Uh guys, has Alex Jones lost his fucking mind? Just watch this entire video.
Uh guys, has Alex Jones lost his fucking mind? Just watch this entire video
Sargon and Alex are both faggots
What did he mean by this?
I couldn't listen to him for more than 5 and a half minutes. This guy is incomprehensible.
At least Sargon makes sense in his videos.
I fucking hate Sarcuck and his group
if you're an alt-centrist cuck, that is
i hate kraut and tea more tbh
he's like a sargon clone with all his flaws pushed to the max and none of the qualities
The problem with all these fags is that they steal chan culture but very clearly live in their YouTube comment sections, subreddits, and discord groups. They speak the same unique dialect as us, but have no real connection to the source of that language, so its like speaking to someone who is reading phonetic lines of your language.
That's exactly what Jim/Metokur described in his Gathering Storm series.
Doesn't this seem like the more likely explanation?
Jonestein is an actor and Infowars is a Time Warner Cable production.
he subbords drup, his mynd wuz nebber fownd
I loved that shit. It introduced me to MSI
lol based churchill. nazis btfs
hes right about the gay frogs
Go back to reddit.
Hello Anita, how are you doing?
He's clearly doing this to get exposure.
I like his style though not really his content which lacks edginess and sharpness.
t. fag who wants to suck sub-dimensional demon cock
Kill yourself sarcuck
Sarcuck needs to kill himself immediately.
No, my boy, there are only board cultures. I do not believe that Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the same, nor would Holla Forums fit with either of these. Sure there is cross-posting but your dominant board culture will just be present when you post. Those who are on YouTube and Reddit are definitely not from Holla Forums, you might be thinking they are channers, but they are probably from cuckchan.
I hate the fact that Sargon is someone we have to talk about. Alex Jones is obviously a gate keeper, but Sargon is worse than that, he's a genuine cuck.
Kill yourself.
I really enjoyed Sargon at first, after the election he became unbearable