These must be them most pathetic and disgusting SJWs I ever saw.
Where the fuck do they come from? Where do they work after they finish university?
These must be them most pathetic and disgusting SJWs I ever saw.
Where the fuck do they come from? Where do they work after they finish university?
Other urls found in this thread:
There was some girl wearing the Serbian eagle in the video that BTFO the SJWs:
watch the video nigger
Crazy that such nasty people live in the West.
Like you'd turn her down.
you saw that shit at 5:20 and then that dwarf talking?
and if anyone knows how, maybe you could break into webm the important moments
Southern is a qt3.14²
Fucking freaks and pieces of shit.
This one is a real beauty, that's quite something.
God, I'm so glad that I decided not to move to Toronto for college. The biggest factor that I didn't go there was due to the living costs, but the city itself was a huge factor - and this was back in 2011 that I was having to make that decision… it looks so much worse now, and that's saying something.
No surprise, pretty sure she was a kike.
Judge a tree by its fruits. She counters SJW behaviour on the front lines, and that I'll gladly cheer.
make it a webm, I don't give a fuck, until then see the video, trust me, I would not share if it was not worth to see.
The housing is ridiculously expensive. If you want to live in a place without enrichment, it will cost an arm and a leg. Definitely not worth it, especially when you see what your tax dollars go to support.
Not everyone is a FA desperate faggot like you.
You realize it costs them money when you give them views with ad block on right?
eh SJWs have nothing anymore they are falling apart faster than the republicans
Really hurts when your tribal spawn cuts into it's own flesh. :^)
she appears 30 seconds in the video, fuck off with your D&C
Go back to the_donald and discuss the kike cunt
To be fair, those are old tweets.
what were those losers at 3:10 spewing?
I'm discussing the SJWs
Just proves she's an opportunistic kike.
Record: Corrected
shameless self-check
She can't openly support the cause. She mentions stormfront and white genocide when she has no reason to do so. She could have easily disowned white nationalism without actually posting swastikas, etc but didn't.
She's 20, she has no clue really.
Yeah, I wouldn't have had anywhere near enough money. Even if I did, I just wouldn't want to live there. Somewhat unrelated, but I'm listening to Fan 590 (Toronto sports radio station) and they were just talking to this American sports reporter named Richard Deitsch about Auston Matthews (the new huge rookie star for the Maple Leafs). Since Matthews' mom is Mexican and his dad is American, they kept going on and on about "Oh my god, this is so good that he's half Mexican due to the politcial climate in the US". The Deitsch guy even was talking about how Trump gave some speech today and was saying it -and I quote- "reminded him of a certain European country in the 1930s". Then (I forget if it was him or one of the Fan 590 guys, Damien Cox who said it) but they were gleefully talking about how it represents the good future of globalization because Matthews is half-American and half-Mexican, and played hockey in Switzerland before he went to the NHL, and now plays in Canada.
For any American (or Canadian who doesn't follow sports much) who doesn't know, that's what sports is like here at least. Even hockey has been like this for a few years.
The point is not to white knight for Lauren, it's just that she is doing useful work that happens to align with Holla Forums at the moment. If the NYTimes ran an article that the holocaust was largely fabricated, you'd be championing them in the streets.
It would've been near impossible for me not to beat the fuck out of those commies.
Wtf are you talking about? They do all the time if it means getting another sheckel…
How would you personally execute these people?
I think I'd line them all in front of a trench and machine gun them. They don't deserve fantastic or painful deaths, it would be a human kindness to simply acknowledge the suffering of their existence and place them back in the earth. I would do this only after the men reject my offer of a path towards strength and beauty. The women are all ruined so they don't have this offer, unless there somehow happens to be a hymen intact.
Younger than I realized.
That thing in the center, is that a biological male?
Her kike boss claims Soros is a Nazi.
Polite sage.
It's a jew
Jews playing both sides, goyim.
CTR likes arguing with themselves to prevent intelligent discussions from forming. Two shills calling each other shills over and over, very obvious, very tiring.
She works for the Jew Ezra Levant.
Even fucking Glenn Beck names Soros, he's pretty mainstream. Go back to reddit you dumb nigger.
Put them on a treadmill and tie a string attached to the trigger of a shotgun to their neck. They have to run on increasingly fast settings until they inevitably collapse and pull the string, activating the shotgun to shoot in their back.
Now that'd be a twist.
I didn't say anything about Rebel Media, they need to be ovened.
Also, that didn't stop the "HE NAMED THE JEW" spam on here when Trump named Soros during the debate. Excuse me for not watching Glenn Beck though.
Again, sage because I'm not going to bump this over some shitty muh lauren southern argument with shills.
Kekler pls
lol at photoshopping her name is. Here's the real link:
jesus, these fucking shills have no shame
why do they all look the same?
Soros is really only in it for himself.
If ZOG was the Terraists, Soros would be Adrian Rubinsky.
Degrees in psychology and the arts are worthless so no where.
The SJW ensemble cast
She changed the name on the acct.
He's a frontman for the Rothschilds.
I'd like to see that "thing" try to be so smug after getting solid right cross to fucking nose. Hard to feel any sort of human empathy towards these fuckwits.
Attaching eyebleach.
Lauren Southern works for Rebel Media, this is a Rebel Media video. I didn't comment on the content I just pointed out that she works for a Jew.
Brilliant. Here's (2) for you. You're the kind of dumb faggot that's making this place impossible to use.
a fucking kike?
Should I suck Ben Shapiro circumcised dick too because he hates SJW?
She's not ethnically jewish, she took her step-father's religion. She's still hot, she just needs an firm white man to give her the truth on kikes.
wtf i hate good videos now
What is this thing saying Holla Forums ?
Trump named multiple jews during the last debate.
Is this the designated 4chan thread?
How much salt would you produce and autism would you need to make a website text-to-speech tool called Hillary Will Say Anything using syllables and words chunked from years of recorded footage?
HAHAHAHA why you think they wanted bernie
I had no idea Canada was this bad, lmao no wonder their posts are so fucking awful
Respect my authoritaah
Speaking of… that last episode was great. (((uncle kyle)))
shoud I remove the booger?
yuge amounts
Good job the both of you… I see great meme potential with this cuck.. Lets ruin his already pathetic life
most of them get a normal haircut and stop being so loud and obnoxious within a year or two of graduation, as a result of the swift kick in the ass actually having to find a job in this shit market delivers. Not that their absolutely shit opinions change at all though
look at this, pause the 4:51 mark :
then look at the carl the cuck video, pause at the 14:43 mark :
are the two glassed sjw brunettes the same? or do they really look alike?
if they truly are the same, we might have found IRL shilling, professional protesters on some leftist payroll.
I also found a name:
It needs a name.
Those two aren't even the same race. The first girl looks hispanic.
(((Lauren Southern)))
Nothing would satisfy me more than to beat the shit out of this smug cunt
I think she's also that Mormon guy who denied the Shoah at that Trump rally.
That thing has two different skin tones on its arms, wtf
Can't get a tan if the hand is lodged inside xyr buttbuddies poop shoot all summer long, buddy.
took me Over 9000 hours
they're all ugly
You kidding? Look at that beautiful '''female''' front and center.
so what you think about these?
Gotta love the chans
This video is just full of meme potential…
Why do leftist do this? they provide us with entertainment.. Its like they like being laughed at. We've been seeing leftists wrong this entire way. They enjoy making people smile so they dress up like clowns and act like retards.
nigga you might just be on to something…
Requesting any videos of leftists acting crazy.
