Why didn't it find a audience?

Why didn't it find a audience?

Not enough shallow lore and shipping bullshit.

terrible release schedule

Moved to DisneyXD.channel. The ratings just plummeted.

Bad release schedule, meh first season. Also, I think if they made the show about hater it'd have a bigger cult following.


I blame edgelords.

Shows with arcs are ratings poison when your main demo is children

Nigger quit spamming Template Threads

It did find an audience. The reason it was cancelled was because Disney feared it would become staler and staler from season 3 and onward. All the Disney employees loved the show, but feared it would lose lasting value.

I'm gonna need a quotation.

Maybe I exaggerated on that, but seasonal rot was still the reason for WoY's cancellation. It's not the ratings, because Disney informed the crew that the season 2 would be the last one before it even premiered.

Near the end of it's life span it had the waifu audience.


The only people who watched it were 30-something virgins who whacked their bags to le green thighs villain


I thought this was a board for 20 something virgins, not 30 something.

There was a lot of people who wanted to fuck the green spoon near the end of the second season.

I never saw it posted online. I imagine it never got good word of mouth do to its lack of presence online. Meant you didn't see clips shared even.

It's not the late 90s

It was on DisneyXD instead of Cartoon Network.


That's because the target audience was always too busy wandering around!

CN would have made it interchangeable from the rest of their 2010s shit, and would be mostly ignored