Oy! Vey! is Right

Holla Forums for or against zionism?

Recently I realized Israel is an extremely bigoted for a modern nation (or any nation for that matter).

I don't see the point in supporting them.

Talmud: youtube.com/watch?v=TRPkjynavIg
Racism Against Blacks: youtube.com/watch?v=qS9zdTDB90M
Palesine Genocide: youtube.com/watch?v=_fKOERN9juM


Other urls found in this thread:


I've never supported them. Bad as spooks, just in a different way.

Leftism is incompatible with Zionism which upholds spooks such as there being a Jewish race. The left cannot support any state that justifies any action with

given that, your image is anti-semitic and would cause people to equate anti-zionism with anti-semitism.

£5 on an anti-semite beating a zionist to start conflating Zionism and being Jewish.

whats wrong with anti-semitism?
The Talmud is disgusting.

Not all Jew even know about or follow the Talmud.

have you ever meet or interacted at school or the workplace with Jews IRL? They are okay people.

this is what i hate about religion
they get to be as ridiculous as possible
because theres no true scotsman
if they don't even follow their religion
whats the point in having it?

To support zionism is to support that Israel was put there in the first place when it shouldnt have been, or at least not the way it was done.

antisemitism is "race" based
antizionism is ideology based
being against the religion is part of atheism already

Those Talmud quotes are fake and you should do more research. White Supremacist groups have been creating images with these quotes like

I recommend looking up the passage you see online and reading it word by word to see if it even exist

Okay. So should all the Americans, Canadians and Australians leave? You can't say Israel shouldn't exist and then support the existence of those states when they were straight out colonialism and Israel, despite being far from a morally righteous state, was put there in the context of a genocide.

Israel is the most anti-Semitic organization ever. They are doing the same kind of shit Hitler did while using muh holocaust as an excuse. They promote more hatred of Jews than anyone else in history, and they justify their atrocities using the deaths of millions of Jews (and others) along with spooky muh holy land shit. The nation of Israel should be dismantled and replaced with Palestine until states become obsolete.

so jews don't have the right for self determination because of your lefty fetishization of the Palestinians?

Nobody has the right to occupy land where other people are living. Palestinian culture shitty due to Islam, just like Jewish culture is shitty due to Judaism. Israel is an occupying force and should be disbanded. It's no more a legitimate state than the Islamic State.

Every sane person who knows the story should be against Israël.

And our western leaders and schools justifying Israël is a clear sign that 'the free world' is using propaganda on its own people and isn't always the good guy in international conflicts.

Revolution! Down with our so called 'leaders'!


Isreal was a bad idea. Now that it's here, with millions of Jews in it, there's little you can do to *remove* it.

I think the only solution is either a secular nation (would be a good start for the Middle-East in general, really), or an Isreal who gives up all claims on colonised lands and stays within the territory it was given at the end of the war. Then, it should start working with its neighbours instead of against it.

which one?
you cant cram them all into the retarded borders of the original plan

People are not their religions, a book does not magically deprive people of agency.

it's idpol

Against, just like any other form of nationalism

Shoo Shoo George W. Bush

Fuckers co-opting shit like hippies co-opt farms.

We are broadly speaking anti- or non-Zionist but it has nothing to do with "muh joos." Polyps like you are only able to grasp superficial cultural differences and cherrypick ancient scripture to form strawmen to scaremonger (not unlike conservatives do with Islam). Unspook yourself.

Careful, telling a right-winger to "unspook" anything has a different meaning to them.

It is rarely discussed but there appears to be a bizarrely symbiotic relationship between Zionism and antisemitism. It's as if both Zionist jews (I'm aware not all jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are jews) and antisemites need each other.

You mean like thinking the holocaust was a despooking?

Gentle reminder


I never said anything about leaving just because it shouldn't have been to begin with.

The Left in general has always been anti-Zionist and anti-Israel. The state of Israel is the world's foremost example of ethnic fascism after North Korea.

his argument is garbage native peoples are free to roam in the countries he mentioned, but Palestinians are not free to roam in Israel. They are also having their land stolen. aborigines and many natives did not have agriculture or writing so it is not like they actually had things stolen. Their way of life had to end.

This is the pattern that supremacist ideology follows. They need a boogeyman, because otherwise why would people who are so supreme not be running everything? Somebody must be keeping us down! And whether they're consciously aware of it or not, they have to perpetuate the boogeyman for their ideology to survive.

Here, I made a handy template:
I used it for some well-known examples of supremacist ideologies below. See if you can think of any others. Remember, just because a demographic is actually getting shit doesn't mean there can't be a supremacist ideology forming around it. On the contrary, adversity is where supremacist ideologies usually come from (Nazis in post-WWI Germany, KKK in post-Civil-War South, etc.)





>muh ebul black men be rapin' da white wimmin and gunna keep rapin' fo'evah, so we gots ta teach men dey iz natural rapists an' how not ta rape, by doin' ezzactly as wimmin wants all da time

I'm assuming you are talking about Australian aboriginals rather than Canadian or American. I don't think there is anything wrong with how aboriginal live aside from a few things and there was no need for it to end and how poorly they were treated is not justified. The land could have been settled without the abuse. But yes, Palestinians do not get to go to Israel unless they are Jewish and immigrate. Israeli Jews dont really have a genetic difference from Palestinians or Germans and Poles.

Holla Forums agitprop detected.

Yeah, except Meninists and "egalitarians" aren't really getting targeted in today's society.

hating the idea=/= hating jews them selves

anti-semitism is a spook.

The only solution to Zionism is opposing it completely.

Sounds like murder is already illegal.

Feminism is getting in the way of Marxism.

Meninists aren't real, you dip. Meninism is literally just a parody of feminism. It's meant to be satirical. The only people who take it seriously are the ones who get triggered by the idea of men's issues.

Oh wow a single data point. Must be an epidemic. Hey I happen to know of at least one case where a woman was a serial false rape accuser. I guess that means there's an epidemic of false rape charges.

I can't think of any men's issues that are unrelated to class struggle, same with women's issues.

That's not really my point.
I'm just pointing out how bizarre it is that even the notion of there being a complementary side to women's issues absolutely sets feminists off. I'm not trying to start an argument about men and their problems.

I'm a Meninist, you dip. I understand that inside capitalism alienation affects the invisible subject by touching on its myth.

Nice reduction, pleb.

I happen to know of at least one case where anons decided not to make an argument on an imageboard. I guess that means there's an epidemic of shitposts lately. Oh, but look at the seasons! If your reduction was even possible you could extend it to the transition from concept and history to existence and probability respectively.