ITT we discuss race in the USA

ITT we discuss race in the USA

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The population of both blacks and European whites are stagnating in the same exact way. So its not like niggers are taking over. Just Mexicans and Chinks

and in reality niggy jamal is getting the job because of affirmative action

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Race is not the issue, it is class

blacks are substitutes for the lower classes, whites, the middle, jews and Asians, higher.

look at how blacks are described, lazy, dangerous…. this is how the lower classes are described in my country, but there is not many blacks so it is said about poor people, not about race. You can see it when people talk about stuff as well, they'll say that insurance and financing are white people jobs, but it is not race, it is social standing.

race has been substituted for class because it makes America uncomfortable to talk about real issues, they would rather pretend like neoliberalism will solve all their problems, or they will just ignore them. think about it.

Nobody cares about your opinions Holla Forums. Identity is not a spook. And nobody is willing to throw away their identity in the name of socialism. So stop trying

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u clearly never read or understood what I was trying to say, racism is a symptom of capitalism, not some justifiable cause, and America needs to get its shit together one way or another.

Racism is a symptom of identity. We had racism before we had capitalism

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Socialism will protect my country from the US Empire. The communist party is our only hope. The only party which has in their political program clearly stated to abandon both EU and NATO…and it's not since now, it's been there for decades.