Apologize to JK Rowling right now, she would never criticize LOTR in such an asinine way...

Apologize to JK Rowling right now, she would never criticize LOTR in such an asinine way. She may banter well enough to make you mad but this guy is a buffoon.

Martin, who is a fan of Tolkien’s works, has often criticised The Lord of the Rings for the over-simplification of the themes that it deals with. In his latest interview, he has challenged Tolkien’s portrayal of power:

Other urls found in this thread:


it's funny because GRRM also doesn't tell us what, say, Aerys's tax policy was

fucking fat hypocrite. I wish he'd just die already.


It just proves he is a bad writer that he even thinks that mentioning a king's tax policy is relevant for the plot of a book like LOTR, which Tolkien made for children.

This quote is old, but it still amazes me. Where would all this fit in the book? Another ending chapter titled "The Land and Tax Reforms of Reunited Kingdom under King Elessar"? And most importantly, how on earth would they make the story better?


Wait, is this real? Because do you now that the girl who got the role of Shae is a pornstar, a turkish german pornstar, who did anal?

Martin just wants his books to be "better" than LOTR so he will add unnecessary shit to it. Tolkien just wrote the books for a hobby, he didn't care about what others thought of it or how successful it would get

The orcs fled without the power of Sauron behind them. Most of them probably went east. Also orcs are generally regarded as absolute evil from birth by the free peoples of Middle Earth. Tolkien himself didn't fully agree with that assessment.

also wrote the trilogy in 10 years after making the fucking lore. How Autistic are you to do such a thing?

You're viewing it wrong.

The "lore" is the work, not LOTR and/or The Hobbit. His primary work in fact, which he never finished is the lore. As far as Tolkien was concerned, what became The Silmarillion is the main part of his world.

Fucking hell, GRRM is just like Alexander Jahans, only his violent wankfics got made into a television series.

TRSodomite please go.

This is something GoTfags never understand, Tolkien built the lore and the LotR story works around that lore, Martin meanwhile wanted to write his medieval fantasy porn and made the lore as an afterthought.

Seems about right. The fat lazy fuck would rather have a horny shower and support his degenerate shekel making series instead of finishing his book like he should have.

He's the Notch of fantasy.

Jahans has nothing to do with The Shite Stuff you silly sausage.

Didn't he just made up bedtime stories for his kids and later wrote it down?

Why are you nerds always making things bigger than they are?

What I find odd about Gurm is that a fat horny hack somehow managed to write stories whose main target audience is middle aged ladies.

did this retard even read lotr?

You know how many stories started as just stories to tell children? That's what the greek myths were, Iliad etc.

that's what happens when you're beta af

They weren't really connected much at first. The lore was basically just something which grew out of his literary and linguistic interests. He made up myth and constructed languages because that was what fascinated him and he was brilliant and autistic enough to make that feel authentic somehow. He wrote a story based on stories he told his kids which was The Hobbit. Later he wrote what was the ending or last part to his lore and connected it with The Hobbit, this was supposed to be one book, The Lord of The Rings.

lotr is trash, what else is new

"I'm fairly sure I can have Winds done by next Halloween"
-GRRM, summer 2015

You are trolling right? Homer didn't aim to write bedtime stories for children.

But this "lore" aspect of the LoTR is the weakest part of those stories in my opinion. I always skipped those parts. The Hobbit was a blast to read, probably because it didn't suffer from the story being halted for those autistic murmurings of Tolkien.

*tips cap*

It all makes sense now.

I don't get it. If the orcs are in the mountains, wouldn't that obviously mean that there was no systematic genocide of them?

Now, riddle me this, what other species covets the mountains and loves to hoard the shekels?

no john you are the child

The Hobbit is a simple and fun bedtime story but LotR is a work that is rich with wisdom, conviction and earnestness. For kids The Hobbit really is quite enough but unless you have an arrested development LotR is the far superior book after your teens until your grave. As for the lore specifically it gives the story context and weight, unlike so many of the hacks that followed in his wake Tolkien was always focused on telling his great epic mythic narrative. All the locations, songs, history and so forth are described because they matter in the narrative, either in the overarching one or the direct one.

