Why the anger about S█████? He wasn't a Leftist. He was a Social Democrat right off the bat and everybody knew it.
Was the pandering to first world Idpol not obvious enough for you all?
Why the anger about S█████? He wasn't a Leftist. He was a Social Democrat right off the bat and everybody knew it.
Was the pandering to first world Idpol not obvious enough for you all?
Other urls found in this thread:
People fell for the memes and UNIRONICALLY believed that voting accomplishes dick, apparently.
I can understand why people would be tricked into supporting him. I cannot understand why people here actually, seriously thought he was a Leftist in any way.
"Lesser evil", perhaps?
That could be an explanation.
But then why were people unironically acting like he was the savior of mankind?
wasn't he a socialist larping as a socdem for votes
I hope you mean the other way around.
And his akchhual economic stance was more Welfare Statism. "Duh peepl owning the means of production" was just a Left-fetishization that never had any basis in his own system. Which did not involve completely overthrowing capitalism.
Overthrowing capitalism can't just happen by taxing the rich and using it to make budgets for liberal arts classes.
this is brain on tankyism
Now where did I say that? I'm just saying Democracy is an absolutely ridiculous way of trying to make that happen. And it should have no place in any Socialist discussion.
His actual view invalidate that
He is and always was a joke.
He's also now pretty much irrelevant now. What's the point of this thread, do you want a pat on the back for "seeing through the charade"?
So I heard you guys trusted a jew…
How did that work out for you?
All this word filtering on this board
Just because Panders is a Jew doesn't mean he is any worse then Trump ("I am no stranger to supporting the one and only Jewish state") and Hillary (who laughed at Gaddafi's death in the Zionist war against Libya). Actually he is only the one who didn't go shill for AIPAC. Still it was cringe seeing so many plebs here support him even if it was just memes.
sure buddy
I am just not buying it
Why else would the (((media))), the Republican party, the democrats and so many other institutions (Soros, ADL, SPLC, etc.) try to destroy him?
To make him look like an option. Do you think if Soros and the other globalists actually fealt threatened by him they wouldn't just kill him? I doubt he would be allowed to be a candidate unless he is controlled opposition.
It seriously looks like both S█████ & Trump are controlled opposition to get people to look at this like it is a real election. S█████ makes Hillary look better by endorsing her and Trump makes her look better in comparison at least to normies. Hillary is already determined to be president because she will do the building of the globalists.
Sure thing, retard.
and you know this is his actual view how?
They can't just kill him, even though two libtards have tried, it'd cause a massive social unrest, maybe even civil war.
My guess is that they'll try to get their clutches on his VP and then pull a JFK, like they did with Johnson.
Being a billionaire in itself is not a bad thing, being a member of the Skull & bones/freemasons/etc. is however a problem.
there's your establishment.
I supported S█████ unironically. I didn't think he was a savior of mankind. I fell for that once already when I voted for Obama but I did feel he was the only candidate worth my vote.
(However, benign that vote is) I still support too
Billionaires are the ones that corrupt the establishment.
Honest question, what is a leftist? Like what is the absolute minimum criteria for being a leftist?
yes, some billionaires used their money for corruption, and many joined them later.
but not all of them.
it is strange, but Donald has always been a outsider.
if it wasn't for berude sandstorm there wouldn't be millions of angry college students that you could educate right now instead of shitflinging on an imageboard about one's political position.
Trump is literally a bourgeois. He makes his money from ownership of companies and capital.
where do you think the computer you are posting on comes from?
not a rightist
Well this begs the obvious question…
Computers come from the workers who made them.
muh outsider
why's this such a hard question for left/pol/ to answer? It suggests you don't even know what page you're on, never mind if others are on the same page.
People are angry because they got the news they knew was coming but didn't want to hear. That's all it is.
Now they're giving into despair because the path forward is too hard for their egos to endure, but nothing good ever comes without sacrifice. This setback should only make you more determined to succeed.
Because unlike pol, we don't ban everybody who disagrees with the mods or the majority. So different people have different definitions. Personally I think the Left and Right are outdated concepts in addition to being spoopy.
I agree. But you call yourself leftypol and can't even define leftism. This is just weird. It wasn't meant to be a trick question. And I've not been posting with nazi flag.
That's because left and right are not possible to define EXACTLY because they are outdated, people put the ideologies on left-right spectrum instinctively.
lern2read m80, I just said that there are people who hold differences of opinion, and then I gave my definition of the left. I'm here to talk politics and not get the b&hammer for telling people to fuck off when they post Rare Merchants.
Nope, just same writing style and arguing the same point on the same thread.
abolition of private property for collectively owned property (note: does not mean state control if the state is not directly democratic)
face facts
you need someone to start the company, find and hire qualified people and organize it in a way that keeps the wheels turning, and make sure there is a profit so that workers can keep having a steady income.
If the "worker organized business" model actually worked, there would be many of them already.
what are co-ops?
B████ ██████ can suck my cock
There are.
EU has ~160k co-ops, for example
but he sucks
Because he said it. I quoted it right there.
No. I'm just making sure everyone else here did so I don't have to OD on horse tranquilizers in shame.
A pat on the back would be nice though, now and then tbh.
Nice speeches. Gotta admit.
Bernout probably buckled under the pressure when he saw all the shit in the media about how he's personally steering us towards a Tramp presidency.
Not that he actually believes that shit himself. He just knows the media will run that smear campaign, gleefully, until everybody takes it as gospel. He couldn't deal with it.
fucking kek
This is true. Might as well be an opportunist and pull them further to the left while they're still fuming.
There's no point sitting around on baitchan arguing with these Holla Forums tourists. I'm not even going to quote the fucking trump zombie who shambled into this particular thread.
Le 'anti-establishment' Nazi expects only loyalty to the master class. :^)
he also said a lot of things in his past that are socialist. what's your point?
Most important thing anyone has said in this shit thread tbh
Even if that was true, nuking the whole fucking country would be "anti-establishment", that doesn't make it a good idea.
Workers can easily do that themselves. It's called cooperatives.
No, profit does not supplement workers' income, profit comes from robbing the workers.
There are many of them already. And, on average, they're much more successful than traditional capitalist business.
If you're about to say "then why haven't cooperatives taken over the market", that would be because getting big in the capitalist economy isn't about productivity, efficiency or meeting the needs of the workers, it's about capital accumulation, and cooperatively owned businesses run into problems accumulating capital, since capital accumulation is primarily fueled by exploiting the labor of workers.
Submitting yourself to the ruling ideology is not "facing facts"
In 2013 Holla Forumslacks cried about the joooich (((NSA))) and now their are eating the shit out of a candidate who wants to assassinate the hero Edward Snowden. Holla Forumslacks are fucking retarded and can't even be moderately consistent in their fucked up world view.
Btw, are these two lines identical?:
B████ ██████
B████ ██████
He is very clearly a socialist if you pay attention to the things he's said in the past, but his presidential platform was mostly social democratic stuff.