Thanks in advance.
got you fam
I know right?
Also find this…. Things facebook. Spam her with this. Actually i have a throwaway account already. If i could just get her name…
I bet you 50k imaginary sheckles that this bitch is self concious about (pic related).
Have another Pat.
>ayyo gurl how 'bout we white wash dem teef?
The nose looks like it has a different shape, but it could just be the angle
For Jew
Cultural Marxist subversion of white society
Usually they become psychiatrists and clean up a bit, then file all their bad decisions under "you racist bastid I was just living muh life how does it affect you? you need pills goy"
The only real way to be able to tell a female SJW apart from another is the hair color. You just found two 'precious snowflakes' that have the same color of piss on them
just noticed the filename, LOL
I worked in retail, I met a bitch just like her.
She bitched about how she had to pay so much for her groceries, so I tried detailing to her that her mountains of junk food added up to an absurd price, but she didn't want to hear it. She told me to shut up and lower the price, and when I explained to her that she can't just demand me to do that, she bitched about how I kept on talking. Eventually, I said something that triggered her. "You can't treat people like this". She stared back in horror, made me call up my manager, and smugly lied her ass off, talking in a sickeningly sweet voice, being polite as fuck uncharacteristically, and made claims about how I called her a fat cunt to her face, probably because she knew she was one and that was a fitting insult to be expected. Eventually, she demand I lose my job over this, and the managers pretty much hand waved her away.
This is the type of person I see when I see her. Someone so fucking miserable with her life that she has to take it out on some random jackoff, and acts smug because that's the only satisfaction that kind of person will ever receive in their lives. The only difference is she is backed behind politics, so she can claim that all this was worth it to fight oppression, but it fucking isn't, because everything this person does, every action, every word uttered, is only done to make someone's life worse than before.
This is also really fucking dangerous, because when you bring politics into this shit, a good chunk of people will turn a blind eye to it. Maybe they will make excuses for the cunt. Maybe they will go on about how lauren was much worse because of so and so. Maybe they will just ignore it all together. The thing is, they will never admit she was a cunt, because doing so might make you question your stances on politics.
tldr: fuck this bitch and all she represents.
They're.. t-they're.. they're not the same, but they are the same.
Yellow hat reminds me of my sister recently
She's changed.
I've talked to CantStumpTheTrump, when I asked him if Lauren browses Holla Forums he said "I'm silent"
photoshop is too complicated
and I can't find any fucking open source software for windows that add quickly white text with shadow
She works for Ezra Levant, she's an enemy.
On the one hand, she looks good.
Also the only pussy I ever got was hookers.
On the other hand, she's jewish.
alt-right jew faggotry tries to infiltrate us to use us for their breitbart agenda
i want the alt cuck faggots to leave. stop trying to make some fucking bitch the idol of your political beliefs you autistic beta niggers.
Desperate need for inclusion. They might as well be wearing uniforms.
The fact that her grandparents "fled the nazis" isn't proof she's Jewish.
Here's a recent one, the guy being targeted is University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson, who recently took a stand by refusing to use "non-binary" gender pronouns.
do you think gweneth paltro is laura southern
I just realized this is the same professor from the OP video and many of the same SJW retards, so my explanation of who it is seems very redundant. Anyway, more of same lunacy from these faggots.
Do you mean font?
The font with big white bold letters and a black outline?
You mean impact?
You mean the font impact?
The font you could find near anywhere?
That is easy to download?
And can be used in fucking microsoft word?
Stormfront is over this way —–→ Holla Forums
SJW are just deliberately obtuse and willfully ignorant. You can't talk to them in any meaningful or rational way because they are complete irrational. They're full of logical fallacies and have no desire to have empathy for other views.
The only way to deal with an SJW is to ignore them.
A clown exists to signify a greivance.
It is possible to bring about complaints through comedy and satire to promote plausable deniability
Your justice will be dumping that wretched creature pit of mocked memes.
that's not the only way
pls save me from the maple communists.
I met many people like this in university. This poor professor is trying to use reason against a bunch of feels. I hope he doesn't lose his job over this. Knowing Canada though…
You must be one of the National Socialists lurking in the corners ready to do violence the professor was warning them about :^)
That's a simpler way of saying it. You can't argue with people that feel their facts.
If SJWs paid attention to facts, they wouldn't be SJWs. This professor must feel like he's talking to a brick wall hundreds of times a day.
its Canada so government jobs
Impact is just loud fucking text faggot, there's no outline by default.
On the other hand, if is a poorfag, he should either learn to use gimp or lurk moar.
Social aspects of cult-like behaviour:
Complete, almost unquestioned trust in the leadership. Increased submission to the leadership is rewarded with additional responsibilities and/or roles, and/or praises, increasing the importance of the person within the group.
Their group is the only legitimate religious (political, martial arts, etc.) system.
When someone (inside or outside of the group) corrects the group in doctrine and/or behavior, it is interpreted as persecution, which then is interpreted as validation.
Control of members' actions and thinking through repeated indoctrination and/or threats.
Deliberately minimizing contact of members with those outside the group. This facilitates a further control over the thinking and practices of the members by the leadership.
Showing great attention and love to a person in the group by others in the group, to help transfer emotional dependence to the group.
The group preaches that it is the sole source of truth, which itself is unique to the group.
The teachings of the group are repeatedly drilled into the members, but the indoctrination usually occurs around Special Knowledge.
Salvation from the judgment of God is maintained through association and/or submission with the group, its authority, and/or its Special Knowledge.
There is an internal enforcement of policies by members who reward "proper" behavior, and those who perform properly are rewarded with further inclusion and acceptance by the group.
Avoidance of critical thinking and/or maintaining logically impossible beliefs and/or beliefs that are inconsistent with other beliefs held by the group.
Those who do not keep in step with group policies are shunned and/or expelled.
Group maintains a strict control of gender roles and definitions, often in contravention to that in the society around them.
Often a common appearance is required and maintained.
Increasingly, schools and universities deliberately foster a cult-like environment to produce socially maladapted retards, to serve as 'compliant' serfs under our globalist masters.
Are you so dense that you believe only Jews would flee from the nazis? How embarrassing.
so this guy was right
Is anyone else upset by the fact that no one gave these faggots the bashing they deserved? Even after they threw the first punch.
I'm more upset that the freak wasn't arrested.
It would appear he sucker punched who ever was holding the camera and then ran away. His fat SJW friends blocked the way and let him flee the police. Then they lied about it directly to the police in front of them, even though it was all filmed. You could see that whole line of people were cucks and freaks, and trying to fight in there would have been almost impossible, as well as letting them make you look like the unreasonable aggressor.
The SJWs love to bait people into action so they can run to authority as the poor victim.
Absolutely, but all you need to do is look at the definition of cults to realize that the modern day 'SJW' is no different from a member of Aum Shinrikyo, Heaven's Gate, or the Church of Scientologist. The only difference is that their cult lacks salvation (because normal people with original sin will always go to Hell) and significant spirituality (which is fine, because a lot of cults aren't religious in nature.)
These monsters make me miss the emos.
yeah this is shitty but (((Ezra Levant))), Since my time on Holla Forums I believed in #notalljews, but it really is all jews, always thinking there would be an exception such as shapiro or Milo is just fucking retarded
fucking jew kikes through and through, no exaggeration it is actually shocking to find that in a community of 10,000,000 people globally there would not be one fucking exception
Never let them lie
Never let them leave
Never let them live
Honestly, how long is this going to go on? There is literally no evidence that she is jewish. She works for Jews but she herself is not a kike.
