I think the Holla Forumser who made that thread based on the cop's Facebook profile started this. They even posted the OC.
I think the Holla Forumser who made that thread based on the cop's Facebook profile started this. They even posted the OC.
It seems the media are heavily monitoring the chans.
First CNN, then NYT, and now Huff Post, interesting…
This one circulated beyond our borders though.
I hope whoever made the OC gets a check at least.
Do you think someone would really do that, just go on the internet and exploit someone's labor without so much as a mention of the most hated board on Holla Forums?
The media has more important victims to blame.
What a pathetic attempt to shift focus away from the main topic.
and of course the normies are complaining about huffpost ""demonizing"" the slain white supremacist.
lolwat. Does watching five people get shot by sniper fire not warrant a drink nowadays?
That's Philando Castile's gf, the one who live streamed after the cop shot him.
Oh, my bad. My point still stands though.
What exactly is their point with this article?
Swap out 'cop' for 'black' and 'white supremicist' for 'gang member'. Arrianna is a rancid excuse gor a human being who uses her husband's money to signal her virtue. I'd personally take great pleasure in seeing her die of cervical cancer.
I'd want to abort my kid too knowing this is the world he'd be born in.
there is new info in the post. Look at this. He's literally part of a Nazi cop sleeper cell.
This legit or circumstantial?
This is why you should never trust the media.
Surely you jest?
No clue, since it was reported from liberal sites, but the dox seems to be accurate.
They say almost nothing about the shooting, but they don't fucking shut up about the BLM comments on it, because BLM = $$$
I just like how a guy with that history ends up in the police.
lol le liberal media conspiracy amirite? xDDD
I agree with the article that I don't think it's convincing, but that also the cop was never a hero to me. Lol. You don't get to be called a hero for being a cop, even after you die.
If this is true, then I feel like a chump for not being convinced by the Facebook meme.
what's unconvincing about it? he literally uploaded photos of his own white supremacist tattoos.
it's the image i shared on twitter
anyone else contributed?
Why is he in just a shirt and slacks for what looks like a group photo
Just for the sake of argument
Don't cops sometimes get those tattoos if they're supposed to do that sort of undercover work?
I really don't know anything about this guy, so
It's not a totally unreasonable case, but literally all those things can be explained by non-racist answers. This doesn't even cover the obvious stuff from the meme that has things like him being a Trump supporter, supporting a trans-phobic pastor, etc. that are obviously just standard, southern repbuclian stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a white supremacist and then look back and say that all the pieces were there. But given this information, I'm just not sure if I can make that jump.
But to be clear, he was never a hero. Like at all. Especially, you don't get to claim that title from just being a cop. And him being killed doesn't change that wether or not he was a white supremacist the whole time.
Compared to the shitty ?
not sure how it works in murrica, here in germany the agencies just pay nazis themself for "intel". i'd be suprised if any intelligence in the world would actually try to undermine them with loyal people.
It's bullshit. Those are not White Supremacist tattoos.
btw, if the dead niggers had gang tattoos, what would that mean… ?
they are
why are you so desperate to jump to this pathetic denial?
this isn't even up to debate
i see
so this is why you're so pathetic and in denial
They're pagan tattoos.
Well? Same shit.
fam you tell me why a committed christian would use "pagan" imagery
yeah, no.
>>>Holla Forums
Crusader's shields are pagan symbols?
The cops death is still more tragic than some thugs deaths. The cop was not a hero, but his life was more valuable to to the value (call it labor) he added to society.
but nvm, it's the same cocksucker who wrote the violence is justified bullshit:
I don't mind it. Fascists will crush the niggers if they continue like this.
I think Lorne Ahrens was the one behind the pillar
Confirmed for cuck.
And the black hero got btfo by a robocop.
k. #blacklivesmatter
A cop's life is not valuable or good for society. White supremacist or not the death of a pig is something to be celebrated.
they blew him up with a robot because he BTFO them so hard they had no other options
lmao cops
he was perceived as a hero in the black community just like the cop was perceived as a hero in the white community
that's autistic.
