BANG! BANG! Carson's silver hammer came down on her head.
BANG! BANG! Carson's silver hammer made sure the bitch was dead.
Too bad they weren't in the same room, he looked ready to go to town.
BANG! BANG! Carson's silver hammer came down on her head.
BANG! BANG! Carson's silver hammer made sure the bitch was dead.
Too bad they weren't in the same room, he looked ready to go to town.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Media BTFO
These media faggots are pathetic
‘Can You Turn Her Microphone Off Please?!’: This Ben Carson Interview Goes From Nuts to Nuclear
Published on Oct 14, 2016
Why are you posting so many versions?
that interview was ugly, Carson had a good approach, but he wasnt capable of dealing with lugenpresse effectively.
He's posting the entire video split up into segments since it's too big to upload at once.
Carson is redpilled, maybe too much for his own good
ever since you 4 cucks have came the nigger loving has started again
step it up, lad
I agree tbh. It DOES matter whether the bitches are telling the truth or not, Sleepy Negro should refute or diminish those claims and THEN move on.
for trump vs hillary nothing else matters.
Here's the summary:
MSNBC: The reason why most women don't come forward about sexual assault is because bad men call them liars.
Are you saying they are liars?
Carson: Dis is bait
MSNBC: Do you think they're lying?
Carson: I'm saying this isn't the issue
Carson: Can someone cut her mic. This isn't the real issue.
Kek, joe spaghetti'd, then got a dry mouth and sipped his ice tea live, then started to lose his voice. BASED Ben Carson.
MSM confirmed gommie cucks
CNN as always oppresses a black african american because of their hateful white supremacist racist studio attitude.
That was easy.
what most people that watch tv don't understand is that the "reporters have people in the control room screaming in their ears different ways to rephrase the same question.
why in the fuck are we even talking about this touching shit when massive amount of people are with out jobs and the middle class is shrinking.
his news and objectively comments are spot on. fuck them if they are going to act like little shits treat them like little shits
carson: "why is it you people in the media"
(((media guy))): "stop saying you people"
(((media guy))): "stop saying you people"
(((media guy))): "stop saying you people"
Primarch Ben of the Sleep Wolves
I'd love if we talked about morality that you've spent generations destroying, but now is not the time.
Judeo-Christian values aren't kike values. Kikes hate the term judeo-christian.
Lying Joe
(((you people))) are condescending as fuck-all.
That comes later.
As based as he might sound, he's still a nigger.
He will never reach the mental level required to keep up with Trump and his chess moves
WHAT? Joe asserted that Trump's tax plan would raise debt much more than Hillary Clinton's. Carson responded that it depends on which economist you look at but you have to use common sense. But the LugenPresse interprets that as "Throw economists out"
These kikes are playing with fire and I think they don't realize that they're about to get burned….
sleepy negro needs to drop a mix tape to connect with da yooth
Who is that horse-faced asshole with the glasses? He's a condescending piece of shit.
To say that the media is a brick wall is an understatement.
Carson just can't handle the media. Its amazing to me that Trump seems to be literally the only human who can. I think I could, I think a lot of us could, but I don't see anyone else on the Electric Jew actually doing it right.
When they started in on badgering Carson about whether or not he believes these whores are lying all he had to do is name every Bill Clinton accuser and ask them if they think those women are lying.
Then remind them that those women have been trying to get their story out for decades now with no success. However, a bunch of lying whore nobody ever heard of until yesterday pretty much own CNN right now.
Make them justify their own convoluted shit. They are walking a fine line here, push them over it.
sleepy nigger will haunt her dreams
like freddie krueger
how was that stupid? anyone anti-trump would look at that interview and be almost completely unconvinced of Carsons effectiveness, they threw some hard logical fallacies at him and he didnt counter, he needs alot of coaching like trump got from Nigel.
Poor guy couldnt even respond when they mentioned insults trump apparently dished out to him. I certainly never heard trump insinuate Carson was a pedo, did you guys?
He never did, they are conflating so much random shit it's ridiculous
they fully lost control many months ago. everything they do no just defines how 'ugly' beautiful the backlash is.
Carson is the first doctor to separate twins who were attached at the head successfully. I can guarantee you he's a 100 times smarter than you.
no race will always still matter reddit
Does that make him white?