If I were to wager I guess I think you didn't get what he did with LotR due to the cultural barrier between him and you. Atheistic materialism and post-modernist era makes Tolkien incomprehensible if you're immersed in the culture of today.


of course it's bad! they oppressed women and jews

I had a faggot tell me once SoIaF was superior to LotR because it had sex scenes on it.

I wanna see that qt get OINKED tbh.

you're a hothead

This is actually true, Gurm is just really good at disguising his books as something else. Consider how he manged to trick people into it was gritty low fantasy series he was writing when it was a high fantasy women's erotica.

That's ironic seeing how GoT is about as complex as toiler pamphlet and doesn't even come close to LOTR.
The fatty is so salty.


🔥 LIT 🔥 AF 🔥 FAM 🔥

P'orcs can't love orcs. That's forbidden love.

[citation needed]
You act as if these are unique qualities to Tolkien writings, which exposes you as a literature babby who only read Tolkien and nothing else.


I never watched Game of Thrones. Am I correct in thinking it's softcore porn based on some fanfiction.net content?


Bitch you don't know me.

I'm sure he meant an actual piggo. How do you think p'orc baby is made? Why do you think orcs need to eat manflesh when they could just have pigfarms? Maybe they're only using pigs for something else.



Don't forget
He's getting cucked by a TV show.

Yea only the first season is great because of based sean bean the second season is decent and then it turns to shit but the story and everything is non existant

It's weird, Hackson's LotR film adaption started to suck a bit after Sean Bean's character died to.


Are you trying to insult me?

Shiggy tbh


i'm trying to tell you that you don't belong here

I guess he wouldn't have problems with that seeing there's no Jews in Middle Earth.

Everything cool about ASOAIF is largely because of Preston Jacobs and Alt Shift X and the stuff about Children of the Forest, White Walkers, the Valyrian Freehol, and basically the back story to the series. The series itself is boring now.

I stopped caring about the current story when it went from hard and real politics in fantasy to Villain Sues ruin everything forever herp a derp.

Does he actually write about queen fatass' tax policy?

You forget, the short bearded little fucks who dig too deep and go insane when they hoard too much shekels.

Tolkien was working from mythology. Middle Earth wasn't supposed to be a "realistic" world exactly. Realism is overrated anyhow. Most of us turn to fiction to get a break from that shit.

She will tax MEN and exempt all STRONK, INDEPENTENT WYMIN from the Patriarchy Taxes so they can RULE THIS MOTHERF while men serve as slaves!

Assume a normal feudal tax policy, considering that Gondor was ruled under a feudal system.

Apart from the Citadel Guard, no, he didn't, as it is clear in the books that Gondor request soldiers from its feuds (and expect help from their ally Rohan) if they have to go to battle.

The same the other leaders of Gondor did in times of plague and famine, although Aragorn probably didn't had to face any of these since it's implying that the last plague that ravaged Gondor (and managed to depopulate Osgiliath) was air carried from Mordor, probably created either by Sauron or one of his sorcerers.

It's inferred that the orcs basically killed themselves when Sauron fell (they're compared to colonial animals like ants).

Gurm proves that he never read The Lord of the Rings, because it's EXPLICITLY TOLD THAT ORCS CANNOT REPRODUCE BY NATURAL MEANS - I don't have the exact quote here in front of me, but I remember that only Illuvatar can bestow the gift of Creation. Morgoth couldn't create anything, so he had to resort to corrupting elves and treants to create orcs and trolls, respectively. There are no "baby orcs in their little orc craddles", because there are NO baby orcs, whatsoever - only the races that were created in the Song of the Ainur can generate life.

Wait, how does that even work? I thought elves were far fewer in numbers than humans and that they didn't have such a high birthrate, yet Sauron has armies of orcs exceeding all other races combined. They have to breed by some means, otherwise they couldn't have survived the thousands of years Sauron was gone.

Well presumably he's got a big backlog of niggas he fucked up from all the similarion shit no one bothered to read

Well, you see, when un a da boyzz get old e dusnt just die like a humie, as long as there is fightin to do therez gonna be more zogging orkz. And when da warboss calls for a waaaagh, we gonna have ourselves a scrapin we iz. So da daggerears might be breeding like snotlings under famine, but da boyz still fightin, you just don see dem until da boss calls for da big scrap

I just can't understand how almost everyone in this thread is up to speed with the latest episode and book, waiting to see what happens next, but at the same time calls the writer a huge piece of shit who can't write. What the fuck? You obviously don't hate it that much if you keep watching and discussing this shit. And if you do, I feel sorry for you for watching something you despise. But then again, for what purpose would you do that, unless you actually like it, in which case, he is not a bad writer.