Your point?
you missed the point.. which is, fascists will keep winning this because they will use tech to crush any dissidents.
That's ableist and not an argument either.
when they're both equal in the eyes of the community, all it comes to is to what they contributed to the society.
the cop that offered protection (he was there to protect fucking niggers in the end) or some black thug that killed innocents in a retarded war.
but we can use dissidents to crush their tech fam
this is what people actually believe
I value cops more than black thugs. If you are a thug and don't need protection from other thugs.. fine. Just don't cry about oppression when the ones that are paid to do their job.. do their job.
Why is that relevant?
Arguably, the black "hero" was contributing to society by destroying institutional racism. The black "hero" wishes to live in a very different society than the one we have today. He was contributing to the establishment of that society, with this war of his.
Yes, it's very obvious you value cops I'm just saying no one should. Except perhaps the bourgeoisie.
Fucking abolitionists. Don't cry about oppression when overseers are just doing the job they're paid to do.
oh, and here's something you always deny:
from the journalist's twitter:
Jesse Benn
Just some guy who writes things, including tweets. I have a really cool baby, wife, & dog I get to hang out with. Member of the Tribe. Dissident. Leftie.
notice anything?
this was even on wikipedia, how is maintaining the class system helping poor black people?
Thugs (read: blacks) shoot each other in back alleys over drugs, as shown by any current geographic analysis of crime.
In comparison, cops only exist to violently enforce repression and alienation through private property, and are on a fast track to being allowed to do whatever the hell they want because people have been molded by news media into cowards clamoring for an illusion of safety.
One is a nuisance, the other is a threat.
he's dead. the general public opinion was not improved. a dumb fuck that wasted others lives too.
what about private security?
I don't know. Seems to me blacks enjoy the class system as long as they are not poor.
If you own private property, you would prefer cops over thugs. Private property in the end is the fruit of your labor. The alternative is to share the fruits of your labor with the thugs. No thanks..
yes welcome to Holla Forums you fucking idiot
Revolutions do not occur based on public opinion. That was not my point. My point was that "contribution to society" is a subjective term. In his eyes, he was contributing to the creation of a better society
Private security is a nice way of saying bourgeois security and ultimately it's the police that are protecting them from the proletariat.
To let them make something of themselves, free of the psychotic pretension of office politics, so they don't have to sell drugs? Or better yet, give them a safe and legitimate way to conduct their current business?
Thanks, retard, I like how you think. Or how you don't, in this case.
Cool story. I was a socialist (christian) too until I had experiences with non-whites.
Maybe. But that's based on older theoretical data. Now with the heavy militarized state, you don't really stand a chance (let's see if they'll take the guns too).
And the beauty of it is that they can hire blacks to protect them.
Does not matter if he was or not. The guy that killed him was no way better.
They get all the chances in the world. Even greater chances than any white person. There is no excuse for their failure. It is simply something genetic.
So they can.
You'd have to be an idiot and probably a Maoist to believe American blacks are a unified revolutionary class.
The success of whatever the black "hero" is attempting is irrelevant, and your claim against the success of a violent revolution isn't neccessarily true anyway.
My point is that "contribution to society" is a subjective term. In his eyes, he was contributing to the creation of a better society. The cop, was a white supremacist, was likely under the impression that he was contributing to the creation of a better society as well. If he was not in fact a white supremacist, then he probably thought he was benefitting the world simply as a cop.
These are all subjective. We here on Holla Forums advocate the creation of a communist society, and so view the cop as a bigger problem than the black "hero"
socialist revolution
yes. he was.
he killed a nazi cop and 4 more pigs and got himself killed too.
would be a good idea
6 stones with a few bullets and a robobomb
The only possible reason to believe this is if you are a failure by your own volition and still want to be able to shit on others for it.
Cops only infiltrate KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, etc. so they can get them to carry out hits anyway. But no, I find it highly unlikely that this random chickenshit cop was some kind of deep cover investigator.