He's 20% white, that's why
Reminder that Carson defended Trump during the tapes fallout while cuckservatives turned their backs on him.
He killed a woman?
Talk about one hell of a skeleton.
I like, and will always like, Ben Carson. Even if he is a nigger, I still think he's great.
agreed, but when the lugenpresse said it, he didnt even respond, he let it slide, i would chalk this down to a learning experience, which is something the Trump campaign cant afford at this stage, they need nothing but wins right now….
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
(((you people))) in the media
No, but it makes him a legend in the medical field and someone these two can thank for the life they have.
you have to be a dick to them , they can't handle it, they are trained to play off peoples politeness to get information out of them.
fucking this he is a man of his word remember the first debate everyone made a promise to support whoever won NO ONE kept it but Carson.
Joe went maximum jew here. Would not let him talk. Purposefully drawing out and repeating himself a droning and condescending response that sounded so jewish it hurt. Drinking his faggoty iced-tea. All the MSNBC people looked and sounded flat and disinterested in what he was saying. Not to mention the giggling in the background.
Anyways, why isn't Joe Scarborough in prison for the murder of Lori Klausutis? This hook-nosed kike.
Does anyone have that image about how he argued with Jews and they'd would refuse any sense of syllogism or 'forget' ever debating the very next day.
Trump was a bro to Carson, he gave him a pep talk before one of the debates when all the other guys just walked past.
I think its funny that he is 7th day adventist and is extremely religeous yet believes god must've just messed up on that specific batch of twins. Carson is a pretty funny magic negro though.
It wasn't the woman that annoyed me here, although her comment about "maybe the experts should be in charge" did rustle me slightly; it was Joe Scarbourough's punchable smug face that really riled me up. Not only is he taking casual Friday to heart, he's drinking a smoothie during the interview.
The (((media))) actually thinks Hillary is going to win on November 8th. It's fucking hilarious, and I can't wait them to all lose their jobs on November 9th.
Regardless, having a black Dr. being attacked by the media helps to add more cards that media in fact are biased towards establishment
be the best you you can be.
i'm fond of sleepy negro.
i believe his spirit is in the right place.
spirit comes first, then we can solve our problems:whatever they may be.
in that respect, he's much closer kin than our traitorous aposematic blood.
t. jewish media
Nationalism will never take off, we will never get our country back we will never reclaim our culture and the rest of our lives will be a slow descent into Brazil and it is because of people like you. Your a subtle form of traitor but a traitor all the same.
bump for thread name… love it.
Hah, I never really liked Carson, but this was amusing.
Bitch got called out in the fact that she was trying to portray it as though Carson was accusing a 'victim' of lying, and he's just like "Naw bitch, listen here…" and doesn't let up.
The easiest fucking thing about this seems to be what nobody ever does - "Well, if we have to take these women at their word, then we have to take the many accusers of Bill AND Hillary Clinton at their word as well, correct?"
Its really that simple, you can't play the "All victims must be heard!" card and ignore the FUCKING YUGE list of so-called 'victims' following the Clintons around like the tail on a fucking kite.
Hell, go even further, and bring up Bill's mongrel bastard, who was recently on Alex Jones.
Dude's story is heartbreaking, and the idea that the Clinton's would ignore him all this time is horrifying… And he's as much a victim as anyone, is he not? If so, his voice must be heard - we must take him at his word, yes?
Why are people on television never especially articulate in such arguments?
it's isn't just the media who say things like that.
frankly, i dont see the day where white americans say to the blacks "you arent american fuck off to africa" no matter what happens, i can see them say "fuck off pedro/ching chong/terrorist" but not that, maybe dont bother fighting a battle you cant win, and let a based negro be held up as a decent role model to others?
Every non-retarded Christian knows that God doesn't directly create anything anymore. He made a system of systems that is autonomous. That's all there is to it.
dubs confirm it is set in motion
Guess what, Anglin, unless all 49% of whites agree with us, we cannot remove all non-whites. Establishing an all white America is a pipe dream, and fuck you if you believe otherwise. Also, I don't see a problem with allowing redpilled niggers to stick around anyway. The fucker is 20% white, and as long as he agrees to never inter-racially breed, why attack him?
That's because you're a fucking idiot m8.
Again, you're a fucking idiot - if we can get them to ditch the muds, niggers are just another mudpie to be tossed, and anyone who says different is under 30 and doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
How about no, faggot.
