Copy protections

I want to sell some software i wrote and need a way to license it properly.
What is the best way to protect your software, preferably without online requirements.

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Hire a lawyer you stupid fucking cunt

I meant in terms of DRM, are there DRM libraries or some shit so you don't have to reinvent the wheel?


kys. all those permissive licenses are cancer. either release your shit into the public domain or use a proper license like gpl/agpl

require someone purchase a proprietary usb device with proprietary drivers to decrypt the program in realtime

and then jump off a tall building

Fuck off with this shit. If your software is worth anything it will be pirated either way, with or without DRM. And if it isn't worth anything no one will buy it either. Stop making software shit for paying customers.

This. For a commercial product I'd go with the GPL, that way you cannot have people grab the source and run with it without giving anything back. If OP doesn't want to make the source public he can simply include a tarball of the source code with the purchase. Then only the people who paid for the software get the source code and he has still fulfilled the requirements of the GPL.

No, you KYS.

No, you KYS.

Public domain leaves you forgotten in the winds of time

mit doesn't?

If it isn't FOSS then it's rape.
Even the best DRM software is cracked, so it's better to keep everyone happy and release it DRM free.

Copyright (c)

Rust. Nobody downloads it.


Theoretically, you can sell a binary with DRM under the GPL (as long as the DRM itself is GPL'd). Then create an FTP server with the source code and put a link to that FTP server inside the program, so only those who bought it can access it (they will be able to modify and share that source code, and rightfully so.)

Disregard that. I fucked up. You can't add DRM to a GPL program since that would violate Freedom 0.

how exactly? source code is, by definition, unaffected by drm

but anyways, this is a pointless thing to do and everyone will detect you as a dumbass if you do it

You can add DRM to the data/content.

is there actually anything valuable in your code or are you yet another nigger who wants to protect his CRUD app?

If the program cannot be run without an Internet connection to check DRM, then it's violating freedom 0. (Any program that requires Internet to work, such as a chat program or an online game is, obviously, exempt from this.)

How would that even work? Encrypting data and retrieving the keys from the server? Wouldn't that violate all the freedoms (since you can't study the server's source code, which would be necessary for the program t run. Or maybe as long as you can remove the DRM from the source code it's alright?)

Not a CRUD app but a binary. It is valuable as what it does is hard to achieve.
I don't want it reverse engineered or have people just copy it to a friend.

Holla Forums 2017

Translate the software into javascript and sell it as a service / webapp.

Normal idiots eat this up. The only software that should be running directly on the hardware is the web browser.

You can even make plugins and android/iphone apps that do nothing but point to the web service backend.

They'll do it, no matter what you do. Just make it Free as in Freedom (not free as in free beer) and politely ask people not to share it freely, that will have have a better chance of achieving what you want. Look at, they used to be a non-name Polish company selling games DRM-free and they have become a massive name over the last few years. Treating people with respect will earn you more good will than treating them like criminals by default.

have an activation server
have your software report to the activation server
have the user input a key that you gave them on purchasing their software
store all the data in a secure database
if you need to ask you should just hire pajeet

The target audience is retarded normalfags, should i really treat them with respect?

I don't want to host/pay for a server. I was thinking serial only but i don't want to write my own serial library and was wondering if there is anything like it around?

Yes, that is the Christian thing to do. Educate them about the issue of Freedom while you're at it.

an amazon e3 server or equivalent for licensing purposes only would be in the realm of $5/month. If you can't afford something like that than maybe your software isn't ready to be sold.

Truly a brilliant license.