I was a petty edgelord too till I realized I have more melanin than you white folk and still have no criminal record, but considerable academic/professional success and basic socialization.
You sound pretty spooky to me, Mr Never-Left-My-Neighborhood-And-Got-Scared-Shitless-By-People-Who-Don’t-Look-Like-Me
He also shot a civilian (god, I hate using that word to designate a non-cop) and two transit cops, though.
Transit cops ain't oppressin' nobody fam
property is violence/coercion against all by the claimant
police protect private property with said violence
therefore violence against police is self-defense
cop killer did nothing wrong you violent, barbaric, garbage creature
It is subjective. I just think you would need all races unified to have any sort of revolution. When black supremacists fight white supremacists… it's just a show for what you call "bourgeoisie".
Segregation is the only humane solution.
Simple observations. The majority of non whites do not belong in white societies. It's not their fault, but for everyone's self interest, they should be sent back.
Nope, just tedious.
I was a little bit Holla Forumsish until I met the Somali immigrants in my state and realized that the working class is incredibly similar in general, even across cultures.
If you think Mark Zuckerburg's kids will have it worse than some beaten up street urchin, you are literally mentally ill. Affirmative action is a farce that only benefits rich feminist women.
it would mean they were powerful agents of the state, immune to prosecution and tasked with patrolling neighborhoods of course.
this is what happens in an all-white society, this is the future you chose
We need segregation, but not the kind you're thinking of.
there's lots of aryan females in the afterlife
fuck off retard
Everyone stop replying to this fucking retard
No. You weren't.
Stay shook turbonerd
so you would rather put your faith in the hands of some bureaucrats?
what is it then? wasting your life trying to help the ones that would not do the same for you?
Here we go again.
So, my critici is:
A) Huffingtontoast. Sure. Whatever. Let's watch FoxNews next to have the complete propaganda instaled.
B) Being right wing, even edgy right wing, doesn't make you a Nazi. Add to that that in 1939 Germany most of the population were Nazis. Should we have killed them all? Did the Nuremberg trials mean nothing?
C) EVEN IF he was IDEOLOGICALY a nazi. Did he harm anyone? Was he killed BECAUSE he was a Nazi? It's like having edgy anarkids be glad that a cop was killed in a car accident or by bank robbers or something. Was he killed because he was a fascist pig in a riot or something? No? WHY DO YOU CARE?
This is a very dangerous way to go.
"It's ok if X died, cause earlier in his life he did/was Y"
Agreed. Your point supporting the cop because he was "contributing to society" is still idiotic, becuase he was contributing to a capitalist society.
Sup Holla Forums?
But user, it's okay that Hitler commited suicide, because he was the leader of the Nazis. This is not an ideological reason. I'm okay with the death of Hitler because it saved the lives of millions and stopped the expansion of a fascist empire, which could very well have taken over the world.
Not because he's a Nazi
too late to change it now. they got too used to it.
you are projecting. I am not afraid of them, on the contrary, I pity their inability to adapt.
still a better alternative that for what the black thug was fighting for.
it's in their interest. Whites always managed it, even in the worst possible conditions.
i was an white nationalist until i had experiences with non-whites
Still a exploitive, coercive society. Communism would be better
that he was a pig in LA in the 90s. If that's really all there is to go on I'm reserving judgement. Turns out to be wrong that'd be pretty fucking bad taste.
Oh well, guess that's not debatable here. Even so, I would prefer communism in a white society. There is no motivation to struggle so others that would work less than the average white person, would profit from that labor.
You're just digging for excuses at this point.
Kinda proving him right, with the ipse dixit assertions.
why do you generalize so much? there are black people who are way smarter than you.
if you're promoting eugenics it shouldnt be based exclusively on race.
this is what a white society looks like
Restrict him to opposing views and be done with it.
I agree with this. If immigration was limited and only the best were imported, I'd probably not be a racist.
