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So the communist in the street are not real people too?
Everyone seems so extreme in the US, they have to be all one way or the other.
This is what is wrong with USA.
It's a man or a woman?
If the crazy people stayed out of politics and just stuck at sucking each other's genderfluid dicks there would be no problems.
jesus fucking christ please activate HAARP and put these burger clowns out of their misery
It's the same as it ever was, IRL. On the internet, it's way way bad tbh.. Losing all our white women to nigger cock, sjws and gays running rampant, kikes doing more and more kikery by the hour, a major happening or going to happen in the near future.
I hope a shooter targets the next one of these stupid fucking parades. Maybe that would wipe some of the retard nigger cattle smiles off their fat 56% faces.
Most of the electorate are retards who believe the divisive propaganda the 1% are spoon-feeding them to get them to do stupid shit. So politics is no longer about improving the country, but about sticking it to the other side.
Bad? The situation is awesome, the americunts will eat each other out of existance :D
Marx and the Frankfurt school were right, capitalism only spawns retardation :D
Hungry yuropoor detected
It's basically this.
Why do you hate freedom of speech?
You aren't trying enough.
Females typically don't need to feel insecure about anything, since everything and everyone in society caters to them. This gender nonsense is all about being insecure about your self-worth, so lgbbbq are nearly all men.
This. It's like rooting for your favorite sports team even though it contains a different coach, different players, and is owned now by some rich celebrity.
Yet you feel obligated to pick the side you stuck with and have to believe in every last thing the party believes in too.
pretty bad, they have started to class niggers as white. and the arabs are being taken in as if they where caucsian, you dont even know how bad america is demographic wise you are looking at 30% native european
america has been listed as a developing nation
It's pretty fucking bad. The only thing that is keeping Murrica from being classified a 3rd world shit hole is mass delusion. Roads, bridges, rails, sewage, the government can't afford to keep an of it maintained despite the obscene amount everyone is taxed because all that money is going into dem programs for dem poor subhuman trash. People are literally drinking, eating, and breathing poison at a near constant level because there are no enforced standards. Basic tap water carries cancerous properties despite being run through filters. Go to any supermarket, which the majority of Murricans shop from, or any restaurant or "restaurant", the overwhelming amount of the food is fake, it has no nutritional value, and whatever real sources it's taken from is based on veggies soaked in pesticides or animals saturated with hormone cocktails. So what does the government do about it? They allow Hollywood to warp the population with distractions that turns them into blithering retards while bombing the shit out of legitimate governments just trying to get by. The best joke there is that assaulting other nations with lesser technological means has been getting more difficult for the ol' USofA, especially now that their pet project ISIS was taken out by Russia/Syria/Iran. How fucking laughable that their Zionist president used the biggest bomb on Syria, using chemical attacks as an excuse even though all evidence pointed to their baby ISIS as the culprit, BUT THE BOMB DID FUCK ALL EXCEPT KILL A HANDFUL OF INNOCENTS AND KNOCK OVER SOME CHAIRS. Laughable. Just as laughable as some people swearing there's still freedom of speech or any freedoms at all when you can be locked up for hatespeech, if not just ostracized from society, your kids taken away. Or like in the case of Bradley Manning, locked up for revealing how the military was murdering civilian reporters openly and mkultra'd so fucking hard that they only let him go because he became a batshit insane tranny. NOTHING IS NOT OKAY BUT NOBODY DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT. THIS IS THE DYSTOPIA
To which situation are you referring? They have several going on atm.
Or are you just speaking generally?
If the latter, I'd have to say they are doing fine, all things considered.
The fact that capitalism and democracy are fundamentally incompatible should have prevented them from getting off the ground at all, but to last nearly 250 years in a self-contradictory socio-economic state is pretty amazing. Especially when you take into account that they had a Civil War and came out of that intact.
Fact is, any society becomes unstable when it reaches a certain size, simply because it is too big to govern. The American Indians knew this, and whenever their tribe got to be a certain size they would split it in two. Very smart, that. It is the whole reason why globalization is such a stupid idea, too. It compounds the social problems while decreasing the economic resources needed to address them.
Anyway, in 50 years there won't be a USA anyway, so it really doesn't matter. It is going the way of the CCCP and the Roman Empire, and every other society which simply got to big to govern efficiently. The question is whether it will dissolve peacefully or aggressively.
So very accurate.
We do…
I have a waif, everything is great.
la puta que te pario
Like you?
tee hee heeeee
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Your mother never loved you, mr. tinfoil failure
Norcal reporting in:
I basically live in the rift of political extremes. If I travel further up the sierra nevada mountain range, I find creationists, I find confederate fetishists, I even find skinheads. If I travel towards Sac, I find blue haired crazies, trannies, and niggers of the "we wuz kangs" variety. Where I live, smack dab in the middle of that, all of these groups exist in their own peer groups.
Here in the land where the palms kiss the evergreens, every fringe political faction can be found somewhere. All you have to do is weed through an ocean of libertarians and liberals.
Compliments of the jews who manage the psychiatric community that dictates what's normal, acceptable, healthy behavior.