Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, because 4chan is truly the epicenter of Anonymous now. It's a good thing they're so fucking stupid or else we might be in real trouble, right, guise?
This is right in line with Obama's call for a Ministry of Truthiness, though, so it's not surprising that it comes out now.
This thread is shit.
I'm going to remake the OP.
who is that and what does it have to do with Holla Forums?
hey look, it's this guy again! Home players, remember to mark "this thread is shit" sage guy off in your booklet!
this thread is genuine shit, it even has a direct link in the OP.
Scientists Invented a Tool to Expose 4chan’s Racist Trolling Campaigns
Jordan Pearson, Staff Writer (CANADA)
October 14, 2016 // 01:16 PM EST
Pic #1: Donald Trump speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.
Alt right is what our enemies named the namefagging normies who cling to the konservativ kounter kultur flowing from the Holla Forumss like remora on a shark. They are the sign of our efficacy.
I'm glad we're still under the radar
someone link the remake please…..
(((Political Scientists)))
CTR index updated
stop helping the faggot OP dude, otherwise the little bitch will never learn if you keep bailing out the stupid faggot
These people are completely losing it.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
There weren't supposed to be so many of us left when they made their move.
But now they have no choice, and they're panicking, exposing their maddened fear and base hatred.
The enemy is panicking - and we are winning.
are you fucking kidding me?
Careful guys, they're onto us.
tarnation, dem ghastly scientists!
Actually, niggertits is a honeypot anyway. We can kill two birds with one stone if we post all the new pepe memes on half Holla Forums and make niggertits unsalvageable. Whats his face is already digging it's grave so we might as well help him along. Niggertits is an sjw playground and causing a Babylonian like collapse could save the rest of the chans and potential redpills from being infected by its disease.
but authors twitter is still open
Purge when?
Well you know what they say: the internet interprets censorship as an impassible barrier and dies around it.
No they're a sign of our ability to be co-opted. I've met so many faggots who buy into this shit because it's slightly more socially acceptable then saying you want to gas kikes and engage in a supermassive total race war. They are pawns for both sides to use.
It's 2016, don't they know homophobia isn't allowed?
What is going on with all these threads filled with direct-linking? I want halfchan to leave.
This place is being overrun by redditors and cuckchanners. It's a fucking disgrace.
I hope this gets b&
what is exactly wrong with direct-linking?
You are new. Stop being so fucking new.
I'm looking for a backup, any ideas? I don't know how much longer Holla Forums can survive this flow. I'm hoping that the kiddies fuck off after election memes dry up but you never know. I know about some of the alternatives, but not all of them. I wanted a torchan invite.
Just fucking kill yourself
or go learn about it on >>>Holla Forums
we're hitting autism levels that shouldn't be possible
We're like twenty people jumping IPs on russian servers comrade, don't you remember
they can do some magic to figure out what website you came from if they want to, and they might get pissy if they see a mountain of Holla Forums traffic right before their comments turn to shit
(checked more)
new people have to learn somehow, we can't all have been on Holla Forums since 2006 like your highness
You 4chan migrants are awful, terrible posters and you should feel bad. I want you to know that you actively harm the community with your stupidity.
I love using this so much. You can make whatever retarded affirmations you want with a "scientists say" put in and you'll have at least a couple idiots agreeing with you every time.
These faggots actually think they can control the internet? We will always find a way.
"Experts agree" is another great one. I love using these too when spreading hatefacts.
The harder they try to control the spread of information, the more terrified they appear. And they call us "pearl clutchers".
Waaait … "troll scholar Whitney Phillips"
Troll scholar?
We need to increase our HCPS. Any internet mechanics want to turbocharge the hate machine?
gee wilikers
This is getting to be all-out memetic warfare. Newfags can't yet tell what's real and what's (((*))). It takes to sort it out. As long as we keep insulting each other, the truth will win out. The truth is always the best insult.
These people are going to have to be purged.
They had better pray Trump gets in, because otherwise we make a list, we check it twice, and then we find out who has been naughty or nice.
And then ropey-claus is coming to town.
Umman Manda
Scientists say the darnedest things in the current year.
Sheeeeeeet, as a child, I was expecting some to announce a cure for cancer. Instead… we get this… and it's not even fucking logical. When halfchan became cucked… It's the internet, we will work around faggots and destroy them.
Just dat first paragraph… what planet are these motherfuckers from? If you told me they were all on acid it still wouldn't be ok. MEGA OH VEY.