I was thinking about this a few days ago. All things considered, punks, SoCal XXXtr33m sports types, goths, wiggers and emos were absolute shit, but somehow, each generation seems to produce worse fashions, worse counter cultures and worse people in general. It's sort of amazing, really.
In a way, I sort of miss the days when emos were the most annoying people on the Internet. In retrospect, all they did was mope around and write shit poetry. Then, there came the autism magnets which were furries and bronies, the cancer of gamer grrrls and traps, and finally, this SJW shit.
Her real last name is Simonson, which is a derivative of the hebrew "Shimeon".
I think it comes from this Tweet
That proves absolutely nothing, tons of first names and surnames are derivatives of Hebrew names.
she was trolling leftists there
Maybe not alone, but when you combine it with things like …
Unless there's a video of her at her b'nos mitzvah, reading from the torah to a tefillah and receiving her blessing from the rabbi, you're lying.
look at the comment she's replying to. She is mocking the guy.
She has denounced the fact that she is Jewish multiple times, I know that's not proof but why would she even do that? She openly works for jews, why not just tell the truth if she was actually jewish? It makes no sense.
Name my band
*she has denounced claims that she is Jewish
Someone want to cap this?
Kikes have always hid (or downplayed) their jewishness to make themselves seem more relatable to their audiences, and thus exert more influence over them.
Howard Stern claimed to be a half-kike up until around a decade ago, despite both his parents being full-blooded heebs.
I stand corrected. Nice source.
Whatever you say man, it's still just speculation on both sides. There is literally no proof that she is jewish. Until I see concrete evidence, I will continue to fap to her.
The problem with slags like that is not that they're scared of rape, but that they're scared they're somehow unworthy of being raped…to the point that they externalize their self-loathing and project it on any male who doesn't ogle her alleged body.
Pretty hard to cover it up, honestly.
They're not exactly known for their good looks…
I didn't quite realize how many of the younger generation hates free speech, sweet christ, we're really fucked here in Canada. I'm sure they would be a good defense cannon fodder against ISIS.
They've added the part "gender identity or expression"
cannon fodder
The way the laws worded you can use it against them, and will if need be since there is no *except straight white men. Just need a good enough jew lawyer and a opponent who would make the lawers eyes turn into $ signs. And some judges here don't exactly favour the insanity.
I think they make themselves as unattractive as possible to self-fulfill the prophecy.
Even if we're all wrong and she's a goy, she's still an enemy. Arguably even more so.
Why are leftists so unattractive and physically pathetic?
Either extremely overweight or AIDS-frail.
Talk about a basket of deplorables!
It's a stereotype, most lefties are basic normies.
And too much estrogen/not enough testosterone in their systems, male and female.
shills desperate to use anti-semitism to divide our ranks
our anti-semitism isnt your weapon, your jews are ours. the cool ones, anyway. you can keep roman polanski
jesus christ there must be a genetic fault that causes this. It's all muds, low-T males, and fat, genetically shit white girls. These things are literally the dregs of the gene pool.
So they're leftists because they're weak physically?
Seems that one leads to the other naturally.
this is what happens when bullying is punished in schools
The Rebel, obviously.
Holy shit.
This is the niggress throwing the glitter around the 4min mark. Also leader of BLM Toronto.
Haha No, its when fighting back is punished in schools, and teachers do not investigate the accusations fully and just lazily go "he did it because he looks like he did it". Its when competition is discouraged, and physical activities are not held consistantly.
we need to dox all of these faggots
Hey, Jonah Hill made it to the rally!
Why is there a BLM in Canada?
fuck this gay ass country, nuke quebec, nuke ontario, nuke BC I dont give a fuck
fucking juggalos
street corners
In my experience, they fill up HR departments.
They get hired because HR departments understand that they are parasitic organisms sucking productivity out of any functioning business. More and more companies are realizing this, so that's why they go out of their way to support bullshit workplace eo laws:
Just look at their shitty memes, pic related. It's 1:1 with sjw memes; they're beyond forced and terrible.
Further illustrating my point as to where these people go to work:
In other words, the perfect wonderland for sjw's to draw a paycheck.
oi i am avin a laff m8
they suck dicks for bus money and a place to sleep
killa kweerz
Not only are they physically retarded, but not one of them seems capable of forming a coherent thought or sentence.
yeah, that's how it works. It sure isn't the obnoxious faggot getting away with his faggotry because the alphas are punished if they try to discipline the degeneracy.
Because they can get away with it. Though, some of the leftist normalfags I know don't even like them and have all but called them spoiled niggers.
Explode a train in halifax.
i'd like to see how smug it is when we put the noose around its neck
>Desperate need for inclusion. They might as well be wearing uniforms.
Heh, was just gonna say that it's a uniform before I saw your post.
Vid related.
all jews get the gas. this lauren southern bitch is a civic nationalist at best.
I literally cannot bear to sit through this whole video. It just makes me mad and frustrated.
You're not kidding; I could pay black people on the street to do a better job coming up with shit to say.
They're making BLM idiots look real good.
Jazz Hands 4 Justice
Dave Mustain in the top row
even Uncle Adi had a bunch of jews working for him. even Weev makes a distinction between people who have Jewish blood and people who serve the Jewish culture of corruption and subversion.
don't be a fool. all friends are friends, all enemies are enemies.
absolutely haram. we should inform her local imam about this
You're gonna need a bigger rope.
I'm not so sure that's a good idea
it's called the Chandala. the weak and the botched. those that aren't physcially/mentally abhorrent actively make themselves that way in order to be "oppressed".
Nice editing, faggot. Now find me the tweet, will ya? Because you already faked the Prezi thing.
I'm not seeing it.
fuckin' kek
they are part of the Chandala.
i would prefer to do it in montréal and kill all the bluepilled normies, go out with a big reeee
Well put. I worked in construction management in the oil patch for many years. Developing comprehensive safety plans and processes was a fair task. Developing an HR department was one of the most frustrating and culture killing tasks I have every been involved in. Because The fucking guy we hired was a numale liberal, sensitive type, named Johan, from South Africa, who had degrees in counselling. Petty, whiny, ineffectual and coddling…we started printing "Hurt Feelings Report" cards for our foremen in place of HRs "Bad Behavior Observation" cards. No joke, because you cannot manage construction of a gas plant when you need to consider peoples feelings. Production is data, meters per man hour, if you don't perform you are replaced. but no, HR would continually deal with the same issues, drugs, alcohol, temper, attitude, with the same guys, like a fucking turnstile. And we had to pretend to care about these personal issues. Its fucking weak. I have since left the patch, much more content, but even the memory brings up some bad feelings. SJWs in the fucking patch. Its brutal.
Hitler was soft on the jews, we all know that. Given that it was about a century ago and the available information about them was limited, his mi9stakes can be forgive, but we won't make them again.
Scroll down, it's in that thread. Your nose must be getting in the way.
She changed the name on the account. What we be the point of faking something like that? She's an avowed zionist who works for Ezra Levant?
lots of reasons
fuck that. theyll larp until we get complacent again then start their bullshit once more. ALL of them get the gas.
*mistakes can be forgiven.
Fuck I hate this city.
Show us your hedgehog
Ohhhh, is funny cos has two meaning
Photoshop clone that runs in the browser.
