Why don't you fuckin faggots have a decent random board? Stop with the retarded bait threads already.. What is there...

Why don't you fuckin faggots have a decent random board? Stop with the retarded bait threads already.. What is there, like 15 people here? Yeah it's slow but fuck, it doesn't have to be halfchan jr..

Any if you faggots actually have a cat? How bow dah?

Attached: 20160124_232212-1.jpg (1034x1115, 667.36K)

This is juust for you

Attached: meme-big-bird.webm (450x450, 283.05K)

Why do you want to know if I have a cat?

I have a family of four cats. Free range cats, a mother and her three kids, one from one litter, two from another litter. So what, OP?

If I fuck my cat, does that count?

Attached: 43ab.jpg (599x451, 30.23K)

i'm abroad
i miss my fucking cat ;_;

Catfuckers have small benis. Bunnies is where it's at.

Attached: 1509075764177.png (1162x1200, 412.26K)

Why would you fuck a bunny?

Attached: 2951445618fab684dcc21cdcc9dac4fe52b5c052971381af22fbc751ed6a73c9-a.jpg (850x900 879.32 KB, 613.57K)

I >>>/rec/ Elin in a bunnysuit.


Turbovirgin haven.

Good luck with that.

Attached: FB_IMG_1453088562270.jpg (552x512, 18.24K)

your pussy looks dapper and suave

Not if you use the right kinda tape… that's what I found

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I think there's only 6, tbh

not including the three sock puppets dysnomia uses to praise herself

Hey mister, can I lick your cat?

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fucking CRINGE

Because the anons who tried making it a decent board got dick in the way of support from the BO and his modtards every time they have attempted it.
So now everybody just shitposts because it is seemingly the only thing that Dysnomia doesn't delete.

You see the hypocracy?

For (((Datamining))) porpoises

Daily reminder that not a single meme or memorable happening has ever occurred on this failed board.

for all the hubris its true

Attached: crazy_frog_bros.webm (640x480, 4.15M)

Ah, bunny-wunny want a tummy-wubby?
Cap this posts, bunny gonna get wubby.

Attached: 1512114471404.png (450x690, 184.38K)


Anything can be technically dost or bannable nowadays, because as dysnomia said:
"I think it's (Holla Forums) quite balanced right now. Anons do what they want whatever they feel like it, and mods do as well" (03/11/18).
So, if mod feels like something is dost or bannable, it just is.
Because there are no rules for mods, what the rules are for anons varies from mod to mod and from moment to moment. They aren't written down because to do so would imply that there are rules for mods, and there aren't. There are only rules for anons, and they are arbitrary and ever-changing… In other words… there are rules, but there aren't rules, but sometimes there are, but they aren't written.


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kill yourself

nothing memorable and nothing anyone outside of this tiny shithole knows or cares about
try again

No one, not even ur mom
