Anyone else see this? Some plebbitor made a plebbit tier gif, Trump tweeted it then CNN (a tv network) tracked the guy down and made him apologize "reserving the right" to dox him in the future.
IA here holy shit
Other urls found in this thread:
They're only fucking themselves over. Phillip DeCucko has a 30k+ tweet about it.
This is new development.
Yeah just saw the thread on Holla Forums after posting but seriously wtf. If gamergate was still a thing there would be a hundred videos about this + a hashtag already going to boycott CNN advertisers. Kind of ironic hearing about it from Jim.
I cannot believe Jim has done this.
He's also the only gg related eceleb who never got doxed. Wouldn't be surprised if this time next week ED has his drivers license pic.
I was talking about his pronunciation of the word "gif"
The reason Jim's never been doxed is because he's not a fucking idiot. He never put his personal shit online.
I have, which is why I'll never try to do any e-celeb related shit.
Yup only a matter of time now.
also kek
This is fucked up, like actually. If they're willing to dox someone over a gif what happens to people who make videos like that with open gates video? People who don't wanna be public e celebs or wannabe politicians but just shitposters and the like? It's fucking insane.
hey look, dubs ;)
This is why CNN needs their ass rammed over this.
They're testing the waters and they need to know they can't getting away with fucking with random teenagers like this. The freedom of the press in the first amendment needs to be revoked if this is what they're doing with it.
This is an abuse of power, and borderline criminal. Blackmailing someone for troll comments on a relatively anonymous site is inexcusable. Company needs their press privileges taken away AT MINIMUM.
The law is way ahead of you on that one.
Checked and agreed.
That's what I think too.
where's gamergate
You mean here? Scattered to the four winds by failed eceleb goons using petty id politics to d&c. Funny thing too is cnn is already drawing straight from the literally who playbook using muh death threats to take attention away from the issue and paint themselves as victims meaning even if anons manage to get a boycott hashtag going it'll only be a week or two before they're all branded as domestic terrorist/raycis mysoginists etc.
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Oh boy, do I ever love meme phrases.
Trump should just start killing off journos
Always notice how any word or phrase descriptive of shill tactics (eg purity spiraling, gaslighting) winds up being just a meme according to certain anons. Kinda like how you're not even allowed to call a jew a jew without being considered anti-semetic.
he's right though, anglophone pronunciation is simply stupid
I don't think "purity spiraling", "gaslighting", or "identity politics" are tactics that shills actually even use. On the contrary, I think it's more common for shills (and/or cucks) to mindlessly spout those terms at other people, in order to undermine them and dismiss what they're saying. Like how people often get accused of " you're just purity spiraling!" because their position is "too extreme".
I have to agree with the other user, it seems like you're just spouting off these meme phrases without really understanding their meaning.
Hello CIAnigger
Then can you name a tactic shills actually do use?
That's not how that meme works dipshit.
I really don't get why Jim does these videos when he's not contributing anything to the conversation
what does it have to do with Holla Forums?
Jim is such shit now that he has a patreon. 75% of his vids aren't good and it feels like he's just updating, not uploading because he has something worthwhile to say
also he didn't do the Lindsay Ellis video which was the only tgwtg producer who actually deserves to get called out on her shit, and he did it because she's a friend of the "skeptic" community now. He has no credibility any more.
That's not how your write
No one respects a bunch of autistic cucks that bent over backwards to prove to the leftists they're not racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobic/etc. only to be ridiculed anyway.
why hasn't based mod locked this thread yet?
Left-wing journalists are the largest group of narcissists.
fuck off
This user gets it.
Feels good
good, hate speech is not free speech
He isn't funny.
What country?
It's also gi-raffe, not ji-raffe, by the way.
hes not a giraffe dumbass, hes a human.
Because idiots need somebody to walk them through news stories and spew memes inbetween. See Sargon, Bearing, ComputingForever, TheAmazingAtheist, TYT, MrRepzion, PhilipDeFranco, Milo, Rebel Media etc. I'd say Molyneux is a big exception because he does videos where 90% is just covering facts that have been obscured by other articles rather than inhaling his own farts.
Yeah, 'not enough information my ass'.
That's not how you spell sissies.
Saying giraffe as in 'math' or 'wrath' instead of 'bath' or 'laugh' is the real plebfilter.
Did you just walk in barefoot from the fields with your mud-and-shit-caked feet after a hard day of pig-fucking huh-yuck shuck der me wat git me dun gud yup?
No I am just a britbong
This guy is the lamest fucking faggt
I fucking cringe any time I see this guy. Stop bumping this faggot shill shit.