You're welcome.
Faggot and the Faoggoty Fags.
I wouldn't say she is a hog.
These must be those scary clowns they keep shilling in the MSM
Yep, just a kid. Holy he'll is she about to get an (((education))) in Kikeronto
Yeah until they (((shut it down)))
Rebel media recently called everyone boycotting Israeli products a Nazi.
Her hair matches the sweater.
Saw a guy in a full pink Mohawk on the bus in Ottawa recently. I have more respect for that than these cookie cutter SJW dye jobs.
Boycotting Israeli products would be much easier in Canada if the Tavor wasn't one of the few legal bullpup rifles available for gunowners to purchase.
Some get off on "rape"
why do normoids love the office so much
Ezra works for Maxime Bernier (lolberg Conservative leadership contestant).
I'm sorry Holla Forums, but I'd rather be prepared for SHTF. And the Tavor provides me with versatile options, especially since I can also legally hunt with it while there's no SHTF.
And when the time comes I can just get rid of the caps on my AR mags and I can have full round capacity.
Some even coordinate with the prosecution. Too bad there are Holla Forumsacks inside MAG.
These 'laws' are selectively enforced, and I found mean that. There are no grand juries in Canada, it's at the (((prosecutors))) (((discretion))).
HR is also the place with your medical data and SSNs.
The perfect place to park a sociopathic SJW.
Lauren is part of Rebel Media, who were basically Canada's Breitbart. They are Zionists who jumped on the Trump train around the same time Alex Jones did. She is a Jew and works for Jews. She does some good though
I would prefer you to stop trying to bait people.
lol. as if the 90's didn't have the degenerate shit all over.
The hedgehog thing is fucking adorable TBH.
You hear this from Alex Jonestein. Soros was a collaborator doing the war and in interviews said he had no regrets.
Selling out your own people doesn't make you a Nazi, it makes you a Jew.
Lots of salt. There's already one for Obama:
Maybe someone has already made one?
It's a tedious process though. You wouldn't do it by hand, and you'll need access to a good selection of videos that are transcribed for subtitle support (eg. YouTube, which has special URLs to retrieve ONLY the subtitles of a video). Maybe if you're lucky, there's a service that already has ALL of a politicians speeches digitally archived with subtitles..all in one download. If so, that makes your job a lot easier.
You also want a huge database of words. Common words used in sentences, less common words, joiners such as "and" or "but", and finally the more specific words such as buzz-words, names of campaigns, etc.
From there it's just a case of writing a web crawler bot, a spider that retrieves all the content you need. It has to go through the database, find those words in the video subtitles you've collected, download the footage, and then slice it up. There's probably free, open source tools for detecting words in audio feeds and slicing them up…which you could use to do most of the work for you.
As for ripping videos, well there's plenty of tools to do that. youtube-dl, ffmpeg, etc.
The hard part will be dealing with words that it can't find. Finding individual syllables among other audio recordings, so you can merge them together and form a fake recording.
The Obama one tries to compensate for this, but it sounds very bad. Feed it a word it doesn't have audio for, and it starts jumping between all of his different speeches for each individual syllable. Just sounds like someone talking over a broken phone while vomiting.
What would really piss someone off, is if the TTS tool also mimics the way they speak. Eg. manipulating the final fake audio recording after it's been stitched together. Even just normalizing the tones of each word, and then shaping the overall pitch of the sentence, would be effective. An example of this is, some people find it hard to control the pitch of their voice. They go high pitch at the end of every sentence, causing it to sound like a question (even if it isn't).
I'd still grab her by the pussy
Perhaps. But it is nothing like today.
We could go back to the 50's and say it had degenerative elements then, too.
Soros wasn't a "collaborator". He was 9 when the war started, and when he was in his early teens he claimed to be a goy traitor's gentile godson to avoid being turned into a lampshade.
Because he didn't do anything.
Here's the quote:
Lauren, if you want to live in a cabin in Northern Quebec and pump out my white babies, I'll let you have a hedgehog farm.
These are the people who think women deserve to be in the hard sciences? Seriously?
Okay sure I will torture myself…
wow I think every single one of those subhumans have edgy piercings.
If this bitch cared half as much about her own well being as she does about a bunch of useless niggers she wouldn't be a massive, disgusting hamplanet.
You have a hedgehog farm? What the fuck do you farm hedgehogs for?
kek, was just going to say that.
If only these pathetic wastes of chromosomes could comprehend how incredibly fragile their delusions are, how there is absolutely nothing holding back the indifferent reality of the world but the very people they despise and think are the devil - the police, the lawmakers, the working man. I truly will savour the moment when these peacekeepers, these atlases that hold their dream world on their shoulders and get nothing but spat upon, will take a day off for the RWDS to give these wastes of space their first actual hard lesson on the nature of reality.
Just a little bit longer lads. Just a little bit longer.
Does it make you go fast?
dubs of truth
This is the kind of shit we need to make more of.
I want lauren to sit on my face
She is trying to make her ugliness into an aesthetic
Of course. I remember the time when I was a bluepilled idealist believing in all the socialist utopia bullshit, and why wouldn't I want that to be true, when I was a 6'2" auschwitz-mode skeleton? Going to the gym, getting /fit/ and putting on some 30kg of muscle coincided with my world view shifting towards where I am today, and I hold my right wing views exactly because I am confident I can back them up when needed with arguments or with force, when back in my bluepill skeleton mode all I could do was hide behind someone else.
That's the worst thing about these sad wastes of space. They all have some glimmer of potential within. They could all be productive members of society. But they choose this. They choose to embrace weakness, they choose to be slaves to lies and fantasies. They can be set free only with a jolt of truth akin to a lighting bolt that rips the falsehoods apart. They can then adopt this truth for what it is and correct themselves, or they can attempt to at long last stand up for something and die for it. Either way, the truth awaits them all.
I want to have a completely idealistic marital relationship with Lauren Southern.
One moments laxity can spawn a lifetime of heresy.
An open mind is an empty mind so I keep mine closed.
All part of God's design. He's showing you which women are pure poison.
Right up there with hearing the landmine trigger click when you take a step
why is she so perfect, bro?
Are whites already a minority in Toronto? It's only shitskins and a few white faces.
Whites are probably a minority in Canada at this point. The nation is essentially Swedens successor.
Apparently the schools are drowning in muds that attack white students and teachers as young as 1st grade. Rebel did a 4 part series on the FOIA documents from the schools.
And I want cuckchan to fuck off.
Look at this human garbage. Looking absolutely fucking repugnant is the de facto SJW uniform. Which will make it pretty easy to target them for elimination when society eventually breaks down.
What is this? A blowjob for ants?
Proverbs 31:10, 25-26
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."
"Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness."
and I want homosexuals to hang themselves but we can't always get what we want.
Considering these stats are from 2008, just assume whites are a minority in Toronto. As someone who lives here I can confirm that there's less and less whites to spot, and when I went volunteering at some middle school down around Finch and Steels it was filled with shitskins. the average class was about 15 shitskins, 5 asians and 10 white kids.
Fuck off with your pointless e-celeb worship unless we're talking Benny Garrison, no one gives a fuck how hard you want to fuck some cunt.
Go back to Tel Aviv.
Why is it when a pretty white girl stands up to SJWs and makes some good points the shills swarm in?
Kinda interesting that you get triggered so easily, are you paid to be?
No body gives a fuck if you want to grab some cunt by the bagina, just don't shit up the thread with it.
