The niggers appear to be waking up! They're turning on their masters!
The niggers appear to be waking up! They're turning on their masters!
Where did all of these newfaggots who can't make a proper OP come from?
is this the new reddit-spacing CTR D/C tactic?
They are rapefugess who are banned on 4chan Holla Forums.
i cant even get ur shitty website to even fucking work. wtf is this vidmax crap.
MEDIA SILENT As tens of thousands of black people march against Hillary Clinton around the country
Posted by moku, October 13th, 11:38pm
Video #1: Black Donald Trump supporters protesting Hillary Clinton
African-Americans are our greatest allies.
Fuck, wrong video.
nice dubs heroanon
Nice reddit spacing, nigger; kill yourself.
nice reddit semicolon.
You're not aware of how much you stick out like a sore thumb, do you?
Thank you.
Clearly I should return to simple lurking since I can't write an OP to save my faggot life. Sorry, everybody.
Try harder; please stop wasting oxygen, do the world and your parents a favor by killing yourself.
Blow your fucking brains out, newfag.
>media blackout when niggers nog out because they are starting to see the situation for what it is atleast partially
If you told me two years ago that in current year +1 the kikes would do the red pilling for us I probably would have hit you for lying so badly.
What a time lads
I know you do.
CTR index updated
Sorry, I forgot my "gay foreign meme" in my previous post
That's mighty Reddit of you, faggot. Why exactly is the OP shit? He posted an important thread, and an archive.
That chant is
Two out of three ain't bad. Also the thread title adequately serves as a green text.
This thread gets the h8chan seal of approval
If you think that is a quality OP compared to then you need to hold still while I gas you.
blow your brains out, kikes
It's just ctr. Why they still work so hard for her after she called them fat autistic neck beard virgin dweebs is beyond me though.. especially when we have been warning them for months that we were acquiring their dox and then proved it to them and they know once trump is in they will be facing jail time… it's a level of cuckery my brain can't comprehend.
Thank you user.
I want you redditfags to leave. Fucking hell. Every fucking time you faggots do this and worse, instead of taking correction you faggots will try and defend this faggotry. Kill yourselves.
Fuck off CTR
In this case it is not CTR. CTR would not remake the OP in a suitable fashion. CTR would not make an OP that is actually good for spreading and sharing. CTR would defend shitty practices that would fuck over this place in the long run.
They don't want to change to fit us and our home, they want us to change yourselves and home for them.
Reddit, lad.
Exactly my thought… all very low energy. Otherwise we could spread it.
And yet you derail because you can't contain your autism
The op could be better but when most fags can't even archive I say this opus more than adequate.
Fuck off ctr
You do not belong here
Kill yourself you fucking newfag kike.
This through and through. They get personally offended when you correct them too and assume that everyone else is wrong and they are not to blame. It is fucking mind-blowing. They saw what that kind of mindset did to halfchan, how other boards on this site were fucked over by this mindset and yet they continue to persist in it.
You can kill yourself too. At some point we need to stop coddling the fuck out of redditfags. People like you are allowing for subversion and diversion. If you fucks will allow this, I should post tranny porn as an OP picture and direct-link on everything because "lol its good enuff guys". Holy shit.
This is the best fucking news. Black people always stick with each other, and if enough nigs start publically supporting Trump, it could turn the tides.
In any case, re-making this thread like this. Feel free to report this thread and fucking delete it.
Right, if they're doing this in large enough numbers, the hive mind will follow.
Whites are the ones with the least racial loyalty whereas blacks and jews are on the other end of the spectrum.
It's sad racial loyalty is the only thing niggers are better at than whites.
They aren't good at it though, they kill each over nothing all the fucking time. They only do it because they think it can benefit their individual self but are constantly ready to tear each other down at the same time.
wtf i love niggers
Filtered just because Digimon was better
I tried that when I started remaking threads a few days ago.
The mods just delete the one created at a later time.
It's a waste, lad.
If niggers save this thing for us…
I want know how to feel, Holla Forums
Bump for enlightened negros. Just kidding. It's proof that Hildog is so incompetent that she can't even fool a bunch of dumb coons.
Now use this to accuse lefties of being ebel raycists
These niggas woke as FUCK.
Kill yourself.
I'll have to give it a try and hope they listen this time around. If not, every new OP will get a tranny for their "troubles".
Non-pozzed thread up.
Bet you they're black weebs
The chant is shitty but the video doesn't have a lot of background noise, it makes it sound like there's literally nobody else there.
You forget they band together when a whitey or a spicy kills one.
