/younglove/ - Child Love Discussion

Why was the entire board deleted?
Actually, never mind. Bound to happen.

Better question: was the board archived somewhere?

Attached: keep it legal, boi.png (594x326, 95.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Archives don't save images.

If you can't stand for something, you'll fall for anything, Jim.

to increase traffic on Holla Forums :^)

Irrelevant, since there were barely any images to begin with.
But a lot of conversations were worth saving.

pedos = gay

And gays can get married now, so I don't see how pedos = gay


you mean some one that can score pussy at any age? and obeys the science of the world over the law of cuck fucks





Not sure if I should call mods.


Attached: dysnomia_56percent.jpg (1446x1847, 232.23K)

you were picked on in school amiright?

It has tits, Hex. You can fap to it, right? Yeah better save it then, it's fappable child porn.

fucking midgets are at it again!

stop saving the vid you retards!

holy shit thanks user



its just midget porn and quite legal

Fuck off pedophile.

i regret not asking my crush out at school, damn that woudve been so fun

looks like a roastie pussy tbh. can't be a kid

lol butthurt

Not an argument.

Attached: 2e8902385a86fca26f3f2330b573aa7e700a583041f919b5751b778c79c2a670.jpg (600x600, 56.25K)

adult porn is obvious

Attached: 6124b8b275469bd3fc6abfa755770f8c4257ae01e249d3d1ef53dc3784184603.png (506x704, 237.93K)


Wow dude amazing.

well here we go again

Hey Hex, what was your justification for being in pedo threads with CP in them? I want to hear your mental gymnastics again.

but pedos were banned. this cant happen, its against the rules!

what's yours?

Nevermind the CP is gone. Now you can leave Hex.


Attached: aint reporting thomas oc.png (506x506, 274.51K)

Oh look it's the same shit that other pedo posts. Wow.

Hex the CP is back. Make subtle requests for more.

good news for our antis: the guy who made this series is currently in jail

Oh it's gone now. Bye Hex.

nice request, user.

wont last long as Hex already has this

Still not hearing your mental gymnastics explanation.

is it wrong if i have boner watching that video ? not pedo btw

To think the volunteer deleting all the pedoshit was in fact a pedophile himself. Damn, what a surprise.

If she has tits then it's fappable.

not wrong at all but the antis will try and convince you otherwise

post more you holy pedo!!!(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)



you watched the video. thats the same as if you had actually raped a child

replace the onion address with 8ch.net



and i watched Rambo last night,does that mean i killed several policemen?


turn yourself in murderer

but Hansen said so

I watched a video of someone blasting his head away with a shotgun. So I basically shot myself in the head as well, right?


i believe it then

No, you idiot. You're the one who fired the shotgun. By watching that clip you're revictimizing the poor soul.

i wish i did what i watched ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But he's not a pedophile. Just joke eskdee

Hex has left`

where are all the actual xXP3d0Kill3rXx antis who are butt mad all the time and post those edgy tumblr "KILL A PEDOPHILE" banners?
they should have appeared in this thread by now, but all i see are few shilling banter-antis

I missed the video, I won't request a reup but I'm curious by nature, so if someone could describe it?

that moan at the end was so hot man

was a midget violating herself with a curling iron

Child using a phallic object as a dildo.

Man recieving oral from a child, cuts to him rubbing his penis on the child's vagina.

this was meant for

about eleven yo girl filming herself putting an object into her pee pee many times and enjoying it

she may have had a young face,but that vag was not the vag of a child….hence she was a midget

who ever uploading that shit getting tracked and hunted down. ya all hear me niggers? im the pedo hunter 69696

im right here nigger

Hex comeback I promise to post child porn.

Holy shit brb posting child porn.



She'll have tits so it's fappable thus you can save it, Hex. joke xd

fuckin noob,
you never heard off or understand what a vpn is??

Not an argument.

hex was living the dream.

ur dumb. if you hate pedos enough and mention it to random anons enough times you get to see through vpn shields and fbi will automatically arrest all pedos on the site

i forgot it was a joke. everything he said can just be thrown out.

exactly this is what im talkin about you know that shit


am wutzin you personaly

t. Dismnomija

your delusional or uneducated,i am not sure which.

Hex you should start tripfagging on /waifuist/ then slowly make your way to Lolifox where you and your pedophile friends can suck each other's dicks. It'll just be a joke xd.

Just kidding Hex. All my posts were jokes xd. Bye Hex. I'll see you in the next pedo thread but you're not a pedophile you're just here for the 'community' or something. Right? Good talk.

there are no true ped's on Lolifox,just uneducated edgy cunts who cant figure out Tor.
so please…visit there,and rid the web of these juveniles who give the rest of us peds/hebes a bad name.

fucking profit

Attached: dysnomia tight pucci n_o.gif (506x415, 2.24M)

lol…nice bro,
glad i could share this with you earlier so you can spread the midget porn :)


Hide the pain harold's daughter?

A good thread for the discourse.