No, I had a friend who had that same thing. His twin brother two. Apparently they were supposed to be triplets, but one of them was absorbed into the other two or something, so now they're both Chimeras? I don't know. They told me this a long fucking time ago.
Wrong fucking picture, god damn it.
I want to be there when he is getting assaulted, she will turn to me…
This is the result of bullying being banned
I have a contract with the government to produce ones with blue arms.
She's a disgusting fucking peroxide blonde.
I saw her in person when she got Perrier dumped on her in Vancouver.
I knew she was just a right-wing flavour attention whore when she claimed the next day that it was piss.
Really wish this thread would slide. I've fapped 3x more than usual just off this default pic of her on the youtube video as she looks amazing in it for some reason. Fug.
You might like Danish women (which she claims to descend from), a lot of them look like that.
how's this
Yeah I heard Damien Cox on Prime Time Sports and just shook my head. Huge SJW.
Completely naïve. 90% of 'refugees' or military-age, single men that can make the trip.
I really like Lauren when she was attacking feminism and exposing the lies regarding the
refugee crisis among other things.
But then I saw a video pushing GMOs and 'vaccines' and the blind support of Israel as it goes about it's genocide. Disappointing.
She's useful for attacking SJW, but there's no requirement to agree with her on everything. By your definition, you oppose Trump on a few issues. That's normal.
What I don't understand is that as soon as she's mentioned, the D&C shills arrive on cue.
There's no D&C. We're at war with the jews, if someone sides with them (she does), they're an enemy
It's not even siding with her, it's just pointing out she's useful at some task. Perhaps you consider her a useful idiot in that regard, but her opinions on separate matters do not undo the work.
Trump sides with jews, alot. Do you consider him the enemy?
He's running for president, she makes jewtube videos. Only one of those positions requires sucking jew cock.
top notch reasoning
I should kill myself for bringing up how Cox is a cuck?
In a way, by countering the SJW nonsense inflicted on Western youth, she's waging ideological war against the Jew… even by working for the Jew.
Ultimately she's inoffensive, it shouldn't bother you. As for the people in the video, rev up the ovens.
Checking this category out, ty for suggestion user.
No, she's convincing people who are starting to see that there's something wrong that the jews are their friends and only "leftists" are the problem.
Yes, with jews you lose and all that. I still think it's easier to move someone to Holla Forums ideology if they're right-leaning than if they're stuck on the left. Also, she's 21 years old, she has plenty of time to read more on the "Jews and their Lies".
This user's right. The 'alt-kike' and their kosher, goyim ideologues have been set up as the optimal subversion tool to bring back traditional neocohen ideals to the goyim's newfound nationalist party. Ensuring the support for Zionists and continual funding of billions of dollars to their military. They may appeal to this same core of former conservatives solely because that's their purpose, while providing a bit of an edge on matters of identity politics/political correctness. They're only useful to natsocs in pushing against the marxist onslaught of thought-policing.
Good luck getting a normalfag to question the holohoax or even question Jewish over-representation in academia, government, executive industries. It's going to be just as hard as getting one of these neocohens to stop supporting muh Israel. She'll never turn against her puppet-masters user. Depressing, but it's the truth.
Are they trying to sound like illiterate third worlders on purpose?
Threats sound so funny in niggerspeak.
fucking perfection
Fuck off goon.
Nah, the males have low testosterone and the females have low estrogen. Both conditions cause irritability, moodiness, and decline in looks. This is also why a good portion of female libshits are fat (low estrogen-high testosterone in women leads to obesity).
Emos would never assault you.
Emos would never get you fired.
Emos would never harass you or your family for wrongthink.
How much further downhill is it going to go?
The Trigger Warnings.
The Problematics.
Dying Alone.
Cat Piss and Glitter.
Bog Lady and the Faggots.
Loud, Proud and Confused.
When I graduated high school, emos were just coming around. Actually, it was more a proto-emo I think. Goths still reigned, and they were frankly less annoying than emos ended up being.
Definately a downward spiral. On the positive side, although I have little experience with young people I have met some in high school that openly hate on SJWs and the school policies that came along with them
Does anybody else here remember girls? I think they used to exist sometime before everything went to shit. They were these pure, soft lovely creatures that could enchant you with just a glance. They then would grow into these things called women, which were similar but more mature and nuturing. Every day I remember less and less. All that's left now are these… other things…
And less gravity
To each to their own mate… what do you think of Lauren though?
I have a better question. How come nobody has kicked their ass yet? I mean we always hear these stories of these scary skinhead gangs, where are they? Could it be that the media has exaggerated the facts a little? Where are the RWDS?
First pic: AIDS
Second pic: Super AIDS
Third pic: Infantilism
Four pic: HOLY SHIT
Fith pic: AIDS
It's an autistic liberal joke, m8
Search up the university of toronto facebook group (the one located downtown) and see if u can post / send the memes of the fat dyke and the blue haired witch there, they'll be found by someone who knows them atleast. I thibk for the most part it is an open group so you wouldn't need an invite, if not Ill try to see if any connections from previous years can get u an invite.
This right here. All the schools I went to people could fuck with you constantly, but if you fought back then you were "causing a disturbance".
Schools are completely feminist now. I say that as a former student and current teacher.
My nigga. Pro-White Worldwide.
Admittedly, it could be argued that it is somewhat ballsy for a man to get such a thing, or at least it used to be. Now that there are so many SJWs it's more like an act of confomity than personal rebellion.
Because she's not a retard. Most women are total fucking retards that have no idea how to dress, behave or present themselves.
Take the SJWs that shave the sides of their heads kind of like the Hitler Youth for example. These women got this haircut because they thought it was "in". What they don't understand is that this haircut came back into vogue because of /fa/, which, perhaps surprisingly, is pretty right-wing despite also being pretty gay. They intentionally wanted to imitate the National Socialists. Clueless SJWs hopped onto that style just like they hopped onto the "free the nipple" campaign despite it being a troll from Holla Forums.
They are stupid, clueless people that have no idea what to do. Maybe they had shitty dads. I have no idea. "Where am I? What am I doing? Where am I going? Who am I sucking off? Is this rape? This is rape now!" that's modern woman in a nutshell.
There's a certain demographic here that demands that everyone act like a Gas the Kikes Race War Now FBI infiltrator. I like to call them FBI infiltrators.
Have you considered that there are a lot of anons here going through the anger phase and rightfully taking it out on the Kikes? Have you considered that you're a gigantic faggot who wants his generic moderate opinions validated? What about the fact that 8ch in general is loathe to any kind of idol worship and Lauren Southern, while being useful to have around, bathes in that kind of attention? Halfchan is a great place for moderate opinions, user. You should check them out!
Tranny faggot assaults a (white/right wing) woman. Then a fat dyke gloatingly covers for it.
And these are the people who are against violence to women? These are the people women who are the defenders and protectors of women?
Someone should clip this out and fub it with the words
"Feminists don't defend women, they only defend degenerates. If you are a woman who is not a degenerate, the only ones who will actually defend and protect you is Patriarchy. Patriarchy defends women. Feminism defends degenerates. Watch the fat degenerate gloat about it."
Have you considered that taking your anger out on the people who are on our side is a dumbshit move? Have you considered that you are a dumbshit? Do you ever wonder why nobody can tolerate you in real life? I guess you're just too "real" for them. It's not because you turn on your own at the slightest disagreement or difference. You're just too edgy! You're not divide and conquer dipshit, no you're the only true Holla Forumsack!