We can hang them last.
Those digits are a good sign.
We can use our newfound friendship to talk them into doing all kinds of things that go against their self-interest
After they die of old age while serving in America and being willfully castrated, we will gently drape ropes around their necks and utter a pray before burying their corpse under a sapling with the rope wrapped around its base.
wtf i love niggers now
It's glorious, grassroots black nationalists aligning with the civics.
This is the same type of street level gritty protest that got spun into BLM by the left, it's effective in black communities.
Is this the same guy in every fucking thread posting how OP is shit?
Niggers are our best friends we should bring them into our nationalist movement!!!! XDDDD
Sure is cuckchan in here this is why you nigger faggots are doomed to live in Brazil
Nigger do you know what the powers that be will do with the niggers if the niggers become a permanent nuisance to them?
good one
MEANWHILE: black nationalists and white nationalists have a lot in common, often enabling eachother.The dems fucked up by letting black nationalists anywhere near the state apparatus.
"I'll have those niggers voting Republican for 200 years" - Donald Trump
keep this bumped, it's share-worthy
Have a bump. I think this has potential to hurt the Shillary campaign big-time.
“I’ll have those niggers deported within 20 years.” – Donald Trump
Looks like a small group is trying to make it look as if this is going on so blacks start doing it. Meming it into existence so to speak. I say therefore that it's bullshit in a practical sense, but completely true in a memetic sense.
This is only marginally noteworthy at best because it shows how much control the establishment has lost and how some of the old narratives aren't working anymore. Other than that only a huge cuckservative would think that this means nogs are coming to their side.
you 4 cucks are total nigger faggots and need to leave
Where do you even spread nigga memes?
Do they have their own secret club?
niggas be havin iphones too fo dat worldstar
wew ctr aren't even trying anymore these are just literally bots at this point imo
don't forget their waifu dakimura in their coffins, user.
If the niggers kill all the kikes, then we don't have to and won't have to feel the guilt that whites get from killing civilian men, women, and children.
Win win. Then we can send the niggers to Canada to kill all the cucks.
Niggers hate kikes and most don't even know it. The "white privilege" they like to bitch about it is actually "jewish privilege" but most niggers think Jews are white. We must educate them on this.
With Trump facing a media defamation barrage around the same time he started talking about helping the inner cities, this is a perfect time to reach out to Louis.
Plus, I'm sure he's still pissed about Clinton wrecking Libya and ordering Gaddhafi's murder.
Holla Forums i hope you have the agility to accept some unusual alliances in the near and far future. we disparage the IQ and general capacity of the nignog for the simple fact of empiricism.
however, as a force of destruction, when guided properly, can be something quite formidable.
imagine BLM chimping. in Soros' living room. chew on that.
If nogs genuinely want to help, they can start by doing less fronting and more doing. The harder niggers work for humanity, the further onto the back burner I'm willing to put their inevitable lynching.
Bump cause of slide threads
This should always be Holla Forumss standard reply.
There is an archive as well but I don't know the url
Yea they are trying to impersonate oldfags it's quite sad actually.
It's a white tradition to preserve wildlife. We can give them reservations to live on. That's the white thing to do. Just don't give them the vote. Not making that excuse again.
(Checked and Praise kek)
Who is trying to impersonate me?
Nice post tbh.
ctr shills.
If white people would just stop feeding the nogs, populations could fall to sustainable levels, and we could keep them on Nigger Preserves where they'd be allowed wide open spaces and shoes to shine. Maybe the occasional exceptional nigger would be allowed a passport, and they could learn of our ways and communicate them back to their own people, providing a useful service to both.
Those fucking bastards
My friend we have been trying to do this for centuries now have we succeed yet?
Leftists have been encouraging nogs to breed unwanted children with gibs for 3 generations now. The less children you have the MORE gibs you should get. If you won't stop squirting out kids, bennies should get cut by half and then by three quarters. If we'd just stop subsidizing the worst of nigger behaviors, we could solve 80% of this problem in a generation or two. But lefties know that the more incompetent savages there are on the field, the more voters they have. In a way, I blame white liberals more than I blame niggers, because white liberals are capable of formulating and executing long-term planning and nogs cannot.
Total agreement a few doors down from my house they flew to Ethiopia and brought back 2 little negro girls they had adopted.
My goodness was I ever thrilled.
Yep. It's a new CTR tactic.
Meanwhile at CTR HQ….
Wonder where the blacks in America would be if they had continued in the spirit of the Harlem renaissance instead of getting Jewed.
Even if their numbers are large it doesn't mean much if most of them are a brain dead army for the elite.
