What killed the dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs are a hollywood invention you inbred retards.
everytime you eat chicken, you are eating dinossaurs
Batman and Robin gets too much hate. Its a dumb campy Batman trying to recapture the glory of Adam West's version. Everyone wanted their dark and edgy Batman instead so panned it.
it's because all the reddit sperglords want a "deep, introspecting movie", not realizing we're talking about fucking capeshit
it's because the film's aesthetic is very gay, and many people hate gays
Dinosaurs are an invention by the British Royal Society
t. gay
let me guess it was DA JOOOS right you polkiddie?
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What's up your ass?
Grampie, perhaps you'll find facebook more accommodating.
They were real and they were fluffy.
I enjoy the Adam West Batman, but the Burton Batman movies were a little weak and they Schumacher Batmans were terrible. I don't give a shit why people pan them, they deserve it from all sides.
back to reddit you go
Dinosaurs are an invention by atheists and tinfoilers.
The problem is the gay undertones that the kike faggot Joel Schumacher put in the movie.
The Adam West Batman is still superior.
Why don't you go on back to both >>>Holla Forums & >>>Holla Forums?
The only 100 I've gotten, I only did a handful of them. She's perfect.
le futurama XDDD