Alright, some more faggots to own. I bet their mailspool is infested with twink porn.
twit [email protected]/* */
Some highlights!
Looks like he's legitimately scared of the rightists and hates his white blood. Especially with that whole "Scientists say" bullshit and his passive aggressive attitude towards people that don't agree with him.
Time to mlgrate on bitmessage
I think it's their secret plan to shut down halfchan and flood Holla Forums with newfags and cucks.
The fools
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Oh yeah (((google))) his name. No wonder he hates himself, every time he looks his up his name (which there's a strong guarantee there is), he has to look at a bodybuilder and be reminded how much of a beta cuck he is.
short version? what are they going to do?
Enjoy your "truthiness"
Also related
I still can't believe this is happening.
The Jewish media and their masters, with all their financial resources and global connections, are being ruined by imageboards full of shitposters.
And they can't do single thing about it. Welcome to 2016, the ride never ends.
Control necessitates apparent peace, we're chaos in written, digital form
That baffled me to.
Is it a troll that is a scholar?. Is there a scholarship on trolls? Are we just being trolled?
Mods please edit the OP
Just wait for the year of the
What age of man is this, where a man has to check his own trips?
or is the scholar just trolling?
Oh, well shit, I guess we'd better listen to the (((scientists))) since they're infallible and unbiased.
tards immediatly move to 8
hurray money for jimbo
brains go elsewhere and don't fucking leave signs this time fools
brains will find the right landing place with a sign for knuckle draggers to follow.
haha i love vice, i love how retarded it can get
Way too low, we can do better. Nigger nigger nigger build the wall maga.
Read the article. These people are delusional. They really are trapped in this tiny bubble, where everything is social justice and feelings. A large part of Holla Forums ideology is shared in countries across the globe in one sense or another. It is just convenient for them to ignore the fact that some of their allies are ethnostates.
Not surprised.
Wait, are we supposed to be getting paid here? Do I have paychecks somewhere for shitposting? kek
And some of you wonder why we shit on you for not breaking links. This is why.
Holla Forums is always right. That "operation google" shit was a plant from the start.
More evidence. This is why you break links and archive. So much propaganda in this article. The anti-Trump jabs. The "mentally ill trump supporter". They aren't even trying to hide their bullshit anymore.
When we get past 88 HCPS, get ready to see some shit.
I NIGGER don't NIGGER understand NIGGER your NIGGER accent, NIGGER nigger.
that would be me.
already looked all over the deep web, and found nothing comparable 8/pol/.
But man… I do love a choice meme.
I can;t wear that jacket and shit; it's hot out here in Florida fam. So imma have to be a one.
Neither can I.
Although I too am looking to the future, the present is so interesting that I'm more focused on it right now.
We're all living in an era where our posts can actually shape the fate of the world in the most lireral meaning.
Motherboard was alright for a while. I stopped going there once it was >80% propaganda bullshit. Was a shame what happened to that place.
Was fucking obvious as it turned though- I think i carried on visiting for a while just to observe the rate at which they commonly subsume a recently vassled media outlet.
What the fuck kind of scientists lmao?
Does that make me a scientist? I have 20 studies, theyre unpublished and not peer reviewed but trust me theyre totally legit!
Have you calculated your HWPs^-1?
the international standard of weights and measures defines a unit of hatred as "One comment capable of producing one tear from a sensitive individual.
It is an integral function from 0 to >9000, the f(h) = 1488*e^(-h)*sin(h).
This is known by sociologists as the Trump Equation, primarily used to describe the behaviour produced when right-thinking individuals are forced into the internet hate machine.
Meme scientists…
Then they're getting BTFO on a regular basis by a few Ivans on a Filipino Online Origami Symposium.
Feels good.
We should remake the threads with better format and link them so the shitty thread can die a painful death and the good thread can survive. This will force idiots to lurk moar before trying to shit up a place.
But we don't say that…
wrong file
Scientists Discover ONE WEIRD TRICK to Stop the Spread of Racist Memes!
That's it, I'm done, I want off this ride now!
I wish somebody would pay me to come up with incredibly obvious shit.
I wonder if she'd like to meet some trolls.
Dox when?
what a great time to be alive
dubs confirm anons studies totally legit
LOL Did anyone check that stupid I Fucking Love Science website or their Facebook page? Maybe they're already promoting this "scientific study"
We all read the report. The researchers had no idea if the comment surge was caused completely by cuckchan or organic virality. All we'd have to do to combat this is start storming trending videos or coordinating posts on normalfag outlets. Their censoring will backfire and delete normalfag comments, and then we just come back after an hour or so and take over comments again.
