Post any image here and the purpose of the thread will soon be revealed

post any image here and the purpose of the thread will soon be revealed

Attached: 33171_2_MCC12-_2__1.jpg (1704x1704, 253.21K)

Attached: glorp glorp glorp.gif (264x264, 778.37K)

no animated gifs or videos please

Attached: 2018_03_18_102552.png (363x273, 162.05K)

Surprise! It's another gay draw thread!

I need to practice charcoal gesture drawing, so if you would like to humor me, I'll try to draw whatever you want

Attached: 20180323_210915_HDR.jpg (2048x1152, 1.04M)

Draw this my dude, I will be genuinely impressed

Attached: 800px-PhilipandNikon.jpg (800x982, 338.78K)

Attached: 113.jpg (1280x1856, 119.09K)

Attached: Kaiju_History_2011_Gokaiger_10.jpg (1280x1915, 370.6K)

draw my cock

Attached: 106_1000.jpg (500x375, 60.35K)

Attached: 12555677-standard.jpg (665x598, 82.82K)

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Attached: helmet-f.jpg (534x663, 58.96K)


Attached: IhEdLs4.jpg (617x1136, 633.22K)

Attached: alex-the-great.jpg (510x638, 75.91K)

Attached: gun-2.jpg (300x174, 5.96K)

Fuck you

Attached: 20180323_220740_HDR.jpg (1152x2048, 1.17M)


Attached: 20180323_221734_HDR.jpg (1152x2048, 1.29M)

Attached: 0c4.png (599x605, 15.91K)

Attached: hitler_with_baby.jpg (417x417, 57.35K)

Attached: mit_hund.png (850x1230, 1.84M)

Attached: flourite.jpg (1000x650, 145.37K)

Attached: op.jpg (464x351, 41.5K)

Attached: e47d03bbf9fcb709cd55ed3879c79cc0c726e19457362589acdf30fe16bb76a3.jpg (323x455, 15.18K)

Attached: ZSF (131).png (438x551, 245.48K)

Attached: 2a21cc7ff7da6636c624deebf1cfae8cfe0d623456d1eb55887da28f51b7c699.jpg (1200x1453, 173.08K)

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Attached: pence-barron-cure.png (500x580, 456.83K)

Attached: 544b522ec31c25478b650ad872d53b7383abfe03842497c7883b5f9a82d04fd6.jpg (564x433, 134.88K)

Attached: corto maltese.JPG (400x562, 34.44K)

are you the fucker who keeps pestering me about this on youtube?

Not me user. I only pester people on this board.

Attached: (480x424, 309.39K)

oh. sorry then for calling you a fucker

Its k fam

I am so happy, I want to be a dancing lizard thing

Attached: meme-2-2the1.webm (640x480, 2.8M)

Attached: 20180323_224505_HDR.jpg (1152x2048, 1.1M)

This one's the best so far, especially in its shadows, gradation, and thickness of the lines, as well as the curviness of the lines.

Attached: 1399407601203.jpg (974x600, 584.87K)

look guys, i'm rob liefield!

Attached: 27657114_502390850161854_6078155819909344970_n.jpg (494x377 22.1 KB, 72.55K)

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Attached: 20180323_231114_HDR.jpg (2048x1152, 857.67K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180324-004935.jpg (1075x964, 344.09K)

Attached: meme48b.jpg (578x393, 49.95K)

Attached: ogre_squid.jpg (289x260, 32.02K)

Attached: 100k.png (1999x5200, 94.5K)

Attached: 20180323_232729_HDR.jpg (2048x1152, 1.09M)

Attached: runamuck800x600.jpg (808x600, 218.14K)

Attached: 1520922206844.jpg (720x405, 175.75K)

Attached: 20180323_234041_HDR.jpg (2048x1152, 1.29M)

Attached: 20180323_235554_HDR.jpg (1146x1365, 708.24K)

Attached: SE1931-03_2.JPG (293x390, 75.62K)

Attached: 2d7ebdeed65fbc530bc4cc1f2d9090c3338584f07ae48fc15a6a2e0ae23e6535.jpg (315x492, 35.97K)

thanks fine sailor
i hope you make >>>/loomis/ proud

This is Dysomniggers Holla Forums

Attached: BEST GIRL.jpg (670x670, 85.63K)
