FOSTA was passed! How does that make you feel, Holla Forums?
FOSTA was passed! How does that make you feel, Holla Forums?
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shouldn't be bad unless your a pedo tbh
land of the free and you'all turn trap
freedom of speech and we get Holla Forums
leader of the free world and let's bomb everybody to prove it
a free market to die for and a model of democracy, but trump
Your not seeing the broader problem here. Its not just pedos, its everything that can be deemed offensive for the establishment. Meaning they can put you in jail, just for sayung "Gas the (((JEWS)))"
calm down /pol, take your meds
don't really care, as I don't care about sex
make law to prevent sex trafficing
>implying (((they))) won't use this as an excuse to crack down on free speech
I checked it, and the law seems to DIRECTLY infringe on freedom of speech, that's the problem. It's the fabled erosion of the constitution. I don't have a problem with stopping pedos and sex trafficking, but this is not what it appears to be.
Eeeven Craigslist shutted down their "Personals section", because now, they can be legally held accountable for sex trafficking.
I'm having a conspiratard breakdown so enjoy!
It was only a matter of time before the gov't would restrict and fuck around with the magic technology given to unwashed plebeians. Look at Windows 10, look at Intel CPUs with ME, look at smartphones and soon also driverless cars that the gov't can use to assassinate you.
It's all magic stuff that you don't know how it works and can't repair it yourself once it stops working. You cannot trust it.
Now getting to the Internet. Did you really think this "everybody can do and say what they want online" shit was going to last forever? Get your asses ready for Internet Permits real soon. You'll need to log in through Facebook or similar to post on Holla Forums.
And if you troll, or even tell an offensive joke, God forbid, your ISP will send you a warning letter over how much of a naughty boy you were. Three strikes and the police comes knocking!
But there is some good news. Laws of Man are not forever. Hell not even the Laws of Universe are forever, assuming the Universe implodes one day. The point is, years from now FOSTA will eventually be un-passed. What will replace it, better or worse, depends on our descendants and how retarded they are. Have you been breeding by the way?
Non mutt here, what is this about?
Anything considered "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable" content. Is covered by fosta.
I don't think this is a conspiracy tbh.
Anything on Holla Forums then.
Pretty much
Brace yourselves! We're Facebook, now!
Looks like it's time to
The Internet kike laughs
its to stop sex trafficing you idiots, your shitty porn is okay
ZUCC 2020
You are so naive! Lets me know who it goes, when you get arrested for making an offensive joke.
jokes are not sex trafficing
did you do caca in ur mouf?
srzly, this fosta bollocks makes websites responsible for user submitted content. craigslist is now open to federal and civil lawsuit for hosting whores' ads. what does this mean for 8ch? that nttec.jim may become responsible for hosting pedoshit on those servers his proxies rent in nevada.
please refer to this
I don't care. If the world wide web gets fucked, then I'll finally be free of all you horrible faggots.
If you want to be free from us, just shut your computer off.
I'm here for the same reason you are user. Once the web is dead finally we'll all be forced to go outside again. People with autism and narcissism will kill themselves. We're here because we have nowhere else to go. We can't just "shut off your computer bro"
Kill your heroes user.etc
sex trafficking is already illegal.
I thought this bill was about prostitution adds on the internet, not a pornography law. If that were the case, several hundreds of jews would be out of business.
But does you country have an extradition treaty with the US? If it does, you still fugged user
No I live in fucking cambodia
Does your name by any chance start with a "B"?
proof? oh wait you dont have any because thats not in it
Just asking, know people who live out there why may or may not be lurking imageboards
That's cool user
You know what would make you and Cambodia lots of money?
Pedo smuggling.
Alot of pedos here in the US will get v& thanks to this. You and your friends should buy a boat and start smuggling those fleeing from the US…for a fee of course.
Since it only affects Craigslist prostitution, I don't really feel anything.
This law is so fucking garbage. Now they are going to censor porn and with it free speech? Im fucking done with this bullshit and am going to convert to gnu linux because this is just too fucking much fam. If these bastards think they can censor me, they are going to have to sow my mouth shut because otherwise I'm not going to shut up and I'll never submit to their tyranny.
Wtf are you talking about mate? By driving prostitution under ground yourl are only making it even harder to enforce prostitution laws. You have to be incredibly stupid to believe this has anything to do with prostitution. All thie law does is makes it even easier to shutdown websites. It does not help enforce the law. If it was, they'd be cracking down on those adds by sending undercover police to track and lock the pimps and prostitutes up. Please indulge us on how this will actually help to crack down on muh prostitution, and not one of the many weapons geared towards abolishment of free speech you fucking retard.
why are poltards so stupid? this is a law to prevent rapes not the evil jews trying to sensor you.
in before just pretending to be retarded
Does that mean no more porn on the internet? Will we be trading paperbacks and VCR tapes once again? Because I don't miss that age.
Why do you live in Cambodia, user?
Can i still download anime and manga. Thats all i really care about anyway
Not if it has anime tiddies
you are everything you are trying to disprove, you fucking retard.
Just the same as what happens here, really…
Anything can be technically dost or bannable nowadays, because as dysnomia said:
"I think it's (Holla Forums) quite balanced right now. Anons do what they want whatever they feel like it, and mods do as well" (03/11/18).
So, if mod feels like something is dost or bannable, it just is.
Because there are no rules for mods, what the rules are for anons varies from mod to mod and from moment to moment. They aren't written down because to do so would imply that there are rules for mods, and there aren't. There are only rules for anons, and they are arbitrary and ever-changing… In other words… there are rules, but there aren't rules, but sometimes there are, but they aren't written.
kek eventually theyre going to push the average citizen too far for them to be comfortable and confident in their continued security and then things will start happening
the jew will eventually drive it to this point; hes done it a hundred times in the past and will never learn from this mistake
You never heard of "change"?
Are you delusional enough to think it will never happen?
Do you live in China?
Also bump for quality thread.
Y'all niggers better start using Linux and Tor.
Republicans, amirite?
Democratic Rebublicans
wtf i love pedos now
The word hero i
Niice Just As Trump is Attacking the 2nd Amendment They will take away our rights to speak out Against these Illegal Unconstitutional Acts.
And you are fucking RETARDED If you still support a government/president While THEY TAKE YOUR GOD DAMNED GIVEN RIGHTS AWAY TO PROTECT YOURSELVES AND YOUR FAMILIES
Woke boomerpost
I'm not that worried. This is a Supreme Court case in the making. A bunch of lefty lawyers will be all about this in a few years.
Besides, there are lots of laws against CP and that doesn't stop anyone ever