Dumb faggot.
he he he
There is almost nothing a feminist hates more than a beautiful, traditional woman. Especially a white woman. The only thing they hate more is a pure hearted girl. And again, especially a white girl.
They hate the first out of an intense envy and because they are walking, breathing proof that they are wrong. No argument needed, these women just need to exist. It drives them mad with hate. Enough hate to even physically attack these women as seen in the video.
They hate the second because they hate purity. Many of these types of women have taken a lot of dick way up in the double digits and like the former example, they are walking, breathing proof that they are wrong. Being a slut does not make them "liberated". It just makes them gross.
Even if they are not consciously aware of this, their subconscious sure is, believe me.
A stunning rebuttal, Mr. FBI.
Anyone else notice she had a nose job recently?
You never made one, worthless moderate
Then why is it the same with angry "far right" non moderates? TRS, Renegade, Red Ice, all jews, right? Especially Sinead and Evalion, 100% kike since they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes. But Southern is danish and has blonde hair and blue eyes, but she's too moderate, right? Hmmm so if there was an angry, far right non moderate with blue eyes and blonde hair she'd be great, right? Maybe even impervious to goon d&c faggotry? Pic related, now run along and make an IRC cap proving she's a coalburning controlled op jewess while everyone waits for Hitler. Faggot.
Gee, turns out it was actually in the first sentence. Have you considered applying for a position in Salon?
This only happens in Anglo countries.
Yeah I agree, you tell 'em. I mean can you believe that there used to be this guy called Hitler who actually had non-whites and gays in his army? Even Jews! What a fucking moderate. I wish Hitler was alive today so that we could purge that cuck.
Have you considered not arguing like a woman?
Dude, you're projecting so fucking hard. Just stop. Also that's still not a rebuttal.
She's anti-White zionist who claims her family suffered in the Holohoax and has a last name with hebrew origins.
It's always the ones upset at white women who act like Jews
Yeah, nah.
Don't fall for the honeypot, goy.
the tavor is a poor mans steyr aug.
fuck off with this "unintentional" Southern kike appreciation thread, she's a fuckin heeb working for other heebs. Listening to her because you agree with her is the same shit that got the goy into the mess of the (((alt-right))) with Milo, just let some kike subvert you into becoming a shill for Israel.
damn, i watched his online lecture series a couple of months ago, which were interesting but pretty bluepilled occasionally. never expected him to be targeted by SJWs.
Why did she said "I didn't see anything" to cops? In Australia it would land her in a gaol for giving the false story to cops.
In this bizarro world of current years, were are the basket of deplorables.
Someone blz seduce her and get us a sextape.
Did anyone catch 2:14 and 2:41 with a nigger and a pajeet defending free speech against deranged whites?
The evil of kikes knows no bounds.
The kikess still holds power over me. Had a kike gf when teen and can't shake attraction even though I know they're rats in true form. I'd blame pornography and their endless shilling efforts to assure jewesses are liked, but I know it's just cause I'm weak…
Fence sitters like him will always need the not your shield types to defend them, therein their biggest weakness.
Oh look, Holla Forums's board owner mark is there.
No, where do you think your tax dollars go OP? Who do you think suckles at the teat of our corrupt governments like the brainwashed parasites they are?
With enemies this weak how can we lose Holla Forums?
This makes me more mad than the sjws.
His single mother failed him.
This is one of those times when /po/'s purism reaches batshit stupid levels. You're a retard.
Personal failures are not an excuse.
No, the only proper action is to mock them. This is where Peterson failed, and where Holla Forums's humorous tactics of claiming to identify as an attack helicopter succeeded.
Check your cis privilege shitlord
Pay attention to the guy at 2:25. This is how most canadian niggers are. They aren't nearly as bad as the US ones who have nigger culture. Canada's got nigger culture too, but mostly in the main cities. I know a lot of nerdy black canadians.
completely irrelevant people
Most women have those folds, moron.
I know a british girl who hasn't had a single foreigner in her family for nearly 200 years and she still has those folds.
It's the result of having large cheeks you fucking inbred.
Is that a thing? I picture a lot of autistic screaming.
*Luger intensifies*
Absolutely is. Once all the layers of denial have finally been peeled off, the red pill has done its job and the poor new recruit goes through a terrible experience as he learns just how much he's been lied and misled his entire life.
Hating the Kikes is not reaching the anger phase, though. I thought I was done with it until I found about intentional mercury poisoning of children and babies through vaccines & other means leading to the fake condition of autism, and discovered the true meaning of the anger phase. I still hope that someone from the CDC or the Bush family who was involved gives me a reason to employ vicious self-defense against them.
Has anyone else noticed the odd similarities between leftists and chaos warriors ?
Both serve essentially the same "Gods" ( Tzeentch = progressivism and anarchy, change, Khorne = destruction of the west and killing of all traditional and right-wing families, Slaanesh = indulgence in carnal desires and sexual depravities, Nurgle = lefties often look pale and sickly ) but not only that. Whereas chaos servants in warhammer essentially mutate due to being exposed to the forces of chaos, creating abominations such as chaos spawn or Forsaken, leftists willingly expose themselves to mutilations too, by piercing noses, skin and other body parts, by tattooing themselves and by painting their hair. They even undergo sex operations in the case of trannies
The nasolabial folds are a characteristic of their Asiatic admixture.
This really does prove how ridiculously juvenile SJW's are. It's almost like watching an old kids show where there are a group of 'cool older teenagers who are actually insecure cunts', and they're justifying their presence on the planet (stealing precious fresh air) and irresponsible harassing/demonizing of innocents and the ignorant to further their cause. The ultimate end goal for an SJW is to kill and burn all the things that make them feel insecure in their vile personalities and enormously trivial physical value, as well as corrupting society and ruining potential lights of the next generation by emasculating and greatly confusing people to the point of an amplified special snowflake syndrome and rampant degeneracy.
They can justify anything in the world (even if it involves genociding every white male or somebody with right wing views) if it's under the delusional guide of "people are being unfairly treated!!! How dare life be unfair? I'm going to shit up society and target the innocent for the long-passed crimes of few because I'm mentally incapable of logic, sound reasoning, or an oppressed group (including me of course) being at all responsible for their lives in any way! In short, everything that represents conservative and sane societal values, or anything that is not rooted in emotions or short term narcissistic gain is EVIL and must be stopped at all costs, and of course I'm right because unmolested education and a wholesome world view based in reality is something I DON'T WANT!!!
Yes but primarily if not almost entirely Slaanesh. Khorne is arguably NS compatible.
It's gone beyond cultural marxism at this point, they've begun parroting the same types of orwellian language and behavior - intimidation, white noise machines, doublethink etc - that their dimwitted hipster forebearers in the 1960's were supposedly "fighting" against. All wearing that punchably smug carl the cuck grin that says I know I'm wrong but what are you going to do about it? If this snowball keeps getting bigger at the rate it has been they're going to find out soon. Trump getting elected Reagan 2.0 is less than a month away, I can't fucking wait.
chokers are so gross even on actually hot girls
oh sweet summer child…
>The REST of the 99%
That's what you get with kike education and shit parents. Man I feel dirty.
Born this way
Conditioned by society
All white men
Not all Muslims
Check your privilege
Don’t act like we’re different
Race doesn’t real
Be sensitive towards my race
They do the jobs we don’t want to do
They are plagued by unemployment
Racial Profiling
White Privilege
My body My choice
Don’t look at my body
Don’t shame me.