Freedom of the press :^) doesn't mean :^) freedom from consequences :^) :^) :^)
You could've just said "yes".
Freedom of the press exists because the "founding fathers" wanted to keep publishing their lies consequence free. America was built on fake news. Like all good liberals the American government clamped down on unapproved news sources after it gained power. CNN is just following American new tradition of lying and obfuscating the truth. The Pulitzer Prize, the most prestigious journalistic award, is named after a publisher of fake news.
stop bumping this 4chan tier shit
fuck off shill
sage denied :^)
stop bumping your shill thread you horrendous faggot
no :^)
Wew this bullshit again. GG was a hashtag my dude that literally anyone could use, kind of like the #boycottCNN hashtag that will never happen since anons still likely prefer teenage girl tier infighting to actually getting shit done. KIA were a bunch of pr cucks right? And big surprise already in the Holla Forums cnn threads
Because who cares if they're going after reddit amirite. Next stage would be the aforementioned ""id politics""
followed of course by armchair faggots demanding the hashtag include _ as a separate agenda otherwise why should they bother. Reddit, twitter, cnn, huffpo all of them keep their budgets and organization intact while anons are as easy to distract as cats with a laser pointer. This is why we you can't have nice things. Say what you will about the gg remnants at least they placed personal conviction over some imaginary, impossible to achieve consensus and didn't ragequit over butthurt.
Nice goalpost move, okay I'll rephrase: name a d&c tactic.
You seem worried user.
mods please delete shill threads
this is self advertising for this faggot to get more patreon money
go somewhere else fag
you seem butthurt :^)
you're a hothead
Ayy okay
What's the problem?
You forgot to mention that one faggot self-promoting his anti-RLM video that had no views before it was shared here
Chris Cuomo here holy shit!
I won't pretend to be an expert on how shills operate (unlike the other user that I was initially replying to). But I can name a few things that seem like legitimate and accurate descriptions of actual shill strategies.
An obvious and simple one is false flagging, where the shill pretends to be a normal member of the community, and they say things that will incriminate and draw flak to the community they're trying to attack/subvert. And I assume that just pretending to be a normal member of the community in general can technically count as "false flagging", even if they're just doing it for information-gathering or advertising purposes.
Another common shill strategy is "sliding", where the shill(s) make spam posts (often using bots, but not always) in order to push threads that they don't want being seen down on the catalog, and get them to 404 sooner.
I'm not sure what to call this next specific method beyond simply calling it "D&C", although I know that D&C can include a lot of things (and it's more like D&C is the general goal, rather than the method itself). I think "consensus cracking" might be the term I'm looking for, but I think consensus cracking is a more specific thing. What I'm referring to is shills intentionally stirring up artificial controversy and intentionally derailing discussion. I think "consensus cracking" specifically refers to when the shills play both sides of a given argument/controversy in an attempt to sew disinformation, not to simply derail/stir up controversy.
Maybe "dilution" would be the right way of putting it, for when the shills are just trying to distract from more important threads/issues by posting a lot of irrelevant distractions, to misdirect people away from more relevant things (which is also an important part of sliding). I remember seeing some screencaps of threads from both Holla Forums and Holla Forums where they were discussing using this method for raiding other boards, but I didn't save them. Although I guess people from cuck boards/cuck sites doing raids might not technically count as shills, I'm sure that actual paid shills would be using the same kind of tactic.
I'm aware that this is all pretty basic stuff, but I'm just trying to demonstrate that I have some familiarity with shill strategies, to support my argument that the other user was just talking out of his ass and throwing out random terms that he doesn't seem to really understand the meaning of.
I don't see how identity politics, gaslighting, or purity spiraling would be common shill strategies, from what I know about these things.
Doesn't this just refer to making political decisions/alliances based on an apparent group that one belongs to (usually referring to race)? The only time I've seen the term "identity politics" actually used before was by cucks who were arguing that fighting for the interests of one's own race (ie white people) is just "identity politics" (and then said cucks went on to make the tired old argument that "race doesn't exist, being 'white' means nothing!" and other typical individualist bullshit).
So when the user I was replying to earlier said
I just fail to see how that makes sense that GG was divided by people using "identity politics". I guess it'd make some sense if the definition of "identity politics" includes forming controversy based on pretty much any point of disagreement, not just race/social group/etc, but that seems like a pretty broad definition to have for it. If that were the case, then any intentional, artificially-created controversy would fall under "identity politics" just because there are different groups disagreeing with eachother on any given thing.
