What your fetish says about you

Straight - The bore
Gay - the boring faggot
Traps - the faggot in a glass closet with pink and purple spotlights shining on them.
Lesbian - thinks (s)he's actually gonna get some among those two.
Lactation - Anxiety disorder
BDSM (x!dom) - Power addict
BDSM (x!sub) - Desire addict
Tentacles - see above
Orcs/Monsters/Demons - see above, maybe Vore (the prey) as well, too.
Loli - cross-eyed pedophile
Shota - cross-eyed pedophilic faggot
Straight Shota - Odepus complex (if male), see loli if female
Furry - attention-starved
MLP - emotion-starved
Romance/Happy - lonely virgin
pregnant - see above
Impregnation - see above, additionally, fertility-related anxiety
Watersports - emotionally dysfunctional
Vampire/Bleeding - iron-deficient vegetarian
Unwanted Cumshots - anger addict, specifically, other people's anger
Vore (the predator) - abused dog that is aggressive and paranoid
Vore (the prey) - abused dog that can't break out of it's chains
Humiliation - see above
Transformation - ashamed of their personal weaknesses
Feeder - wants to please, or is a power addict.
Feedee - wants to be free of responsibilities
Diaper/baby - see above
Unbirth - see above, but if vore related, then see Vore instead.
Futa/female - hates men and/or masculinity
Cuntboy/male - hates women and/or femininity
Futa/male - insecure about their bi-curiosity
Cuntboy/female - see above
Incest ((step)sibling/relative) - deathly afraid of strangers
Incest ((step)parent) - odepus complex
Trans - hormonally disrupted individual
Non-Binary Trans - see above, additionally is a special snowflake who craves attention, also wants validation from their uptight, and over-controlling parents
Trans-fat - see above, add additional mental disorders as necessary.
Zoophile - latent misanthropy
Fat - metaphorically convinced that eating moldy bread is better than hunting for a proper meal
Gay Fat - so depressed and emotionally decrepit that sex with the opposite gender is thought of as literally impossible
Food - mentally retarded fatass who thinks it resembles actual intimacy
Gore - sociopathy
Vomit - pathological liar
Shit - abused with soap and water
Cheating - afraid of commitment
Necrophilia - too socially insecure to have a meaningful relationship with anyone
Interracial - constant sexual insecurity because of their peers' political pressures
Bugchasing - hates rules, craves community, has less long-term-foresight than African cultures
Pedophilia - reject from the funny farm who has attracted the ire of the remaining herd
Cuckold - literally, actually, seriously, by dictionary definition, a hypocrite

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fake and gay

Fraud is a hack post poni

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True and straight


Mostly true, tough i'm a furfag but not really attention starved. I try and avoid to be the center of attention even. The rest of the fetishes i have fit tough.

fuck off with your german jew pseudo shit

why is my fetish not here?

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But i go something.

ahahah kill yourself kike


way too fucking basic.

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so there is no own category for legs or feet for the foot fetish fags

I got something.


Well, i am lonely

Just futa on female, its pretty hot.

Ok, so i hate traditional roles?

Nice datamining btw, you are earning your shekels boy.

freud his gottdang self already went through this faggot.
foot fetish comes from being embarrassed about sexual related things so one looks down in shame, and what they see are feet, so they associate it with sexual thoughts. It has to do with sexual shame. Legs are where childrens eyes are when they look at strangers, etc etc

what about Gentle FemDom ?

yeah thats about right

so you want to tell me I am attracted to those perfectly shaped legs because children and eyesight on grown ups is on level with legs?
sounds like bullshit

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Where's bisexual?
Not true.
Check. Not fertility related.
Not true.
Not true.
Don't know.
Don't know.

But my misanthropy isn't "latent", it's in full bloom.

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how am I datamining if we're simply trading assumptions?

ah. good point!