Oy vey goiym, just let us take over, stop struggling.
Actually I'm just one Ivan I just talk to myself a lot because no GF.
Forgot pics related where they mention this.
So all we have to do is make sure to dereferral the link, check if normalfags are already commenting on it or if media linked to it, and randomize our comment time.
It's because they have no actual power, once it starts to unravel they can't stop it
Do "computer scientists" count as real scientists?
I'd say yes, they don't deal with real world values/units, but big O notation is mathematically based, and that maps mathematics to algorithms.
Why is Holla Forums in a sans serif font?
You can't cut the tail of a lizard, it'll grow back!
believing in the slant eyed yellow jews fairytales
yeah, they definitely do. They work on theories, test, research, .etc
The real question is whether Software Engineers count as real engineers.
Okay, go ahead and block luggagechan. It's pozzed anyway.
They are literally going after a Potemkin village. Don't interrupt.
30 Helens is my favourite
This is it lads, we crash the EU.
We need to franchise Holla Forums as well, they cut off one head of this hydra, 10 more pop up.
The western education system is dead.
Kikes are scarred shitless. Just realized that the internet undermines "the Democratic process" that William L. Pierce laid out so many years ago.
Imagine what Trump's campaign would look like if there was no internet, and we relied solely on the Main Stream Media for information?
Probably copy and pasted and (((Microsoft))) Word probably kept the source font.
if this does actually happen, we need to make sure to direct the refugees towards the normienet, to lessen the impact they have on us and maximize the impact they have on them.
i don't even engage is what could reasonably be considered hate speech, but this could justifiably change if this type of behavior is not put to rest.
the general population need to be lifted to a point where such ideas are no longer influential.
i'm disappointed.
Two of those things would be very good for us, and the third is probably well deserved now that half/pol/ has deteriorated to its current state.
(((Vice Journalists))) are pretty retarded, but they're also the same people who spend >100K on toliet paper degrees.
Isn't 4chan kill?
you get a fine
the end
It's not just the referrers. Its that a lot of """"""hate speech"""""" appears in the comments whenever 4/pol/ links somewhere.
They could potentially build a script that monitors 4/pol/, or even 8/pol/, and then sends an alert to the linked website so they know when they are being raided.
I'm on it.
I'm not even an oldfag and I'm tired of your cancerous bullshit.
How about from now on we append all the hate words onto our posts.
nigger faggot retarded retard bitch cunt idiot kike fag trash
We kike gotta cunt go retard fast, fag guys faggot
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Women get to have a PhD in the most wacky fields you could think of.
( ゚ Д゚) ( つ旦O と_)_)
What the fuck am I reading?
_, ._ ( ゚ Д゚) ( つ O. __ と_)_) (__()、;.o:。 ゚*・:.。
Here is her blog and twitter
posts all kinds of cringey shit
Gamergate saved us, you guys realize this?
The migration left behind a strawman that cannot be defeated because it is not the cause
holy fuck burgers and fries saved the alt right.
Yeah, if we tell them we're not the AltRight, we're Holla Forums, I'm sure they'll give a shit about the autistic distinction.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄」―――――――――――――‐┬┘ | and think ____.____ | .__ for a moment | | | | |\_\ about the real lives | | ∧_∧ | | | |.◎.| | |( ´∀`)つ ミ | | |.: | behind the pixels | |/ ⊃ ノ | | .\|.≡.|  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | on our screen. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄」―――――――――――――‐┬┘ | ____.____ | | | | | | | .| | ∧_∧ | | | ミ | ( ´∀`) | | .| | ⊂ つ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | ( ; ヽ,_)ヽ,_)
It's interesting how Literally Whos can so consistently destroy the social movements which lionize them through their own psychopathic self-promotion.
The Alt-Right Was Conjured Out of Pearl Clutching and Media Attention by Whitney Philips''
>It’s not difficult to see why people would be concerned. The alt-right embodies everything that goes bump on the internet in 2016. Not only do its members condemn—even actively antagonize—progressive calls for social justice, they do so with a knowing smirk, arguing that that they don’t actually mean the bigoted things they say, they’re just trying to freak out the normies.
We just do it for the lulz, guize
eesh, fucked that all up
here is link: archive.is
cuckchan is the other way, faggot.