Doesn't this specifically refer to lying/manipulating people into questioning their own recollection of events, and such? I guess I can see how shills kind of do this, but it doesn't really seem like a common tactic, to me, but maybe I'm misunderstanding the full scope of what the term "gaslighting" can apply to. If gaslighting can refer to any kind of intentional lying/misdirection, then that kinda creates the same problem as with "identity politics" that the definition becomes too broad and can just be thrown around at anything.
I thought that this just refers to the naturally-occurring phenomenon where people in a group gradually take more and more extreme positions over time, as they continuously try to one-up eachother. Again, I can kind of see how shills might use this to their advantage a little bit, but not really. I usually see people just mindlessly shout "purity spiraling!" as a way of dismissing people whose position they arbitrarily deem to be "too extreme". Namely, pussified leftists/"centrists" who think that suggesting things like deportation are radical, extremist notions, and thus "you're just purity spiraling and trying to be edgy!"
Again, I'm willing to accept if I'm wrong, and I admit that I don't have a great understanding of shill tactics myself. Maybe I can learn more about shill tactics from this. To me, it seems like the guy I was replying to was at least partially misusing terms like gaslighting and identity politics. I dislike it when people overuse/misuse terms, and water-down their meaning, and confuse other people about their meanings (both by misusing the terms, and just generally being unclear).
I acknowledge the existence of shills, and the danger that they pose, but it seems like there's a lot of misinformation surrounding the discussion of shills itself. Maybe that's part of an intentional ploy by the shills themselves to misdirect the anons that are trying to oust them, but I'm sure that a good amount of it is just from genuine misunderstanding of the subject by regular users who do not intend malice.
This leads to a sort of "goy who cried shill" problem, where anons constantly make accusations of shilling every time they get into an argument, so it's often hard to tell if an accusation of shilling might be genuine and worth paying attention to.
And this has what to do with television or film?
The creators of the .gif all say it's pronounced "jif"
English is fucked anyway so what's up with the amount of people bringing up phonetics?
Just like the good ol' days after 9-11.
youtube, and other streaming services, is the new tv. i say it fits, even if the topic is more political, but it's better than just linking politics articles and only that. i've seen that happen a few times.
plus, Holla Forums is a battleground between Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and neutrals pretending to be whoever to bait people. i've come to expect it now tbh.
Gas yourself.
mods please delete this shill thread
guy just another youtube jackoff who repeats obvious shit everyone already knows – and wants patreon money for it
go away faggot
RLM is trash but at least it's their 85-99 IQ fanbase posting the threads. This is literally the guy shilling for himself openly in the OP.
Nothing to do with disagreeing with what he's saying, it's that he regurgitates things without the slightest originality to his take. And if you press him (I saw him once with Millennial Woes) he denies there are differences in races and has the standard issue cuck, sjw type of opinions. He doesn't seem very intelligent to me taken out of his internet gossip role where flapping seals of 15 year olds lap up his retarded shit as if it's "intellectual"
But that sexy voice tho
nobody cares gtfo
no u
Clinton News Network really is the worst. They're not just a malignant cancer but they're dumb as shit too. Threatening to doxx your ideological enemy is something leftists love doing because they have the hive mind on their side but to then be bragging about it is dumb even for them.
mods do your jkob and fucking delete this
at least anchor this
this is literally the definition of a shill thread. guy wants viewcounts/patreon money for rehashing shit everyone who spends 20 minutes online a day already knows in full.
there is no "battleground", there are just leftypollers being rightfully bullied whenever they step out of their containment board
nobody cares about television and films, fuck off back to reddit
WHY IS THIS THREAD STILL HERE this is 4chan tier garbage
just fuck off already
I reported this earlier. At least anchor this as the guy is literally bumping his thread every hour and is doing it to get views/patreon subscribers.
report deez nutz, whiteboy
Everything is allowed in wars user. You're on your way to understand this.
That's like 90% of the youtubers posted here, yet you only complain in this thread.
yea but that's for you, it's different for us stupid goyim… :'^)
how does it feel to get btfo, drumpcucks?
You replied to the same user. Also
And yet you're totally unfamiliar with the d&c tactic of using wedge issues to cause friction in online communities. Curious.
Wew lad guess my point went straight over your yarmulke.
Congrats on spelling dox right junglebunny thank god for the sickle cell :^)
"Using wedge issues" is basically the same thing as just intentionally causing controversy over hot-button issues, which I mentioned multiple times, and is one of the most basic shill moves. You're just being semantic.
And this does nothing to prove that you were using terms like "identity politics", "gaslighting", or "purity spiraling" properly.
Never catching on, freech.
Come on user, go get
Shouldn't you have killed yourself by now you autist?