what is a good, solid, free, intuitive, non-web-base webm converter that works on windows 7?
what is a good, solid, free, intuitive, non-web-base webm converter that works on windows 7?
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If I may interject…
There's Pendrivelinux which you can use to install Linux onto a USB and then install onto your system, after which you can use the ffmpeg command to convert your files.
This was made by some halfchan faggot from /g/ way back in 2014 before the exodus
HOWEVER, you can change the max filesize and enable sound if you want. It's just a simple wrapper around ffmpeg for Windows
This shit is why nobody likes you Linux faggots. Why would the answer be something more complicated where something is more likely to go wrong?
Dysnomia, mah based nigga
how do i download an installer or exe?
nevermind.. just compiled it and it works. was expecting all kinds of shit to be broken when i opened the project
Xmedia recode, or just bite the bullet and learn2ffmpeg. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to use ffmpeg from the commandline in windows. You can even set up batch scripts to convert things.
just learn ffmpeg and scripting my dude, its easy and simple
fuck it, everyone. just fuck it. i've tried all solutions in this thread and all i get are 100 mb webms. tired of the bullshit, so i am giving up
what? elaborate
the bats in the special folder are outdated and probably won't work
in fact, the main bat is kind of outdated and is still in a testing phase
haven't gotten around to fixing it but it works, although it tends to overshoot target filesize over sacrificing image quality
all these programs have too many options.. command line shit.. whatever. bitrate i don't even know what the fuck that is why do i need to put it in? i just want it to convert an mp4 to a webm so that it's decent quality suitable for upload to Holla Forums. there should just be something where you right click a file and choose Convert to Webm and then it's done. there's no need for all this pork
download image in
open it with 7zip, put the bat in the same folder as ffmpeg.exe
drag mp4 to the bat and follow the instructions, you can also just press enter on everything and it'll work
lower it and you get smaller file sizes
stop being a nigger and figure it out.
very simply put and relating to your problem, bitrate roughly determines the final size of your video after it is done encoding(along with resolution, audio bitrate etc..). it is measured in bits/s.
follow one of the guides on how to calculate the bitrate and simply put that value into the command line
I used webm for retards when making gameplay clips.
raw ffmpeg commands are too hard. I don't know shit about video and audio codecs.
this is the easiest to use and dl.
No they're not. If you actually bothered to read the fucking manpage instead of copypasting shit you don't understand, you'd realise that it's actually not that complicated.