When the fuck did he say that? Keep making shit up, fag.

Are you a fucking retard? Literally not a single post in this thread about what happens next or caring about this shit pile, its a LOTR thread now. Kill yourself.

never read a single page of those shitty books and never watched a second of that cancerous tv series
sue me

Good try

You god damn mouth breathing idiot, THIS thread wouldn't exist if no one cared enough about comparing GoT to LOTR, as if it even deserves to be compared. This thread, even if not specifically discussing the latest episodes, is not something new. Every few days there's a new GoT thread and it's always people talking about new episodes and shitting on the writing, this happens. It's not a LOTR thread, it's a thread talking about a fat fuck.

Yes, I am so mad right now that you didn't read GoT. It's exactly what I wanted when I posted my message, right?

NPC post #9324, get some personality, fag.

No they can reproduce. The issue is that no one but Illuvatar can bestow a soul. The best a Vala can do is make a fully biological functioning golem. In the case of orcs which are corrupted elves, or possibly humans, you already have a souls. But in the case of trolls its different. Trolls aren't corrupted ents but are only crafted in the mockery of ents. In D&D terms they're stone golems that are transformed into flesh golems. Their soul is actually a tiny fragment of Morgoth's soul after he diluted his essence into Arda.
That's why orcs only get woozy under sunlight but trolls are killed and turned to stone.

Learn about the flow of conversation, autismo

Are you high? Do you understand what a conversation means?

So, wait, why is it bad to create an army of human shaped drones to wage war with?

The fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger

Conversation, noun, an informal, usually private, talk in which two or more people exchange thoughts, feelings, or ideas, or in which news or information is given or discussed.

Any my post was an observation to the thread, an insert. There was no conversation unless I had discussed with you before. And also, this is how imageboards work. Not everybody has to reply to somebody. You're a retard, nice try bringing in "the flow of conversation" to a post where I was just calling you faggots dumb for talking about this fat shit.

Thank you random guy for your witty response. It is totally so funny and triggering to me, I've never seen this thousands of times before. I will now tip my hat to you and go to /autism/ because I DARED question the sanity of people over-discussing the writer of GoT. I am deeply sorry.

The thread ceased talking about GRRM almost 4 hours ago until your retarded ass stumbled in here and started autistically screeching about it. Just because your ass was late doesn't mean there wasn't a conversation already going on.

Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone for you?


user, please, for the love of God, kill yourself.

It's the reasoning behind it. Melkor wanted slaves to work for him and to subjugate and praise him like a god.
One of the other Vala, Aule, also tried to create beings but he did so out of a wish to have children to teach and guide. When Illuvatar found out he granted those creations a soul. Which is where Dwarves came from.

So, he's the Jew King?

Is this your first fucking day on an imageboard?

No one in this thread likes you, go away


This thread ceased making any fucking sense when you autists were so butt blasted by my observation that you have to make your shitty witty replies to me that defend your position on how much you hate GoT. Virtue signaling to fit in the board at it's best. You talk about the show too much, you like it, period. No point talking about the show and the shitty writer all the time.

Good recommendations considering you could've just ignored my post and moved on with your life, autist.

I am so damn tired of kids who think that if they reply to me with smug copy pasted replies that I've seen thousands of times, they can actually influence my opinion.

You are a dumb kid. "kys" is used by the likes of you. I am only so disgusted by this shit because it's not my first day and I've seen better.

I don't like you either. I don't like this hivemind shit. I don't care if "no one ITT" likes me. Your opinions simply do not matter. There, I have responded to all you autistic comments that all you fags made because I said "stop talking about GoT so much if you don't like it." You can all fuck yourselves. I visited a decade of image boards to talk with kids who think they're actually winning some stupid debate by ganging up with slightly offensive posts. I've outgrown you all.

don't want to sound pedantic but, do you have autism?

Did it ever cross your mind that when a majority of people tell you to kill yourself there might be a reason behind it?