In your face whitey
Don’t generalise me
All white men are…
Fuck your culture, it's evil!
It’s their culture. and it can't be evil
Band name:
You can't hit me, I'm a girl
Healthy at any size
My first heart attack
I'm naked, no slut shaming
Don’t look at my body
In your face whitey
Give us more free stuff
No more stereotypes
All white men are evil
You have no culture
your culture is racist
pasta from a thread we had a million years ago
Please don't put those two next to each other.
First one is by far the best. kek.
That's exactly what NOT to do, you fucking retard.
The video game industry, comic industry, TV industry, Sci-fi community, tabletop community, you name it, all of them became infested with feminism and SJWs exactly because no one did anything about it.
SJWs should be re-educated or mercifully put down. There's no other way.
webm of the attack part
Oh dear God, I'm going to regret this but please explain.
Marx' Band
Descend Into Madness
Reagan was the piece of dog shit who started the whole neo-con/neo-lib culture.
How does pointing out that someone is Jewish in this situation add to the discussion?
She does not have blonde hair. Shes peroxide blonde. Just look at her eyebrows.
She's gonna be past marriage age before she realizes her makeup and dye is repulsive.
You got rejected by an inferior Jewess.
Doesn't that make you more inferior than a jew?
There's a hierarchy of enemies.
Conservative Jews are going in the oven, but they are going in there after leftist Jews.
I would just psychologically bully people. get in their heads and make them insecure about themselves. pretty easy with what is "bullies". Looking back…i might have been a bully.
they can go to Israel too, better have jews in middle east than muslims.
The "leftist" jews weaken the host nations while the "conservative" jews take control of the weakened hosts and use them to uphold the broader jewish agenda. Both are equally our enemies.
Sorry Moshe, but nobodies falling for that.
I know this goes against the grain. but, i kinda like the way these kinds of chicks look. most certainly not their personality or mentality. There is something alluring to me about this look though…no tats though, i'm not completely insane.
Countless of others have made the same mistake, I suggest we learn from history.
Leftists have dropped the bar for bullying so low that it's underground now. Proper bullying used to require physical harm and/or theft. Now it's wanting ethics in real journalism.
lisen bitch, im that gorrila dick pussy god, i make dyke pussies wet
no kidding. Micro-agressions, Cis white males, Alpha's, strong independent women, "the patriarchy", facts and logic are the enemy of SJW's. basically anything that can further the cultural marxist agenda, one useful idiot at a time.
kind of like a poison mushroom? go ahead and eat one
Are you canadian or something? Nixon, if anyone, has that distinction. Blame Reagan for neocohens you might as well blame him for home video games and parachute pants too.
Low test.
pretty sure shes NOT self conscious… that's why she is what she is
It just means you're lazy for picking low hanging fruit.
Someone on My Posting Career said it best (I think it was bumbling American)
"Quickest civil war ever."
haha, this thread is funny. You goys are funny
It's because it's not the hair. It's the personality. Chinese cartoon girls have crazy eye and hair colors and weebs love them because it has to do with personality.
I cant speak for the origin of Simon, but the sen ending is common in Denmark, much like son names in England like Johnson or Harrison.
The big prizes for sci-fi literature pretty much are only awarded to either non-white authors or women, or for books that have a heavy SJW component because they control the votes.
There is more truth to your words than one might think.
I emplore everyone to read up on the Thuggee. The reason we're not plagued by those parasites today is because they were completely exterminated. But had they not been exterminated, they would've walked among us today in suits and being driven around in limos, preying on us and draining the life out of our societies.
They were the only creatures that were similar to jews in every way. They kept journals and logs too of these vile demons, one of them i'll never forget; it was about a harmless-looking old man, known by his community as a very sweet and kind old man. However, after investigating him the Brits found out he was a cold-hearted serial killer. They arrested him and interrogated him. For months on end the old guy kept up his act, insisting that he was innocent, up to the point that the locals became infuriated and demanded his release. At the last moment, his British captors revealed that they knew everything of his latest murders all along. The old guy, now realizing there was no way out, started cackling like a madman and proceeded to confess all of his murders, displaying a sense of 'pride' as he did so.
This particular case sent a chill down my spine. Had the Brits not investigated this man there wouldn't have been a single person around to stop him. Even when they caught him his potential victims were screaming for his release. They truly were a spitting image of the jews. Luckily for us they were exterminated a long time ago.
And for clarity; the Thuggee, just like the jews, attained high positions of influence thanks their ill-gotten wealth with which they bought themselves power and influence. They would do so by cheating and scamming everyone that wasn't 'part of their club', but their favorite ritual was once a month every year; they would organize a caravan and lure in merchants and travelers alike, all those who sought protection on their travels (going with a caravan was the way to go back then) would join the Thuggee.
Then, when they were far enough from towns and cities, the Thuggee would wait for nightfall and strangle their victims in their sleep. They would then bury the bodies, hide the graves and remove all and every trace of there ever being a caravan in that spot. This is how they acquired most of their wealth. Once every year the Thuggee, who were a secret cult that no one knew of, would make up excuses to employers and their 'friends' that they had to leave town for a while. Excuses like visiting a sick family relative, or having to take care of family or business matters, so that no one would suspect them.
It took the might of the British navy to completely map out their entire network and exterminate all of them. Most of them were put to death after being sentenced for mass murder, the others were jailed for life, not being allowed to reproduce. The last of the Thuggee died in jail.
I know the Brits have been cucks and shit goys ever since WWI and WWII, but they sure did the entire world a favor when they thoroughly exterminated the Thuggee. This was a case of straight-up purging evil. Real, legit evil.
Or it proves that she went through the same phases of denial we all went through.
That's right Goy! You are a good Goy. Keep watching our educational Jewish political programs!
Nice to see Shmorky got out of his parents trailer.
I think the correct words you're looking for are 'reluctance to accept'.
Because if you're in denial after the mountains of history and evidence of jews being pure evil then you're not a healthy functioning human being.
It's called being brainwashed, and lots of us were. Especially Canadafags like me.
"I want to be different. Just like everybody else."
Just imagine how much we must be triggering these Leftard faggots.
We're literally comfortable in our own everything.
wtf I love feminism now
Why is she so perfect lads?
someone should upload these to cuckchan
So whites are 1% of the population? Shocking statistics
I would literally sacrifice my aryan, natural blonde hair genes. She's very cute.
These SJW scum are giving a bad name to weird lip and hair colors
Of course she's an attention whore user but I still want to give her a full eight inches of full attention.
Lauren is a stronk independent woman user, no way she would be doing that to appease her (((Rebel Media))) kikelords.
No, for listening to anyone other than Bob
No, although I do have visions of her in an apron over a wood stove baking pies for our grandchildren.
It's from smoking and/or speaking a foreign language (like Dansk). Most Quebeckers have them from both.
It started with Captain Save-a-ho being (((awarded))) for a bad Heinlein ripoff.
HI Lauren. Try me.
How retarded do they think we are?
Canadians are unaware of how poisonous the product of their jewniversities is. They're a nation subsidized by logging and oil but few Canadians seem to recognize that's what's paying for their ridiculous liberalisms.
Nice try goon.
… interesting. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! I read that Lucas was going through
a divorce at the time and wanted to do 'Indy Goes to Hell'.
is this true? what is this shit? thuggee?