I'm starting to think women just shouldn't be allowed on the internet.
if you guys ever get your hands on a field manual, it reads almost verbatim or like some shitty highschool student with a thesaurus copy of the gentlemans guide
She went to school to gain a pair of acronyms in fields related to Literature, with one in particular bearing an emphasis towards "Folklore Structure," which is, of course, something ersatz to give the impression that she has specialized knowledge albeit in an area that doesn't exist, but most people won't know that, will they? Ah, but it all looks so fascinating, doesn't it? Especially this emphasis on "Folklore Structure." Like we're dealing with a true intellectual here!
t. wordsmith mocking the silly bitch riding on the laurels of a delusional world
It reminds me of the time I first heard of "intersectional feminism" which is a branch of critical theory (Cultural Marxism).
It's also what linked Milo and Kikebart to Holla Forums, allowing them to subvert it.
dumb whore probably hasnt even read Ulysses
They used LaTex to write the report.
I'd recommend starting to make more hubs of use at this point. That way it becomes more amorphous.
Sergei why are you doing this ? Now they know.
we'll find you one when the good times come.
Has memetic magic gone too far?
We should just throw kikes in Shanghai during August. It would save a lot on the heating bill.
that is the reason I am a one
The frequency of OP's non-arching dicksuckery really seems to indicate that outsiders make most of the threads. Anybody else ever notice this?
Let them chase jew created "alt-right" cucks. Most of them dont even want to gas the kikes.
Well if we manage that they, instead of coming here would swarm the normie sites that would actually be a grest thing. But if they all came here, we'd have to leave for somewhere else again
The real source of hate speech is the jews.
Projection, thy name is Liberalism.
A study on memes wasn't peer reviewed? How shocking! credit where credit is due I guess: at least they had the decency to mention that part. although they only mention it in passing
my fucking sides!
VICE is pathetic. I once made a Youtube comment on some Hollywood movies trailer video saying Jews are trying to push race mixing in order to destroy whites (movies leading roles were Will Smith and some white woman) and it became the most upvoted comment - and VICE vote an article about my "awful comment".
What the fuck, do they have no sense of professionality? A news company making articles about peoples Youtube comments, sad!
*wrote an article
kys nigger
What? Why are you mad at me for talking shit about VICE? They are scum
What is this alt-right, you guys?
I'm completely lost here.
they're losing the social media war
look at Hillary's faceberg page today. brutal
Gimme them screenshots, i want nothing to do with goybook.
Justice you Say? /monster/ is going to have a field day with this
Kek, umderrated post
lel, mods are fucking degenerated mongrels
Your link doesnt work
fucking KEK
It's the new boogeyman ever since they realized how stupid they look blaming GamerGate 3 years after the fact.
better version
But you already did that, you silly doctors.
Think about it for a moment:
Some rich kid grows up within the hallowed halls of academia, pursuing a PhD in Feminism, writes her thesis on the sociological organization of internet trolls. She gets a cushy job at university or a Washington think tank that pays her six figures to study over-educated unemployed losers making fun of the elite and all their schemes. Maybe if she continues to prattle off with what her paymasters want to hear, she will get to keep her funding, however the likelihood of her betrayal, of being cast off when no longer needed like yesterday's garbage, is pretty high. After her betrayal, she's always welcome to post anonymously to Holla Forums, TOGTFO.
I like the combined Algiz and Tiwaz rune, although replacing Algiz with Oþala would be better imo.
It's incredibly easy to see how they can claim 100% unironically that Islam is a religion of peace with that line of thinking.
there's been some good promotion for endchan, and I personally like the polish servers.
They want to shut down sources of information outside of their control, so only approved information is circulated.
I heard rumors that the guys behind Wesearchr want to buy 4chan to make sure one of their allied sites stays up, apparently the founder is a TRS poster.
These leftist cucks cannot be this stupid. The more they attempt to silence us the more our movement will grow. The farther they push us into the dark the more powerful we will become. They are literally suiciding themselves with this strategy.
We need someone to use that script that added NSA key phrases to each post and change it to add slurs instead.
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
This is why you should have no problem with cracking down on the media for muh free speech. They are calling for us to get shut down and have our speech cut off. But if we say anything about the media they will fall back on muh free speech, muh freedom of the press.
Fuck their speech. It's them or us.
Except that's the most posted pepe on cuckchan, and honestly I don't remember seeing it in circulation here (I never looked back after the exodus, I didn't want to get turned into a pillar of poopoo). But it's nice to see you trying to fit in.
That shit is dead man.