And this is the part where everyone posts "good riddance," smug anime girls, and "omg such an autist," so triggered!. So you can stop bothering already, I won't reply.

Yes and no.
Structurally, Hobbit is smaller, tighter and superior: There and Back Again. It was written for kids and it works beautifully…almost flawlessly. LoTR is an epic, and suffers at times from Tolkien's love of back story. Both are wonderful, but from the POV of writing a nice tight story, The Hobbit wins hands down. From the POV of universe-building, few things beat LoTR. Which is better? Only an ignorant faggot would think there's an answer to that question.

this is what happens when you let the autism flow

You've been right about one thing, the thread pretty much completely derailed when you came in here and fucked up this magnanimously, but not because you've caught us in some big trap card. The thread opens with with a GRRM quote comparing Tolkien and JK Rowling, with a challenge to anons to disprove Martin's claim. The thread doesn't even really have anything to do with Holla Forums, just a couple anons chatting about LOTR, when suddenly you show up and sperg the fuck out, and now after being so thoroughly assblasted you retreat to wherever the fuck you even came from trying to stop yourself from being even made even angrier by smug anime girls who, rightfully so, deserve to be posted considering the level of pure fucking autism you've displayed here. This is far beyond good bait, this is genuine.

user is ready to kill himself. We're here forever and the only escape is death.

I like this guy. He knows just what buttons to press to get even jaded Holla Forums shitposters to unironically sperg.

If I remember correctly he just started writing out of boredom because he was grading terribly written English papers while at work.

We need more genuine autists tbh, nothing interesting has happened on this board since January.
It's just been stale 2016 memes posted over and over.

You summed it up best. The edgiest neocommies like these two have always been those who have never actually had a real job, but somehow has aspierations that they will be one of the neocommie elite party high priests in their ivory towers to lead the proles after the (((revolution))).

Yea that had to do with multiple things though, the monotonous back and forth nature since the storylines were split, combined with jacksons directing techniques got stale over time

You just don't understand.

Those pesky Jews/Dwarfs :/

Is that why Jim owns a pigfarm? to create a master race of p'orcs?

LotR ain't my groove, but fucking hell.



Are you fapbait user?


I can tell the desire to know is burning in you.

GRRM is a false god.


He's also FAT. Har, har. har.

Dude where's the logistics in this pseudo mythological fairy tale
Really took me out of the story tbh, here read about these Daenerys sharts to learn about difficulty of ruling

Dude, what kind of trade deals did Aragorn have? Why didn't the peasants seize the means of production and start a revolution against the king?

I still feel gypped that the Hobbit didn't describe what Bilbo masturbates to.

Did you read the book? The spiritually ennobled hobbits defeated Saruman's revolutionary vanguard after the forced world revolution orchestrated by Sauron failed.


Yes, he's basically Saruman.

Looks like government subsidies are back on the untaxed revenue stream, shareholders.

(((p'orcs))) are not and will never be orcs or even remotely related to them for that matter you quadrupleultranigger

Completely saddening. Sarumin-Sauronist One Ringunism was a liberating ideology that would have saved the working hobbit, allowed mass orc immigration, and put the evil, bourgeois Elves and Humans in their place, where they belonged!
Hopefully, in the future True Sarumin-Sauronist One Ringunism will rise throughout the middle-earth and bring forth a glorious utopia.

True Melkor-Maironism without Valar intervention has never been tried.

T h e
e m p e r o r
h a s
n o
c l o t h e s

You never know what he used it for all these years.
One has to be invisible to peep effectively and give pleasure at the same time.

Hey, Merry, maybe it's the pipeweed talking but wouldn't it be funny if in just a couple of generations everyone invited the orcs to pillage and rape due to a bunch of Sauronist cultists infiltrating our institutions and culture and slowly brainwashing our people to hate hobbits, elves and men? I mean can you imagine what it'd be like for all this bloodshed to be completely pointless because our retarded grandchildren will just try to destroy what we left them anyway?

Tolkien should have finished The New Shadow, even as a short story.

It shouldn't, the One Ring is the One Way.

Dunno Pippin'.
I thought it would be cool to just be…friends you know. Orcs can be saved.
I'm sure we can overcome our differences and make a New Middle Earth together. They can grow our pipeweed while we smoke all day.


reddipol, go home


t. ork

It would have been great but he didn't want to write it because it was too depressing.