The exception does not make the rule.
Go back to Holla Forums
Kill yourself
You have sold our identity away to other races and ultimately condemned us all to multiracial hell. Cowards like you will always subvert and destroy and ultimately give away the identity of your countrymen because it means nothing to you. Like I said in the previous post the US is doomed to be Brazil and people like you are to blame.
lol BLACKED.COM is my rolemodel tbh.
kill yourself
Ben Carson's very existence is as exemplary of the things you mentioned as anything else - a nigger doctor, who was touted as a viable presidential candidate because he was a black and a doctor.
And? X was dangerous - if you failed, you looked a fool. Its no surprise most didn't want to do it - and that he happened to do it, and didn't fuck it up, doesn't suggest he's a magic fucking nigger.
Grow up.
I also think Carson isn't a particularly smart guy, his success in the medical field probably has more to do with discipline and dedication than intelligence.
BBC is racist, oh my g-d!
Not to mention he's confirmed 20% European-admixed.
Being part of the talented 10th means exactly dick.
No its nigger lovers like you constantly sucking people like ben carsons dick. His IQ doesnt make him more or less apart of my nation the same way high IQ Japanese cannot be Germans no matter what they contribute or dont contribute to Germany.
More valuable traits to have than pure intelligence, else you just get lazy, entitled millenials.
They're knowledgeable, sure, but they're too lazy to ever seek the truth.
care to defend that statement
well he cleary did a shit job then.
If god was so perfect he wouldnt make an autonomous system that can easily lead to genetic fuck ups like down syndrome, conjoined twins, you, etc.
Also why would god have an autonomous system when he can do and control anything at any time? why would god just be lazy and leave the birthing of children to be done automatically than him putting work in it which would be no effort to god at all (cuz he's fucking god)
And isnt it a deistic argument that god made the universe and everything in it yet left it alone and doesnt intervene? the whole 'clock maker" argument, which isnt even christian its just a belief in an ambigous nonintervening creator of the universe.
the US from muhammed ali to ben carson has always been notorious nigger loving faggots
That random user espouses the ideology of the Kennedy Immigration Act of 1965, and for that matter, the Naturalization Act of 1890.
I can see a day when every American says with arms in hands "You are not white and you must die", I can see a day when every jew is purged from the face of this planet, I can see a day when there is not even memory remaining of jews and niggers. I can see a beautiful future, the only future we have.
Gas the kikes race war now
That's a tad offtopic. for theological discussion go to /christian/.
sin nature fucked it up user. dat curse
If your Jewish god is so powerful why is Kek the one providing miracles while the world burns?
No he doesn't, you fucking dumb son of a bitch. We can assume that 100% of Americans will never want to "kill every non-white", so why not just accept the ones who are role-models for their brethren?
Well its not like a woman giving birth actively chose to give birth to a child with down syndrome.
Technically they do, if we killed all the retards and genetic deformities like we have for thousands of years there would be MANY MANY less of them.
Nearly all influential scientists were devout Christians like Issac Newton, Nikola Tesla, and Leonhard Euler.
They don't believe that God spawns material items, they believe that he can manipulate events. That's why it's irrelevant on what they believe in the past since they constantly think about the present and future.
That's appeal to emotions media type.
argument is
It's logically crap, but the emotional charge makes you overlook it.
What position would Carson be good for under President Trump?
Down's syndrome can be detected pre-birth and retards can be aborted.
If God made changes at the beginning, that would cause a domino effect that would corrupt total free-will
speak english chink
What's needed to defend?
You realize surgeons don't actually have to be incredibly smart, yes?
MD's average ~110-135 in IQ, and surgery is less about knowledge and more about precision and experience.
I suppose they're smart by comparison to the whole of humanity, but its not like brain surgeons require or average IQ 130+ or anything.
the motherfucker replying to me was the one off topic, and it is on topic because ben carson is skilled and somewhat smart yet is very religeously centered and takes the bible very literally.
I didnt expect nor want to start a religeous argument
Nature is autonomous
Surgeon General
Your jewish demon is not GOD, it is just another pathetic god masquerading as GOD. Kek doesn't pretend to be GOD he's just a chill god, fucking cuck.
hello Holla Forums. de railing again?
