Be minding your own business browsing Holla Forums

What do you do?

I think it's time to run to the hills already if the degenerate mongrel hordes are gathering just outside your window.

he deserves it tbh

Dobson is our guy





I'd shoot the fucker.
I have my mossberg beside me at all times for a reason.

mommy and daddy please stop fighting you're scaring me


This is the gentleman who drew women being inflated into balloons, right?

how does that even follow

Oscar Mossberg was Swedish, not Jewish.



I have no idea where the fuck you were going with that or what effect you were trying to achieve. See pic

>thinking every name ending with a Berg, Stein or Man makes them automatically chosen
Mossberg are Swedish, user. Where the names originated from before the kikes stole them.

See and (((Swedes))) are the Jews of whites.

Because when (((they))) started cracking down on the noble KKK and Black Panthers, the organisations moved underground. They started operating while hiding in plain sight. Thus, the comic book store was born. Behind the closed doors, concealed within cheeto stained rooms, both black and white supremacists would gather and plot their vengeance upon their believed inferior races.

Castle doctrine.


really made me think


Think you meant to post this on Holla Forums.

think you meant to go fuck your anus with a cactus and eat off that whore of your mom



Man, I fucking love Dobson! This shit just writes itself.

Oh Comrade, I'm not sure why you waste your time on such simple minds. Come with me, to the porcine future, and leave these cretins behind. They aren't worthy of the Pork.

Chin faggot spotted and globally reported.

How ironic


Really makes you think…

i see what you did there

Wow, this powerful message shook me to my core. You've really gotta sit down and think when someone blasts you with such a truth-bomb.

Banned from /r/communism for ableism.

Top cuck.