Martin's characters have mono dimensional and random behavioral patterns, their actions and not prepared in the script, they delve into erratic petty politics and schemes to provoke and impress the reader in a world that dragons existed and exist and in a world that shadows kill people from afar and magical frost themed outsiders threaten the lands. How can that make sense? Why would you care about taxes and who your psychopath son will marry in his reign when there are priests who raise the dead and assassins who take whatever form they want in order to kill whomever they want, etc? This is an "art" that poses as pseudo realistic, but in truth is an undecided mix of high fantasy, medieval pseudo realism, porn, epic parody and Martin's personal complex about how cruel the world is. The problem with his art is, that it does not make sense and it does not have cohesion and a robust core like Tolkiens art did. He fails because he has not decided on what the core of his work is. Hell, he doesn't even have a main story. Oh, and by the way, he needs to lose the RR's from his middle name. It's embarrassing.

b-but then people will confuse me with the Beatles guy

What's The New Shadow?

I have to disagree. One of the few good things about the books is that men remain men despite living in a world with magic. Also, you have to remember that there are no more dragons in the world at the start of the story and anything beyond the Wall is treated as the insane ramblings of a bunch of outcasts and criminals.

If you look at times of crisis IRL it's obvious that those in power don't stop plotting against each other even with an existential threat at their doorstep. No, the greatest failure of GRRM is having his protagonists be so passive. It takes Jon the majority of the last book to decide to do anything substantial, most of his chapters are spent whining and repeating the same arguments over and over again. Same for Dany and the rest of the Stark children. In a narrative where the most exciting thing are the various plots going on having lead characters that actively avoid plots of their own just rings hollow.

The sequel to LotR. Tolkien only wrote a couple of pages.

reddit, go home

That one synopsis is more complex than anything Martin wrote, how ironic.

Tolkien's stuff is generally depressive. In the published works The Hobbit and LoTR things get better, yes, but only temporarily and in the larger context everything always remains significantly worse than it used to be. I guess with The New Shadow even Tolkien's Christian optimism wasn't enough to stand taking it all to its logical conclusion.

kinda like in the real world

It's a fantazy-novel between good vs evil, why does it need real-world politics in it?

Fat fuck, trying to criticize the only one who made sure that fat fuck even had a audience, who the hell does he think he is? Game of Thrones is lame, it's thinly veiled porn-novels with some boring politics thrown into it.

tolkein was a catholic, they don't have that much of a thing for hope and optimism. at least not in comparison to protestants.

Oh, but Christianity is based on boundless optimism. "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life" and all that.

except catholics believe in eternal damnation unless you're saved

And they are so optimistic they believe they are the ones getting saved.

no, they don't believe they are getting saved, they aren't mormons, you have to be saved on individual basis or you're fucked. Not good enough of a catholic - into the hell you go.

unless you repent at the last moment

I get what you are saying. Still, belief that there even is a chance of salvation after death takes massive amounts of optimism.

Not really. Compared to all the other denominations of christcuckery where you don't go to hell at all unless you've committed unforgivable crimes, and even those can still be forgiven, catholicism is a pretty fucking depressing thing to believe in.

And compared to any materialistic world view it offers infinitely bigger chance at succor in afterlife.

Not really. You just die or you go to hell for not doing something. Materialistic world is way more optimistic.

That's a pointless dichotomy. Only a few deranged Christians ever continued believe in Christ even though they thought they were going to hell. The religion is about the salvation proclaimed in the gospel, not about edgy fatalism.

You literally know nothing about catholicism, son.

I tire of your argumentless nonsense.

Fucking severely underrated posts

GRRM will be forgotten once the GoT fad ends.

How many show watchers actually read his books anyhow?, I'd put it at under 10%. Jew and Jewer are more influential by taking his work and rewriting it. Imagine if more people knew Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings than the Tolkien version.


There's the difference between the middle ages as seen from a king's throne, and behind the peeping hole of a jewish ghetto.

Strength and faith built the christian age and kept it prosper for two millennia. That is inadmissible to someone who is weak, and needs to manipulate others to fight for him.