Your jewish demon is not GOD, it is just another pathetic god masquerading as GOD. Kek doesn't pretend to be GOD he's just a chill god, fucking cuck.
John 3:16
Jesus Christ is God, and the Son.
For a negro 100IQ is genius level, 130+ IQ is superhuman when we're talking about niggers. Carson is one of the smartest niggers alive (well he has white blood in him so he's not a pure nigger).
Yes, he does - and do you.
Salty as fuck faggot. Let's keep you that way.
Nobody said anything about killing them - you're putting words in peoples mouths now. Deportation of all non-whites, by force if necessary, is entirely within the realm of possibility.
Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.
No, Jew.
John was a jew
In this day and age since atheist is the new "normie median thing", to survive as a religious centered person you are intellectually challenged everyday.
So you end up much better trained than folks who jump in bandwagon.
That's why above average smart religious people appear.
The media are so fucking assmad that they're becoming irrelevant, that they'll kvetch over every little thing.
He has a hard time understanding things outside of his field of expertise, being wildly ignorant of history, geo-politics and even biology and instead letting the wannabe Jewish sect he is part shape his opinion of such things.
Yeah, because humans throughout history have always had that ability, its not like modern medicine has anything to do with it.
did I imply I'm anti-abortion or is that ment for all the christians who do?
I personally find nothing wrong with abortion in American society because its mainly Blacks and Mexicans, also a white woman who wants to get an abortion shouldnt be breeding anyways.
Abortion is only good in my book if its: Rape, Incest, misceganation, and birth defects. Maybe there are some more reasons but those are the main ones.
I'd rather have Ben Carson speak for me than about 50% of our own people who drink Jewish media cum on a daily bases. You can be asshole all you want, but our own people are turning into degenerate scum.
You know we used to just throw retards into the bog right? Deformed children are still strangled or suffocated at birth in most non-western countries.
You fucking kikes always have to make everything about you, don't you? Blow your brains out Kike.
We're not talking about relativity here faggot, because if we were, IQ 70 is genius for a chimp, so we're all masters of the cognitive universe.
Same if we're talking about dogs.
Too bad we have no proof Carson is IQ 130+.
He's 80% nigger, which is still a nigger, nigger.
And the notion that he's "one of the smartest niggers alive" is arguable… To an extant.
Nor does it matter, because he's still a nigger.
I dont have a problem with christians, I also dont think atheists are inherintly smarter than christians. I just think secular thinking makes more sense in the long run than religeous dogma.
You know you lost the primaries hard when msnbc is putting you on blast.
You're not part of our people christcuck, I bet you're not even white. You don't care about the aryan race, you just care about your pathetic delusions written out in the book of g-d.
I'm just saying that smart shitskins like Carson should be sterilized but not killed, they deserve to live the rest of their life in peace as long as they don't breed.
uhhh no shit sherlock, where did I imply they werent? and in my opinion that would be the best thing to do, raising a deformed child is just a waste of human resources.
Re read my post, I didn't mention fedora. Just that atheist is accept without any challenge and is at the reach of any median individual.
Religious requires accepting a lot of more difficult questions and overcoming them. To be Religious minded, you can't simply say "because Dogma says so" anymore.
Cycle is being reversed.
So does everyone.
Jewish media is a blanket issue across all races and castes - literally no class of people alive today are bereft of its influence.
That doesn't suggest niggers are in any way acceptable.
Oh Common Filth, you're really so incredibly pathetic, you know that, right?
Go watch some more dog porn and masterbate with your tears.
You're really helping my portrayal of you as an espouser of the Naturalization Act/Immigration Act however - you have no faith in your people, no belief in your blood, no identity, and you would welcome the exceptional actors amongst your opposition with open arms and decry those of your won who note the hazard.
Of course, that's what I'd say if I thought you were White.
Which I do not.
You reek of a mud trying generate sympathy, or else a Jew doing the same.
If Ben Carson helps to show everyone the Lugenpress and Shills for what they are, I don't really care. This character is rather based.
It doesn't matter. People voting for trump will vote trump and people who are voting for hillary will vote hillary. Camp trump see's the allegations as desperation as election draws near and camp hillary sees it as confirmation trump is evil. Anyone on the fence wont see a conclusion to any legal proceedings to determine guilt so its effectively wasted breath.