Realism. If that was not the case, the blacks would go back to Africa and build there the Communist utopia. But "gibs" are better than hard work.
I don't care what you prefer.
Then don't respond.
Why would they want to go back to Africa? Why would all black people suddenly become communists?
But I wish to explain to you the complete idiocy of your ideas, so that a communist society can actually be achieved. You say a communist society would be prefered, yet yopu say the cop was a good man, because he was contributing to his [capitalist] society?
Every condescending moron calls himself a "realist". It doesn't make your ass pull claims any more real.
He's not. He is correct. Have you seen the toruble in the UK when the tories tried to get rid of the spare room allowance/introduce bedroom tax? Bennies and gimmes. Easy to put in place, impossible to revoke. You want your final crisis of capitalism, wait for the pension pot to run out.
Sure, I mean in terms of an argument that poor minorities have it on easy street when AA isn't even a pittance.
Still earlier in his life. Did he do something wrong? Is killing a polack OK just because he was a polack?
Is it though?
He died when the war was over. Your argument is invalid.
Yes the only reason is because he was a nazi. Did he get a trial? No. So, does it matter if he killed himself? Only to tell other nazis to follow their leader.
My point is, is thinking "it's ok that I killed him, cause he said he wanted to see all X dead." ok?
Did he kill X? Did he try to? Did he die BECAUSE or WHILE killing X?
If not, then why does it matter?
Is the death of a rapist, in a random car accident less or more important than the death of a CEO in a car accident?
"But he raped/exploited".
Yes. But did he die for that? Is that relevant? Do we know he would do it again? Have you had a trial or something?
So, it's OK to kill a cop if he was part of grou X, without trial or whatever, but it's not OK to kill the shooter without a trial or whatever.
limiting immigration isnt enough. we should bar all working class and low income people from procreating and incentivize the wealthiest to have more kids.
So, if you died before you had experiences, it would be A-OK, cause you were a white nationalist?
Example. Not personal question.
It's called nuance dumbass. Who knows what this guys life was like. Is it not true that in the US there is an upper level for IQ for police? So his options may have been limited. And like most people, he made the best of his situation. A lot of you on here are far too keen to write off a person forever because of their job. Do cops not count as wage slaves too? Should he have starved instead of putting on the states outfit? Maybe you'd have had a higher opinion of him had he turned to crime?
Racism, by definition, means you think differently of entire groups of people for the actions of individuals.
So, no gulag for the kulaks, kill them off.
Hello Pol Pot.
when did i say anything about kulaks?
fascism can never really be "just a belief", it has killed millions of innocent people when it wasn't stood up to
You know the drill.
dont you see? he's just a race realist. generalizing about an entire ethnic group based on the actions of some is the rational way to view race.
There's racism, and there's race realism.
That would be too easy.
Good question.
Because that's what we live in now. There is no revolution happening soon. The deaths were for nothing.
It is realism.
This is my last message since it's going nowhere:
convince the non-whites that communism is a good idea, that the ones they see as their en-slavers should profit from their labor, that all races should be united to crush the fuckers.. and I won't stand in your way.
until then, just leave me the fuck alone. both pigs and thugs. my taxes should go to something beneficial to me, fuck your fake society. I will crush anyone that stands in the way of me reaching bourgeois status. And guess what, that's what over 50% pop thinks (no matter their race).
Admit that fascism is closer to hearts of the citizens living in a multicultural society.
whatever. I won't comment in this anymore.
Discussion about race seems to have no place in leftypol. You are too.. idealist.
yes. Why wouldn't it be?
He died as the Red Army literally marched on Berlin
Did you not read my post?
He was a white supremacist.
See above
"Importance" is subjective, but considering my own worldview, the CEO's death is more important
He didn't "die for" anything. A random car accident is a random event. It is not relevant what he "died for". Why would that be relevant?
We do not
How is this relevant?
Read my post
Agreed. Cops are exploited as well.
I likely would
>Because that's what we live in now. There is no revolution happening soon. The deaths were for nothing.