This is why Tolkien was a good writer, and GRRM is not. Brevity is the soul of wit, why do I need to know what Aragorn's tax policies were? Who is interested in that? How would it improve the story. What a fat fucking hack. I guess if Tolkien had spent 20 pages describing each one of the dwarves penises in the Hobbit it would have been more to his liking.

Exactly good fantasy writers know that the wonderment is part of what makes the world breathe, of course Tolkien explained a lot but theres no fucking need to explain taxes

George R R Martin transcribed the grittiness of the Medieval western european life amd politics into a fantasy setting.

Tolkien transcribed the western european peoples cultural spirit into a fantasy setting.

In a western world today that loves to flagellate itself and deconstruct itself Martin finds a market; But he is little more than a passing fad. He has codified medieval fantasy grittiness and politics amd daily struggle. His series will do well for the next 50 or so years at best and the. Fade into obscurity as a cult classic..

Tolkiens however will be remembered until the death of our species becayse so long as one man draws breath his spirit will feel tugged upon by tolkiens work.

Martin doesnt even deserve to have his name in the same paragraph as the man imo


I laffed hard irl tbh

I agree tbh. Apparently he doesn't even know how it ends. The TV show has veered away from the books as a result. It's just a bunch of shit that seems interesting at first glance, but actually it's just the ramblings of a shit old writer who is suddenly out of his depth now that normalfags love GoT.

It's accurate though. What's nice about Tolkien's work is that it's a true epic. It has heroes and myths and whole languages contained inside, yet it still has realistic themes that can be interpreted by readers.

True. LOTR is an epic where Western ideas were gathered, the spirit bottled and put forth as the light of Eärendil of our modern times to remember what it means to belong to the Western civilization at it's peak.

ASOFAD is ringing the right zeitgeist string of the decaying civilization. Doggy dog world. No purpose. People come and go, no one cares if they die. People fall for it like flies for shit since it's so similar to real life.

You need to mean it though. Just look at a Christmas Carol. Scrooge was an absolute cunt for a large portion of his life and did manage to change his ways in the end. He had less than a decade left in him during the time of the story, but he still found salvation.

In other words, if you just say you're sorry after a lifetime of sin to try and get out of Hell, you're still going to hell to pay for your sins.


6-9: Hobbit
9-11: LOTR
12-14: Silmarillion, Book of Lost tales, and others
14-19: Reading translations of Tolkien in another language, and remembering your childhood, while exploring the motivations behind the works.
19+ thinking about how to best introduce your children to the books.

grow up you NERDS



thinking that graphic violence is mature is the very definition of kiddie

Tolkien was a master of old myths and language. GRRM is a sleaze merchant who wrote erotic fiction.


hit too close to home?

alright then, angsty teen shit


Sansa is the GoT version of Clinton / Warren. She has to win. #RESIST.

Which yid is she spreading her legs for?


9 days until the penultimate season begins airing.

the fat one

The show is honestly so bad I can't wait for it to fucking end.

I think it has become a pretty funny parody of itself.

Do you even know where you are?

7 days.

Except it went to complete fucking trash from season five and onward. Just total fucking garbage.

No, the worst part is the villain sues. It isnt harsh or realistic, its the bad guys win lol.

I guess but the fact that it's being lauded as great is pretty much an hero inducing

but user danaerys doesn't poop


ITT Martin fans getting obliterated, leave this Chan and never come back.
t Chin Chan

Harry Potter and LOTR are fucking COOL

Gruesome deaths and porn.

Underrated post

Is anyone outside of reddit hyped for the new GoT season?

I was gonna say GRRM, but then I noticed you said "outside reddit"

Now come on you two. Skahazz the Blood Vomiter is just as much a resident of the Shire as either of you.

Some people say that the rape, pillaging and general behaviour of our orc friends is a problem but if some hobbits weren't such racists the Shire would be utopian. How can you say things such as "Maybe we shouldn't let more orcs in" and not expect your oppressive and racist behaviour force the orcs to eat your family and set fire to your burrow.


What kind of lube do you use?

Hobbit guilt and tolerance.

You're a sick and deranged individual.
Leave the Hobbits alone.


I might feel pretty indiferent about the lord of the rings but we have to admit that it is the best modern fantasy book written except for some stuff writen by Lovecraft.