Stop paining all Christians as modern (((Christians))). I don't give a fuck what you call me, I'm as white as you and everyone else here, and a European to boot. This whole crusade against Christianity shit should be banned.
aka making up reasons to continoue believing in something that is very obviously false because tradition.
Also, I would consider my self a secular thinker and I do study religeon and actually wouldnt mind being religeous but all my studies lead me to the conclusion that it is false. I do try and challenge my secularality, I just dont find that many things that 'stump' me.
Seriously, where do you kike faggots come from?
I never said anything about "killing" anyone, you worthless god-forsaken Skaven.
I don't give a fuck if they breed - they ought go back to Africa and breed as much as they fucking well like.
I just don't want to pay for it, and I shouldn't have to, nor should my people, and the day coming up wherein enough of us come to that shared conclusion is well within possibility.
I can tell you're a shill outsider, because you think opposition to these people being here is all "murder the shitskins!", when it is, in reality, about "preserve my identity and people!" - which is exactly what would be accomplished, from and for both sides, by sending the blacks back to Africa.
It is, I believe, an inevitability, which will transpire as Jewish ideological control falters.
"The bible is true because it's the word of god, the word of god is true because jews wrote it, jews are god, I love jews"
-Average christcuck
"Only science is real muh materialism muh relativity muh solipsism muh bullshit philosophy"
-Average athiest
"As above so below; As within so without"
-Average aryan master
Really makes you think
t. le smard man of wizdumb : )
And I'm the outsider?
If this is the way Holla Forums is headed I'm leaving before the exodus gets too bad.
He is loyal.
Nyquil Nigga is GOAT.
He's a useful nigger.
And, along with the rest of the niggers, he belongs in Africa - not in the US.
That he is here, if you would celebrate him being here, is the ideology of the enemy.
There is nothing else.
I said nothing about Christians, you worthless Jew.
You reek of Semitism.
Nobody said anything about Christianity but you, Jew-cuck faggot.
I have a soft spot for Christcucks, but this ain't about them, this is about you, acting like a Jew, or else an incredibly dim-witted cuckold of the worst sort.
Why do I reek of mud, or semitic blood, Anglin?
Nothing about that post implies civic nationalism, you worthless scab.
It explicitly suggests they must return to their nations of origin, on a racial/ethnic basis, that those who are not of one race need not support those of the other.
Kill yourself Moishe.
what? why? why would the universe have or need freewill? what kind of morality is the universe going to be judge upon? if the universe decides to make a deformed baby then does the universe get sent to some kind of 'universal hell'?
Remember when Carson didn't hear his name called and Trump waited for them to call him again before he went out? i cri evrytiem.
That's why, you pathetic cuckold.
White man's burden.
In theory a secular society would be great, but in practice it's where people rationalize depravity and degeneracy.
(ie: )
Without a standard of prosperity, people will slip from it.
You have no foresight, do you?
Whatever, I'll go gas myself them, after I make a PB&J sandwhich for my wife's son.
They invented "judeo-christian values". That term didn't even exist until the 1950s
Says the man who decries symptoms instead of illness.
You're a fool.
Sure thing CF. Try not to get too many tears in your urethra, the salt could give you an infection.
I love Benny.
Why not VP?
I think a religeous society is good but only for the normalfags who make up the majority. Also I think a very genetically gifted family can be secular but only on that family level.
this le chateau autiste explains it very well
doesnt matter, the autiste made a good point.
Trump tried to throw a bone to the neocon cucks with Pence
based carson
That shut her up.
What are you, Cato? And how well did his rigid refusal to accept Caesar despite circumstances, how well did the refusal of optimates to acknowledge the changing circumstances work out?
There are lessons to be learned from history and from Rome especially, this has also been noted by Machiavelli. Choosing your battles is one of them, and choosing when to fight them.
It is absolutely the height of stupidity to shift attention into your own allies during time of strife, to try to attack them just because, well, we will have to do it later.
We know that. Everyone with a semblance of a brain knows there will not be peaceful coexistance of two different races in same country. But now is not the time to fight them.
That will come later.
Fucking filter him already
Yep… every time. Fuck off, Chaim.
