BCC: News has broken that @HillaryClinton has been forced to submit to a federal judge under threat of perjury
BCC: News has broken that @HillaryClinton has been forced to submit to a federal judge under threat of perjury
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Hang on someone tell me what the fuck is going on. Fake or not?
What does this mean?
Is this related?
http ://truthfeed.com/clinton-forced-to-submit-sworn-testimony-in-email-case/29249/
How fucking new are you? Just sit back and lurk for a while
Here's another one:
http ://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clinton-to-submit-testimony-in-email-case/article/2604417
It's completely fake.
OP is a liar.
The man talking and the tweet are real.
The content is questionable and coming from only a single source.
Gonna look some more.
I can't wait.
Based Andrew. This Week is literally the only good show on the BBC.
It means she'll be making a sworn testimony, and if she lies she'll be charged with perjury: lying under oath.
She's so brave and strong to stay in the race despite all the scandals, criminal behavior and career of failure. Meanwhile Trump dropped out after a recording of some potty mouth. What a champ.
nice quads
Checked, praise Kek!
I wonder if this is related to the investigation that US Attorney Bharara was supposed to be doing.
According to the articles this was known about for awhile, but surprised we aren't sitting around in a thread waiting for some word on the outcome.
Big Black Cock news a shit.
Bongs trying to get those juicy views for ad revenue.
An excerpt from
Lawyers for the group asked for a live deposition where they could question Clinton in person, but U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan instead ordered Clinton to answer written questions.
Here are the 25 questions she was asked, or is being asked now.
http ://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-submits-email-questions-hillary-clinton-written-answers-oath-due-september-29/
Holy shit, this is going to be what tanks this cunts election run.
CTR btfo
question #23
Any word on if this is happening before the election?
2 weeks from sept 29th is today.
OP is a faggot
Do you have brain problems, friend?
Here we go.
Clinton responds to Judicial Watch's 25 questions about her private email server
Then its an archive and a WEBM or mp4
The video obviates the need for an archive, you retarded nigger
Andrew Neil is a very reliable source? The CTR virgins are working extra hard I see.
You always archive
Didn't mean to put a question mark. He is a very reliable source.
counter sage
Popping in just to check these quads.
Can you hear that? The ovens are revving and the flies are circling. The time of judgement is at hand.
You realize OP is full of shit and the bong he posted was seeding fake info and that multiple anons have posted links to the actual story where Hillary is not appearing before a court and that a lackey is answering questions via snail-mail instead?
23. After your lawyers completed their review of the emails in your clintonemail.com email account in late 2014, were the electronic versions of your emails preserved, deleted, or destroyed? If they were deleted or destroyed, what tool or software was used to delete or destroy them, who deleted or destroyed them, and was the deletion or destruction done at your direction?
Response: Secretary Clinton objects to Interrogatory No. 23 as outside the scope of permitted discovery for the reason set forth in General Objection No. 3. Secretary Clinton further objects to Interrogatory No. 23 on the ground that it requests information that is outside the scope of permitted discovery for the reason set forth in General Objection No. 5. Secretary Clinton further objects to Interrogatory No. 23 insofar as it requests information about all e-mail in her clintonemail.com account, including personal e-mail. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objections, Secretary Clinton states that it was her expectation that all of her work-related and potentially work-related e-mail then in her custody would be provided to the State Department in response to its request. Secretary Clinton believes that her attorneys retained copies of the e-mails provided to the State Department in December 2014, but she does not have any personal knowledge about the details of that process. Secretary Clinton decided that, once her work-related and potentially work-related e-mails were provided to the State Department, she had no reason to keep her personal e-mails, which did not relate to official State Department business. She believes that her personal e-mails were not kept, and she does not have any personal knowledge about the details of that process.
To be fair, she also has to think of hundred other lies for her campaign.
Forced to submit WHAT to a federal judge? Cake recipes?
It's 8pm in New York. Federal courts aren't even open, so how could a subpoena have been issued?
People don't get hanged for perjury. They're fined. Perjury rarely ever even comes with prison time.
It was in the BDSM sense
I know you didn't.
OH! It's a lawsuit, not a criminal trial. Nothing to see here.
Another one, Politico took it up too:
He spent that entire segment cucking against Trump.
Can she even survive lengthy questioning this time? She seems far sicker than she did during the Benghazi hearing.
Not 001488>>7845750
lol sorry meant 7845750
This thread is only 97% fake.
It's a FOIA lawsuit, not a criminal anything.
It's a written statement, probably Hilldog's lawyers wrote it and then other lawyers triple-checked it. The odds of a fuck-up are almost zero.
Judicial Watch's press release, with all the questions/answers easily legible etc:
Record corrected!™
That's easy-mode maths. Now try for hard-mode: what is the date two weeks after Sept. 29th + 30 days?
n/m I think I was reading English on hard-mode. I retract my bantz. Sept. 29th is August 19th + 30 days. derp
Nah the fact is, she had has been forced to submit to a federal judge under threat of perjury. That alone, on top of all the stuff that has been swirling about her and her lies, being crooked, and so on, will hurt her. People will think "again? Can't this bitch go a second without lying?"
Lol CTR shitting their pants in their pathetic little crammed room
Can anyone get the webm for the love of god?
OP uploaded the webm.
sorry for being a retard
Trips in ID means we need to meme this into reality
Can you feel it brothers? Like an incoming tide, destructive waters are swirling around the last vestiges of globalism and (((they))) refuse to acknowledge that the sea of humanity has risen against their ivory fortifications.
Brick by brick and stone by stone will this disgusting Tower of Indulgence be demolished. No more will the idols of diversity be erected in public squares and in private homes, for all traces of cultural marxism and their poisonous kike manipulators shall be totally annihilated by the collective righteous wrath and fury of the people.
Found it
If this happens I just may fly 100 anons from this board to pee on her.
as it refers to e-mail addresses used by other individuals ending in the domain name
“Clintonemail.com account” to refer to [email protected]/* */, which was the
clintonemail.com account used by Secretary Clinton during her tenure.
Didn't she use "[email protected]/* */"? Perjury here we come.
There is a huge difference between a civil suit and a criminal trial. The biggest difference being that nobody goes to jail in a civil suit.
Clinton Appointee. Color me surprised.
True, but there may be a criminal case later, and evidence such as this could make telling a different story then be problematic.
reported for global violation of rules
How unfortunate the federal judge committed suicide by disemboweling and strangling himself with his own intestines.
Oy vey! Remember the six gorillian goyim!
So, more "I don't recall :)" from her?
skipping those mandatory infosec briefings comes in handy
Hillary Signed She Received Briefing on Classified Info, But Told FBI She Hadn't
ID trips!
What do they mean?
Kek, tell us!
Shoots self in back of head twice.