Better movie on the subject is Gunga Din
He's on the Trump train and he's probably done more fighting the cucks in Canada than any gentile. After nationalism is the new norm he can fuck off back to Greater Israel for all I care.
He isn't fighting cucks, he's creating them.
There will be no greater Israel because you and all the rest of the kikes will be exterminated as punishment for your crimes against the white race.
How is it goon? Lauren Southern is a left wing socially liberal feminist. She is just a moderate SJW.
Pic related. She believes in equality, therefore she is a feminist and moderate SJW. She also supports homos and trannies and other subhuman filth.
That pic makes her NOT a feminist you dillweed. She says exactly what feminism is; entitlements.
Meaning she's with the Alt-Cuck, no surprise there, though still not SJW like this goon cock wrestler is trying to sell
No, she's a Feminist, just not a "third wave" Feminist. Men and women are not equal, people are equal. Equality is doesn't exist, only equity does and that's only possible because superior people have the superiority to implement it or not so that others have a chance to catch up to them.
people aren't equal* I mean
Yes it does. Believing that men and women are equal is feminism. Believing men and women should have equal rights is feminism. Non-feminism is believing in healthy patriarchy and that women should not be allowed to vote or hold any positions of power or influence in society.
What makes me angry about the first pic is the FSA flags.
Oh no I am so scared
Men and women deserve equality under the law. That does not imply that men and women are identical.
It sounds like we're just having a semantic argument here. When I (and when Lauren) use the word equality in the phrase, "I believe in equality" it's a statement about legal rights, not biological equivalence.
Although, I do realize that feminists use the same phrase and do seem to believe that men and women are identical.
No it's egalitarianism, with which the Alt-Cuck is rife. Stop being a retard anytime.
Feminists have always been either ugly batshit insane or rotten spoiled little brats wanting more and more entitlements.
There has never been a 'good feminist'.
starbucks, vegan co-ops, on welfare
alot of them probably deal drugs too and theres also a significant majority of them that dont need to work because their parents will continue to financially support them
I love it when the history crowd get into politics, not the modern history crowd because you get shit loads of marxist historical revisionists in them
but the ancient history crowd are great
it sucks that most people dont learn ancient history, even in uni the best you'll likely get exposed to it unless you actively pursue it is some 'feminist interpretation' of a play like Assemblywoman
Oh look it's a genetic defect, didn't see that one coming.
its the normal sized well hambeast child of dwarves
Midgets are for throwing, not procreation.
anyone have that pic of a cute girl makingfaces and holding a sign stating she needs feminism as much as a hole in her head?
she had braids or something, it was a series of pictures.
It already has a name
>can't see shit, captain
has potential.
I wish you fuckheads would judge people based on what they do rather than how they look like.
Nah m8, looks more like a female gypsy to me.
Did you even watch the video?
its a tranny lad, probably originally med like a greek/italian
gypsies are darker and look like turkified pajeets
we do
What the actual fuck. You could fit their entire family in a barrel.
if you add the daughterbeast it would have to be a pretty big barrel
Tranny Devito din xe nuffin officer!
xir's dwarf parents must be so proud of xey for being the first in the family to graduate with a social gender studies degree from toronto technical college of the arts.
Did they give her a high bar to jump over?
I'd agree with you if they had an accordingly pretty face and body. These shits instead want to hide their ugliness.
If you think you've saw everything, just wait until they remove their makeup too.
Pic rel: a girl leagues ahead of your pic.
Not that emos stand any chance against natural girls. I just write my opinions based on my old memories of my emo fetish.
The first seconds I saw it I was 95% sure it was a shoop.
That half race guy was pretty cool tbh
my spidey sense says fame will come to this degenerate as an ebin rare meme
No. They don't. Are you retarded? Women should not be allowed to vote. Men should.
Halfchan faggots are the reason AIDSposters are coming here. Stay in your fucking gay community, you fucking retards.
This is going off topic so if you'd like to start another thread I'll follow you there. But my opinion is based on the source images I posted in
There are a lot of high-IQ women. For that reason, women as a group should have the vote. I would, however, support an IQ test as a prerequisite to the vote.
Regardless, suffrage isn't what I meant when I said, "equality under the law." I meant things like land ownership and access to education.
Women can have an IQ of 400 for all I care, they still let their emotions guide them.
I agree that I see that in their voting patterns, but if you can't quantify it with a test, then I wont support denying them the vote.
Picture related.
Anyone have a .webm?
What could have been…
Do a search for "sad puppies" or "rabid puppies" (I think that's it) and then prepare to spot every single instance of pro-faggotry that's been inserted badly into your stories for the last couple of decades.
>There's already one for Obama:
This is a goldmine.
I could do this all day.
go away cuckchan and take your shitty e celebs with you
"Toronto, second year at U of T.
==Valerie 'Theo' Williamson== (identifies as a male)
Seems like all social media accounts have already been privated/deactivated, unfortunately"
>confirmed by cross-referencing friends list with photos at
High intelligence has nothing whatsoever to do with voting patterns, dumbass… you have no clue how tribal thinking or sociology works
There are enough men who shouldn't have the franchise, let alone women
Even the niggers look worried
she even wears nordic medallions.
Might still be a useful fellow traveller though. Halt the gas until this usefulness wears out.
This right here lads.
user, I happen to know Ezra from Calgary. He's a kike, but he's a useful golem… for us.
Most of the BLM types are children of professionals.
Fuck off Scalzi
Yeah, and it looks adorable.
That us the most fucking Jewish photo ever!
"Look goyim, I'm so much of a rebel, I paid the government extra tax for vanity!"
Yes I am same flagging, Sue me.
This is a gyppo lads
No. Fuck hair dyes.
i have blonde hair and dark eyebrows… it's quite common really.
Nice try kike. She's Danish.
Someone needs to schlong this kibbutzer.
Yup, that's a jew alright.
Sell the Tavor and get a Robinson Arms XCR chambered in 7.62x39 or .308. I'm assuming you're here in Cucknadiastan, judging by the pins in your mags. 7.62 is cheaper than dirt and hits a lot harder than 5.56. Also, a lot of gun guys have the ubiquitous SKS because it's so cheap and you can easily take deer with it. You can also hunt with the Robinson Arms XCR too. Looks like an FN Scar.
Don't fall for the >5.56 is more accurate at longer ranges! meme. You're more than likely not going to be shooting at shit past 300m anyways, and if you do, you're probably going to want a rifle that's specifically designed for long ranges, not some shitty Tavor with a 6x scope on it (LOL)
Absolutely nothing wrong with gmo and vaccines themselves. It's how you use them.
What's wrong with 5.56?
Eh, There might be a reason that 10 kebabs die for every 1 NATO soldier in the second battle of Fallujah.
Hows them identity politics today, Holla Forums?
We can still see your ID, retarded CTR faggot.
never change Holla Forums
This, we have hundreds of last name like that. Hansen, helgesen, harmansen, simonsen.
they look the kind of people who are willing to die for their beliefs
Yup and Donald Trump is a white nationalist.
It's from their Asiatic admixture resulting in altered skull structure. They differ from regular wrinkles.
Which is feminism.
No they don't. Kill yourself.
There is no correlation between high IQ and good voting habits, tard. Females with high IQ still vote for retarded shit because ALL females are retarded, regardless of IQ.
The reason women vote retardedly is because they operate on emotions/feels rather than rationality/logic. They also vote their biological imperative which is why married women with kids have much more conservative and sane voting habits compared to young women and cat ladies.