Ethiopians are more Aryan than nigger, believe it or not. They're coffee-colored Aryans.
Kikes and liberals who adopt them though are still garbage.
CTR saltily failing to meme its way out of full exposure and the impending power-strip that awaits it.
Are you going to ask Tyrone, Jamal, and 500 other dindus to correct the record when they're tearing you limb from limb?
East Africans trigger me to no end, lad. I wouldn't mind if they got anthraxed.
Whitey confirmed for having no rhythm.
Now that would be quite the final plot twist in this movie.
archive ain't bad for you., buster.
CTRanon, does your boss beat you when you doze off during your 16 hour shifts? Or does he just yell at you like a drill sergeant? Has he ever made you cry?
sure looks like shillary has the black vote locked up :^)
It's simple. The niggers who voted for Trump get new homes in sunny Liberia.
The niggers who voted for the Cuck Queen get the rope.
And they told us gorillas were an endangered species.
There were some human-like niggers prior to liberal pandering that reduced them to welfare trash and dancing monkeys that glorify criminality.
Anyone who's still spreading this in normie sphere. Link it to Carson getting silenced on MSNBC and slandered afterwards by the BBC as well. The niggers and normies will see that the left does not care for both the layperson and the elite because they are not being good golems.
For why?
Trips for truth
The entire black middle class as it exists emerged right in the middle of Jim Crow America, when states still had lynch laws, thanks to the post-war economic boom and demand for low-skill labor.
The current problems of blacks that libshits blame on le millenia of opreshun actually started in the 1970's, after the immigration acts and the black radicals drove out the police from the 'hoods.
Don't forget the ideological "Great Society" push by LBJ
Here's another good video to spread around if you can. Went up a few days ago, I might have missed if there was a thread about it. Whoever put this shit together did some good work, the music in the background is subtle but very effective.
Ethiopians are niggers you dumb fuck. They're just similar to Somalis rather than to Congoids, and in USA there are almost only Congoids. By the way, these African east coast niggers are even worse than the west coast nogs.
We need to turn them on the Jews.
Black people are literally the easiest people to redpill.
They don't have the Holocaust guilt ingrained in their psyche like whites.
I made a thread about this exact thing and it got sunk and I was banned.
So yeah I think the kikes know were onto something, the blacks are our greatest ally.
wat lmao?
how's this?
wtf I love niggers now
They're becoming self aware.
is it happening?
will the people be able to talk?
will the people be able to listen?
are there any subs left on plebbit that this could get posted to and wouldn't get removed (aside from the_donald)?
It pulls on heartstrings so hard it might actually change some almost-lefty minds
me too
they can hang last
Right, in many case for the wrong reasons.
The talented tenth really needs to go back to Africa - blacks sit in America dreaming about false kingships, while the state of Africa screams for their attention, to no avail.
white nationalism and black nationalism are incompatible with each other.
They are, we have our country, they have their country. We see each other during World Cup and as tourists. And everythings fine.
This is a naive and entirely short-term outlook. Eventually our people will need to expand, conquer, and colonise, and these niggers will be the first to go.
Yes and no. We can agree that there is absolutely fuckery and corruption in the government - it's all been exposed. We just need to agree on segregation. I think blacks were against it originally because they were forced into it but if we can all agree that it's just best to be separate then it's a win win. This country is moving in that direction from both groups anyway excluding the white cucks who want to bend over to get fucked in the ass by niggers and spics and hand out more gibsmedats
Let's cross that bridge when we get to it but for now getting nigs on the Trump train is the best thing. Blacks are useful idiots and the left has shown this to be immensely true. They have nothing to lose and will chimp the fuck out for almost anything. Why should the left get to use them when we could.
We have to shift the paradigm. A lot of blacks hate white people because they can't differentiate between jews and whites. Teach them that the jews are the enemy, that the jews have been using them , they're the ones who pushed for slavery, they're the ones who have been ruining black communities.
No. Fucking kill yourself. I have no interests in segregation and every interests in total white surepmacy. The niggers do not deserve a single ounce of respect from us. Segregation is only placing our current destruction under a permafrost, allowing subversives down the road to begin our destruction once again.
Which will never happen, since segregation results in worse conditions for niggers. You seem to think that the niggers have virtuous ideals when all they're looking out for is their self-interests. They won't agree to segregate, because segregation and white racial pride puts them at a significant disadvantage than in this integrated multiculti hellhole.