I didn't know you could tell the future
wew there laddy
This supposed white nationalist was in a position of power who regularly came in contact with the people his ideology deems subhuman. He more than likely abused this power. To think that a white nationalist wouldn't is naive at best. His presence in the police department is no coincidence. Fascists have been infiltrating departments across the country to put themselves in an advantageous position should large scale political turmoil erupts. This isn't a dude any leftist should mourn.
aka racism with unsourced graphs
Yes. I agree completely.
So, once one tries to go fascist, one has to be stood up to.
So, pol has the right to kill me, cause a commie. I D E O L O G Y
They are equally unimportant, as they didn't die FOR their crimes. They died because.. Shit happens!
Unless you kill someone FOR something, then THE DEATH is irrelevant.
Yes, sure, I agree tottaly, BUT!
He and 4 others died and those death came on equal terms. The history, past and so on of a man is important only when you consider "how do I feel about his death?"
Like with Hitler, it's important only as a historical fact. He offed himself in the end. It's not "justice" it's not "good or bad". It's only a historical fact and your opinion on it has nothing to do with morality or ethics.
So, there is a problem in the police EVERYWHERE in the world. Most cops are either right-wing or straight out fascists. That, yes. That is a relevant problem that can be discussed and so on. The random death of one isn't.
No. Neither is the random kid in Congo that died today of malaria or something. A death is a statistic.
What I'm saying, is, it isn't something to celebrate either. The celebration of his death under this circuemstances is PURE IDEOLOGY.
Did he add anything about the genetic influence on intelligence in the end or are we just not going to mention that bit?
this dude had both thor's hammer and crusader imagery and he was a cop
the chance that he was a fascist is overwhelmingly huge
im certainly not sad he's dead either way
the genetics of cognition are a wholly different beast altogether, especially since we haven't actually identified any of them
Dude. A hell of alot of Nazis escaped. Hitler was fortunately not one of them.
Again, importance is subjective. I find the CEO's death important because it would liekly affect the market, depending on the company
You have to kill someone to be relevant?
Illegalists, dude. Look em up. The cop is perpetuating a system of exploitation. Some criminals exploit people, but not in a coercive and world-wide fashion
This. It's just icing on the cake.
Yes, but are you happy? And was his death important/justified?
> A hell of alot of Nazis escaped were given amnesty by the US and in occupied countries the former right hands of the nazis became rich and influencial, cause better have fascists than communists, says uncle sam.
Also, most high level Nazis didn't and so wouldn't Hitler.
YES! You have to make the death a symbol. For or against.
If Che died falling from his bike, he wouldn't be a hero of the revolution and so on.
I never tried to moralize it. It's just one less fascist that the left needs to combat.
Stop aping Zizek. You're bad at it.
i don't know if it was important, but i do know that i'm not happy in general and cops are one of the main reasons for it
Your point? Mine still stands
If he died falling off his bike during his revolution, things may have turned out far differently. Even before the revolution. His death would be highly signifigant. We wouldn't even have cool T-shirts of him
So? Does the death of one, five, ten, make you happier?
unless he was gunning down black people I could really care less.
police aren't great but whatever the next step for some level of community protection (i.e. a federalized militia or something similar) will still have people that aren't perfect or not even close to it.
if happiness and sadness is a gradient, yeah it moves it a little further
this is as bad as when cop bootlickers who go through a dead guys facebook, find somehing questionable and using a picture to justify the killing
"jamal was no saint, here's a pictuture of him smoking weed on face"
this is just as retarded
police are undemocratically-appointed political agents. it is entirely our concern what their political viewpoints are.
Christ, I'm fucking disgusted
Jeez, calm down, you edgelord.
Huffington Post and Holla Forums going out of their way to justify a murder because the victim had different beliefs
smdh 2016
It's not so much a justification as a bonus for the pig slayings.
Not all of us care about random deaths in the US, or justify a death because of the victims opinions, not actions.
I don't really care either but it's a hell of a lolcow