I just wish Tolkien had some redeming stories about orcs like he wanted to do.

omg i luv nerrrrd fashion!!! xxDDD
im gnna buy this and post it on facebook, everyone's gonna freek!! us nerds, amirite????!!1!~

Fuck you, stop comparing orcs with refugees or black people.

Orcs invented industry in the middle earth, you faggot.

sauron invented that
orcs are just the cheap labour

I've actually already bought a pair of Gurm leggings. 😳💦 I'll wear them ironically while watching the new season with my friends.

That was Sauron and Saruman.

But please, don't compare them to niggers.

I find it pretty funny how hard neckbeard have been subverted through the wave of fantasy garbage that followed Tolkien's great work.
I also find it funny how neckbeards love the rapist savage invader allegory but always go into full denial when compared to irl. They're pretty much one step away from buying a dogfart subscription but the orcs are totally not like niggers at all, no sir.

He's got a point. Orc are somewhat good at killing, raping things and honest labour when it's required of them. Certainly better organized and manage not to kill their own kind en masse. Excluding over very valuable shiny things.



Sure, have some tits.

Well that narrows it down.

Post a timestamped photo of your naked breasts or get the fuck out.

Lol yes, seconded
He's a lazy fatass liberal loser that writes softporn fanfic.

I used to berate him about finishing the books but now I HOPE he dies.

Shoe on head with timestamp bitch.

Anyone else find it worrying that small-minded conservatives (eg all of them) are always comparing fantasy worlds to the real world, then acting like it makes some sort of argument? They're like children living in la-la land, spinning little fables to confirm their mainstream media-fed biases. Well, I guess "worrying" is the wrong word, these people will never leave their basements, but it's still an odd thing.

Weak bait tbh


Really makes you think.

He should write a hardcore porn fanfic instead. The worst thing is that he can't even revel in the baser things he enjoys due to ideology. He's a fat neckbeard loser but he's not even allowed to unleash his boner in his pulpy bodice ripper fantasy books. If liberals still liked non-gay sex I'm sure he'd write a modern version of the Gor series.



Why do you do this? For some reason you don't demand dickpix when someone reveals themselves to be male.

As long as it's not AsoIaF he seems to be able to write just fine. Short stories, TV shows, blogposts and so on. Honestly I think he has just grown tired of the series.

Maybe he doesn't want to see your dick, dumbass.


The words "summer" and "reddit" have never been more appropriate.


You should kill yourself tbh
You are why the internet is shit now

Because we're not faggots you dumb summerkike.

Well done.

great way to out yourself leddit nigger



Rowling ripped her story off another person and she reeks of MI6-something-or-other connections.
GRR is a faggot.




but there's no one around me…

Who did Rowling rip off?

I don't think I will ever get over a WWE Hall of Famer being president. Providence sure has a sense of humour.

Always remember, if a leftist accuses you of something, you've got about a ninety percent chance they're the ones doing it.

Neil Gaiman. Back in the 90s he wrote a comic book called The Books of Magic, about a bespectacled boy named Tim Hunter, who discovers he is possibly the greatest magician to ever live.

Apparently Gurm is so desperate not to write that he's trying to make the sheboon in pic related's book into a telly drama. Is there any garbage genre fiction that isn't being turned into a television serial with Gurm at the helm these days?


two years ago I would have been angry. now I feel nothing. the part of me that cares about ASOIAF has died completely.

Hot damn, not even Gurm was pleb enough to steal wholesale from a comic.

Man I read that series when I was a kid. Fuck knife ears.

who cares about stealing from a scientologist kike tbh

You forgot confirmed cuckold


Nigerian appropriating Massai culture.


Most of us are supporting Scientology here user. Get up to speed.

His wife

I'd fuck Neil Gayman's wife tbh.


I'd fuck her from this video, but not that her

Indeed, that's what gives me a boner for her.

Are there any living writers that aren't total cucks?

Jared Diamond


Not total cucks?

Larry Correia who writes the Monster Hunter books is a huge gun nut and is probably a cuckservative. John Wright does sci fi and fantasy. He's a Catholic CivNat. Catalia House and Baen seems to be the only publishing houses that aren't controlled by leftist dykes and publish right wingers. Castalia House was set up precisely to combat that. Are there any writers that align with Holla Forums? Don't know. But there are right wingers across the spectrum. The writers are out there. Just do some research.

