I feel like these people are so fucking elitist that they will scoff at damn near anything
Attached: prelude_1.jpg (1366x768, 735.6K)
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Holla Forums is as gay as Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Attached: wew lad.jpg (600x600, 37.17K)
those feet are repulsive she doesn't even have arches and it looks like she just stepped in a puddle of dog's piss
everyone here is a russian bot so we use yandex
The correct suggestion was Start Page
Attached: puzzled cage.jpeg (474x586, 39.14K)
astalavista is the kino search engine
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Attached: searx.png (500x522, 89.71K)
Brainlets don't have conscious sentience, so they don't exist.
Startpage feeds search queries into jewgle.
Ixquick has useless results.
What do?
searx.me, or any of it's mirrors
>he cares this much what these people think of his choice of internet search engines
top kek
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66.8 KB, 94.67K)
Attached: TOP KEK.webm (640x360, 735.52K)
How to add my site on the chan webring?
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This is why they hate those soyboy memes so much