So, the backlash is increasing against Duterte Harry...

So, the backlash is increasing against Duterte Harry. Over 100 drug dealers have been killed since he was sworn in 13 days ago.

What are your thoughts? How will he deal with China?

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Invoke US defensive pact.

Honestly he sounds pretty based , at first i thought he was a right winger because of the vigilantism thing, but he is actually more of a social democrat and the Philippino communist party supports him.

The chinks had it fucking coming with teh government paying lip service to the triads, fuck em.

the mob and big dealers are probably using this to their advantage (kill snitches and small competitors easily)
great way to get rid of dissidents or pretty much anyone without needing pesky things like 'evidence'

Duterte is a neoliberal shill.

Cronyism and toothless concessions. Genuine Marxists are appalled by him and Duterte supported anticommunist Freikorps-style vigilantism.

Did you even see his inaugural address? Dude repudiated class struggle, made “law-and-order” his main platform, and put restoring “faith in authority” as his #1 priority.

Is the People's War continuing under the Duterte presidency? Makes me wonder what the CPP thinks that they can get out of cooperating with the political establishment.

Well apparently you can surrender if you are a petty drug dealer.

People are comparing it to how Mao dealt with opium addicts.

He has the support of the families that still rule the PI.

What the hell do you think the support of the PI Communist Party is going to do when the ruling elite support him?

What's wrong with him being right wing?

Oh no, what will we do without the opium peddlers?

do you know where you are?

I like how western media is trying to make us hate this guy but they're touching on almost every note that resonates with the common people

Which shows, once again, how little pundits know their audience and how much they're losing the hability to influence them.

Actually drug cartels don't like violence or anything that would disrupt their distribution of their product.

Stability ensures lowers prices, risks and higher volumes in sales.

The real loser here is the customer who ends up having to pay for the price hikes that cover the increased overhead to get the product to him.

I have no strong opinions on Duterte, and feel mild approval due to his cordial behaviour towards the communists and socialists, but I strongly disprove of his war on drugs. Prohibition is clearly failing in his country too and he's proud to waste money on killing people who are smart enough to exploit a black market than work a shitty day job like the rest of the proles.

Can somebody please tell me what's the real reason I've been hearing about this guy a lot?

I know the anti-drug, tough-on-crime angle is the narrative they give to the liberals who pretend to be concerned about the third world, but why are they giving it in the first place? What industry or resource has he threatened to nationalise, what trade agreement is he rejecting, what protectionist policies is he adopting?

Philippines is one those countries that a year ago you could easily forget even exists, but now, suddenly, people who can't fucking find it on the map have been telling me about this guy and how bad it is for human rights.

he's a meanie pants wants to fight the war on drugs like a real war

apparantly you're supposed to hate him for being tough on crime

Maoists in these Asian countries aren't really like western Marxists. It doesn't surprise me that they'd support a violent maniac.

Are you really this stupid?

is there any proof of this?

killing drug addicts and journalists shouldn't be celebrated

Hopefully this will inspire something similar in Mexico.

The western media framed him as a flip donald trump, turns out he is a commie though, i hear he might be a china proxy.

His ultra tough on crime judge dredd tier stuff makes me think he is more in line with stalin, although i dont know what the commie view on organized crime is.

The poster I replied to asked why he's been hearing about the guy. It's because you're supposed to be angry and appalled that he's going tough on drug dealers.

He's not gunning down addicts, he's going after dealers.

Journalists who lie to the public deserve to be shot tbh fam.

I'm not even a supporter of his. If I was a flip I would be, but I'm a Western white male with an expendable income who would have liked to go to his country for the drugs and the hookers, now I have no impetus to go as a tourist. If I wanted just hookers I'd go to Thailand and get doubleteamed by traps.

Also those people are scum so who cares.

Nah the Chinese aren't happy about him. The chinks run most of the drug trade in the Phillipines and he isn't afraid to Name the Chinaman. He's not a commie but I don't think he intends to crack down on the gommies so long as they don't fuck around.

There is actually a flip on krautchans int who has made mention that duterte is in line with communism and socialism and that his family might get their property taken away

If I'm not mistaken the guerrilla is still going on, a couple of them got killed yesterday. I don't see the communist ties, but it just might be a fringe group that decided to continue the fight.

I don't know about you but I still want drugs post-revolution.

I'd much rather see him handing power over to the workers than killing people who sell drugs.

Can you give me a source?

On November 30, 2015, he openly admitted to being a "womanizer".[110] Despite various reports alleging Duterte's fondness on objectifying women, lead women's rights advocate Irene Santiago defended Duterte by stating that Duterte has done much to empower women in his hometown. Santiago gained global prominence as a key organizer of the Beijing Women's Conference in 1995, personally thanked by Hillary Clinton on the main stage.[111] Duterte is also known for banning swimsuit competitions in beauty pageants in Davao City.[112] Party-list group GABRIELA defended Duterte, saying that the people should focus on his track record, and not on the womanizing ways of the Mayor. The group noted that Duterte's kissing of female supporters was sensationalized and hyped by media.[113] Duterte's ex-wife Elizabeth Abellana Zimmerman also emphasized in an interview that, despite Duterte's womanizing, he listens to activist women and set up a program that mainstreams “gender and development” issues. Davao City won the Galing Pook award for “gender-responsive” governance in 2004.[114] Duterte also gained prominence for supporting the first-ever Gawad Kalinga Village inside a jail facility which is only located in Davao City. It is a home-type jail with ten cottages built inside the compound, which now serve as home for almost 100 women inmates

Duterte is openly supportive of LGBT rights and is an avid reader of Robert Ludlum and Sidney Sheldon novels

“I don't care if I go to hell as long as the people I serve will live in paradise."

My source is a small Brazilian maoist group, here's from their facebook;
Nardy Gunnawa, de 36 anos e membro do Novo Exército Popular, dirigido pelo Partido Comunista das Filipinas, foi assassinado no domingo passado por soldados do 50º Batalhão de Infantaria do Exército Filipino na aldeia de Sítio Viga (Tanudan, Kalinga). Segundo os militares esta morte ocorreu durante um enfrentamento com a guerrilha comunista, mas todos os indícios apontar para mais um caso de execução extrajudicial cometido pelas forças reacionárias de repressão do Estado filipino.

As for a link in english:

He's a Democratic socialist, some Holla Forumsacks like him because of "muh degeneracy"

Customers are on his shit list too bro

For shame Comrade

yes he is
yeah you should go fuck yourself

He is trying to make a better society. This is what revolution looks like.


i can go the phillipines and kill people and just claim they were drug dealers cool
(not for them)

yes authoritarian deathsqauds revolutionary

This guy's a nationa socialist.
A socialist that actually cares for the working people.

nazis come on