Dream dictionaries list someone vomiting as a sign of being lied to, dreams are direct links to the subconscious and that's the closest I could connect it to- in retrospect, I need to change this. My reasoning for categorizing shit as is, is because Hitler's mother was apparently obsessed with cleanliness. Luke, AKA Nurgle's prince, is another reason I categorize shit as such.

revision 2.0 motherfuckers
Straight - The bore
Gay - the boring faggot
Bisexual - indecisive, possible commitment fears.
Feet/legs - starved of trust and stability.
Traps - the faggot in a glass closet with pink and purple spotlights shining on them.
Lesbian - thinks (s)he's actually gonna get some among those two.
Lactation - Anxiety disorder
BDSM (x!dom) - Power addict
BDSM (x!sub) - Desire addict
Tentacles - see above
Rape - see above
Loli - cross-eyed pedophile, elektra complex if female.
Shota - father complex
Straight Shota - Odepus complex (if male), see loli if female
Orcs/Monsters/Demons - See BDSM, maybe Vore (the prey) as well, too.
Furry - attention-starved
MLP - emotion-starved
Romance/Happy - lonely virgin
pregnant - see above
Impregnation - see above.
Watersports - emotionally dysfunctional
Vampire/Bleeding - napoleon complex
Unwanted Cumshots - authority complex
Vore (the predator) - abused dog that is aggressive and paranoid
Vore (the prey) - abused dog that can't break out of it's chains
Humiliation - see above
Transformation - ashamed of their personal weaknesses
Feeder - superman complex
Feedee - cinderella complex
Diaper/baby - see above
Unbirth - see above, but if vore related, then see Vore instead.
Futa/female - hates men and/or masculinity
Cuntboy/male - hates women and/or femininity
Futa/male - insecure about their bi-curiosity
Cuntboy/female - see above
Incest ((step)sibling/relative) - deathly afraid of strangers
Incest ((step)parent) - odepus complex
Trans - hormonally disrupted individual
Non-Binary Trans - see above, additionally is a special snowflake who craves attention, also wants validation from their uptight, and over-controlling parents
Trans-fat - see above, add additional mental disorders as necessary.
Zoophile - misanthropy
Fat - metaphorically convinced that eating moldy bread is better than hunting for a proper meal
Gay Fat - so depressed and emotionally decrepit that sex with the opposite gender is thought of as literally impossible
Food - mentally retarded fatass who thinks it resembles actual intimacy
Gore - sociopathy
Vomit - stuck in a mindset of delusion and lies.
Shit - abused with soap and water
Cheating - afraid of commitment
Necrophilia - too socially insecure to have a meaningful relationship with anyone
Interracial - constant sexual insecurity because of their peers' political pressures
Bugchasing - hates rules, craves community, has less long-term-foresight than African cultures
Pedophilia - reject from the funny farm who has attracted the ire of the remaining herd
Cuckold - literally, actually, seriously, by dictionary definition, a hypocrite

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How the fuck does lactation and anxiety disorders mix?

If you ever sucked and licked the milk off of some titties, you'd know that it is very comforting.

What about saggy titties? That's my thing.

I would say craving satisfaction.

*can someone help me with pic related*

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o shit screwed up again


I wouldn't fuck my mother if my own life was on the line, provided the death would be painless. I still think SS is still the shit. Fuck off, kike.

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Trading assumptions is a form of datamining.

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Hopefully Apple corporation was traded the assumption that we, the chittering, all devouring consumer - above all else desire a line of cavity-insertable, excrement-proof iDevices.

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Yeah i probably should give up alcohol

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S-stop a-user

Clean yourself up, go out, have a few drinks, talk to a lady that has met eyes with you a couple times, be your retarded, dumb self.. I guarantee you will not be a virgin for long. Even if it takes a couple months.

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Analyze me.

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You are beyond the help of mortal man

yore fuct m8

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You are like the buzzing of flies to me!

Several were added as jokes, and some are things I just like but don't turn me on.


Nice. My fetish isn't even there, i'm off the hook :D


Rate my fetish

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Make an ad on craigslist and find out. It's fun.

Disregarded after I read the first line.
Kike get out.