I thought Correia was libertarian? I know this is probably older but Heinlein never seemed like a cuck to me. Is Harlan Ellison a cuck?

It's pretty sad how much people read into the garbage Gurm shits out.

And that's why you still haven't finished your books: spazzing out about details that nobody gives a shit about in the long run.

She didn't her books are actually british self deprecation and parallel the shit tier world of the brits

what the fuck is with autists

How is this fat fuck even relevant still? He still haven't been able to get the book out and he won't until the show is long over. It's not even the last book but bookfags will have the pleasure of waiting ten years after that until the final part is written. That is if GRRM can get a hold of enough foreskins and fetus juice to keep him alive for that long.

Harlan Ellison is a literal cuckold

These books came out in the '80s. There's also a character from the movie Troll named Harry Potter.


Is Larry Potter a wizard though? The Gayman comic is about a bespectacled wizard wonder boy and seem much more likely to be the source.

I remember watching this. Its funny to see how even GRRM didn't think as hard about his universe as Preston did.

I got more joy from watching Preston and Alt Shift than from reading the books.

Anne Rice was a better author. And her books were just fancy Yuri, and paved the way for slashfic for our generation. Her style and prose curse the internets, even unto this day and age.

Correia may be a libertarian. He's right wing. I'm not terribly sure about his particular beliefs. But he seems weak on ethno nationalism. I could be wrong. Heinlein was far right on a lot of stuff but he was pretty degenerate on sex shit. Polyamory and so forth. Wouldn't be surprised if he happily let his wife cuck him. Harlan Ellison is Jewish. Politically he was an old school liberal Democrat if I recall. Kennedy not Obama. All good writers though.

Gene Wolfe is cool, right?

Four days. R u hype?

No, I just want it to be over with. All the characters I cared about are gone. All the hard, grizzly men are gone. All that's left are the women, the cripples, and the bastard betacuck. There's no one left to root for.

We know how the kikes are going to end it, I want it to stop so I can forget about it, and in ten years return to just the first three seasons.


Considering how condensed the show is I wouldn't be surprised if the ending felt like it came out of nowhere. Dany and Arya were left because they're going to wreck Westeros this season but I have a feeling that Bran will have a pretty big part to play in the ending. Unfortunately that means this season will be pretty predictable.

Speaking of Stannis the mannis, there are so many plotlines that never went anywhere, I wonder how this show will be in retrospective. Dorne could have been cut. Stannis could have been cut. Most of the Dany episodes could have been cut. The High Sparrow and all that stuff was entirely pointless, we didn't even get an action scene out of it nor any rape.

I want to see her nude for real, that's all.


Actress Lena Headey says she lost out on many roles in Hollywood as she did not give in to flirting with casting directors.

I wished we could have see her naked and not her double, that is all.
GoT is all about porn this is why there were so many pornstars in it. I hope they will cast Alessa Savage who is a total slut.

I'd give anything to have her sit on my face tbh.

He really should just become King kill everyone and show the North who's in charge tbh…

I wonder how many of the cast members grrm banged. Maisie and Sibel for sure but who else?

Lena is /ourgal/ for sure.

Beta male spotted, she must respect the dick.

Too many to count, pretty sure Samantha Bentley.

She is beautiful but also an active libtard.

I want to nibble on her cellulite. The dickings come later.

Shit posting aside I actually liked her chubby.

Me too, it's such a shame people started bullying her for it.

That's a self-contradictory sentence.

No it isn't.

Tolkienfags btfo!

I fucking hate Cracked so much

Found my obese feeders, wanna eat my pie?
t. pear chan

She was just voluptuous, not obese.

That's so jewish I felt my nose grow a couple of inches just from watching that.

The ending will just be

screencap this

It will be as ass like Lost or Battle Star Galactica…. rushed and nonsensical.

1.jews are lazy and un-creative.
2. They have nothing to lose if the last show sucks ( to the point even their fanboys won't like it).
3. If its disappointing people will talk about it for a while making the possibility of more $chekels from, merchandise for them.

Doubtless they will drive some retarded fuck up feminism/ diversity/ mentally ill sexual deviance point and then bitch that people don't like it because they are "sexist", racist, anti-homo,etc.