Lennon delighted in mocking Epstein for his homosexuality and for the fact that he was Jewish...

Was John Lennon, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

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Weird, for a commie race mixing fag, he's pretty alright.

he was a wife beater but besides that seemed ok



No, Paul was.

Yoko Ono deserved to be beaten.

what a f*cking bigot, wtf i hate the beatles now

Why do you think (((they))) killed him?


He's nothing compared to Clapton.

Lennon looks like he wants some hot gay sex in that photo

funny since clapton spent his ENTIRE career imitating negro blues musicians



he's a better guitarist, for sure, but he still was part of the "british invasion" that imported black culture into the previously white cultures of america, britain, europe and eventually the whole world.
he helped legitimize black "culture" which he now attacks from the comfort of his secluded mansion

No, he didn't.


Did the Jews kill Lennon?

advocating for a white britain to avoid becoming a "black colony" is an attack by any rational standards, my dude

Ok, champ.

No, it isn't.
When you say he attacked black culture, that would mean he doesn't like black culture, which he obviously does. He plays their music and listen to thier music. What he doesn't like however is streets filled with lazy niggers who are all on welfare and will rape your wife and daughter. I hope you are capable to understand the rational behind that, my friend.

Was Paul, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

it wasn't a direct attack, because like all 60s hippies, they have to keep their virtue signalling up to standards, but his real feelings slipped thanks to alcohol which indicate he thinks non-whites are inferior people, which is, by proxy, an attack on black culture.
hope that clarifies your befuddled minds

Wait, have the Beatles actually always been redpilled, and I just didn't know it?

Lol, fuck off nigger, just because white musicians can get inspired by your coon tunes doesn't mean they want to live by you. No one likes niggers, that includes Mexicans and Asians. You're a human plague.

Well, Harrison was greenpilled and anti-taxes.

and niggers

No, he doesn't.

i came in this thread for memes
where are the memes

i'm white, my jewish friend. you are angry that your 60s left-leaning rock god is actually a hypocrite


Wanting to keep your race clean and your culture undivided under one banner doesn't mean you're a racist.

At Reddit.

yes it does. at least hitler wasn't afraid to own it, unlike you, hypocrite

Lol, you're an idiot. Inviting niggers into a white nation destroys it, it's not racist to point out reality.

Hitler didn't hate other races only the Jews and even then he considered some of them Aryan enough to be in the Wehrmacht, you're obviously a nigger or Israeli judging by your shit grammar, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement.


it's fitting that your dubs are only half of 88 you dumb wigger.
the nazis were proudly racist and had no problems with that.
do words scare you, m8?

hello Holla Forums

you can be a racist without hating inferior races, dumbass

Now that's funny.



Definitely /ourguy/

Kill yourself, Holla Forums


so, definitely /ourguy/?

I only listen to Death Grips and exclusively fap to my waifu Maisie.

Actually, I don't mind being called a racist. Because that's human nature. You like people from your own group, and have a natural distrust to people outside of your group.
I just pointed out the retardation of his argumentation.

no you didn't


The Nazis were by any rational standard, racist.

You don't belong here.

lennon was projecting his own self-hatred at being a closet homo

This is all coming from a cuckquean Jap who let John fuck a Chinese dragon lady for 18 months.

he admitted that he let (((epstein))) "toss him off" in spain
sorry, your hero is a faggot



Wait…wtf? So all these fuckinv hippy icons were secretly /ourguys/. Well, wtf. Why didn't they just come out and say so????

roger waters is the very definition of a bleeding heart lefty snowflake, m8

Waters is woke.

Nice kike language. Empathy is Aryan. Only niggers and Jews don't understand compassion and kindness.

he's rabidly anti-fascist and using the right-wing israeli government as a vehicle to bash fascism, just like the film and album did

He was white, disrespected a woman and homophobic. Sure, he's your guy.


Was Joy Division kino?

he really was one of us. Read about how he treated his wife and son.

Then again the entire western world was one of us around the 50s-70s tbqh



ok reddipol



Go back to the closet you fucking skeleton.