The amount of CTR shills upboating those youtube comments are horrifying. Still can't believe people virtue signal on youtube comments, and actually think this Trump issue is a huge deal. How much more fucking sheepish can you get? Where were these cuck's outrage at a Bill Clinton impeachment? There was no social media back then like today, so they couldn't virtue signal as much. If Hillary wins with fraud, Republicans need to consider moving and seceding a section of the US off, but they are just cuck spineless neocons. FUCK!
I wish I had the skills to transform those heads into watermelons
First surgically separated coinjoined twin watermelons.
New tradition is atheism/secularism.
So that's kinda projecting.
That's the difference. Between you challenging yourself or outsiders forcing you to face difficult questions, there goes a big distance.
You realize Putin sees you as a disposable individual Anglin? Your ideas break Russian Laws.
Accuse her of flaunting her white privilege against a poor oppressed black male.
Not gonna lie, that statement pissed me off. After witnessing what they did to Gamergate, and now the Trump campaign, just… just gets my blood boiling.
Let's see how he deals with the quandary of moral relativism in the absence of God.
This video cuts off the best part where everyone jist forgot kasich existed
America will be Great Again
So does he still have to go back?
Fuck off moron. Stop trying to derail this thread. Go back to Ropeculture.
Is this true? You should send that information to the guys and tell them to investigate. They're going after Anderson Pooper and others so they'll be interested.
Carson is right, too. That's the most angering part of this. Macroeconomics has a lot of interpretation and assumptions made to reason what would happen in given situations, and irl there will always be factors unaccounted for, so it will never be 100% accurate.
He's a good man that Ben Carson.
He's trying to warn them about what they are doing to the country
and they just don't listen. they aren't hearing it
the evidence is right in front of us and they're just unwilling to recognize what they are doing
Not the Sleepymanders? kk.
Ben Carson worships on Saturday as his Sabbath, so that's probably what he's talking about. I wish he'd just say 'Christian' too, though–that's what I always say.
t. - Seventh-day Adventist
pls no bully
user, come on.
Hes talking to the viewers at this point, already knew that he was walking into the lions den. These people already made their choice, mind, were paid very well and had the incentives.
Plus it shows to them that none of the Trump's supporters are afraid of (((them))) and actually want to change the course of America.
read the YT comments and taste the liberal/lefty/good goy hatred over Carson
You need to lurk for another year.
There's only one explanation for the Left's tireless hateful attacks against Dr. Carson:
being a great surgeon is much more about having very steady hands than being exceptionally smart
But racism is Power + Privilege and the African gentleman in question certainly has no power or privilege like every cis white male has…
Remind me again why Trump picked Pence as his VP instead of Carson.
Trump needed a semi-establishment Republican to get the cucks in line
Ben Carson is a racist because he dared disagree with a woman.
have fun burning in hell :^)
It funny since, a bunch of black "representing" their communities are showing a huge discontent over Obama and Dems in general
Vid with old nig calling King Nigger the fuck out.
That's some high tier bully
Don't worry user Satan does not outright own anything himself.
t, Christian
what did he mean by this
Lying Joe
Him being successful must make her insecure.
This stupid fucking cunt doesn't realize that talking over someone and not letting him get a word in is silencing him? This is literally all the media does with anyone they don't agree with, ask them leading questions and then shout accusations and new questions over their responses before they can explain. And she has the nerve to complain about him silencing her? Unreal.
that's some next level bantz.
nonsense, they came up with it to wrap them with cuckstianity cloth as cover for their jewing becoming more into question.
Hence why churches need to be redpilled, at least about jews and how their leaded the butcher of the Bible.
I remember that some pastors were being discredit for showing that Solomon was actually condemned to hell, instead of what jew were pushing.Pro tip: its the guy behind most shit jews worship and symbols.
Watching him makes me relieved that he is not a candidate. Sleepyhead is really not good at dodging questions. How about
He is a bit like the sloth, too slow…
You don't need to be a brain surgeon to be a journalist.
Hail to the Scarlet Devil('s sister), baby!
I'll meet you in hell too you pagan apologist.
our ancestors had a chance to get rid of em after they freed them. Too many generations in to boot them now. Think pragmatically, nigger.
BY KEK, Holla Forums is not a Nazi who wants to kill 6,000,000 Jews. he wants to kill ALL of them. he would never start something without a committment to finish it.
Carson needs to do some basic debate exercises.When he's put in a trap, he should learn to turn it around on these filthy kikes.
