O'Nigger attempts to stump the Trump

It still boggles my mind how this coon is actually the commander in chief.

By the way, were's Hillary? Is she resting again, wow. Talk about low energy.

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I don't think there has ever been a president to campaign so hard against a candidate. For shame.

Obongo has zero credibility on anything.

Notice that Obama conflates "Global Elites" with "Celebrities", knowing full well his dumbed down audience probably believes the Illuminati includes Jay-Z, Kim Kardashian and George Clooney.




He sounds salty that Trump went rouge on their asses.


I don't think I've ever seen the entire fucking press rail against a candidate or politician as much as they do trump, nixon is babby shit compared to what they've said

White guilt

I wish king nigger would do his fucking job instead of campaigning for shillary.


I wish he'd quit doing his job.

This nigger sees the rope in the future. There would be no need for this desperation if it were not true

I ficing hate this put-on shuck and jive accent he's speaking in. It's so patronizing.


There's so many layers of irony here. King nigger ironically talking about the existence of a global elite as if they don't exist, when it is the same global elite running his entire presidency.

This really is a war of denial. It's like watching a little kid desperately use every trick and lie he can to claim he didn't do something everyone already know he did. And how many fucking events has this treasonous sellout done for the cunt? This should be illegal

I really want Trump to point this out in the next debate


I haven't listened to this guy speak since State of the Union in 2014.
When did he turn into a southern pappy?




Didn't Barry disqualify Trump back in March or April?

I wish he'd give up his ghost

he really turns up the nigger when he's mad.

and he's fucking mad.


I faggot can't become an irrelevant bad memory soon enough.

You know I think this belies a new layer of desperation.

As in, Obama's usual act is to be the cool and calm guy who can get a quip off here and there but can at least mostly be serious. To spend a full minute, if not longer, being all fake smiley and dismissive, shows he's too scared to run an act he's not sure even works anymore.

It also belies just how fucking crazy his current position is. He got elected by being a nobody outsider and claiming that made him trustworthy compared to the "elites". But now that he's got some grey in his hair and money in his pocket that situation is clearly "crazy".

But the thing is this is fundamentally against the written core of modern leftism. He essentially said there is no elite bourgeois to tear down. These people subscribe to the idea of being permanent revolutionaries. If he suddenly claims there is no revolution he loses his appeal. He can't appeal to emotion about problems he refuses to admit exists.

user, call him Obumnigger. A niggerfaggot traitor in the whitehouse

Notice how even when a nigger is President of a country he's still a nigger deep down inside and when told to use the door only the help uses he quickly does what he's told.

He's a good bitch.

Why did he act like such a southerner nigger in this? The "y'all's" were in full force here. Maybe it was Jameson…

mo money fo dem programs

He saw Trump's black numbers nearly triple in a week and he's freaking out.

All the comments are "whats da big deal lmao dis shit happens all da tiem!!!111!"

The denial is palpable. The big-wigs love their symbolism. Like Putin's dogs and Merkel. Nothing's an accident.

irony that obama blatantly rips his shtick off ESPN C'Mon Man segments, well claiming to be relateable and in touch with working people.


This is basically it.

Trump, by all accounts, has almost a quarter of the black vote, when a month ago still they were mocking him for having almost none.

He's made competitive the one major demographic they thought they could always count on. If he isn't stopped NOW then they've already lost. Because even if they fix the election totally the loyalty of their most blind supporters has come under question.

They must be putting the pressure on Obama. Calling out global elites is a big no-no for a candidate.

Either that, or Obama is as stupid as everyone says and legit didn't understand trump.


So for Obama, all workers care about is:

Dunno if he's trying to shoot himself in he foot again here. All three of those sound a lot like Chicago politics.

why is this nigger still giving speeches like his running for office or something?

As a Cancuck I have to say that he comes off almost as bad as Trudeau here. Completely and utterly lost once he goes off script trying to be "real". Just embarrassing.


He was elected to be the first nigger president, simple as that

Almost a quarter? Do you have a source? I find that hard to believe, and can't find anything about it

This was painful to watch. Not only are his words meaningless but you can clearly see he's both frightened and completely over his head. The world is at the brink of nuclear war and the US economy is fucked, and he still has the audacity to spew bullshit.

I mean this is some next level shit. Obama isn't merely the worst president of the US but probably one of the worst politicians/leaders in the history of mankind. The fucking threat of a nuclear holocaust is the result of his policies and the doings of the democrats.

Of course Trump will get the black vote. They respect him and there's more than enough reason to respect him. What did Obama do for the working poor, the blacks, anyone? Jack fucking shit. Trump wasn't even in politics up until now so Obama's words about him not caring mean nothing. It simply wasn't his field of work.

