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I wonder if Zizek would have said the same about Hitler.
Zizek confirmed retard for never having heard of trump's tax plan, which is basically gibmedats for all his rich friends.
Yeah that has been discussed before again and again. Other than the shit where he's basically freestyling (build wall, deport people, etc) he's closer to Clinton than to most republicans. 98% sure that he's pro-choice as well, even if he's pretending not to be.
why people actually believe trump is an alt-right retard is beyond me
Good lord what a stupid post
Well the thing is Trump is very much for the status quo, even though a lot of his supports would consider him to be completely anti-establishment and spit in the face of the 'SJEW dictatorship' or whatever.
Really though, all he is is politically incorrect, while quite centrist economically. However ,due to the cult of personality that American politics plays on, people only focus on his social policies and political incorrectness, making him out to be more of a blow to the establishment than he actually would be.
Just like any other candidate, he will not lead to any real change.
Only in America
Only in America
He wasn't overtly a fascist either.
I mean centrist in the sense that, economically, he's not really going to shake things up. Yea he might make a couple of his friends better off but that's nothing new.
He had the most conservative tax policy out of any of the other republicans running. Even compared to other candidates he is the most economically conservative based on what he's actually proposed and not things he's said in passing. Most liberals also favor cuts to the military – Donald Trump isn't proposing that by any measure. Most centrist liberals also don't deny climate change.
People call trump racists because the left just loves to scream SUPER RACITS HITLER, but i have literally never heard him say anything bad or good about black people.
Also mexican is a nationality.
Your move leftypol
Obama didn't. Despite being bought by wall street his income tax policy never became gibmedats to only wealthy people.
Trump's supporters earn more and have more education than the average. They're probably secular conservative types, maybe moderate libertarians, who secretly believe (and they're right) that Trump only says what he needs to say in order to get the old and the white trash to vote.
I don't know if this is true. Trump does extremely well with the poorly educated, evangelicals and working class whites. I don't know if there's any reason to believe he does especially well with high earners.
This is meant for this guy:
I hear Holla Forums chanting 'one of us' from way over here.
Is this really /pol bringing the argument that nationalities aren't races? The same /pol that says Slavs aren't white or white Hispanics don't exist…?
Zizek is just stating the obvious here: that once you get past the liberal outrage over what Trump says he's really no different from most republicans.
Obama gets attacked by the GOP all the time for not saying radical islam but he's done more foreign interventions and drone strikes than the racist republicans. Liberals gloss over that because he speaks respectfully and doesn't try to offend people.
Even if you were correct, your dwelling on one issue is pathological in nature. You're both rushing to defend Trump against allegations of racism when they weren't brought up. You are also ignoring discussion of his policies and their relation to politics in the US in general, and so on.
Zizek, in attempting to be shocking, is beimg pretty selective. If we take at face value everything Trump says in passing, he has has some stances that most conservatives don't agree with, like punishing women who get abortions, absolutely no-gun free zones, going after the families of suspected terrorists, etc. I mean he's so obviously wrong on this one. When you actually look at what he's really proposed which is not what Zizek does here, it ranges from run-of-the-mill conservative to extremely conservative.
What's so racist about a goddamn wall?
They're drug dealers, they're rapists and some, I assume, are good people. But only some.
Trump is clinton-lite. He would face mass protest and direct action if he attempted to deport 11mil, clinton will face angry tweets when she deports 5mil.
What actually is a race?
Hence why we should vote for Trump.
There are a lot of people in the US sick of immigration. How about we do this the other way for once. Why should just anybody be allowed to go there? Or Europe for that matter? Surely a SocDem will respect the democratic will of the people?
zizek is still a fucking retard.
recently there was a interview with jeb "guacamole bowl" bush where he said that even if trump wins he wont be able to implement most of his policies and his followers would become dissapointed, so i feel like if trump loses he wins, because he can say "if only" and continue to be the populist folk hero
On the one hand, he is going to audit the fed and completely obliterate the establishment - on the other hand I really need those muslims and mexicans
Good luck getting that past congress and wall street.
Tbh, I'm not even entirely sure what "auditing the fed" would entail.
nobody is
it's a meaningless platitude
Hitler was pretty insane from the get-go.
So this thread is in 4pol too. I'll show you it if you promise not to break it. Pretty interesting (if introspective) discussion on the nature and ideology of Holla Forums.
So… a centrist liberal?
Maybe not in terms of income tax, but in almost every other sense Obama had tons of gibmedats for Porky. His so-called "stimulus" was nothing but tax cuts and subsidies.
"Centrists" have been behind austerity policies everywhere.
Also, this is important because the Democraps are trying to slant Trump as some sort of reincarnated Hitler so we can't risk alternative politics.
Zizek confirms pro-Trump!
The memes are coming together!
Zizek is a fascist plant, don't you see?
He secretly supports racist sexist fascist!
Žižek also says Donald Trump is disgusting, and often uses him to show a paragon of the state of ideology in its cynical function today.
Or rather a lack thereof (ideological cynicism).
Zizek hates Trump. Being called a "centrist liberal" by a Leftist is not a compliment. He's just saying that his seeming far-right bigotry is all just show, more telling of the American Right who eat it up than Trump himself.
What the fuck is his problem?
Giving tax breaks to rich people is a pretty common trend in the United States. So in that sense, he is in a way economically centrist.
Neither "mexican" nor "muslim" are races. However, when Trump talks about keeping them out, nobody is thinking about a skinny white muslim convert from Canada, or a girl with Chinese ancestry who was born in Mexico. There are definite stereotypes (based on the nebulous idea of race) that go along with the groups of people Trump is against.
Shut up, useful idiot.
This. It's not a defense, by any means.
He's referring to centrism as in between the American Republican and Democrat parties. It is you who is the idiot.
Really winning the ideological warfare there, bub.
He's not wrong. I wish Trump and Clinton would swap their idpol - it would make things a lot simpler.
They're both conservative nutters, but they use different brands of idpol to disguise their economic policies.
I already knew that and I never went full-sjw, so who cares man
Centrist parties have been behind most of the austerity policies we've seen.
We live in times where the political center has shifted so far to the right that not wanting to completely dismantle the social safety net and fuck workers with a cactus makes you a centrist.
Maybe so. But will the americans no here finally admit Trump is the lesser of two evils now 'muh fashism!' has been BTFO?
idk about that fam
I agree, he reminds me of putin in some ways, the main one being that he is way more liberal than most of the people that support him, unbeknownst to them.
In some ways he is a wild card egomaniac but hes a fucking businessman first and foremost, i know their type, he isnt gonna do anything too crazy
If its him versus hilary the hoofed one im voting for him, kill list be damned.
If you had told me 10 years ago id be voting for donald fackin trump based on the fact that he is the most antiwar candidate left, i would have made a sour face and farted in your general direction