liberal cucks officially BTFO.
liberal cucks officially BTFO.
Nigger cops left him for dead to find dirt on him and it took a white cop to save him.
How novel.
You're worse than a nigger.
On a related note, how did a no talent assclown like Lil Wayne become such a superstar?
15 years ago he was part of a shitty rap group called the Cash Money Millionaires and nobody paid much attention to him.
I bet Trump will get ~30% of the black vote which is massive for a Republican.
In my normie days I was a big Hip-Hop fan and can tell you that for a time, he was the best rapper alive.
His ability to turn phrases was 2nd to none, and he did it freestyle in the recording booth.
Like others before him who used heroin, his use of Codine was what helped his "music" and ultimately made him retarded.
I think it's put him in a couple comas or something, I don't follow that shit anymore.
Hi cuckchan. Not that you're self aware enough to grasp the context but the black cops in that story had it right. You should follow the monkeys example and shoot yourself too, faggot.
the reality is that carl the cuck's grandad cop saved a budding future dope fiend and white culture destroyer because of his own liberal insanity
thanks officer for another nail in civilization's coffin
Meant for
Fuck your dubs too btw
Thank you for correcting the record. Nigger.
Me too (kind of ashamed to admit it tbh but yeah).
I completely disagree.
Big L, Guru, the Binary Star dudes, Mos Def, Jeru tha Damaja, Kool Keith, Treach etc were great rappers.
Lil Wayne was, like the rest of the Cash Money Millionaires, a clown.
That's really heartwarming. Reminds me part of Luke 10:29-37. Race isn't really an issue with a conflict we are facing. Its liberal and globalist lies that try to make us racist to divide our countries just to make sure non-white vote goes for the zionist controlled party.
You should rethink your position about black people who don't engage in BLM or muslim activities. Its not their fault media wants them to become criminals, since its fashionable in their communities. We need to teach other ethnicity how to live in civilized world and respect one another. Or we will become worse than jewish supremacists. We need to get rid the hand of those jews from them, get rid of the other hand of islam too, and re-educate them into well behaving black community that will live in peace with European descendants.
Yeah that degenerate drugged out monkey covered in ink is one of the good ones huh? Go home and shit up your own catalog, retard.
Anti-white racism is what's cool now, but because that's not shitting his own nest up he doesn't notice it. Saging for the media seriously airing a rapper's social commentary.
I'm sure his male privilege disqualifies his opinion or some shit though.
next thing you know he will say the holocaust is a lie and the kikes are the enemy of all humanity
Babylonian slavers get eaten by their pets
You're a fucking backpack kid. Not even Aesop Rock, actual smart people backpack. Mos Def is some we wuz Kangs tier nonsense
God damn right
None of those fags had shit on Too Poetic aka Grymreaper (from Gravediggaz). Though, most people never got into horrorcore and never heard of the guy before he died.
Back on topic, I know most of the "we wuz slaves n' sheeeeits" are Bantu clan descendents (sub-Saharan, non Khoi-san), but is it possible we have some Ethiopians among us being improperly labeled as niggers?
"Black sppok?"
He works for the CIA?
There is absolutly nothing to gain by supporting non-white. They are a wasting space that could be occupied by a white family instead.
Fuck off back to reddit you massive cuckold.
You like El P then as well mang?
get that leftypol trash outta here
wtf i love niggers now
I am, yes. Or rather, I used to be when I was a normie.
Flood this thread with gas.
1) Expel all nogs.
2) Worry about civilizing them, but WITHOUT bringing them back at all.
Filtered cuck retard.
christcuck traitor niggerloving faggot
I dunno. I'm pretty sure I'm a racist.
Since this is evidently the designated nigger culture appreciation thread I'll go ahead and post this. I dare you to name something better.
Make sure to filter on both IDs you dunce.
wtf i love rappers now
I've studied NIGGERS for over a decade
I know all aspects of NEGRO culture
Every instinctual juke and jive, I've seen everything, I've seen it all and committed it all to perfect memory
We're still hanging all niggers FYI
Degenerate as he looks or acts, he is being honest and that's what pisses the libshits off. Wouldn't be surprised if they'd find him in a ditch or that he (((commits suicide))) after this.
inb4 internalized racist
Hes the ghetto rap version Michael Jackson.
Started really young, so he has the pedigree in "the game", and the dude who was selling him is a total pedo.
Pic related. Lil wayne kissed this nigga on the lips
If a nigger can make music, you probably can too.
I can understand what you're saying and where you are coming from, but you need to understand that the left has damaged blacks/spics irreparably. There is nothing more that can be done, the best we can do is cut them off and hope we survive
Birdman definitely fucks niggas in their bootyholes.
This will not end anti-White politics.
The greatest rapper of all time is white.
Come on, fam
Welp you've seen where it goes from there in the pastas.