He puts on the phoney accent when he's talking to blacks.

The internal polling must not look good for Clinton, because they have trotted out both Barack and Michelle to campaign for her.

there is a threat of nuclear fiction?

/r/ing the webm of this.

Maximum over-rattle.

I can't even begin to imagine Trudeau trying to "connect with the working people".

Dubs confirms.



We need a competition for someone to yell ribs and pussy at a rally

This is fucking hilarious. Has there EVER been a candidate that gets the media, the establishment, and the shitlibs to shill so hard against him? The elite are in full panic mode, this is so delicious. If they have that much reason to be afraid of Trump I can't fucking wait for the show to get started. I thoroughly think that once someone gets on the Trump Train, there is no going back to cucktown.

They lost the only power they ever had – deceiving the public– because the public no longer believes anything they say. You can't argue your way out of being known as a liar. It's ogre.

Trump will tear it all down and build a glorious empire, and anyone who has a qualm can shut up or get gassed.

trudeau's limit to connecting with people is him doing handstands and fake falling down stairs and saying muh current year. Anyone who has to work for a living must be fed up with his bullshit.

Let's be honest here, we'd all rape Trudeau to death. He's cute.

Slow down there, Buckaroo! Don't say anything too crazy

sheouldn't he be doing actual work instead of attempting to sway the election?


And that tells a whole lot of people, very clearly, what's at stake.

Trust not the media.
Trust not the enemy in any form.

This nigger is dumb trash and an embarrassment to the US.

reddit spacing

Those are paragraphs, nigger.

worst meme

Obama is a jew before he is a nigger, and like all crypto kikes he panders to any and all who will listen, all except White men and any who go against his Marxist idealogy. His father also seems to be Frank Marshall Davis the commie nigger who had a porn mag with Obamas momma in it, and published other Marxist propaganda.

Obama the jew:


Because a large portion of the US population are complete fucking morons.

Honestly, we have less than a month to go in a campaign season that has gone on for over a year. If you're still undecided, or swayed by the media, King Nigger, or any of these other lies in the face of all of Hillary's proven crimes… then you're a fucking idiot and shouldn't be voting anyway.

Any intelligent, engaged person is appalled by the media collusion, the current administration's overt shilling, and the fact that such a corrupt bag of shit like Hillary is one step away from destroying the US from within.

I believe it was one of the polls. I don't remember which though. However it was being passed around a day or two.

in the last week our relationship with russia has evaporated into thin air, talk of boots on the ground in syria and qatar, russia is moving it's nukes closer to poland, us moved it's nukes from turkey to romania like last month, pissing russia off, because they're now in hidden "missile defense" systems that fire "non ballistic" missiles and is within range of russian territory.

cold war 2 right fucking now x10, and all because of king nigger, shiillary, and their handlers

like this

Better yet. There's never been a sitting president to ever campaign during election of the next president, period.

Why the fuck isn't he busy, you know, governing instead of seeming to be constantly campaigning?

he'd look 'cute' dancing at the end of a rope.

as stated earlier, do you seriously expect a nigger to work, let alone the same nigger who played 10 rounds of golf while thousands in Louisiana suffered from massive floods?

Yeah. Holy shit our relationship evaporated so fucking fast it's unreal. The actual generals are trying their damndest to stop this shit from escalating and congress is pushing this shit right up until the point where they get told point blank that their advice WILL lead to nuclear war with Russia. The official party line is that these attacks either didn't happen or they're because of Russia being the bad guys.

Like the doomsday clock was already set at three minutes to midnight for the last couple of years, just because the Dems have been fucking up international relations and poking the bear for no reason. But at the very least it was the kind of stable insanity of the cold war, where there's a lot of posturing and bluster. But now it's been kicked up all the way. Nukes are being moved and ISIS is being directly supported by american air attacks to the detriment of our so called allies.

It used to be the assumption that they were trying to fuck up the world just in time for a Trump presidency but it's questionable if we'll even make it to late January.

All he wanted to do was pick his own Supreme Court judge after Scalia died in not at all suspicious circumstances but he got cockblocked. So all he can really do now is shill for Hill, other than sour relations with other countries as mentioned above.

provocation in syria is fucking huge and nobody realizes how close we are, this is just plain BAD.
let alone shillary claiming russia is hacking the us and the media running with it, even the fucking state department making false allegations now. The US has officially already declared Russia as indulging in cyber warfare- this is BAD
holy fuck we are so close and I will NOT fight for another fucking kike war against whites while the various shades of mudslime and nigger rape and pillage the countries that send their men to fight against each other.


underrated post

While Dubya was a neocohen who fucked us over, he at least spent half his second term on vacation instead of being a retard in front of the mic.