Too bad that they've fucked afterwards


haha nice, you sure got him

Who doesn't want to punch Ono in the face.

In about two or three hours the vegan/pig posting will suddenly stop for a little while.
I wish I was one timezone over so I wouldn't have to see this unfunny faggot force shit at all.

Why do you hate piggies, user?

t. failed memesmith

George was /ourguy/

I like pigs but not vegans


Explain yourself

imagine all the people
gasing kikes and gays
oh oh oooooooooohh

why does he look like young John Cusack?

kek, who do you turbogays think you are fooling?


Srsly Lennon was a leftist closet homo with a mommy fetish.
Well, maybe he is /ourguy/ after all

Pick one nigger.

What's the difference between a baby and a bag of cocaine?
Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out a window


If your best fag evidence is hearsay about him once getting an epstein handy go fish user.

>he is unaware that lennon was fucking may pang as a way to make yoko jealous it worked
come back when you've done your due diligence, nigger

Forget woman you're nigger of the world user
Sauce pls tyrone and not some blogspot or 20 year old page with a hit counter
Is that why he spent a year with her, why yoko had to send paul to la to plead her case and why he only eventually came back on the condition pang could stay his mistress? Your revision kung fu is weak wesley snipes.

you read daily mail religiously, don't you?

Is My Sweet Lord about Kek?

Wrong board, try again.


Not an argument

i'll take that as a "yes"

Not the same guy mate, just pointing out you have no good argument.

There is nothing wrong in beating the thing that is Yoko Ono. Too bad he didn't kill her and get a real woman.

t. same guy

Well, where is your source?

still licking your wounds?


you take a lot of time and effort to hide your pain

I was feelin' insecure that you might not love me anymore

Lennon didn't say gay shit to Yoko, your source proves that.

That's just John's typical morbid humour.

Definitely /ourguy/

that doesn't sync with his sexual experience with epstein.
english men are notorious for closet homosexuality

If you were married to that shrill Yoko Ono, you would be bound to beat up your women aswell.

Just because they whined over a guitar, doesn't make it blues.

Nope. They were only the continuation of the subvertion of the youth white masses we nowadays hate, the boomers.

Haha, you cute idealistic kiddies. Enjoy getting shot in the back and getting your families killed.

at least the boomers had jobs, a house, families of their own, friends and neighbors and an active sex life with lots of parties and fun

Let's check what the Bible has to say about Lennon's behavior:
Not sure wether that may girl was married, but just leaving it
That epstein man
God hates Lennon for fucking yoko ono

None of that applies to lennon though. He had a mommy complex not "fetish", his mom had abandoned him to shack up with some guy then died leaving him like a little kid in search of a mommy. Yoko meanwhile had been committed to a loony bin while her daughter was taken off to join a cult leaving her literally a mommy in search of a kid. It was a simple case of 2 neurosis sets dovetailing and complimenting each other, no need to over complicate with wild theories. 1:50 embed related John talks about almost killing a guy who brought up the Epstein rumors, not saying he was never taken advantage of but he was the farthest thing from a homo.

working class english women are all cheap slags

2:10 "frightened of the fag in me"
opinion discarded

Doth protest much user?

It wasn't Yoko Ono, unfortunately.

the beatles were holding yoko back.

No unless your definition of kino is being massively overrated

I thought Kino was a meme to piss off Holla Forums and reddit.

How does Ringo rank in /ourguy/ levels?

A unbeaten woman is like an unkept house.

Do the Jews control the western media?

that's the fake Paul. The real Paul died in a accident in 1966 and (((Parlophone))) replaced him.

Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend

t. reddipol

Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend

[reddipol intensifies]

Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend


Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend

We are reaching reddipol levels that shouldn't be possible.

Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend

Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend

reddipol stuck in a loop

I imagine he was. It's easy if you try.

Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend

At some point he was, then he was pussy whipped by Yoko. He tried to escape her in it was be known as the "Lost Weekend", but finally he can't.

Stephen King killed Lennon.

Take your meds, Lightfoot.