Taking a page from Jesus's book, he should ask them a loaded question in response that they can't answer, if they try to trap him. If they bring up Trump's "rapes", he should be like
If they pull out some more shit, just point out the glaring weaknesses, give a VERY token side to your own defense to placate and not give them a chance to focus on, and then go on the attack
If they try to deflect, refuse to answer them
they will fire back with more luciferian snake-tongued kikery.
you do not argue with demons. you banish them to hell.
Sees to me that they were mediasplaining that black man.
It's not an interview when all you do is talk yourself.
Shit taste in music, commie.
So are most black Americans
How much of a faggot can one possibly look like?
How can they fire back if you leave them trapped? They'll weasel out, but that's all they can do. Public humiliation of the media is very helpful for redpilling, morale, spreading, and confidence.
He has the look in his eye of someone who just absolutely craves semen day in and day out.
Christcuckery's mental gymnastics…
Why doesnt his face move when he talks
Sleepy negro not so sleepy anymo'
If God exists there's no such thing as free will. Everything that's going to happen, has happened, is happening, right now.
I cant wait for this election to be over and for Holla Forums to become Holla Forums again instead of /trump/.
Trump has made all of you faggots soft.
Holla Forums used to be unwavering in its allegiance to the truth
Holla Forums used to be steadfast in its devotion to its race
Holla Forums used to never except anything less than kicking out all the spics, gassing the jews and genociding nig nogs until they beg for the mercy of being sent back to africa.
Now some guy comes along and promises to kick out only the illegals, give jobs to niggers, names banks as enemys and makes fun of the media and you can barely get his cock out of your mouth long enough to shitpost.
Trump hasnt named the jew
Trump hasnt named race as the primary concern of mass immigration
Trump hasnt named race as the factor of niggers being niggers.
Sure, he miiight be hiding his powerlevel, but untill he goes full GTKRWN i doubt it.
Always doubt someone with money who doesnt name the jew.
Sure carson is an honorable man, is a god among nigs, and I would advocate for his life during a race war;
but that does not mean for one second I want him to be a citizen of the same nation as me.
Whites will never be great again,
whites will never rule the world again,
whites will never leave this planet,
until we stop spending so much time and resources helping lesser races and only getting riots, murder and rape for our trouble.
That means kicking out every non-white inb4 hair splitting on what white is and gassing the jews so they dont brainwash future generations accostumed to easy living to feel sorry for various kinds of niggers and spics.
If you dont realize that a mongrolized society, and thus a dead society, is the only and inevitable consequence of a multiracial state, then you need to either suck start a ten gauge or lurk moar.
fucking r/donald faggots need to fuck off
Holy fuck, I want to punch that smug kike right in the face.
Why isn't the left jumping on the on this?
If Sean Hannity screamed "don't say 'you people'" to a liberal black man, then continued to interrupt and berate him for minutes on end, libtards would shit their pants and have a field day crying racism.
addressed the hosts point well; the character of the conductor doesn't matter if one of the conductors is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to not pull the breaks. As is commonly mentioned by commentators actions matter far more than words and the opinions of a leader in the leadership of a country.
Try again.
nice dodge faggot.
try arguing outside of the torah
Rope this cunt
And what have you done towards the coming day of the rope? Do tell. Do not forget Holla Forums has always thrived on exampled based anonymous psuedo-leadership via logic and reasoning and examples of deeds to be done.
As for me, Carson getting screwed on TV by kikes seems like the perfect schism for breaking more of the nig voter base away from the left. A good christian nigger getting talked over and condescended on national television by a ice tea sipping nu-male while the kike is in actuality as intelligent as a piece of flat bread? What is this? The 60s during the segregation where blacks can't even talk?
I want eugenics programs to be back again so badly so I don't have to deal with people from reddit.
I hope you dumbasses realize you're establishing an obvious pattern that can be described as a script from a shill book. Ah, who am I kidding? You never realize anything, which is why you're losing.
What a bro. He even stood in the middle of the hallway waiting with Carson, forcing the others like Jeb! to slither around him
I think some of them may get red-pilled when they see their families get cultural enrichment, some only when they personally experience it themselves. But most of those types of people are so indoctrinated, they're beyond help.
As much as I want to MAGA, and don't want to experience ruin, sometimes you can only build great things after destruction.