That, and I suspect there was voter fraud involved there as well. There were some shady events at the poll stations and some strange discrepancies in the vote counts during Obama's election.

First (((they))) gave to convince whites into killing each other.
I for one know than no slavic nation will fight Russians becouse they fucking know the communists are in charge in the fest.
The fag edition but communists none the less.
And I don't see western men being agaisnt Russians since nobody believes the media anymore.

I'm just hoping they are too much of a pussy becouse they know that the population is strictly against the war. And it's election season.
If you want to lead a nation into war, you have to have the population behind you so they are willing to fight.
And last I checked the military is behind Trump. Only the support AA hires are for Obummer. And even those are being taken over b y Trump.
I think that they didn't expect themhim in their wildest dreams. Or did since the Protocols anticipate a leader to come in time of chaos.

Unless King Nigger decides to push the button of course. In that case just go innawods. It won't matter if you're protesting out there.

The niggers address today was more energetic than anything I heard from him during the Dallas shooting. What a fucking joke of a leader he is.

I'm actually kinda curious. HAS there ever been a sitting President who so actively campaigned and promoted another? I mean, of all the Presidents since George Washington I don't think I recall a sitting command-in-chief being so vocally outspoken about a candidate. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for doing this shady, ugly shit. When Bush was in office, no one held back on his administration, and justly so, but suddenly Onigger comes into office, does shit 1000x worse and nobody even fucking questions it? No news coverage, no nothing? Give. Me. A. Fucking. Break

Syria is the tip of the iceberg.
The pattern was identified and reported here in April, by me.
I continue to show the validity of my predictions with pertinent world events.

Almost never.

syria has been talked about since the 90s alongside iran and in 2014 king nigger fumbled hard on trying to invade it but yeah great job dude

BTW Jews,

If a nuke lands, the only possible thing saving you from RWDS is the nuke killing you first. You fuckers think war is a thing only for little people? If you bring us to nuclear war there will definitely be some traitors getting round up and killed.

imagine, necklaces of collected noses.

Wow he sounds black as fuck. What a stupid african kenyan waste of oxygen.

How's that for spacing you upstanding warrior for the white race? Ya'll niggers need to lurk and assimilate or move the fuck on, our movement doesn't have time for your rapefugee bullshit.

He sounds like the nigger from this.

he really is a nigger
i never realized it like this before
its like he's not an adult

Christ that is some degenerate shit. It makes me feel bad for not feeling bad that they got massacred.

Watch what you say, that could be Barry O's son up there!

Wew, Obungo really sounds worn out.

Gone are the days of 2008 when everyone cheered him and people were fainting in the crowds for him. No longer!

Good riddance

Investing in poorer communities? What else would you call investing in real estate? What about the deal he made with Ford motor company in shutting down production in Mexico and moving it to Flint/Detroit?

also, virtue signaling

that's so racist, friend. all niggers should earn our respect and a lavish salary just for existing

What niggers ultimately want is rich black people buying land in black neighborhoods and setting up black companies that only employ black people because they're black. MC Hammer tried this to a certain degree 25 years ago, but his example didn't catch on because nobody else was willing to invest large sums of money in dangerous ghettos full of room temperature IQ subhumans. Not even other rich black people want to invest in black areas.

If niggers had any sense of economics or even a functioning survival instinct, they'd realize that whitey's money is still money they can use, and be grateful to receive anything at all because it benefits them.

but who exactly? if you made an infographic of this, it would be a great meme to post on normalfagbook.

Speaking of the black vote, I had an idea for a psyops to run on black men, we need to use our nigger mole Twitter accounts and push a "black men who vote for Hillary are pussywhipped little bitches" type memetic assault.

Only since 1945 and only because of a variety of extenuating circumstances. Bill actually wanted to campaign for Gore but Gore said no, because of the Lewinsky scandal.





He knew the crowd was full of niggers and tried to relate to them.

come on man

Not even niggers wants your cracka ass or any Dem anymore.
All hail the worst president this country ever had, soon to go in jail for treason.
inb4 that mass chimpout memed by Holla Forums will happen, but to do their own DOTR

Is Trudeau still suffering from the fallout from the boob hit?

sage for tangental off topic

get onto the filterman for it dubsman

Honestly, the best assurance we have of a Trump victory is the fact that Obama said it wouldn't happen. Nothing Obama ever promises comes to pass.


Confirmed for not /fit/