Got DAMNNn that nigga ugly as fuck
just in case you're being serious, "spook" is also another term for nigger
We wuz porch monkeys an sheeit… Oh wait we still is
are these actual retards?
You don't have to hate niggers to be a WN. In fact, we probably wouldn't hate them and would find them all fun in their own countries if we were separated.
Progressives will just shrug it off by saying that he is «privileged».
Oy vey, the black golem is more and more turning on it's master!
Heil, myn brüedr.
The only song I ever heard from him was like in 2006 and he rhymed the word "nigger" 26 times straight
So talented. So good at rhyming
Holla Forums - politically incorrect.
it's the theme, but i don't know. skim over what you like and engage with and express what you like.
So many shitposters in one thread.
This will only help Trump. That is all.
Shut the fuck up you faggot nigger
Get the fuck out.
sage overruled
we're here now get used to it
All my white friends listened to Lil Wayne when I was in highschool. I fucking hate rap but this nog is a good entertainer. Just listen to Triggerman to know what I mean, true savage niggerdom
Fuck off back to >>>/leftycuck/
I like little wayne
Me too tbh
Thread theme
Bump for based african american citizen
See? this user gets it.
Tasmanian pain coaster is my pref from El P tbh
Dunno why I started to like the HC skinhead punk stuff. Do people know of more bands that are awesome?
Its mostly Angry Aryans and Blue Eyed devils I listen to, but wanna know if there is more stuff that is awesome.
or do people consider the skinhead punk stuff to be just degenerate?
Who cares? Think for yourself user.
It's mostly because of Ziowood propaganda, essentially it was a white working class rebellion against non-white immigration in the 80s and 90s. Basically the same movement of today, but different era.
Also check out:
-English Rose
-Pluton Svea
-Hate Society
I meant folks on here, and thanks for the vid and name of the band.
Sometimes when I drink or want to get the good olden days feeling of being a teen and listen to the edge, I like to listen to metal and punk, when I started to search randomly for some of the death metal shit and I got random shit with either murder and torture or necrophilia as suggestions on jewtube. After awhile Angry Aryans came and it was pretty dope, and wanted to find more of that HC punk from skinheads.
He looks like a Play-Doh factory toy that somebody took a shit in, and squeezed.
I hate rap music but I respect the Fuck out of that man when I see him on ESPN.
Faith in humanity restored.
Love Wayne and his wisdom. MOAR LIKE THIS.
Cuck the Record raid?
Aesop is a schizo commie jew.
Divide our countries? But nonwhites are not part of our countries. There can be no divide if everyone in your nation is from the same race.
Obviously all nonwhites have to be gotten rid of in all white countries, one way or another.
Umm, no? They need to do that on their own, in their own countries.
Divide our countries? But nonwhites are not part of our countries. There can be no divide if everyone in your nation is from the same race.
Obviously all nonwhites have to be gotten rid of in all white countries, one way or another.
Umm, no? They need to do that on their own, in their own countries.
is posting back? I went to cuckchan because none of you faggots were at the bunker
niggin noggin
This is how to prevent martyrdom of opposing viewpoints, by the way.
me too i didn't know they had a jew/pol/ thread there
You have a point about the general kike tactic of d&c, generate problems and come up with a "solution", that always benefits their plans for mid/long date goals.
But this solution only works when stay were they belong, dont try to substitute the ethical population/group of another country and value their own identity.
The salt of the world against jewry.
This is more in point to keep world peace, if we dont want the world to turn into homogeneous shithole ready for WW3 or fully controlled by jews.
Daily reminder that Marxists/lefties/ZOGbots hates their nation and people, only doing shit to feed their self-centered views, hence why everything they pull has a very damaging result and/or centralizes control in the long run.
Fuck off civic-nationalist nigger-lover. All niggers must be exterminated and all our countries must be made 100% white with no exceptions.
This existance of this very board shuts that down pretty quick
Always believed him to be some idiot, based on first appearances. Though can say i'm honestly impressed. Reminds of Morgan Freeman.
So let me get this straight, if it wasn't for that Uncle Bob faggot we would have been Lil Wayne's ridiculous music?
(((They))) would have just found another nigger
Is he trying you show how much he expanded that twink's rectum with that hand gesture?
What a faggot.
someone told me the the O.K. symbol means sodomy.
What the fuck is a "backpack kid"?
All kids have fucking backpacks.
You are the worst kind of pleb and retard all hip-hop is shit
"He died following a fit. You know those fits he's been having, goy."
Good Samaritan is good taste
I appreciate the message, and I'm glad he had a positive experience, but all of the nonwhites still have to go back.
at these point making all these distinctions is kinda impossible.
not partaking is not enough.
at these point everyone needs to pick a side.
He's richer than most of Holla Forums combined. He could live anywhere he wanted except North Korea maybe.
No. His old shit was the best.
I want plates like those.