MSM are trying to cuck us into slaughtering millions of shitskins, whites and gooks for a niche (((global elite))).
She has to go back to the kitchen
more like
Wasn't the question. The question was whether or not he thinks they're lying, and it is both loaded or irrelevant, because that conclusion can only be reached through investigation and legal proceedings rather than media reports.
It's a very obvious trap crafted by feeble minds to either have him undermine Trump or undermine his own character by committing the thought-crime of not valuing the opinion of women. I also audibly laughed when the reporter wanted to talk about mathematics, because if any of these media communications degree fuck boys were good at mathematics, they sure as shit wouldn't be journalists. To them, it's just some magical scribbles that prove their idiotic Liberal talking points through sheer authority. Same deal with his appeal to economic "experts", as though they are some benevolent and objective font of wisdom, rather than the greedy and corrupted pieces of shit they are that would sell every White man's soul on Earth if it meant they would make a buck, and indeed are trying to.
The current crop of Liberals needs to be executed, and the future crops need to be suppressed violently.
Carson is nailing inverviews and stays on target without getting sucked into the media's games. He must have picked this high energy from Trump.
Imagine if western women were like this today, life would be great.
Just fucking lynch them already, all of them.
That Nig gets a first class seat back to Africa, and a position in Government there.
Maybe the child has down syndrome because something the mother did. Maybe it's a punishment.
You're trying too hard.
Wow he actually murdered someone. This squinty eyed fuck.
The BBC needs to fucking go.
wtf kind of name is "Katty"?
You have been visited by the common sense black man of conducting trains of economic success.
Deportation of illegals and mass humiliation of the lying press will come to you but only if you post
In this thread.
Trains going over a cliff and these fucks are in the back setting themselves on fire.
is morning joe an ethnic kike or does he just work for them? he obviously acts like one
Behind a burger king?
The press are like bitches, they make note of what your buttons are, push them at the exact right time and use your chimpout to bolster themselves.
She's planted the seed now: Trump said you were a pedo. Now she wants that anger to fester within him, so he throws out something that burns Trump.
Ohnoes, the sterling is down, the sky is falling, it's all over.
Same okey doke every time, of course it's going to fall immediately afterwards, that's the market correction taking place, this is the heroin addict going through detox, but once the junk is out of his system things are going to be fine again.
trump called out the globalists and international bankers like 2 days ago, he called the media and the govt a cartel. if you don't think that's calling out the kikes you're one dense motherfucker
hyperlib white women will probably be some of the most fun to hang on DOTR
Listen to your (((elites))), goyim.
But then we wouldn't have your glorious shitposting to read, user.
Yep, they're talking to a neurosurgeon as if they are smarter than he his. Such blatant racism!
Just the other day MSNBC was on at an airport I was at and they thought they had some sort of GOTCHA moment when some faggy cuck tried to force an answer out of a republican who supports Trump to the question "WHAT IF TRUMP SAID 'I LOVE RAPING WOMEN'?" and the guy was just like "wtf"
When did Trump characterize him as a pedophile? Did that happen?
That is a nice smug robot. Do you mind if I save it?
Alright, so I looked this up. He didn't call him a child molestor. He made an analogy comparing him to a child molestor. Fucking lugenpresse
He needs more Pence interviews, this guy knows how to wriggle out of slimey attacks.
Also, what happened to Palin and Coulter? Shouldn't Trump be using his female allies?
Women aren't trustworthy as a bulwark against heavy handed media.
Libs hate both and call them cunts regularly but it's fine when they do it.
well if satan himself says you're going to burn in hell, he is probably right. sorry, adventistanon
When I have kids instead of constantly showering them with comments about how smart they are, I'll constantly reminds them that success has more to do with impulse control and discipline.
I firmly believe that success comes from impulse control and not intelligence.
he could have replied with how he's black and all, that may have stunned the reporter
ben "cut the mic like a microsurgeon" carson
Define, "Exceptionally smart".
Do you think your Nissan Master Mechanic is exceptionally smart? I do.
A surgeon is a flesh mechanic. They are smart. Very smart.
To be a good surgeon, not kill your patients, you need discipline and steady hands.
Look at that Bell Curve again, there are outliers.
To complain about Sleepy Negro just being a nigger and to not have the capacity to be smart is to ignore science and be not better than your average street nigger, faggot.