animefaggots are literally the new pedos
nobody is there to stop them because dysnomia is one of them.
they have their own boards and chans why dont they go there?
Attached: 6sNriuf.jpg (480x640, 34.1K)
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y pensaba que los mexicanos eran peores
Attached: reddit pedos.png (1070x651, 46.95K)
Because any legal content is allowed on Holla Forums regardless of your shitty taste, OP.
Attached: your thread.gif (530x300, 1.94M)
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fucking animefags you will be caught and put to prison where you wont survive a week
and jews won't survive any seconds in the oven
In your dreams, burger. Not everyone is an amerifat here on Holla Forums.
Attached: 1457036248407.jpg (340x565, 46.44K)
Yet. That burger refers to Holla Forums wet dream called day of the rope when all degeneracy would be up rooted from burgerland. Yeah, right.
thats because he is retarded and doesnt know the law
yet you took it.
Must be board like myself…
Attached: 8341b29546f2bb3ce4f5a3d032888db86241d060b820decc8b3144930b556e7e.jpg (800x1111, 99.05K)
also none of them are white
So is this an anime thread now?
Attached: d4d3041cf0f1b3e8613e5108b4634a551a2cb795279292d4d380612f36e87484.jpg (377x364
85.35 KB, 24.16K)
S-stop posting anime girls i-in my thread
I will when you Climax~
I..I can be samfag 4u -_^
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If you are asking nicely…
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6.81 MB, 11.58K)
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you do know he never married that 3DPD he had…
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1.67 MB, 2.39M)
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897.04 KB, 143.02K)
Doesn't rhyme, doesn't count.
Attached: UMARUNORMIES.png (1280x720, 660.38K)
wtf i hate anime now
Attached: smug40.jpg (316x230, 13.95K)
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I don't know why 3DPD hate anime so much.
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4.25 MB, 1.78M)
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I am so glad I am a Brony, and not into anime or furry shit.
Attached: mlp02.png (300x399, 48.63K)
Anime > Anti-anime gayqueers
Attached: b517e5a9bcfd8be9af56f9d950f54ad5a766f5f00b7d28958de392d44930ab88.jpg (1920x1080
1004.9 KB, 334.98K)
As long as it's not 3DPD I don't care.
Attached: 0619b6a1f70d97357b76718916d9c9c4388ebec4ea66e0e5d177d9692ffb4274.jpg (1600x1600, 186.75K)
Waifufags are FREAKS!
Ponies are furries too dumbass…
Check your Anime privilege, if I did the same thing with non 2D pics I would be permabanned everywhere.
Attached: 1477318565318.gif (476x482, 1.83M)
why would you post 3DPD? Everyone knows those are shit
Attached: 87ead3f3d5a8ed8a74c53ca59a3c51894478dcd7e9d032e79b35cf9a5c1252e6.jpg (850x908, 67.17K)
I am talking about cartoons, you dimwit.
Attached: S1_E8_Charity_Stitt.png (853x480, 332.68K)
as long as its not 3DPD I don;t care. people take steps… cartoons are the first.
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wtf is that goat thing ffs?
Translation from female logic:
Attached: 1453953114450.jpg (600x707, 85.55K)
B… but… Thelma is a THOT!
Does that make any difference regarding the content of my previous post?
Attached: Madotsuki doubtful.jpg (750x890, 136.96K)
No. But it does bump up the all-important PPH figures.