No it's not a win-win, because niggers will continue to consume resources that should belong to whites, and will continue to agitate us like they have done for centuries. you live in a naive and childish worldview that still operates under assumptions of "world peace". Separating niggers from our society is a win for us and a loss for them, which is why you will never have "mutual respect and agreement".
Top fucking kek. Nice job outing yourself, you obvious Reddit transplant. Expanding into space is entirely pointless until whites have secured absolute undisputed dominance over earth through colonisation. Space colonisation is a meme, considering we don't even know of anywhere that can support life. To even suggest that we should expand into space before exterminating all competitors here on earth is completely fucking retarded.
No, you stupid fuck, blacks hate whites because they realise that white altruism is a weakness, and they want to milk this altruism for their own benefit. Blacks today live better than they could ever have done so left to their own devices.
You white man's burden cucks are really getting on my nerves. I don't give a fucking shit about "teaching" the worthless niggers to play fetch. They are a national cancer wherever they go. We ought to exterminate them for good.
Niggers are the ones ruining black communities, you massive tard.
Goddamn, you're a naive newfaggot. Niggers are incapable of being "redpilled", nor is it in our interests to redpill them. We do not want or need them. We want to get rid of them.
This is not going to happen, because niggers are controlled entirely by the media and libshits and this won't change. Stop trying to implant white values and thought-processes on an inferior people.
How about whites vs non-whites in the great race war? They all must hang.
you sound like a complete fucking dork and I don't think you're exterminating anyone except your own genes since you'll never get laid.
you aren't doing any of that either faggot.
Blacks are here and they make up a significant enough population that getting them to do the street level dirty work is an interest worth pursuing. Stop acting like you're going to be out in the streets doing a fucking thing. You probably can't make eye contact with the cashier at Walgreens without taking a Xanax.
Obviously niggers are the ones ruining their own communities but if they're going to blame someone might as well have them blame Jews and Dems. Stop playing checkers you immense fucking autist.
If fitting in was you're goal, you failed pretty hard, Redditor.
They don't have to be.
So what the fuck are you doing, you goddamn autist?
sounds like a lot of projection to me. Did I strike a nerve with you? What's the matter? Are you not used to people rejecting your egalitarian-lite, nigger-loving platitudes?
And this will do jack fucking shit, since dems and Jews are the ones giving niggers all their gibsmedats. Niggers don't have any ability to think beyond their gibs.
Oh Sorry. I've clearly been out-fucking-classed by your 4D chess, or intelligent one. I am not worthy!
Don't brag about being white if you're bringing the race down by existing you fucking fedora.
Your autism is showing in the fact you can only see things completely binary. You're confusing helping niggers with getting niggers to help us and I use the term 'us' very loosely since you'd never pass a eugenics test in the off chance someone would ever actually want to fuck you.
Personal insults aside why are you so against getting blacks to do the dirty work, or at least some of it? Even if you couldn't get all of them on board you could at least D&C them which is effective. If anything is going to change in this country it's going to be a top down approach. You can't make changes like the ones Trump is proposing if he doesn't get into office in the first place so whether you like it or not we need nigger votes. Once Trump gets elected there will be a shitstorm of all of nothing riots by the leftists as the oligarchs of the world cling on to life with desperation. We are going to need every ally we can get to push back against them. Once the dust has settled things can start to change again.You're completely missing the forest for the trees.
Again, I'm seeing a whole lot of projection coming from your end.
And I'm telling you that there is not a single way niggers can help our cause, you dense motherfucker. That's the point.
For one, what kind of fucking "dirty work" do you actually imagine blacks doing. Secondly, by allying with blacks you are forming a relationship on equal terms, and will inevitably need to make concessions to the other side after all is said and done. Even if your naive, idiotic pipe-dream comes to fruition, Niggers would no doubt demand their "right to stay" as compensation for their contributions. This is not something we want, especially considering niggers bring nothing of vlaue to the table.
Of course we should make them uppity and turn against their masters like the golem of Prague, but this shouldn't be done on any grounds of "redpilling" and allying with blacks.
Stop changing the subject, faggot. We're not talking Trump's presidency right now or getting him elected. The discussion was about black/white nationalism and whether long-term alliances with niggers is in our interests, which it clearly isn't.
Niggers are one of the enemies, you goddamn ignorant Redditor. I'm guessing you washed in from /r/the_donald recently, because you're still spouting moronic ideas of interracial solidarity. Niggers are no more an ally than kikes or liberals, and have worked directly with both these groups to destroy our race. Next you'll tell me that we need to ally with our "non-white brothers" to defeat the "globalists", or some other naive leftycuck nonsense.