with chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons on half the country, at which point the UN stepped in with sanctions and the Russians threatened to nuke the 'mad dog' government… and forced a truce that divided the country between the patriots and the government.
There's a reason they put so much effort into discrediting the militia; they're scared.