Fuck Holla Forums being slow as shit at 1AM

AmanitaAnon here. I started my second dose of three mushrooms tonight after the saturday night r/a/dio stream. I'm relatively drunk so I'm unsure how the amanita will interact this time. I have one final "strong" dose left after tonight's fun which I'll probably hold off on until May. Let's see where this goes, Holla Forums. Wish me luck and hopefully I don't die. If I'm still alive after this, I plan to write a bible.

Third thread attempt. Probably gonna watch duplicate threads appear in 30 minutes because of shitty web code.

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Also eat a dick, Porchmonkey. I hate you and no amount of trying to convince me you're a good person will ever work. You're Jim's puppet and the conspiracies are real. I'll act polite in emails though because I'm more interested in the website than my hatred of you and especially of that faggot pig farmer, Jim. Give us back Hotwheels you fucking kike. I hate life, I get a kick out of how the * symbol is also 8 on the keyboard so spoilers are like typing 88 Even though NEETSocs are fucking faggots and need to let loose. Hitler did nothing wrong, but he enforced socialistic Keynesian economics which are complete and utter shit and would have #rekt the German economy in another two years if not for the war.

Sorry body.

don't black out faggot

I also see Holla Forums removed IDs. I'm unsure how to feel about this. My stomach hurts from the mushrooms.

I'm using them in tea. I might saute the remains afterwards. I lvie near farmers who collect psilocybe from their cow dung, but I'm too much of a faggot to go the extra step to use them. I dunno why. I guess I'd rather become brain dead from the ibotenic acid lesions. Fuck me sideways.

Also I'm a religious nutcase, so Amanita just feels "more right" for getting high. I can't explain it.

Have you ever tried psilocybin? It's basically orally active DMT. It's what religion is made from.

Don't ask, don't tell, user.

I love my laifu and I love my waifu even though my laifu is shit and other anons think my waifu is shit.

Fuck the haters.

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Leaving the lights on so I don't black out. Maybe I'll watch the inchling anime. That sounds like a good idea.

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Too late.

This was a horrible idea. I felt sick before taking the mushrooms and I feel depressed and now lethargic after taking them. I should have taken them while in a better mental state. Hopefully this cures some of the lingering depression and fatigue I've been feeling though. I dunno, Holla Forums.

If I see the figure so many anons speak of, maybe I'll believe, but every experience with amanita up until now has been like being drunk but in slow-motion grainy camera-panning frames.

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Amanitas are kinda neat. They're not as trippy as psilocybin but worthwhile imo. I used to get weird auditory hallucinations from them.

I should have locked up my guns in retrospect, but I doubt I'll shoot myself even in this mental state. I apologize to those who know who I really am from other boards. Hopefully this never tracks back to me but I don't care right now. I must document this experience for the world to know.

Right now I can just overtly hear overly? The freezer going off. I hate living in such a tiny home that half my room has been turned into a pantry.

That's a beautiful schlong, user. Don't get fucked on it.

I am the master of gets when fucked up. Eat shit, scrubs.


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I feel less fucked up than last time I did these. Maybe it's having the lights on or being hydrated. These taste like shit and I'm on my third tincture using the shrooms combined with herbal tea. I can't type straight and I feel drunk without the nauseous background feeling. Meh.

I tried cooking the remaining caps after my third bout of tea to get any lingering muscimol out of them, but I ended up burning them. Ate some, and they're palatable this way, so I will remember this for my last batch. I didn't throw up this time so that's good.

I no longer feel depressed. I don't feel gppd, but this is probably just zetsubou at work. I feel calm and relaxed, like everything is going to be alright despite the mental stiffness.

This is a good feeling I haven't experienced in a long time. I must remember it for the future. Despite feeling vibrations in the air from my neighbour's footsteps, I feel at peace with the world like I haven't felt since I was a small child. I like this feeling. Let me experience this for a bit longer while I watch anime in the dark, Holla Forums.

I hope I can live on to explain this feeling to other /a/nons one day while they search for their waifus. I don't want to die.

The love for my waifu, they won't ever understand, but that's ok. I don't need to explain it to them, they simply need to accept it just as the normalfags accept trannies and other degeneracy. I feel at peace with the world, anons. I love this feeling. Why wouldn't I experience this feeling of elation and joy last time? I love myself and I love my waifu, and that's all that matters. I don't even want to type fuck the haters because that feels too negative while enojying that which is me. You're all Holla Forumsnigger faggots but I lvoe you all right now.

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My wrist hurts from leaning my head on it too much in this position, but that's ok.

this nigga knows tbh

remember to recycle your piss since it will get u higher

Too late. I've pissed too much already. I've considered doing a double dose of six mushrooms, but I don't want to die.

if you're measuring your dosage by the unit you're probably going to anyway tbh

I've never experienced the hallucinations anons discuss with these particular poison shrooms. Should I take one more shroom to see if I can get there?

Meh, that's ok as long as I'm happy like this.

you won't hallucinate because they aren't hallucinogenic.

Welp, too late. If I do a double dose now I know I'll just black out so it isn't worth it. Experience is less intense than last time, far more pleasurable, and my body is tired but I refuse to let it sleep because I'm happy.

I've heard they can be. I know I probably won't, but it doesn't- yeah my brain's not working fully right now. Eat shit.

I'll probably try to mix them with weed edibles next time around to see if I can multiple the effects, but that won't be until May because important shit through April is happening to me.


no u

Hey anyone know where to order shoom spores? I wanna try growing my own it's super easy

Best place to go tripping on mushrooms is in the middle of a forest… you become part of the forest. It's fucking magical.
